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SILVA” Nota:

Nome do aluno: 6º Ano:

Professor (a): LETÍCIA
Disciplina: Inglês

Avaliação Bimestral 1º Bimestre Data: / / .

Prova de Inglês
Where are you from? (De onde você é?/origem,país)
_ Are you Brazilian?

_ No, I am not. Assinale a alternativa correta:

_ Where are you from? 1. New York é:
_ I am from Mexico. I am Mexican. a.( ) uma grande cidade dos Estados
In Mexico we wear big hats. Unidos.
b.( ) Uma pequena cidade dos Estados
_ Are you American?
_ Yes, I am. I am from New York, 2. No México:
a big city in the United States. a.( ) As pessoas usam grandes chapéus
_ Is that man African?
b.( ) As pessoas usam grandes lenços
_ No, he is not African.
na cabeça.
_ Where is he from?
3. Roma:
_ He is from Germany. He is Germany. a.( ) é a capital da França.
He is German. He likes beer. b.( ) é a capital da Itália.
_ Are they Japanese? 4. As pessoas de Roma:
_ Oh, no! They are not Japanese. a.( ) gostam de vinho e macarrão.
_ Where are they from? b.( ) não gostam de vinho, mas de
_ They are from Rome, the capital of macarrão.

Italy. They like macaroni very much. 5. Ah, Brazil! The country of gentle

And wine, too. People, the land of Carnival! Assinale

_ Where are you from? a alternativa que melhor traduz a frase

_ I am from Rio, a large city in Brazil. destacada:

_ Ah, Brazil! The country of gentle a.( ) Ah, Brasil! O país de pessoas

People, the land of Carnival! gentis a terra do carnaval.

_ Who are they? b.( ) Ah, Brasil! O país de pessoas

_They are Japanese, workers. educadas a terra do carnaval.

6. De acordo com o texto:
_ Are they lazy?
_ No, they are very busy! a.( )Rio de Janeiro é uma bela cidade

They work very hard! do Brasil.

Compact Dynamic English- page 42-45 b. ( )Rio de Janeiro é uma grande
cidade do Brasi
7) Complete com o verbo to be: am, is ou are:

I She

You It We

I live in a house near the beach. I have two brothers and one sister, and I am the youngest. My father
teaches English, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are very smart and work hard in
school. My sister is a curious girl, but she is very kind. My grandmother also lives with us. She came from
Mexico when I was two years old. She is old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the best food!
My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers and I like to go on long
walks in the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my grandmother. On the weekends we all play board
games together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my family very much.


8) How many brothers and sisters does the narrator have? (Quantos irmãos o narrador tem?)
a) Two brothers and one sister.
b) Three brothers and one sister.
c) One brother and two sisters.
d) Two sisters and one brother.

9) What does the narrator's father do for a living? (O que o pai do narrador faz para viver?)
a) Works at a bank.
b) Works at a hospital.
c) Teaches at a school.
d) Teaches English.

10) Where did the narrator's grandmother come from? (Onde a mãe do narrador foi?)
a) Spain.
b) Nigeria.
c) Mexico.
d) Canada.

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