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ESCOLA :___________________________________________


Nome do aluno:________________________________Nº ______8º Ano: ______

Professor (a): Letícia de Camargo
Disciplina: Inglês __________

Avaliação bimestral 4º Bimestre Data: ____/____/____.

Read the following text, and then do the exercises from 1 to 6:

On Sunday, Tom wakes up at 10 o’clock. Then he reads his newspaper in the

kitchen. He has breakfast at 11:30 and then he telephones his mother in the United
In the afternoon, at 1:00, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat
lunch in a restaurant.
At 6:00, Tom swims for one hour and then he goes by bike to his brother´s
They talk and listen to music.
Tom watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of Jack Daniel’s
He goes to bed at 11:30.

1- Where does Tom read his newspaper? (Onde Tom lê seu jornal?)

a) In the kitchen
b) In his bedroom
c) In the lounge

2- Where does his mother live? (Onde a mãe de Tom mora?)

a) In England
b) In Scotland
c) In the United States

3- What time does he play tennis with his sister? (Que horas ele joga tênis com
sua irmã?)

a) 2:00 pm
b) 1:00 pm
c) 11:30 am

4- How long does Tom swim for? (Por quanto tempo Tom pratica natação?)

a) One hour
b) Two hours
c) Six hours

5- How does Tom go to his brother’s house? (Como Tom vai para casa de seu

a) By car
b) On foot
c) By bike

6- What does Tom drink in the evening? (O que Tom bebe a noite?)

a) Wine
b) Whiskey
c) Milk
Read the following text, and then do the exercises from 7 to 10:

Sewing machine

A machine that is used for stitching cloth or other material together. The first sewing
machine was invented in 1830 by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the
United States, Walter Hunt also invented a sewing machine in 1834, but did not patent
it. Later, in 1846, the device was improved by another American, Elias Howe, whose
business was not successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small modifications in the
machine and patented his improvements in 1851. His business became a success: his
company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.

7- Com relação ao texto “Sewing Machine” é INCORRETO afirmar que:

a) Fala sobre a história da invenção da máquina de costura.

b) Barthélemy Thimonnier inventou a primeira máquina de costura em 1830.
c) O Americano Elias Howe, em 1846, fez melhorias na máquina de costura e
obteve muito sucesso.

8- Qual é esse tipo de texto?

a) um anúncio publicitário.
b) um texto informativo- descritivo.
c) um manual de instruções.

9- Qual frase descreve a função da máquina de costura?

a) It´s compact and durable.

b) It´s used for sewing clothes.
c) It was invented by Barthélemy Thimonnier.

10- Leia as frases a seguir.

(I) The electric iron was invented by Henry W. Seeley.

(II) It is important to patent your invention.
(III) His business became a success.

Escolha a alternativa correta:

a) Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no passado.

b) Apenas a frase (II) refere-se a eventos no passado.
c) Apenas as frases (I) e (III) referem-se a eventos no passado.

Word bank:

Cloth- pano
Stitching- costura
First- primeiro
Device- dispositivo, aparelho
Improvement- melhoria
Became- se tornou
Business- negócios
Sewing- costura

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