The Maps Below Illustrate How Frenton Changed From 1990 To 2012

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The maps below illustrate how Frenton changed from 1990 to 2012.

The maps illustrate some changes in the town of Frenton over a period of 22 years from 1990 to
Overall, the town experienced considerable developments during the period. The most noticeable
difference between the two maps are the expansion of the hospital in the middle of the town and
the appearance of flats in the north and north east.
From 1990 to 2012, the school in the north west still existed. However, the playing ground with
trees was removed to make a way for blocks of flats. Opposite them, more flats were built.
Houses in the east of the towns were knocked down and replaced by blocks of flats.
A cinema was constructed on the original site of a theatre in the south. In the south east, the shops
were removed to make way for a supermarket. There was the café and park in the north east
which was replaced by a hotel and golf course.

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