Grade 8 Term 2 Cre Schemes

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SCHOOL…………………………….…………..………… TEACHER’S NAME………………………………………………. YEAR 2024

Week Lesson Strand Sub Specific Learning Outcomes Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Learning Assessmen Refle
Strand Questions Resources t Methods ction
1 1 Miracles Miracles of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are guided to Who gave Good News Written
of Jesus Jesus learner should be able to: explain the meaning of Jesus the Bible Quizzes
Christ Christ a) Explain the meaning of miracle. power to Songs Checklists
miracle. In pairs, learners are guided to perform these Charts Oral
b) Name some of the miracles name some of the miracles acts? questions
Jesus performed. Jesus performed Mentor;
c) Recognize some of the In pairs, learners are guided to What Christian
extraordinary works Jesus recognize some of the extraordinary Religious
performed. extraordinary works Jesus works did Education Grade
d) Have a desire to learn more performed. Jesus 8 page 44-45
about miracles. perform?
2 Miracles Healing of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are guided to Which Good News Written
of Jesus blind learner should be able to: read the story in learner’s book challenges Bible Quizzes
Christ Bartimaeus a) Read the story in learner’s 8 page 44 did Zedek Songs Checklists
book 8 page 44 In pairs, learners are guided to face? Charts Oral
b) Narrate the story to their narrate the story to their peers questions
peers or classmates. or classmates Mentor;
c) Answer the questions that In pairs, learners are guided to Christian
follows. answer the questions that Religious
d) Appreciate the power of follows. Education Grade
God. 8 page 45

3 Miracles Healing of By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What are Good News Written
of Jesus blind learner should be able to: to identify some of the some of the Bible Quizzes
Christ Bartimaeus a) Identify some of the sickness sickness or challenges they sicknesses or Songs Checklists
or challenges they face in face in their life. challenges Charts Oral
their life. In groups, learners are guided they face in questions
b) Discuss ways in which to discuss ways in which their life? Mentor;
people involve God when people involve God when they Christian
they face different face different sicknesses or Religious
sicknesses or challenges. challenges Education Grade
c) Narrate to their friend or In groups, learners are guided 8 page 45-46
peer a challenge they faced to narrate to their friend or
in their life. peer a challenge they faced in
d) Have a desire to love God their life
through their challenges.
4 Miracles Healing of By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to read the What was Good News Written
of Jesus blind learner should be able to: Bible; Mark 10: 46-52 Bartimaeus Bible Quizzes
Christ Bartimaeus a) Read the Bible; Mark 10: In pairs or in groups, learners doing when Songs Checklists
46-52 are guided to narrate the Jesus was Charts Oral
b) Narrate the healing of blind healing of blind Bartimaeus. passing? questions
Bartimaeus. Learners are guided to answer Mentor;
c) Answer the questions on the questions on page 46 Christian
page 46 Religious
d) Enjoy reading the Bible. Education Grade
8 page 46

2 1 Miracles Lessons By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners Why should Good News Written
of Jesus learnt from learner should be able to: are guided to outline the you be Bible Quizzes
Christ the healing a) Outline the lessons learnt lessons learnt from the healing persistent Songs Checklists
of blind from the healing of blind of blind Bartimaeus. like Charts Oral
Bartimaeus Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus? questions
b) Identify the life skills that In groups or in pairs, learners Mentor;
helped blind Bartimaeus are guided to identify the life Christian
when Jesus was passing by. skills that helped blind Religious
c) Recognize ways in which Bartimaeus when Jesus was Education Grade
one can be persistent like passing by 8 page 47-48
d) Appreciate the lessons learnt In groups or in pairs, learners
from the healing of blind are guided to recognize ways
Bartimaeus. in which one can be persistent
like Bartimaeus
2 Miracles Trusting By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners How did Good News Written
of Jesus God learner should be able to: are guided to identify an Makori deal Bible Quizzes
Christ a) Identify an instance when instance when they faced a with his Songs Checklists
they faced a difficult difficult situation. health Charts Oral
situation. In groups or in pairs, learners challenges? questions
b) Compose their own prayer are guided to compose their Mentor;
on a situation they are own prayer on a situation they Christian
believing God for. are believing God for Religious
c) Recite the prayer in class. In groups or in pairs, learners Education Grade
d) Trust God throughout. are guided to recite the prayer 8 page 48-49
in class
3 Miracles Trusting By the end of the lesson, the As a class, learners are guided How do you Good News Written
of Jesus God learner should be able to: to visit people who are sick or show faith in Bible Quizzes
Christ a) Visit people who are sick or have challenges within the Jesus? Songs Checklists
have challenges within the school. Charts Oral
school. As a class, learners are guided questions
b) Talk to them by giving them to talk to them by giving them Mentor;
a word of encouragement. a word of encouragement. Christian
c) Appreciate the healing Religious
power of God in our day-to- Education Grade
day life. 8 page 49

