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The title of your e-book will determine whether people will be interested in it or not.

classical example which you may have probably heard about is that of an author who
wrote a book called ASTROLOGICAL LOVE. This book sold just a few copies.
Somebody who bought the book and read it, reached out to her to buy the rights for the
book and then renamed the book HOW TO SATISFY A WOMAN EVERY TIME AND
HAVE HER BEG YOU FOR MORE! This book went on to sell millions of copies.
Nothing changed except the title. This shows how important the title of your e-book is
whether you are giving it out for free or getting paid for it.

I have compiled 50 Title templates you can edit to give you amazing e-book titles


1. Get rid of —--------- for good in —--- days or less!
2. How to get rid of —----- in (number) easy steps.
3. The best ever solution for —----- that experts don’t want you to know.
4. Warning:..........................
5. (Number) of mistakes, you don’t want to be making in —-------
6. How to —----- the right way.
7. How to permanently stop —---- even if you’ve tried everything.
8. How to create the perfect —----
9. How to —--- your —------for explosive/massive growth.
10. Are you still wasting money on —-----------.
11. Ever wanted to —------? Now you can.
12. Forget —----, try this —-----.
13. To the —--- who will settle for nothing less than —------.
14. How to —------ in —----- minutes.
15. Triple your results without —-----------
16. Try these (number) for a week and be twice as —----
17. (Number) simple things you can do to be a —----
18. (Number) of questions you should ask before—-----
19. The essential guide to —------
20. The definitive guide to —--------
21. (Number) resources to help you —--------
22. Best tip ever:-----------------
23. Clever tools to simplify your —--------
24. Confessions of a —-----------
25. Never worry about —----- again.
26. (Number) actionable steps to —-------------
27. (Number) of tips for —------that you absolutely can’t miss
28. (Number) of weird but effective—----- for —-----
29. —----- defined in just (number) words.
30. How I became —---------
31. The (number) that helped me —-----
32. (Number) things I wished I knew about —------
33. (Number) od stunning —---- that will give you —------
34. (Number)amazing —----to try right now.
35. Stop! —--- is not —-----
36. (Number) easy ways proven to —------
37. —------that will skyrocket —--- by —--% in —---years.
38. (Number) shocking—---to—------
39. (Number) epic formulas to —---------
40. What I learned from —--------------
41. How to be —-----
42. How to build—-------
43. How to create —-----
44. (Number) juicy tips —-----------
45. Confessions of a —-----
46. Why haven’t —--been told these facts?
47. The dos and don’ts of —-------
48. The ultimate cheat sheet on —----
49. Are you losing —--- due to —---. Do this now!
50. (Number) tips for effortless —----------


1. Family and friends: This is obvious. If you have written an amazing e-book,
your family and friends can be your first paying customers. All that you need to
do in this case is share the payment link with them and ask them to support your
new venture.
2. On your social media pages: You can sell your e-books on your social media
pages. These include the very popular ones such as Facebook, Instagram and
Whatsapp. You can do this by talking about your e-book on your pages and
getting people to pay for it. You could even make your followers a part of the
writing process, preparing their minds ahead of time so that when the e-book is
ready they are also ready to buy. This works for people who have some kind of
following on social media.
3. Use influencers: This is one of the very effective ways of getting people to pay
for your e-book. Influencers are people who have a loyal following on social
media. When they recommend your book to their audience, some of them are
bound to pay for your e-book. Note however that you may need to pay for their
services. Another thing to note is that you should engage influencers who have
the kind of audience that you want to buy the e-book.
4. Facebook groups: A lot of groups exist on Facebook that allows people to
advertise their products to their members. Search for groups on Facebook with
people who will be interested in what you have to offer. Some group admins may
ask for some form of payment so that they can advertise your e-book on their
platform. Before joining any group or advertising on any of the groups, make sure
to read their rules and regulations to avoid getting kicked out.
5. WhatsApp Status: If you have people who view your status on Whatsapp, you
can sell your e-book on your status. You can ask your already existing contacts
to repost for your on their own status in order to get more eyeballs on your offer.
The other alternative is to pay someone with a lot of status views to advertise
your e-book for you. Make sure that they have the kind of people most likely to
buy your e-book.
6. Social media advertising: This means running adverts on Facebook/Instagram
or other social media platforms. You could do this yourself or pay an expert to do
so for you. This is one of the methods I have personally used to sell hundreds of
copies of my e-books.

Writing an e-book is one of the best ways to start selling digital products online and
making passive income, however, you can’t just assume that just because you wrote an
e-book, people will rush to buy. You need to get people to know you, like you and
trust you by giving them some kind of value first else they will see you as someone only
after their money and nothing else.

For more questions, send an e-mail to




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