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The Tsunami

Introduction – A Tsunami is a very large and powerful waves caused by

earthquakes under the sea. On 26 December 2008, a tsunami hit Thailand
and a part of India such as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Tamil
Nadu coast. This chapter presents some stories of courage and survival of
the people of these areas of the world.
Frame Sentences –
1. tremor – When tremor came, I was sleeping.
2. traumatised – The car accident has completely traumatised
3. resort – Some tourists came and stayed in a nearby

Answer the following questions:

Question 1: When he felt the earthquake, do you think Ignesious
immediately worried about a Tsunami? Give reasons for your
answer. Which sentence in the text tells you that the Ignesious
family did not have any time to discuss and plan their course of
action after the tsunami struck?
Answer: No, Ignesious did not think about the tsunami. He thought that it
was just an earthquake. So, he took the television off the table and put
it on the ground. His family did not have time to discuss and plan their
course of action.
The following sentence tells about the chaos and confusion. “…two of
his children caught hold of the hands of their mother’s father and
mother’s brother, and rushed in the opposite direction.”

Question 2: How are Meghna and Almas’s stories similar?

Answer: Meghna and Almas—both were lucky. Meghna was carried away
with her parents and other people. But she alone survived. She was
washed ashore by a wave. Almas climbed onto a log of wood. When
she opened her eyes, she found herself in a hospital in Kamorta.
Question 3: What are the different ways in which Tilly’s parents could
have reacted to her behaviour? What would you have done if you
were in their place?

Answer: Tilly foresaw the danger of tsunami at once. Her parents believed
her though they didn’t know anything about a tsunami. But , surely
they could have reacted differently. They could have refused to
believe their daughter or ignored her warnings or dismissed her
hysterical behavior.
Had I been at their place, I would have paid heed to her requests and
done as she would have told.

Question 5: If Tilly’s award was to be shared, who do you think she

should share it with— her parents or her geography teacher?
Answer: It is very obvious that Tilly’s award should be shared with her
geography teacher. It was the teacher who had educated her about a
tsunami. Her parents didn’t even know what it was.

Question 6: What are the two different ideas about why so few animals
were killed in the tsunami? Which idea do you find more believable?
Answer: The two different ideas about why so few animals are killed in the
tsunami are :-
Firstly, animals’ acute hearing helps them to hear or feel Earth’s
vibration long before humans can realise.
Secondly, the animals have sixth sense and know when the Earth is
going to shake.
According to me ,the animals’ acute hearing power is more believable
because there no facts to prove that they have a sixth sense.
Long Answer Question:

Question l. Give a brief account of how the animals saved themselves

when the giant waves hit India and Sri Lanka.
Answer. Before the great waves moved towards the coast in India and Sri
Lanka, the wild and domestic animals foresaw the danger. They fled to
safety.Elephants screamed ran for higher ground. Dogs refused to go
outdoors. Zoo animals rushed into their shelters. Flamingos abandoned their
low-lying breeding areas. This was perhaps the animals possess a sixth
sense, which is very sharp and work as warning during disasters. So not
many animals lost their lives in 2004 Tsunami while thousands of people
were washed away.



DAY Geography Lesson

By – Zulfikar Ghose

Summary –
The poem ‘Geography Lesson’ by Zulfikar Ghose describes the poet’s
opinion of the land below when viewed from the sky. He finds the earth the
least attractive from above and continues going higher up. As the poet
moves higher, he realizes that the country is full of cities and valleys. This
made him realize that people are completely dependent on land and water
for their existence. At one point of time, the poet also realizes that there is
more water on earth than land. He also understands the reason why it is so.
But he could not see any logic behind the division of land by raising walls
of bricks and hatred.
Frame Sentence –
1. inevitable –The disaster was inevitable.
2. populated –China is the highest populated country.
3. delineated –Ram put a fence up to delineate his property from
his neighbour’s.
Answer the following questions:
Question-1. Find three or four phrases in stanzas one and two which
are likely to occur in a geography lesson.
Answer- (i) scaled six inches to the mile
(ii) valleys were populated
(iii) land and water attracted man.
Question 2. Mention two things that are :-
(i) clear from the height
Answer- The Earth is round and it has more sea than land.
(ii) not clear from the height.
Answer- Why men hate each other and build walls across the cities.

“ When the jet reached ten thousand feet,
it was clear why the country
had cities where the rivers ran
And why the valleys were populated

The logic of geography-

That land and water attracted man-
Was clearly delineated
When the jet reached ten thousand feet.”

Question1. Who is the poet of these lines?

Answer: The poet of these lines is Zulfikar Ghose.

Question 2. Which region of the earth is thickly populated?

Answer: Valleys are the thickly populated region of the earth.

Question 3. What do people want the most for their settlement?

Answer: People want water the most for their settlement.

Question 4. What does the word ‘delineated’ means?

Answer: ‘Shown’

Question 5. Which poetic device is used in this stanza?

Answer: Refrain (where a line is repeated in every stanza) is used in this
‘ When the jet reached ten thousand feet.’

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