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playing Why might it be important 1 studying

a computer game to concentrate when doing a difficult subject
these activities?
- - - - - . _. .-. - -..--- -: __ -"'''" _____ -.-c-

... - ---- ..

, playing a
watching a film
team sport
. . --".-- ',- - .. -.- .. .. _._-
directions in another

... - -_ ..
T "._


PART 2 (4 minutes)
( llld d It A: Y, u ould
t IIIIll'dl(' I 'i ng at hom e Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photographs.
III 111 111 ' ountrysid e, I'd li ke you to ta lk about your photographs on your own for about
wltli III ny peo ple or on a minute, and also to answer a question about your partner's
ym ll wn , enjoying a
11 i y or a quiet time. You
uld refer to having a
qood time with friends, (Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs. They
playing instruments and show people enjoying music. [Turn to the pictures on page 169.]
singing, enjoying silence, I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say why you think the
a peaceful moment, people are enjoying these experiences. All right? (1 minute)
favourite music.
Candidate B: You could Thank you. (Candidate B), do you like going to concerts?
compare two different (30 seconds)
shopping experiences,
an artisans' market and Thank you. Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They
a busy shopping centre.
show people shopping in different places. [Turn to the pictures on
You cou ld refer to looking
for something special, page 170.J I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say why the
enjoying the atmosphere, people might have chosen to shop in these places. All right?
seeing lots of people, (1 minute)
buying everything you
need in one place . Thank you. (Candidate A), do you enjoy shopping? (30 seconds)

Tip Strip
For the fi rst pa rt of the
task you could say: You Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about
have to concentrate when two minutes.
watching a film because if
you don 't you can't follow Here are some activities which may need a lot of concentration
what's going on.
and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at
For the second part: I think the task (15 seconds). [Turn to the task on page 171.J
concentration is most
important when you study
Now, talk to each other about why it might be necessary to
maths because it's not an
easy subject. concentrate when doing these activities. (2 minutes)
Thank you. Now you have a about minute to decide which two
activities need the most concentration. (1 minute)

Tip Strip Select any of the following

Question 1: Possible prompts, as appropriate:
answers include: it is hard Interlocutor Use the following questions,
work, they get bored, they in order, as appropriate: • What do you think?
lack patience, etc. • Do you agree?
Question 2: They have • Sometimes, people don't like
a better/worse memory, having to concentrate. • And you?
they are (not) used to Why do you think this is?
working hard, they have
more/less energy, it is • Do you think young people find it easier to concentrate on
easier/more difficult to things than older people? (Why/why not?)
learn new things, etc.
Question 3: It does, • Do you think that learning languages requires a lot of effort
because you must learn and concentration? (Why/why not?)
the grammar, remember
the spelling of new • How important is it for people to have time to relax and forget
words, understand the pressure of work or studies?
spoken language, etc.
• What do young people do to relax in (candidate'S country)?
• How easy do you think it is to work when there is background
Interlocutor Thank you. That is the end of the test.




How hard might these

an Olympics medal
winner people have had to work
• a ten-year-old
to achieve success?
- --_._----_._- ------- --- --- -_. ._- --


somebody who
a famous actor
finished university

- --------- - -=.=--

a celebrity chef
Tip Strip
Candidate A: You could
compare teenagers and Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you tw 11 l( jI I,I,
adu lts, working in pairs or
in a group, in a classroom I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own f 11 OIl'
or in an office. You could a minute, and also to answer a question about your partner'
say they are happy/ photographs.
comfortable, they are
enjoying it, the teacher (Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs. Th y
has asked them to do it,
the colleagues at work show people working together. [Turn to the pictures on page 172.]
are perhaps worried about I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say how you think th e
a problem . people feel about working together.
Candidate B: You could Al l right? (1 minute)
compare the ages of
the people learning, the Thank you. (Candidate B), do you like working with other people?
very different skills, the
different situations, the
(30 seconds)
different teachers. You
could refer to being able Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show people
to drive, driving a parent's learning a new skill. [Turn to the pictures on page 173.} I'd like you
car, buying a car, using to compare the photographs, and say why the people might have
computers to contact
decided to learn this skill. All right? (1 minute)
family by email, to do
work, as entertainment.
Thank you. (Candidate A), are you good at learning new skills?
(30 seconds)

Tip Strip
For the first part of the
task, you could say: Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about
Getting a degree is very
important after so many two minutes.
years of studying hard.
For the second part, you Here are some examples of people who have achieved success
could say: The young in something, and a question for you to discuss. First you have
pianist must have worked some time to look at the task (15 seconds) . [Turn to the task on
really hard to achieve page 174.}
this success.