4 Miracles Calming By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are guided to How did they Good News Written
of Jesus the storm; learner should be able to: define the term ‘storm’ overcome the Bible Quizzes
Christ The a) Define the term ‘storm’ In pairs, learners are guided to challenge? Songs Checklists
miracle of b) Read the story in learner’s read the story in learner’s book Charts Oral
calming the book 8 page 50. 8 page 50. questions
storm c) Answer the questions that In pairs, learners are guided to Mentor;
follows. answer the questions that Christian
d) Appreciate the importance of follows Religious
miracles. Education Grade
8 page 50

3 1 Miracles The By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What have Good News Written
of Jesus miracle of learner should be able to: to watch a video clip on the you learnt in Bible Quizzes
Christ calming the a) Watch a video clip on the miracle of calming the storm. the video? Songs Checklists
storm miracle of calming the In groups, learners are guided Charts Oral
storm. to share experiences of a questions
b) Share experiences of a challenging situation that they Mentor;
challenging situation that have faced as an individual or Christian
they have faced as an as a family. Religious
individual or as a family. Education Grade
c) Enjoy watching the videos. 8 page 50

2 Miracles The By the end of the lesson, the In pairs or individually, What shows Good News Written
of Jesus miracle of learner should be able to: learners are guided to read the that Jesus had Bible Quizzes
Christ calming the a) Read the Bible; Nark 4: 35- Bible; Nark 4: 35-41 power over Songs Checklists
storm 41 In pairs or individually, nature? Charts Oral
b) Identify the challenging learners are guided to identify questions
situation that the disciples the challenging situation that Mentor;
were facing. the disciples were facing. Christian
c) Narrate the miracle of In pairs or individually, Religious
calming the storm. learners are guided to narrate Education Grade
d) Enjoy reading the Bible. the miracle of calming the 8 page 51

3 Miracles Lessons By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners How can Good News Written
of Jesus learnt from learner should be able to: are guided to identify the faith in God Bible Quizzes
Christ the calming a) Identify the lessons learnt lessons learnt from the help you Songs Checklists
of the from the calming of the calming of the storm. overcome Charts Oral
storm storm. In groups or in pairs, learners problems you questions
b) Recognize ways in which are guided to recognize ways are facing? Mentor;
one can have faith in God. in which one can have faith in Christian
c) Appreciate the lessons learnt God Religious
from the calming of the Education Grade
storm. 8 page 52

4 Miracles Challenges By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners How did Good News Written
of Jesus faced in learner should be able to: are guided to read the story in Grace Bible Quizzes
Christ day-to-day a) Read the story in learner’s learner’s book 8 page 52 overcome the Songs Checklists
life book 8 page 52 In groups or in pairs, learners situation? Charts Oral
b) Answer the questions that are guided to answer the questions
follow. questions that follow. Mentor;
c) Discuss how the challenging In groups or in pairs, learners Christian
situations can be overcomed. are guided to discuss how the Religious
d) Have a desire to overcomed challenging situations can be Education Grade
challenges. overcomed 8 page 52-53

4 1 Miracles Challenges By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What are Good News Written
of Jesus faced in learner should be able to: to choose a challenging some of the Bible Quizzes
Christ day-to-day a) Choose a challenging situation affecting young challenges Songs Checklists
life situation affecting young people today. young people Charts Oral
people today. In groups, learners are guided face today? questions
b) Role play the challenging to role play the challenging Mentor;
situation in class. situation in class. Christian
c) Ensure that they include a Religious
solution in their role play. Education Grade
8 page 53

