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Republic of the Philippines


Midwifery Licensure Examination

Professional Growth and Development

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet


1. A midwife desiring to work abroad may be allowed to register in a
foreign country based on reciprocity which means the following except:
a. The Philippine grants the citizen of that country the same
b. The proof of reciprocity must be confirmed by the DFA
c. Both countries have the same registration requirements for midwife
d. None of these

2. The primary objective of the Midwifery profession is for its

members to render service within the scope of their legitimate
function, having in mind that their patients, of whatever religion
and social or economic status, deserve respect as human beings. A
midwife should endeavor to deserve the confidence of the patients
under her care by rendering to each of them a dedication and service
to the full extent of her skill and competence is stated
in what regulatory policy?
a. RA 9173
b. BOM resolution no. 557
c. BON resolution no. 220
d. RA 7164

3. A newly registered midwife inquired from the PRC when she must
renew her professional license. She was told that she have to renew
her e registration?
a. After three years
b. On her birthday next year
c. Every couple of years
d. Anytime within the next 3 years

4. The following are crimes involving destruction of the life of

fellowmen except:
a. Abortion
b. Parricide
c. Infanticide
d. Suicide

5. Which is not a pre-requisite for licensing as R.M.?

a. Must pass the midwifery licensure
b. Must be at least 21 years old
c. Payment of required dues
d. Must be citizen of the Philippines
6. When a midwife and a patient verbally agrees that the midwife
will attend the home delivery for a fee, this contract is called:
a. Implied
b. Informal
c. Formal
d. Expressed

7. A newly registered midwife is qualified to work as a:

a. Staff midwife of a lying in center
b. Private duty nurse
c. Clinical instructor of a midwifery school
d. Nursing attendant in Dr. Jose Fabella Hospital

8. A marriage contract is an example of:

a. Formal contract
b. Expressed contract
c. Implied contract
d. Void contract

9. Which of the following is an example of exempting circumstances?

a. husband surrenders after killing his wife
b. kidnapping for ransom
c. 14 years old is an accessory in conspiracy
d. a 17 years old snatched the bag of a lady

10. When the board prepares examination questions, it is exercising

a. Discretional power
b. Ministerial power
c. Dispensing power
d. Corrective power

11. Which of the following is not included in professional ethics

a. Good grooming
b. Relationship of others
c. Behavior in public and privated. Encroaching in the roles and
functions of other disciplines

12. A health center midwife can work harmoniously with the other
members of the health team by:
a. Not interfering in their functions
b. Telling co-workers the fault of fellow midwife
c. Not interfering with their illegal acts
d. Covering up their deficiencies

13. The midwifery curriculum prepares a midwife to do which of the

a. Handle normal deliveries
b. Take care of post caesarian patients
c. Treat early pneumonia with antibiotic
d. Treat diarrhea with oresol and other home fluids

14. As a registered midwife who wants to work in London legally,

you must have the following documents except:
a. Working visa
b. Valid passport
c. Certificate of work experience
d. Tourist visa

15. To become a registered midwife, a student-midwife should first

do which of the following after graduation?
a. Take the midwifery Licensure examination
b. File her application for registration at the PRC
c. Join the IMAP as a regular member
d. Post a sign outside her house that she can already accept home
delivery services

16. The public health midwife should be guided by which of the

following principles when she joins a labor union?
a. Going on strike is the best action to do when asking for a
higher salary
b. Government employees can join labor unions and go on strike
c. None of these
d. Joining the organization is a right guaranteed in the

17. Which of the following laws require that prescribed medicines

should be in generic name?
a. RA 6675
b. RA 6679
c. RA 7392
d. A 8981

18. Unprofessional conduct means?

a. Violation of the ethical conduct
b. Incapacity or inability to perform her duties
c. Failure in the board exam
d. Failure to perform one’s duties

19. Which of the following is true about the code of ethics for
a. A midwife who has accepted to take care of a patient should
render service diligently and effectively
b. A midwife is duly bound by professional ethics to reveal any
information given by patients
c. A practicing midwife may receive a commission for referral of
patient made by here
d. A midwife working in a health care facility should join a health
team only at her own discretion

