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1. Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

Lily: Hey, Joe. You don’t look very well.

Joe: I feel ill.

Lily: You should/ shouldn’t be at school.

Joe: But we have a test today.

Lily: I think you should/ shouldn’t tell the teacher.

Joe: I think I’ve got a temperature too. What I should/ should I do?

Lily: You should/ shouldn’t call your parents.

Joe: Ok. Should I/ I should wait for them outside?

Lily: No, you should/ shouldn’t.

Let’s wait for them in the school office.

Joe: Good idea.

______ / 5

2. Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

1. You should drink / shouldn't drink a lot of water when it’s hot.

2. You should go / shouldn't go swimming in this river. The water is very dirty.

3. ‘I should leave / Should I leave the rubbish here?

’‘No, you should / shouldn’t.’

4. You should put up / shouldn’t put up your tent in a safe place.

5. In tropical countries, you should sleep/ shouldn't sleep under a mosquito net.

_____/ 5
3. Przeczytaj zadanie i napisz tekst.

Write 70–80 words giving advice about how to keep healthy.

Use questions 1–6 to help you.

1How important is good health?

2What should you eat and drink?

3What shouldn’t you eat and drink?

4Whydoyou have to exercise?

5What kind of exercise can you do?

6How much should you sleep?

1. Good health is ______________________________________________________________

2. You should

3. You shouldn’t

4. You have to exercise because


5. You can

6. You should

___ / 10

Total: ____/20

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