2 Miracles Applying By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided How can you Good News Written
of Jesus lessons learner should be able to: to compose a song on apply the Bible Quizzes
Christ learnt to a) Compose a song on overcoming the storms of life. lessons learnt Songs Checklists
overcome overcoming the storms of In groups, learners are guided to overcome Charts Oral
challenges life. to sing the song on challenges in questions
faced in b) Sing the song on overcoming the storms of life. their day-to- Mentor;
day-to-day overcoming the storms of day life? Christian
life life. Religious
c) Apply lessons learnt to Education Grade
overcome challenges faced 8 page 53-54
in day-to-day life.
3 Miracles Depending By the end of the lesson, the In pairs or individually, How do you Good News Written
of Jesus on God learner should be able to: learners are guided to read the depend on Bible Quizzes
Christ when a) Read the Bible, Psalms 91: Bible, Psalms 91: 1-6 God when Songs Checklists
confronted 1-6 In pairs or individually, confronted Charts Oral
with b) Discuss what the Bible text learners are guided to discuss with questions
difficulties tells us about safety and what the Bible text tells us difficulties? Mentor;
protection. about safety and protection Christian
c) Write a journal on how they In pairs or individually, Religious
depend on God in their day- learners are guided to Write a Education Grade
to-day life. journal on how they depend on 8 page 55
d) Depend on God when God in their day-to-day life
confronted with difficulties.
4 Miracles Healing of By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to define What is the Good News Written
of Jesus the learner should be able to: the term, ‘Paralysis’ meaning of Bible Quizzes
Christ paralytic a) Define the term, ‘Paralysis’ Learners are guided to read the paralysis? Songs Checklists
b) Read the story in learner’s story in learner’s book 8 page Charts Oral
book 8 page 56 56 questions
c) Answer the questions that Learners are guided to answer Mentor;
follows. the questions that follows. Christian
d) Trust in God in everything. Religious
Education Grade
8 page 56

5 1 Miracles Healing of By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners What did Good News Written
of Jesus the learner should be able to: are guided to read the Bible, Jesus tell the Bible Quizzes
Christ paralytic a) Read the Bible, Luke 5: 17- Luke 5: 17-26 paralytic Songs Checklists
26 In groups or in pairs, learners when He saw Charts Oral
b) Describe the healing of the are guided to describe the his faith? questions
paralytic man. healing of the paralytic man. Mentor;
c) Narrate the story of the In groups or in pairs, learners Christian
healing of the paralytic. are guided to narrate the story Religious
d) Appreciate the importance of of the healing of the paralytic. Education Grade
faith. 8 page 56-57

2 Miracles Lessons By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners What are the Good News Written
of Jesus learnt from learner should be able to: are guided to watch a video lessons we Bible Quizzes
Christ healing of a) Watch a video clip on the clip on the healing of the learn from Songs Checklists
the healing of the paralytic. paralytic. the healing of Charts Oral
paralytic b) Write down the story of the In groups or in pairs, learners the paralytic? questions
healing of the paralytic. are guided to write down the Mentor;
c) Outline the lessons learnt story of the healing of the Christian
from healing of the paralytic. paralytic. Religious
d) Appreciate the lessons learnt In groups or in pairs, learners Education Grade
from healing of the paralytic. are guided to outline the 8 page 58
lessons learnt from healing of
the paralytic.