Now, ta lk to each other about how hard each person might have
had to work to achieve success. (2 minutes)

Thank you. Now you have about a minute to decide which person
you think had to work the hardest to achieve success. (1 minute)

Tip Strip Select any of the following

Question 2: You might prompts, as appropriate:
talk about: taking part Interlocutor Use the following questions,
in something, enjoying a • What do you think?
game with no pressure
in order, as appropriate:
to win, making friends,
• Do you agree?
• Tell us about something you've
keeping fit . done which you are proud of. • And you?
Question 3: Think of
achieving success as a • Do you think winning is important
student, in a sport, as an in sport or is taking part enough?
inventor, as an artist, as a • What would you most like to achieve in the future?
pa rent, etc.
Question 5: This may be
• Would you like to be rich or famous? (WhylWhy not?)
a friend, a family member, • Which person do you most admire? (Why?)
a celebrity, a writer, a
teacher, etc.
• Do you think it is important to be ambitious in life?

Interlocutor Thank you. That is the end of the test.

zoo keeper's What skills do people conservation
assistant , worker
need to do these jobs?

'. -----. '-' ._.-.- --_. -_.--. - '.

-- -

- . - .-. - - . - . - -

beach lifeguard mountain guide

-. .. .. -
farm worker -

m -

Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photogr ph ,
I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about
a minute, and also to answer a question about your partner's

(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs . They
show different places where people stay on holiday. [Turn to the
pictures on page 175.} I'd like you to compare the photographs, and
say why you think the people have chosen these places to stay.
All right? (1 minute)

Thank you. (Candidate B), do you like camping? (30 seconds)

Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show people
competing against each other. [Turn to the pictures on page 176.}
I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say why the people
may have decided to compete. All right? (1 minute)

Thank you. (Candidate A), do you enjoy taking part in

competitions? (30 seconds)

Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about
two minutes.

I'd like you to imagine that some students are looking for a
summer job that involves contact with nature. Here are some
jobs and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to
look at the task (15 seconds) . [Turn to the task on page 177.]

Now talk to each other about the skills people need to do these
jobs. (2 minutes)

Now you have a minute to decide which two jobs would be most
difficult for the students to do. (1 minute)

Select any of the following

prompts, as appropriate:
Interlocutor Use the following questions,
• What do you think?
in order, as appropriate:
• Do you agree?
• Tell us about animals you like • And you?
or dislike.
• Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? (WhylWhy not?)
• How important do you think it is to protect wildlife?
• Which do you prefer, working outdoors or working in
an office? (Why?)
• Do you think it is a good idea to do volunteer work? (Why/
Why not?)
• Do you think it is important to finish your studies before you
get a job? (WhylWhy not?)
Interlocutor Thank you. That is the end of the test.




saving water and How easy might ] recycling glass, paper

electricity it be to interest teenagers and plastic
in these topics?

using bikes instead buying things

of cars second hand

.-."-- protecting ::::=:=::::::::


. ---==
Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to give ') 11 of YOII Iw()
photographs . I'd like you to talk about you I cl )1 1I II t I ye III
own for about a minute, and also to an swer 'Ill Utili dH1111 Yl\ II
partner's photographs .
(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your ph l ) )1 I1 I1
They show memorable days in people's lives . ,/ tllll( ) III
on page 178.} I'd like you to compare the photogr ht, i) I
clearly you think the people will remember the O,.,.,,, .. I A
the future. All right? (1 minute)
Thank you. (Candidate B), do you like celebrating you r birth IV
(30 seconds)
Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs . They show p
having meals in different places. [Turn to the pictures on p I (C)' /
I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say why the peopl
might have chosen to eat in these places . All right? (1 minute)
Thank you . (Candidate A), do you enjoy eating in restaurants?
(30 seconds)

Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about together for about
two minutes.
I'd like you to imagine that a school wants to organise a student
workshop on the subject 'Save the Planet'. Here are some of the
topics they are thinking about and a question for you to discuss. First
you have some time to look at the task (15 seconds) . [Turn to the task
on page 180.}
Now talk to each other about how easy it might be to interest
teenagers in these topics. (2 minutes)
Now you have about a minute to decide which topic teenagers would
feel most strongly about. (1 minute)

Select any of the following

prompts, as appropriate:
Interlocutor Use the following questions,
• What do you think?
in order, as appropriate:
• Do you agree?
• Are young people in your country
• And you?
taught to save energy or protect
their local environment? (How?)
• Do you think it is easier to learn about the environment when
you are a child or when you are older?
• If you were asked to give a talk to young children, what
subject would you choose?
• Have you seen a television programme about the natural
world lately? Tell me about it.
• Do you think people should be encouraged to use public
transport more?
• How easy do you think it is to help your local environment?
Interlocutor Thank you. That is the end of the test.
problems in
How helpful might I moving to
a relationship a friend's advice be a new home
in these situations?
... . .. - -_ .. .. . .- ..- - ----- __ ._ - _.,. - _." _.-_-·0 _. __

.. _. -=- -- .. - -

worrying about problems finding


the way you look ajob

-=. . not having enough - .. ..

time to study-


Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to Iv
I'd like you to talk about your photogr 11
a minute, and also to answer a questi on
partner's photographs.

(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your ph l I 11 I . h Y

show children doing different sports. [Turn to th pi tu! Oil
page 181.} I'd like you to compare the photograph s, an yI w
much you think they are enjoying the experience . All rl hl?
(1 minute)

Thank you. (Candidate B), do you like playing or watchin g tennl ?

(30 seconds)

Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show people
taking photos in different situations . [Turn to the pictures on
page 182.} I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say
why the people might think it is important to take these
photos . Al l right? (1 minute)

Thank you. (Candidate A), do you like taking photos of people?

(30 seconds)

Interlocutor Now, I'd li ke you to ta lk about something together for about

two minutes.

Here are some situations in life when people might need advice,
and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at
the task. (15 seconds) [Turn to the task on page 183.]

Now talk to each other about how helpful a friend's advice might
be in these situations. (2 minutes)

Now you have about a minute to decide in which situation you

think a friend's advice would be the most helpful. (1 minute)

Select any of the following

prompts, as appropriate:
Interlocutor Use the following questions,
in order, as appropriate: • What do you think?
• Who would you turn to for advice • Do you agree?
if you had a problem? • And you?
• How important is it to have good
friends who can give advice?
• Do you think young people are better able to deal with
problems than older people?
• How much do you think parents can do to help their children?
• Do you think young people may worry too much about
their appearance?
• Do you think it is possible to enjoy life and not worry
about anything?
Interlocutor Thank you. That is the end of the test.



What skills might cleaning

arranging displays !

students learn by doing the department

in shop-windows I

these jobs? store at night


-- -- - .;.--
- - ----.- -
- -. .. - - --

- -- .-.- - -'. -

taking payments dealing with customer

from customers complaints

, -'" - - --- selling food ir:l.- ';";- -- -- --- - ,.:-- -. - .- - --

the cafeteria
I ....
-- - - -
Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going t Iv I h r Y II lw ph t raphs.
I'd like you to talk about your ph t gr ph n y u own for b ut
a minute, and also to answer a qu stl n b lit Y lIr
partner's photographs.

(Candidate A) , it's your turn first. Here are y ur pllOl y

show people who have chosen different form of tr n
[Turn to the pictures on page 184.} I'd like you to 0
photographs, and say why the people might have cho
forms of transport. All right? (1 minute)

Thank you . (Candidate B), do you like travelling by plane?

(30 seconds)

Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show

people enjoying different kinds of entertainment. [Turn to the
pictures on page 185.} I'd like you to compare the photographs,
and say why the people might have chosen these forms of
entertainment. All right? (1 minute)

Thank you. (Candidate A), do you like watch ing horror movies?
(30 seconds)

Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes.

I'd like you to imagine that a large department store is offering

students the opportunity of doing work experience. Here are some
of the jobs, and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time
to look at the task (15 seconds). [Turn to the task on page 186.]

