Project Requirements

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Here are five challenging Apache Spark projects focusing on batch processing and
stream processing, excluding machine learning:

### 1. Real-time Fraud Detection System

**Topics:** Stream Processing, Batch Processing
Develop a fraud detection system that analyzes financial transactions in real-time and identifies
potentially fraudulent activities.

- **Stream Processing**: Process incoming transaction data in real-time to detect anomalies and
suspicious patterns.
- **Batch Processing**: Periodically run batch jobs to analyze historical transaction data and
update fraud detection models.
- **Data Enrichment**: Enrich transaction data with additional information from external
sources or databases.
- **Alerting**: Trigger alerts or notifications for suspicious transactions.

- Real-time processing of high-volume transaction data.
- Accurate and timely fraud detection without false positives.
- Efficient handling of data skew and data quality issues.

### 2. ETL Pipeline for IoT Data

**Topics:** Batch Processing
Build an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline to process and analyze IoT (Internet of
Things) device data collected over time.

- **Data Ingestion**: Ingest raw IoT data from various sources like sensors, devices, or
- **Data Transformation**: Clean, transform, and enrich the raw data to make it suitable for
- **Data Loading**: Load the processed data into a data warehouse or analytics platform for
further analysis.
- Handling time-series data and managing data drift.
- Efficiently processing and transforming high-velocity data streams.
- Ensuring data quality and consistency across different data sources.

### 3. Web Server Log Analysis

**Topics:** Batch Processing
Analyze and process web server logs to extract insights about website traffic, user behavior, and

- **Data Ingestion**: Ingest web server logs from various sources or file systems.
- **Data Transformation**: Parse and process log data to extract relevant information like IP
addresses, URLs, response codes, etc.
- **Analysis**: Perform analysis to identify popular pages, detect errors or anomalies, and
measure website performance metrics.
- **Visualization**: Visualize the analysis results using charts, graphs, or dashboards.

- Handling and parsing unstructured or semi-structured log data.
- Efficiently processing large volumes of log data.
- Identifying and handling outliers or anomalies in the data.

### 4. Retail Sales Analytics

**Topics:** Batch Processing
Build a retail sales analytics platform to analyze sales data, customer behavior, and product

- **Data Ingestion**: Ingest sales data from various retail channels, POS systems, or databases.
- **Data Transformation**: Clean, transform, and aggregate sales data to calculate metrics like
total sales, average order value, and customer lifetime value.
- **Customer Segmentation**: Segment customers based on purchase history, demographics, or
- **Trend Analysis**: Identify product trends, seasonal patterns, and sales trends over time.

- Handling and joining multiple data sources.
- Efficiently aggregating and summarizing large volumes of sales data.
- Performing complex analytical queries to derive meaningful insights.

### 5. Social Media Sentiment Analysis

**Topics:** Stream Processing
Develop a real-time sentiment analysis system to analyze social media posts and comments to
understand public opinion and trends.

- **Data Ingestion**: Ingest social media data from platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or
- **Data Transformation**: Clean and preprocess text data to prepare it for sentiment analysis.
- **Sentiment Analysis**: Analyze the text data to determine sentiment (positive, negative,
neutral) using natural language processing techniques.
- **Real-time Dashboard**: Display real-time sentiment scores, trends, and insights on a

- Efficiently processing and analyzing high-volume, unstructured text data.
- Building accurate sentiment analysis models that can handle sarcasm, slang, and context.
- Handling real-time data streams and ensuring low-latency processing.

These projects cover a range of topics and challenges in Apache Spark focusing on both batch
and stream processing. They require a good understanding of Spark's core concepts, data
manipulation techniques, and optimization strategies to build efficient and scalable solutions.

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