Learning Task 1. Knowing My Emotions Presentation and Recording Juan Guillermo Osorio Gomez

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Learning Task 1.

Knowing my emotions
Presentation and recording


Juan Guillermo Osorio Gomez


Santiago Celis Zapata


University Digital Of Antioquia

1. Debes tomar las transcripciones de los cuatro (4) videos de la Unidad 1 (Let me
introduce myself, What makes me sad, What I am afraid of, What makes me
angry) y reemplazar la información correspondiente a James y Joanna (la
información básica y las cosas que les causan alegría, felicidad, temor y rabia)
con tu información propia. Asegúrate de que tu texto es correcto
gramaticalmente. Puedes usar el corrector gramatical de Word o una app como
Grammarly, para chequear la gramática de tu texto.

● Let me introduce myself

Hello, teacher!
My name is Juan Guillermo Osorio Gomez.
I am from Colombia and I live in Sabaneta.
I am a student of software development technology at the Digital University.
I am happy when I am at home with my family.
I am happy when I play guitar with my friends.
I feel happy when I go for a walk at sunset.
Going to metal concerts makes me happy.
Going camping with my girlfriend makes me so happy.
This is some information about me and what makes me happy.
What about you?

● What makes me sad

Of course, not everything in my life is happiness. There are also some things
that make me sad.
I'm sad when I am at the hospital, when I'm sick.
I'm sad when I receive bad news.
Being alone makes me sad.
I am very sad when a loved one dies.
I feel sad when I make a mistake at work.
I feel very sad when I fail an exam.
Having financial problems makes me sad.
These are some things that make me sad.
What about you? What makes you feel sad?
● What I am afraid of
I'm Juan Guillermo. It's really nice to meet you!
I'm 33 years old.
I live in Sabaneta City.
I ride my bicycle to work every day.
I work as a documentary assistant for a transport company.
I like going camping but I'm afraid of wild animals.
I like Halloween but I'm afraid of costumes rare.
I like hiking but I'm scared the bad weather.
I like home but I'm afraid of being alone.
I am afraid of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes.
Sometimes I feel sick but today I am scared of going to the doctor.
Those are some of the things that I am afraid of.
What about you?
What are you afraid of?

● What makes me angry

Apart from what I am scared of, there are some other things that make me
Standing in line for a long time makes me angry.
I get angry when the house is a mess.
It makes me angry when a person uses the phone in the movie theater.
It makes me angry when the subway takes too long.
I get angry when the subway station is dirty.
It makes me angry when there is a lot of vehicular traffic.
These are some of the things that make me angry.
What about you?
What makes you angry?
2. Una vez tengas tu texto, muy bien elaborado, practica la pronunciación. Puedes
utilizar un servicio de text-to-speech, como imtranslator.net (en el enlace,
encuentras las instrucciones de uso), para escuchar el texto y practicar su
pronunciación. Cuando consideres que alcanzaste una buena pronunciación y que
puedes realizar la presentación, utiliza la app en línea Vocaroo para grabarte
mientras realizas la presentación oral (Grabar y compartir audios con Vocaroo).
Intenta no leer. Trata de hacer tu presentación de forma fluida, tal como lo harías
frente a un público real. Obtén el enlace para compartir.
Consejo: Usa el vocabulario y la gramática aprendidos en la unidad

audio Let me introduce myself : https://voca.ro/1j0oPUy8SGLH

audio What makes me sad: https://voca.ro/1g7aB7tf57hR
audio What I am afraid of: https://voca.ro/14mXgv4uq7p3
audio What makes me angry: https://voca.ro/1i0xskRVbQ1c

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