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1lndlan culLural values have noLhlng Lo fear from globallzaLlon

2Lhe lmpacL of economlc reforms has been LhaL rlch people have become rlcher and poor people
3managemenL educaLlon ls only for Lhe rlch
4reservaLlon ln parllamenL for women
3Lhe uS dollar ls no longer a sLable currency
6Lhe lmpacL of lnLerneL on lndla
7behlnd every man Lhere ls woman
8pollLlclans are noL lnLersLed ln Lhe fuLure of our counLry
9wlsdom does noL come wlLh age
10corrupLlon ls Lhe maln ouLcome of democracy
11 ls Lhe consumer really Lhe klng ln lndla
12 globallsaLlon verses naLlonallsm
13 condlLlonal access sysLem for cable 1v waLchers boon or bane
14lf lndla ls poorly governed Lhe reason ls LhaL we have deslgned our sysLem of governance for
proLecLlng lf noL encouraglng corrupLlon
13commerclallsaLlon of healLh care good or bad
16 should agrlculLure subsldles be sLopped
17do we lag behlnd chlna?
18who says MnCs are superlor Lo lndlan companles?
19food comes flrsL eLhlcs laLer!
20 1o survlve ln Lhe clvlllzed world one needs Lo be a hypocrlLes
21. Money is the sixth sense without which one can't enjoy the other Iive.

22. English language as a mode oI instruction in primary level.

23. Men and Women are diIIerent.

24. Given the present state oI aIIairs, India will remain a developing country Iorever.

25. IIM's and IIT's encourage only brain drain.

26. Whether reservation to women is beneIicial?

27. There is no alternative to Pokhran nuclear test in present scenario.

28. Modern cinema is a boon to Indian society.

29. Should youth indulge in politics?

30. US war on Iraq-justiIied or not.

31. Role oI UN in peacekeeping.

32. Position oI Women in India compared to other nations.

33. Environment Management.

34. Is China better than India in soItware?

35. Should SONIA Gandhi be made the PM

36. BPOs in INDIA

37. Govt contribution to IT

38. Will punch lines rule the Advertisements?

39. premarital sex

40. India or west , which is the land oI opportunities

41. water resources should be nationalized


43. Is it necessary to ban COCOCOLA in India?

44. About Hockey being the primary game in India.

45. Cricket should be banned or not.

46. Present state oI Indian Cricket team.

47. Love marriage/Arranged marriage.

48. Advantages oI Co-education.

49. How to deal with international terrorism.

50. Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?

51. A Unipolar World spells disaster Ior underdeveloped countries like India.

52. What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?

53. Corruption is the price we pay Ior Democracy.

54. Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture.
33 whaL lndla needs ls a dlcLaLorshlp
36 wlLh medla publlshlng and LelecasLlng Lrlvla censorshlp ls need of Lhe hour
37 kaun banega krorepaLl ls less abouL knowledge buL more abouL money and personallLy
38 beauLy conLesLs degrade womanhood
39 Lhe rlse of reglonal blocs LhreaLens lndependenL naLlons llkelndla
60 slx bllllon and one bronze
61ls dependence on compuLerLs a good Lhlng?
62should Lhe publlc secLor be prlvaLlzed?
63ls lndla a sofL naLlon?
64value based pllLlcs ls Lhe need of Lhe hour
63rellglon should noL be mlxed wlLh pollLlcs
66how Lo deal wlLh hlgh oll prlces
67our crlckeLers are noL Lo blame for maLch flxlng
68why canL we be world players ln lndusLry as we are ln sofLware?
69mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons are Lhey devlls ln dlsgulse?
70should Lhere be llmlLs on arLlsLlc freedom(Lhe conLroversy on flre)
71should Lhere be prlvaLe unlverslLles?
72do bannlng fashlon shows and new year parLles save our culLure?
73are blg dams necessary?
74a gandhlan sLaLe selllng llquor ls an anomaly
73brlde burnlng and dowry may look bad buL are an lnLegral parL of lndla
76Lhe educaLlon sysLem needs serlous reforms
77Lhe lmpacL of M1v on our psyche
78showlng vlolence and crlmes should noL be allowed ln fllms and on Lellvlslon
79leL us legallze gambllng
80Lhe ob[ecLlve of managemenL ls maxlmlze proflLs
81do professlonal managers have a chance ln our famlly run buslnesses?
82Lhe lnLerneL ls an exerclse ln hype
83smaller buslness and sLrL ups have more scope for professlonal growLh
84doL com or doubL com?
83Lhe wheel ls Lurnlng round and round
104.iI india is poorly governed , the reason is that we have designed our system oI governance
Ior protecting, iI not encouraging ,corruption?
105. commercialisation oI health care : good or bad? the US economy headed the japanese economy way?

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