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Berkley University

College Drop Out Reasons and Rate

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Annotated Bibliography

Can, Ertug, Fatma Oya Aktas, and Isil Tuzun Arpacioglu. "The Reasons for School Dropouts in

Higher Education: Babaeski Vocational College Case." Universal Journal of Educational

Research 5.n12A (2017): 84-88.

This article addresses the primary causes of college dropouts in higher education and offers

advice to reduce the dropouts. This source's major claim is that college students drop out for

economic reasons. According to the authors' research, 55% of the 116 participating students

elected to end their studies with the request to enroll in another institution, primarily for

economic reasons. Hardly 23% of students who intend to terminate their enrollment are

registered in evening education, indicating that education expenses do not rank highly among

these financial reasons. Their health was the least of their dropout reasons.

Prominent departmental heads from Babaeski Vocational College, Kirklareli University, have

written the article. The article is peer-reviewed. Hence, it is well credible, reliable, and bias-free.

Moreover, the article is published within a five-year range. It was published in the year 2017.

Thus the statistics and information are new. Also, the authors utilized primary sources of

information like interviews and administering questionnaires. Therefore, the data collected is


The article fits into the research topic because it discusses reasons for college dropouts among

students and the recommendations developed to prevent them. The article will help complete my

research because it discusses in depth the reasons for dropouts, seconded with valuable statistics.

It is also adequately broad; for instance, it breaks down the statistics based on gender. Therefore,

I will be able to pinpoint which gender is more likely to face college dropouts.

Nampila, Tutaleni. "Factors That Influence Learners' Decisions to Drop out of Subjects at the

Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL): Distance Learning Mode." African

Educational Research Journal 9.2 (2021): 320-332.

According to this article, college dropout is a severe problem since it violates individual students'

fundamental right to education. The article describes how the academic and social atmosphere of

the institution influences distance learning students' judgment to drop out of relevant disciplines,

and it proposes to lower the dropout rate. The central thesis of the article is that employment

obligations (23%), financial concerns (11.3%), and sickness (10.7) are the most common reasons

for college students dropping out of the disciplines they enrolled in.

For sampling, the study employed random sampling size determination. To test the topic

reliability of the questionnaire, a preliminary survey with eight participants was conducted. The

year of publication for the study is 2021, making it even more credible. The study also provides

an inclusion/exclusion criterion.

This article will be used in my research to comprehend better how colleges' academic and social

contexts impact distant learning and the solutions to the dropout issue. "High school graduates

and dropouts, by subject," as per the article, will enable me to investigate which subjects are

frequently dropped. As a result, it will assist me in determining the relationship between subjects

and rates of dropout.

Thumiki, Venkat Ram Raj. "Student Dropout from Foundation Program at Modern College of

Business & Science, Sultanate of Oman." International Journal of Higher Education 8.5

(2019): 118-133.

This article analyzes trends in college dropouts from the foundation program. It also provides

metrics for identifying students who are in danger of dropping out of the program. According to

the report, the primary causes for student dropout from college include deteriorating academic

performance, poor socializing skills, low self-esteem, an active social life, and financial

concerns. As the number of students dropping out of higher education continues, it is critical to

comprehend the issue to identify appropriate solutions.

The article is considered helpful since it is a recent research that is published in 2019. Also, the

article utilizes primary data obtained from a database containing students' data, and the research

objectives are clearly articulated.

Since it is an academic journal, I believe this article is valuable. The article will assist me in

determining who is susceptible to abandoning their education and why. This is relevant to my

study since it will help me define the elements that drive a student to drop out, which is a crucial

topic for my research. Furthermore, I believe the article is trustworthy since it has been peer-

reviewed. This article will also be used in my research to explore the causes and effects of

dropouts and prevention measures. Among the key aspects covered in this article is the

authenticity of student dropout data categorized by gender, nationality, and semester. Therefore,

I will use the data to explore the dropout rates further.

Luciano, Ruth G., Cris Norman P. Olipas, and Arnold P. Dela Cruz. "Factors Affecting the

Dropout Rate among Information Technology Students: A Basis for an Intervention

Plan." Online Submission 8.4 (2022): 2013-2017.


The authors' research aims to evaluate the dropout rates of Bachelor of Science in IT students at

a public institution in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, for the 2020-2021 academic year, as well as

proposals to reduce the raging college dropout rate. The findings demonstrate that there is a

10.79% decrement in admissions from the 1st semester to the 2nd semester. The three primary

theses why student respondents chose to halt education are insufficient resources, financial

instability, and disputes with their work routines.

All article authors are staff members at the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology,

Philippines. The first author is a RET Coordinator, the second an instructor, and the third author

is the university's dean. The article was published in 2020, making it the latest release of the five

chosen articles. Similar to the above articles, this source is also peer-reviewed, thus enhancing its


I will use this source for my future essay to appreciate various recommendations to curb college

dropouts and the factors leading to dropout in college students. Also, I will use this source as my

reference since it shows specific statistics and facts about dropout rates at the University of

Nueva, an elite institution in the Philippines.

Arce, Maria Elena, Barbara Crespo, and Carla Míguez-Álvarez. "Higher Education Drop-out in

Spain--Particular Case of Universities in Galicia." International Education Studies 8.5

(2015): 247-264.

This source explains that more students dropped out during the economic growth era of 2001/07

as opposed to the crisis period 2007/11. Dropout causes may be categorized into six categories:

psychoeducational, developmental, family, financial, organizational, and societal variables. The


primary reasons for dropping out include incompatibility with the job, the economy, the

academic atmosphere, and tutors.

The article's reliability and validity are unquestionable because it is a current study effort

released in 2015. Furthermore, it is peer-reviewed, which successfully exposes the authors'

ideas to the inspection of other researchers in the field, resulting in a top-notch study that will

improve the issue matter.

A fresh perspective on college dropouts that I have acquired is that college dropouts influence

unemployment rates since more education contributes to reduced unemployment rates.

Furthermore, evidence shows that public institutions' dropout rates are more significant than

private colleges. I want to use this resource to further my study into the factors contributing to

public colleges' more excellent dropout rates than private colleges. The Ministry of Education in

Spain publishes information on dropout rates in this article. These statistics contain

charts, graphs, and additional data that will be valuable to my study.

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