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- używamy po takich zwrotach jak: I guess / I believe / I think / I hope / I suppose / I’m sure /

I expect

twierdzenie pytanie przeczenie

I’m going to redecorate my flat. Am I going to redecorate my flat? I’m not going to redecorate my flat.

You’re going to redecorate your flat. Are you going to redecorate your flat? You aren’t going to redecorate your flat.

She’s going to redecorate her flat. Is she going to redecorate her flat? She isn’t going to redecorate her flat.

He’s going to redecorate his flat. Is he going to redecorate his flat? He isn’t going to redecorate his flat.

It’s going to redecorate the flat. Is it going to redecorate the flat? It isn’t going to redecorate the flat.

We’re going to redecorate our flat. Are we going to redecorate our flat? We aren’t going to redecorate our flat.

You’re going to redecorate your flat. Are you going to redecorate your flat? You aren’t going to redecorate your flat.

They aren’t going to redecorate their

They’re going to redecorate their flat. Are they going to redecorate their flat?

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