20. While attending to a mother in labor, the mother failed to

check the fetal heart beat and has thus failed to recognize that
the fetus is in distress. This failure to assess correctly will
make the midwife:
a. Excused since she is not allowed to handle complicated cases
b. Less liable because the physician was not around at the time of
c. Less liable she is only a newly registered midwife
d. Legally liable for negligence

21. The following statements are true of the functions of the POEA
a. Placement of Filipino workers for employment abroad
b. Issuance of passport and visa
c. Monitoring of activities of private recruitment agencies
d. Hiring workers on government to government basis

22. Which of the following organizations is mainly concerned with

the welfare of midwifery students?
b. DOH

23. The physical aspect of one’s personality includes one of the

following factors:
a. Religion
b. Emotional stability
c. Intelligence
d. Health

24. Which requirement is not required for a midwife to complete if

she applies for a work in a foreign country?
a. Pay replacement fee of the recruitment agency
b. Secure a passport
c. Obtain a working visa
d. Verify with POEA if the recruitment agency is accredited

25. Which of the following science deals with the morality of human
a. Anthropology
b. Biology
c. Logic
d. Ethics

26. A reliable guide for a newly appointed midwife regarding her

roles and responsibilities in her new position is:
a. Her own ideas and decisions
b. Reading the textbook in ethics
c. Job description
d. Endorsement by friends working in the same facility

27. You are a successful practicing private midwife operating a

lying-in clinic with eight-bed capacity. According to DOH
licensing and regulation, you are required to have your lying-in
clinic licensed. This is embodied in RA?
a. 7883
b. 7392
c. 4226
d. 7160

28. The ethical principle which means the greatest good for the
greatest number is the:
a. Principle of Two-Fold Effect
b. Utilitarian Principle
c. The Golden Rule
d. Principle on the Origin and Destruction of Life

29. Doing a thing which a person should not do or not doing a thing
which a person should do is called:
a. Misdemeanor
b. Negligence
c. Incompetence
d. Felony

30. Who among the following midwives is an independent midwife

a. A midwife who manages her own birthing home
b. A supervising midwife in a city health department
c. A midwife who works in a family planning clinic managed by an
d. The principal of a school of midwifery

31. To qualify to take the board examination, the graduate midwife

should possess the following except:
a. Of good physical and mental health
b. Completed midwifery course from recognized school of midwifery
c. Be at least 21 years old
d. Of good moral character

32. A valid professional license contains the following

information except:
a. Birthdate of registrantb. Signature of board members
c. Name of parents or spouse if married
d. Expiry date

33. When a midwife lacks the necessary abilities, knowledge and

skills to perform her roles and functions as a professional, she
is considered to be
a. Unprofessional
b. Irresponsible
c. Negligent
d. Incompetent

34. What indicates a mandatory obligation to do something?

a. Duty
b. Responsibility
c. Obligation
d. Function

35. If a midwife admits her guilt in a crime she committed, her

liability will be:
a. Justified
b. Aggravated
c. Mitigated
d. Exempted

36. Government recognition of a school of midwifery is called:

a. Quasi-executive
b. License
c. Accreditation
d. Permit

37. Which of the following words describes the science of correct

a. Ethics
b. Psychology
c. Sociology
d. Logic

38. The responsibilities of a midwife to her adult patients are

the following except :
a. Always ask the consent of the immediate family before providing
intervention to her patient
b. Attend to her patient carefully and conscientiously
c. Guard as a sacred trust any confidential information entrusted
to her by her patient
d. Provide to her patients the full benefit of her professional
training and experience

39. Which of the following is meant by ethics?

a. Long established practice that has been handed down from one
generation to another
b. Knowledge of the origin and interpretation of laws
c. The general structure and attitudes of social groups
d. Philosophical science dealing with the morality of the human

40. When a applying for a staff midwife position in a hospital you

should address your letter of application to the :
a. head nurse of the delivery room
b. principal of school where you graduated
c. chief nurse of the hospital
d. director of the hospital