Now talk to each other about what skills students might learn by
doing these jobs. (2 minutes)

Now you have a minute to decide which two jobs would give them
the most valuable experience for the future. (1 minute)

Select any of the following

prompts, as appropriate:
Interl ocutor Use the following questions,
in order, as appropriate: • What do you think?
• Do you agree?
• How difficult do you think it is to • And you?
work and study at the same t ime? L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'

• Do you think it is a good idea for teenagers to do work

• How easy do you think it is for young people to find a
job nowadays?
• Is it better to try different jobs or to stay in the same job for a
long time?
• How enjoyable is it to shop in large department stores?
• Some people say TV ads make us buy things we don't need.
What do you think?
Interlocutor Thank you. That is th e end of the test.


Why might this information
a list of social in the brochure attract
I a description
activities more students to the of the facilities
language school?
--------::-- ----===----=- . . ..

course timetables classrooms, library

and prices and canteen photos

a students' opinions 50E


Interlocutor In thi s part of th e test, I'm going to give e ch r y 11 lw( pl1 t '11 I'll
I'd like you to talk about you r photographs on y u own It I 11 11 1111
a minute, and also to answer a short question about y lit
partn er's photog ra ph s.

(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photograph . " y
show people doing challenging activities. [Turn to the pictUl 11
page 187.} I'd like you to compare the photograph s, and say why y u
think the people may be doing these challenging activities .
A ll ri ght? (1 minute)

Thank you . (Candidate B), would you like to try sky-diving?

(30 seconds)

Now, (Candidate B), here are your photograph s. They show places
that are visited by lots of tourists. [Turn to the pictures on page
188.} I'd like you to compare the photograph s, and say why you
think people would want to visit places like these. All right?
(1 minute)

T hank you . (Candidate A), do you like sightseeing in an old town?

(30 seconds)

Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about something tog ether for about
two minutes.

I'd like you to imagine that a language school is designing a new

brochure to attract more students. Here are some ideas for things
to include, and a question for you to discuss. First you have some
time to look at the task (15 seconds). [Turn to the task on page 189.}

Now talk to each oth er about why this information might attract
more students . (2 minutes)
Now you have a min ute to decide which two things not to include
in the brochure. (1 minute)

Select any of the following

prompts, as appropriate:
Interlocutor Use the following questions, • What do you think?
in order, as appropriate:
• Do you agree?
• Why did you choose the school • And you?
where you are studying?
• Do you think it is better to have language lessons in a group
or individually?
• How much can you learn by using the Internet?
• What is the best age to start learning a foreign language?
• How important is it to enjoy the experience of learning?
• Do you think that people are influenced by advertisement
they see?

Interlocutor T hank you . That is th e end of th e test.


f '\
an open-air rock How difficult might if be for
the students to organise a fashion show
these events to raise money?
.J .... .J

=----- --::-:-

a sports event a disco in

with prizes a local club

__ a barbecue-
for 100 people

___ ....:: ___

Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of y u lw IIIIC III I 11 I
I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own I I
a minute, and also to answer a short question about y UI
partner's photographs.

(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs. I, y
show people spending time together. [Turn to the picture n P I I
190.} I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say what th
people are enjoying about spending time together. All right?
(1 minute)
Thank you . (Candidate B), do you like spending time with friend ?
(30 seconds)
Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs. They show people
learning in different ways. [Turn to the pictures on page 191.}
I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say how much you
think the people are learning in these situations. All right?
(1 minute)
Thank you. (Candidate A), do you like museums? (30 seconds)

Interlocutor Now I'd like you to talk about something' together for about
two minutes.

I'd like you to imagine that a group of students want to organise

an event to raise money for their college library. Here are some
ideas for events to include, and a question for you to discuss. First
you have some time to look at the task (15 seconds). [Turn to the
task on page 192.}

Now talk to each other about how difficult it might be for the
students to organise these events. (2 minutes)
Now you have a minute to decide which event would be the most
successful to raise money for the college library. (1 minute)

Select any of the following

prompts, as appropriate:
Interlocutor Use the following questions,
• What do you think?
in order, as appropriate:
• Do you agree?
• What would you do if you wanted • And you?
to raise money for a good cause?
• Do you think teenagers are responsible enough to organise
events like these?
• Many young people do volunteer work in their free time.
Do you think it is a good idea?
• How important do you think it is to raise money for
good causes?
• When organising a big event, how important is it to plan ahead?
• How can parents encourage their children to be generous and
help other people?
Interlocutor Thank you. That is the end of the test.


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