3 Miracles The By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to define What is Good News Written
of Jesus Pharisees’ learner should be able to: the term, ‘Blasphemy’ blasphemy? Bible Quizzes
Christ opposition a) Define the term, Learners are guided to give Songs Checklists
to the ‘Blasphemy’ reasons why the Pharisees Charts Oral
healing of b) Give reasons why the accused Jesus Christ of questions
the Pharisees accused Jesus blasphemy. Mentor;
paralytic Christ of blasphemy. Christian
c) Appreciate the importance of Religious
having faith. Education Grade
8 page 59

4 Miracles Having By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to share an How did faith Good News Written
of Jesus faith in learner should be able to: experience or an instance in God help Bible Quizzes
Christ God when a) Share an experience or an when they prayed to God for you when Songs Checklists
faced with instance when they prayed to help or healing. you were Charts Oral
challenges God for help or healing. In groups, learners to read the faced with questions
b) Read the Bible, Isaiah 53: 4- Bible, Isaiah 53: 4-5 the Mentor;
5 As a class, learners are guided challenges? Christian
c) Meditate on the Bible text. to mediate on the Bible text Religious
d) Appreciate God’s power Why was Education Grade
over sickness and disease. Jesus beaten, 8 page 59-61
wounded and
6 1 Teachings Teaching By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners Why should Good News Written
of Jesus on prayer learner should be able to: are guided to explain the you pray Bible Quizzes
Christ a) Explain the meaning of meaning of prayer. every day? Songs Checklists
prayer. In groups or in pairs, learners Charts Oral
b) Give reasons why one are guided to give reasons why Why is it questions
should pray every day. one should pray every day important to Mentor;
c) Recognize the importance of In groups or in pairs, learners have faith as Christian
having faith as they pray. are guided to recognize the you pray? Religious
d) Appreciate the importance of importance of having faith as Education Grade
prayer. they pray. 8 page 62

2 Teachings Teaching By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners Why is Good News Written
of Jesus on prayer learner should be able to: are guided to read the story in prayer Bible Quizzes
Christ a) Read the story in learner’s learner’s book 8 page 62 important in Songs Checklists
book 8 page 62 In groups or in pairs, learners our day-to- Charts Oral
b) Answer the questions that are guided to answer the day life? questions
follows. questions that follows. Mentor;
c) Recognize the importance of In groups or in pairs, learners Christian
prayers in their day to day are guided to recognize the Religious
life. importance of prayers in their Education Grade
d) Appreciate the importance of day to day life 8 page 62-64
3 Teachings Importance By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners Why should Good News Written
of Jesus of having learner should be able to: are guided to define the term, you have Bible Quizzes
Christ faith when a) Define the term, ‘faith’ ‘faith’ faith when Songs Checklists
you pray to b) Read the Bible, Mark 11: In groups or in pairs, learners praying to Charts Oral
God 22-24 are guided to read the Bible, God? questions
c) Recognize the ways that Mark 11: 22-24 Mentor;
prayers are important in our In groups or in pairs, learners Christian
day-to-day life. are guided to recognize the Religious
d) Appreciate the importance of ways that prayers are Education Grade
having faith when they pray important in our day-to-day 8 page 65
to God. life

4 Teachings Demonstrat By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners How should Good News Written
of Jesus ing love by learner should be able to: are guided to read the Bible, we treat our Bible Quizzes
Christ praying for a) Read the Bible, Matthew 5: Matthew 5: 44-45 enemies and Songs Checklists
all people 44-45 In groups or in pairs, learners those who Charts Oral
as taught b) Share an instance when they are guided to share an instance persecute us? questions
by Jesus prayed for their friends and when they prayed for their Mentor;
Christ people who disappointed friends and people who Christian
them. disappointed them Religious
c) Explain how God treats the In groups or in pairs, learners Education Grade
good and the bad people. are guided to explain how God 8 page 65-66
d) Demonstrate love by praying treats the good and the bad
for all people as taught by people.
Jesus Christ.
7 1 Teachings Applying By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners Why does the Good News Written
of Jesus lessons learner should be able to: are guided to read the Bible; Bible warn us Bible Quizzes
Christ learnt on a) Read the Bible; Matthew 6: Matthew 6: 5-8 against Songs Checklists
prayer by 5-8 In groups or in pairs, learners hypocrisy? Charts Oral
praying to b) Journal their day-to-day are guided to journal their day- questions
God always prayer life. to-day prayer life Mentor;
c) Desire to have faith in God Christian
whenever they pray. Religious
d) Apply lessons learnt on Education Grade
prayer by praying to God 8 page 67-68
2 Teachings The lost By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are guided to What have Good News Written
of Jesus sheep; learner should be able to: read the story in learner’s book you learnt Bible Quizzes
Christ God’s love a) Read the story in learner’s 8 page 69 from the Songs Checklists
for the book 8 page 69 Individually, learners to read parable of the Charts Oral
sinner b) Read the Bible, Luke 15: 1-7 the Bible, Luke 15: 1-7 lost sheep? questions
c) Analyse God’s love for a In groups, learners are guided Mentor;
sinner as outlined in the to analyse God’s love for a Christian
parable of the lost sheep. sinner as outlined in the Religious
d) Appreciate God’s love for parable of the lost sheep. Education Grade
us. 8 page 69-70