41. An unmarried midwife has a live-in partner. In our society,

this act is considered as:
a. unprofessional
b. immoral
c. criminal
d. illegal

42. According to RA 1080, a midwife who passes the midwifery board

examination will be considered as:
a. Qualified to be a staff in a private
b. capable of working abroad
c. civil service eligible
d. qualified to teach

43. Your application as a midwife in a government hospital was

accepted and as a professional, the points to be followed during
the interview are the following except:
a. ask the interviewer about the nature of the job and salary
b. thank the interviewer at the end of the interview
c. answer all the questions honestly and directly
d. ask the secretary if you are already accepted

44. You are supervising a midwife assigned in the OB ward. To

motivate your subordinates to perform their job efficiently and
effectively, your actions will be to:
a. reprimand in public, praise in private
b. tell co-workers the deficiencies in their job
c. give recognition to a job well done
d. inform the higher authorities the simple errors your supervisee
has committed.
45. A health center midwife after being trained in family planning
is expected to perform her role in providing pre-marriage
counseling session to prospective couples. Which of these skills
does she need most in this activity?
a. communication and analytical
b. technical and analytical
c. communication and human relations
d. organizational and technical

46. The following statements are traditional responsibilities of

health center midwife except:
a. home visit until the cord is off
b. health teachings to pregnant women concerning importance of
c. doing home visits to a pregnant and postpartum women
d. treatment of simple pneumonia cases at home

47. The salary of a midwife working in a private or government

entity is subject annually to what tax?
a. realty tax
b. income tax
c. value added tax
d. community tax

48. Registered practicing midwives are required to pay privilege

tax except those working in:
a. lying-in centers
b. schools of midwifery
c. government agencies
d. private practice

49. Which presidential decree refers to the limitation of the

number of children to four for tax exemption?
a. PD 48
b. PD 658
c. PD 996
d. PD 69

50. Which of the following acts is not a cause for removal of a

member of the midwifery board?
a. guilty of immorality by committing adultery
b. serious negligence in performing duties and functions
c. under investigation for charges of committing irregularities in
the board examination
d. incompetence

51. Which of the following is the well-known local government code?

a. RA 7624
b. RA 7277
c. RA 4226
d. RA 7160

52. A very intelligent newly graduate midwife opened a lying-in

clinic in her community. She attends to deliveries of both primis
and multiparas. The action of the midwife is considered as:
a. illegal
b. negligence
c. within the scope of midwifery functions
d. misdemeanor

53. RH law refers to which of the following:

a. RA 10354
b. RA 10453c. RA 10345
d. RA 10543

54. Which of the following is an example of a crime with an

aggravating circumstance?
a. the midwife attended a delivery and the mother died because of
heart attack
b. the midwife was not able to attend a delivery because she was
c. the midwife attended a delivery and the baby died because of
congenital heart disease
d. the midwife performed an induced abortion for free

55. The law that stipulates the proper conduct of public officials
and employees:
a. RA 7164
b. RA 6713
c. RA 6675
d. RA 1612

56. A written declaration of a man’s decision which says what

should be done with his possessions upon his death is known as:
a. contract
b. power
c. living will
d. consent

57. Accidents which human prudence can neither prevent nor foresee?
a. respondeat superior
b. do ut des
c. res ipsa loquitor
d. force majeure

58. When a midwife works as a private duty nurse to a cancer

patient who has just undergone surgical operation, she is
a. negligence
b. malpractice
c. unethical conduct
d. incompetence

59. A midwife inserted a vaginal packing to control bleeding and

failed to remove it resulting in infection. The action of a midwife
is considered negligence based on what doctrine?
a. Force majeure
b. respondeat superior
c. res ipsa loquitor
d. misdemeanor

60. You are a Health center midwife and is responsible for prenatal
clinic visits. A patient came for a check up and informs you that
she did not have menstruation since she delivered a year ago. The
following can be use as guide in determining her EDC except:
a. ask her to recall the first date of quickening
b. measure the height of fundus
c. refer the patient for ultrasound
d. check for the presenting part

