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The Holocaust was a massive event in worldwide history.

You may or may not know

what it is though it took a massive part in worldwide history. Before I talk about the lucky

survivors.. Let me explain what the Holocaust was about and what happend in this

event in history. The start of this war was 1941-1945 which was an unpleasant few

years for the Jews and everyone else near. This took place in Europe with around

deaths of 6 Million Jews… The mass murder of billions was by Nazi’s. Everyone was

killed it didnt matter your age, where you were from, what you did, your health, your

family, nothing matttered you would be killed. The war was long and bad for everyone, it

ruined the area, peoples lives, and homes. It started off as any day would and then

turned into years and years of endless hell for everyone, as later after it came to an end

but it would never be forgotten what happend and is now something kids research like I


The Jews where the most killed but that does not include the other people that were

taken away from life that day. People were killed for their conduct, politics, beliefs, or

race. Due to their extreme hate towards jewish people, the Nazis specifically targeted

Jews. This indicates that they had hated them from the start and always has a strong

disliking and wanting of them gone also keeping a strong hatred for Jews throughout

war. In actuality, racism served as the cornerstone of their worldview and an important

part of their beliefs. Those outsider people of the jews did include children. Nothing

stopped them from taking away anyone who got in their way, that also being children.

This just shows how bad these people were to anyone or everything no matter what.
The mass shooting kept going never stopping. There was waves of pain, blood, gun

shots, screaming, and a hell on earth. When special units showed up they digged up the

bodies and burned them so any trace of them would be gone. It was estimated there

was more then 1.4 million people dead. A lot of them were all Jews since they had a

strong hate for them as I brough up before. Men, women, and even children were killed

in ways you wished you never had to think of. Families were killed, communities were

killed, and lives were gone. The murder of innocent people, including children, was

abused and making those poor people go through things which are horrible. We pay

tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and never forget it.The horrors that took place

those years were horrible. Concentration camps, gas chambers, and any other way to

kill someone was done. The sounds of gunfire, cries, and death were horrible. You could

proboly guess how dull and gross and groggy the land was throughout all that time will

all of the horror there. Everything that happen it still remembered to this day. The

horrors that took place those years were horrible. Concentration camps, gas chambers,

and any other way to kill someone was done. The sounds of gunfire, cries, and death

were horrible. You could proboly guess how dull and gross and groggy the land was

throughout all that time will all of the horror there.

The people who lived throughout this.. Some quotes which really tugged at my heart I

would love to share and talk about. These are people who survived and lived througout

this, people who can tell you what happened. “I was assigned to work outside digging

ditches. We dug in the freezing cold and rain, wearing only the thin, striped dresses

issued to us. The ditches weren’t to be used for any particular purpose.” “The Nazis
were merely trying to work us to death. And many did die of sickness, cold, exhaustion,

and starvation.” Sally Sander The reason this calls out to me so much is this really

shows what these people went through even a small part. The torture and pain these

people went through is sicking. “Some Catholics, including Father Amyot, invited me to

join them in prayer. Seven or eight of us gathered, secretly of course, in the shed used

as a lavatory.” “In prayer we laid before God our suffering, our rags, our filth, our fatigue,

our exposure, our hunger and our misery.”Aime Bonifas This is what restores faith. Even

after all these people went through they still chose God the only one who can save you

and be there for you. This shows no matter where or what your doing you can always

find a way to talk to God no matter what. I pray God was with all of these people

through this horrible life they lived in those years, they will be remembered when we

think about the Holocaust. Out of a lot of quotes I read those two stuck out to me the

most. I feel as the first one shows what it was like for those people and what they had to

indore with sickness, and starving, being cold, wanting somewhere to go or a rest from

being treated so bad. The second quote makes me happy to hear even after all of what

they went through they still could turn to God and not be angry, or resentful which is a

gift from God. I listened to this wonderful video not due to why it happened but really

telling you from a person who lived it better then i could explain tell you what it was like.

I will put the video down below, as it is heartbreaking but also great to see he is alive.

Though it was a horrible time a lot of wisdom came out of it, and a massive event in

wb - The video that I found interesting also extra to add I did read this outloud i know my tone
was off in the rough draft but I read it with a good pase and pause point.


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Holocaust

Encyclopedia, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 5 Nov. 2021, Editors. “The Holocaust.” History, A&E Television Networks, 11 Apr. 2023,

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. “Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | the Holocaust.”,

Smilde, Koen. “What Is the Holocaust?” Anne Frank Website, Anne Frank House, 20 May 2020,

“Survivor Stories | New England Holocaust Memorial.” New England Holocaust Memorial | a
Beacon of Memory and Hope, 11 Mar. 2013,

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