3 Teachings Taking part By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided How can you Good News Written
of Jesus in reaching learner should be able to: to explain what happens in show love for Bible Quizzes
Christ out to the a) Explain what happens in heaven when one sinner the lost as a Songs Checklists
lost heaven when one sinner repents. Christian? Charts Oral
through repents. In groups, learners are guided questions
mission b) Write down what they learnt to write down what they learnt Mentor;
work from the parable of the lost from the parable of the lost Christian
sheep. sheep Religious
c) Role play the parable of the In groups, learners are guided Education Grade
lost sheep. to role play the parable of the 8 page 71-72
d) Encourage each other to lost sheep.
always trust in God for
everything they do.
4 The Exemplify By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What have Good News Written
Church God’s love learner should be able to: to compose a song entitled, you learnt Bible Quizzes
by serving a) Compose a song entitled, ‘God’s love for the lost’ from the Songs Checklists
all people. ‘God’s love for the lost’ In groups, learners to sing the parable of the Charts Oral
b) Sing the song. song. lost sheep? questions
c) Share their experiences on In groups or in pairs, learners Mentor;
how to have a close are guided to share their Christian
relationship with God. experiences on how to have a Religious
d) Exemplify God’s love by close relationship with God. Education Grade
serving all people. 8 page 72-73


9 1 The The Holy By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are guided to Where were Good News Written
Church Spirit learner should be able to: brainstorm the meaning of the the believers Bible Quizzes
a) Brainstorm the meaning of term, ‘Day of Pentecost’ when the Day Songs Checklists
the term, ‘Day of Pentecost’ In groups, learners are guided of the Charts Oral
b) Read the Bible, Acts 2: 1-11 to read the Bible, Acts 2: 1-11 Pentecost questions
c) Sing the song in learner’s In groups, learners are guided came? Mentor;
book 8 page 74 to sing the song in learner’s Christian
d) Enjoy singing the song. book 8 page 74 Religious
Education Grade
8 page 74-75

2 The The Holy By the end of the lesson, the As a class, learners are guided What Good News Written
Church Spirit learner should be able to: to watch a video on the Day of happened on Bible Quizzes
a) Watch a video on the Day of Pentecost. the Day of Songs Checklists
Pentecost. In pairs or in groups, learners Pentecost? Charts Oral
b) Explain what happened on are guided to explain what questions
the Day of Pentecost. happened on the Day of Mentor;
c) Read the story in learner’s Pentecost. Christian
book 8 page 75 and answer In groups or in pairs, learners Religious
the questions that follow. are guided to read the story in Education Grade
d) Appreciate the importance of learner’s book 8 page 75 and 8 page 76-77
Pentecost. answer the questions that

3 The Ways in By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Which fruits Good News Written
Church which learner should be able to: to read the Bible, Galatians 5: of the Holy Bible Quizzes
Christians a) Read the Bible, Galatians 5: 22-23 Spirit do you Songs Checklists
exemplify 22-23 In groups, learners are guided practice? Charts Oral
the fruit of b) Identify the fruits of the to identify the fruits of the questions
the Holy Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. Mentor;
Spirit c) Play a game of the fruit of In groups, learners are guided Christian
the Holy Spirit. to play a game of the fruit of Religious
d) Appreciate the importance of the Holy Spirit. Education Grade
the fruits of the Holy Spirit. 8 page 77-79