61. It is defined as a behavior which is dishonest and/or

fraudulent, where the truth is concealed or altered to
intentionally mislead or deceive another party through deception,
fraud, cheating, and tricks.
a. Deceit
b. Fraud
c. False statementd. Lying

62. To be recognized as a legally constituted institution for

midwifery education, a school/college of midwifery must have a
permit or recognition from Commission on Higher Education to
operate a midwifery program. The following must possess the
following except:
a. Must be affiliated with a 20-bed maternity hospital with 70%
b. Affiliated with DOH-accredited birthing centers with Maternal
and Child health services
c. With self-managed birthing center
d. With 80% occupancy rate

63. Which of the following are the requirements for the principal
of school of midwifery?
a. Must have a minimum of 6 years experience
b. Must be a member of accredited professional organization
c. Graduate of a government school of midwifery
d. Placer of the midwifery licensure examination

64. The following are functions and responsibilities of the

principal of a midwifery school except:
a. Initiate curriculum development programs
b. Represent the school in professional and community civic affairs
c. Collect payments for the improvement of midwifery school
d. Collaborate with office of student services regarding admission

65. The following are qualifications of principal of school of

midwifery except:
a. 5 years experience
b. 3 years maternity ward
c. 2 years in teaching
d. None of the above

66. The board shall have the power to revoke or suspend the
validity of a certificate of registration of a midwife for all but
a. Malpractice
b. Negligence
c. Incompetence
d. Accused of performing abortion
67. The board may reissue and replaced revoked and lost certificate
of registration for what grounds except?
a. For reasons of equity and justice
b. After a period of not more than 5 years
c. After proper application
d. Upon payment of due fees

68. Laws enacted by any legislative body are called:

a. Statutory law
b. Constitution
c. House bill
d. Board resolutions

69. These are actions/behaviors which violate law and is punishable

by fine, imprisonment or death
a. Crime
b. Torts
c. Felony
d. Misdemeanor

70. Is less serious crime punishable by fine and short-term jail

a. Crime
b. Torts
c. Felony
d. Misdemeanor

71. The following but one are prerequisites in entering a contract:

a. At least 21 years of age
b. Be sound of mind
c. Not under the influence of intoxicating substances or fear of
bodily harm
d. Mentally competent

72. The age of Majority age is stated in what law?

a. RA 6809
b. RA 5809
c. RA 7809
d. RA 2809

73. Most midwife – patient contracts end when:

a. Treatment is complete
b. Bills Has been paid
c. Waiver to discharge against medical advice has been signed
d. All of the above

74. A kind of contract wherein terminal conditions are written

down and the beginning and ending of the contract are also stated
e.g. job description:
a. Implied contract
b. Formal contract
c. Expressed contractd. Informal contract

75. Which of the following statement is false about an implied

a. Its agreement is presumed
b. Its agreement is inferred from the acts of the parties
c. It must still have consent by the parties
e. It is a formal contract

76. Manifesting lack of precaution in which the damage caused was

not immediate or the danger is not evident or manifested.
a. Reckless imprudence
b. Serious ignorance
c. Malpractice
d. Simple imprudence

77. The following are elements of negligence exept:

a. Duty
b. Breach of duty
c. Indirect causation
d. Injury

78. Which of check the following statement is true regarding the

practice of midwifery?
a. Performing IE to check progress of labor is considered
malpractice for the midwife
b. A midwife performing actions outside of the practice will not
be guilty of malpractice if it is related to delivery like
giving intravenous fluids or doing episiotomy
c. A midwife who is performing her independent functions is held
accountable for her own actions
d. Giving intravenous fluids to dehydrated patients

79. Which of the following is correct statement about the practice

of midwifery in the Philippines?
a. Every Filipino has the right to practice the profession and
there is no need to qualify
b. It is right given to qualified professionals which may be taken
c. A foreigner may apply for permit to practice in the Philippines
since there is existing reciprocity with other countries
d. It is a permanent right given to qualified professionals which
can never be taken away

80. Which of the following conditions can be a cause of

suspension/revocation of professional license?
a. Failure to pay professional tax
b. An admission that one is living with a married man
c. A case is filed in court for dishonorable conduct
d. Acquittal of a case of immoral conduct

81. Dishonorable conduct of the midwife includes which of the

a. Scandalous behavior
b. Committing an error in medication
c. Incompetence
d. Professional negligence

82. Which of the following is false?

a. A patient has the right to refuse treatment
b. Ethics is the science of the morality of human actions
c. Professional ethics sets guidelines on how a professional must
conduct himself in the practice of his profession
d. Mores are customs enforced by social pressure and does not vary
from one community to another 83. When a patient complains about a
doctor, the midwife’s proper
reaction should be to:
a. Side with the patient and ask her to make a letter of complaint
about the doctor addressed to the hospital director
b. Not to make any comment
c. Tell the patient to request for another doctor
d. Tell the patient that she has no right to make any negative
remarks about the doctor since the doctor always do what’s best
for his patients

84. A crime on burning a building or structure with malicious

a. Arson
b. Malicious mischief
c. Burning
d. Destruction of property

85. Felonies which are punishes by law with arrestomenor with a

fine not exceeding Two Hundred Pesos or both such as imprisonment
and fine.
a. Light felony
b. Less grave felony
c. Grave felony
d. Felony

86. The ethics applied to “life situations” (e.g. decisions about

euthanasia, prolonging life, abortion)
a. Morality
b. Religion
c. Bioethics
d. Rh bill

87. Which of the following principles apply to the action of the

midwife to refrain from discussing the condition of the patient
with those who are not involved in his care?
a. beneficence
b. privacy
c. autonomy
d. confidentiality

88. The essential element to determine parricide is:

e. Presence of the body of the crime
f. Kind of weapon used
g. Part of victim’s body at which the weapon is aimed
h. The relationship of the offender with the victim

89. The doctrine of respondent superior applies:

i. Where the injury occurs while the servant is not within the
legitimate scope of his authority
j. When the injury occurred in the course of his employment
k. When the injury occurred outside the commerce of man
l. When the instrumentality was within the full control of the
90. When the testator makes the will and will ask someone to write it
down or him. It is said to be a:
m. notarial will
n. nuncupative will
o. authenticated will
p. all of the above

91. Person disqualified as Heirs are:

a. Priest who heard the confession of the testator during his last
illnessb. Relatives of such priest/minister within 4th degree
c. Any physician, nurse, health officer who took care of the
testator during his last illness
d. None of the above

92. A law requiring applicants for Marriage License to receive

instruction on family planning and responsible parenthood:
a. PD 965
b. PD 996
c. PD915
d. PD 65

93. Felonies which are punishes by law with arrestomenor with a

fine not exceeding Two Hundred Pesos or both such as imprisonment
and fine.
a. Light felony
b. Less grave felony
c. Grave felony
d. Felony

94. The ethics applied to “life situations” (e.g. decisions about

euthanasia, prolonging life, abortion)
a. Morality
b. Religion
c. Bioethics
d. Rh bill

95. Which of the following principles apply to the action of the

midwife to refrain from discussing the condition of the patient
with those who are not involved in his care?
a. beneficence
b. privacyc. autonomy
d. confidentiality

96. The essential element to determine parricide is:

a. Presence of the body of the crime
b. Kind of weapon used
c. Part of victim’s body at which the weapon is aimed
d. The relationship of the offender with the victim

97. The doctrine of respondent superior applies:

a. Where the injury occurs while the servant is not within the
legitimate scope of his authority
b. When the injury occurred in the course of his employment
c. When the injury occurred outside the commerce of man
d. When the instrumentality was within the full control of the
98. When the testator makes the will and will ask someone to write
it down or him. It is said to be a:
a. notarial will
b. nuncupative will
c. authenticated will
d. all of the above

99. Person disqualified as Heirs are:

a. Priest who heard the confession of the testator during his last
b. Relatives of such priest/minister within 4th degree
c. Any physician, nurse, health officer who took care of the
testator during his last illness
d. None of the above

100. A law requiring applicants for Marriage License to receive

instruction on family planning and responsible parenthood:
a. PD 965
b. PD 996
c. PD915
d. PD

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