4 The Taking part By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Which Good News Written
Church in church learner should be able to: to discuss how they can do mission Bible Quizzes
activities to a) Discuss how they can do mission work in church. activities do Songs Checklists
demonstrat mission work in church. In groups, learners are guided you Charts Oral
e b) List the activities they can to list the activities they can participate questions
responsibili take part. take part. in? Mentor;
ty c) Demonstrate the fruit of In groups, learners are guided Christian
love. to demonstrate the fruit of Religious
d) Take part in church activities love. Education Grade
to demonstrate 8 page 79-80
10 1 The Acts of By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Which values Good News Written
Church Compassio learner should be able to: to read the conversation in do you need Bible Quizzes
n a) Read the conversation in learner’s book 8 page 81. to support the Songs Checklists
learner’s book 8 page 81. In groups, learners are guided needy? Charts Oral
b) Act the conversation on page to act the conversation on page questions
81 81 Mentor;
c) List the needy people in the In groups, learners are guided Christian
society today. to list the needy people in the Religious
d) Enjoy acting the society today. Education Grade
conversation. 8 page 81

2 The Take part By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Which act of Good News Written
Church in a learner should be able to: to read the conversation in compassion Bible Quizzes
community a) Read the conversation in learner’s book 8 page 82 do you Songs Checklists
service learner’s book 8 page 82 In groups, learners are guided display? Charts Oral
activity b) Brainstorm on ways in to brainstorm on ways in questions
which Christians care and which Christians care and help Mentor;
help the needy in the society the needy in the society today. Christian
today. In groups, learners are guided Religious
c) Share their experiences on to share their experiences on Education Grade
occasions when they helped occasions when they helped 8 page 82
the needy. the needy.
d) Take part in a community
service activity.
3 The Acts of By the end of the lesson, the Learners are guided to read the Which are Good News Written
Church Compassio learner should be able to: Bible, Leviticus 19: 32-33; the rights of Bible Quizzes
n a) Read the Bible, Leviticus 19: Psalms 82: 3 the poor and Songs Checklists
32-33; Psalms 82: 3 Learners are guided to orphans in Charts Oral
b) Describe the rights of the describe the rights of the poor the questions
poor and orphans in the and orphans in the community. community? Mentor;
community. Learners are guided to Christian
c) Brainstorm on how the brainstorm on how the rights How should Religious
rights of the poor and of the poor and orphans are we treat Education Grade
orphans are violated in the violated in the community foreigners? 8 page 83
community today. today.
d) Appreciate the importance of
acts of compassion.

4 The Acts of By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided What does Good News Written
Church Compassio learner should be able to: to read the Bible, Matthew 25: the Bible Bible Quizzes
n a) Read the Bible, Matthew 25: 35-46 teach us Songs Checklists
35-46 In pairs, learners are guided to about helping Charts Oral
b) List the needy people list the needy people outlined the needy and questions
outlined in the Bible text. in the Bible text. caring for Mentor;
c) Recognize ways that show In pairs, learners are guided to strangers? Christian
acts of compassion. recognize ways that show acts Religious
d) Appreciate the importance of of compassion. Education Grade
caring of the needy. 8 page 83-84

11 1 The Practising By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners are guided Why is it Good News Written
Church Christ’s learner should be able to: to read the story in learner’s important to Bible Quizzes
teaching by a) Read the story in learner’s book 8 page 84 be Songs Checklists
helping book 8 page 84 In groups, learners are guided compassionat Charts Oral
those in b) Answer the questions that to answer Answer the e towards questions
need follow. questions that follow. others? Mentor;
c) Organise how to help the In groups, learners are guided Christian
needy in their class or to organise how to help the Religious
school. needy in their class or school. Education Grade
d) Practise Christ’s teaching by 8 page 84-85
helping those in need.
2 Christian Family By the end of the lesson, the In groups, in pairs or What is a Good News Written
Living Relationshi learner should be able to: individually, learners are family? Bible Quizzes
Today p a) Explain the meaning of guided to explain the meaning Songs Checklists
‘Christian Living’ of ‘Christian Living’ Charts Oral
b) Discuss the importance of In groups, in pairs or questions
family. individually, learners are Mentor;
c) Recognize the importance of guided to discuss the Christian
respecting members of the importance of family Religious
family. In groups, in pairs or Education Grade
d) Have a desire to learn more individually, learners are 8 page 86
about family relationships. guided to recognize the
importance of respecting
members of the family.
3 Christian Roles of By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners Why is it Good News Written
Living different learner should be able to: are guided to read the story in important to Bible Quizzes
Today members of a) Read the story in learner’s learner’s book 8 page 86 share roles Songs Checklists
a family book 8 page 86 In groups or in pairs, learners among Charts Oral
b) Answer the questions that are guided to answer the family questions
follows. questions that follows. members? Mentor;
c) Recognize the importance of In groups or in pairs, learners Christian
sharing roles among family are guided to recognize the Religious
members. importance of sharing roles Education Grade
d) Appreciate the importance of among family members 8 page 86
sharing roles among family
4 Christian Roles of By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners What are the Good News Written
Living different learner should be able to: are guided to identify the roles of Bible Quizzes
Today members of a) Identify the responsibility of responsibility of parents, different Songs Checklists
a family parents, children and other children and other members of members of Charts Oral
members of the family. the family the family? questions
b) Recognize the roles of In groups or in pairs, learners Mentor;
different members of the are guided to recognize the Christian
family. roles of different members of Religious
c) Appreciate the roles of the family Education Grade
different members of the 8 page 87
12 1 Christian Healthy By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners How do you Good News Written
Living family learner should be able to: are guided to explain what is portray Bible Quizzes
Today relationship a) Explain what is happening in happening in the picture in healthy Songs Checklists
the picture in learner’s book learner’s book 8 page 88 family Charts Oral
8 page 88 In groups or in pairs, learners relationships? questions
b) Discuss how each picture are guided to discuss how each Mentor;
portrays healthy family picture portrays healthy family Christian
relationships. relationships. Religious
c) Recognize practices that In groups or in pairs, learners Education Grade
foster healthy family are guided to recognize 8 page 88
relationships. practices that foster healthy
d) Appreciate healthy family family relationships.
2 Christian Causes of By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners What is Good News Written
Living conflicts in learner should be able to: are guided to define the term, conflict? Bible Quizzes
Today families ‘conflict’ Songs Checklists
today a) Define the term, ‘conflict’ Charts Oral
b) Read the story in learner’s In groups or in pairs, learners questions
book 8 page 88 and answer are guided to read the story in Mentor;
the questions that follows. learner’s book 8 page 88 and Christian
c) Recognize the causes of answer the questions that Religious
conflict in families today. follows Education Grade
d) Appreciate the importance of 8 page 88-90
peace in families. In groups or in pairs, learners
are guided to recognize the
causes of conflict in families

3 Christian Christian By the end of the lesson, the In groups or in pairs, learners How can peer Good News Written
Living teachings learner should be able to: are guided to discuss and pressure Bible Quizzes
Today on healthy a) Discuss and suggest suggest solutions to family cause Songs Checklists
family solutions to family conflicts. conflicts. conflicts in Charts Oral
relationship b) Outline ways of overcoming As a class, learners to outline families questions
s peer influence or rebellion ways of overcoming peer today? Mentor;
against parents. influence or rebellion against Christian
c) Appreciate Christian parents. Religious
teachings on healthy family Education Grade
relationships. 8 page 90

4 Christian Christian By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners are guided to Why should Good News Written
Living teachings learner should be able to: identify Christian duty of you respect Bible Quizzes
Today on healthy a) Identify Christian duty of children towards their parents. your father Songs Checklists
family children towards their In pairs, learners are guided to and mother? Charts Oral
relationship parents. read the Bible; Ephesians 6: 1- questions
s b) Read the Bible; Ephesians 6: 4, Exodus 20: 12, Colossians What should Mentor;
1-4, Exodus 20: 12, 3: 20 children do to Christian
Colossians 3: 20 In pairs, learners are guided to please God? Religious
c) Recognize ways in which recognize ways in which Education Grade
parents are supposed to treat parents are supposed to treat 8 page 90-91
their children. their children.
d) Live in harmony with
members of the family.


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