Cybras - Concept Character

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Cybras grew up on the streets of Adamantia.

He was abandoned before he could remember on the steps

of the Diamond Sanctum, and was raised by the adepts there. When he was 5, he stole food, and in his
fear, he ran away from the Sanctum.

He was homeless for the next 8 years. He wandered the streets, he begged, he stole, and he banded
together with others to survive.

When he was 13, he met Camon. Camon was an older guy who would notice Cybras at the same begging
spot every day. He would give him spare change, and after a while began to talk to him. After a lot of
conversation, Cy learned that Camon ran a ring of thieves in the city. They believed in quiet, stealthy
work with as little life lost as possible. Camon invited him to meet the gang, and take part in their
initiation. Cy had the task of stealing a magic user’s anchor.

To keep it brief, he succeeded. He joined the crew and began honing his skills as a thief, focusing on
stealth, deception, and other illusions to steal from the wealthy in Adamantia.

However, he grew cocky. When he was 18, he got into an argument with Camon. They had just come off
a mission, and Cybras had killed a guard. Camon was furious, but Cybras kept persisting that it was the
right choice. The guard wasn’t convinced that Cybras really needed into the building late at night, and
instead of any number of things, Cy simply drew his long dagger and killed him. At the end of the night,
Camon was distraught that Cy didn’t see why he shouldn’t have killed him, and Cybras had left.

Cybras traveled the world, determined to be the best thief. He has spent at least a month in each major
city, and became very good at quietly, stealthily taking whatever he pleased. While he tried to preserve
life when he could, he didn’t shy away from the odd assassination job when he was pressed for money.

When he was 24, Cybras was contacted by a mysterious patron to pull off the ultimate heist. They
wanted him to steal an “unidentified ritual item” from the Amethyst temple. Determined to be
renowned throughout the underworld, he took the job. He went to a nearby city, recruited a fresh team,
and left for the temple. The location was provided by his patron, and Cy never told his team who they
were robbing.

The robbery went horribly wrong. The Amii were performing a ritual to the Crystal, and Cy led the team
onto the roof of the Temple. Cy was attempting to lower himself through the roof of the temple when
his rope snapped. To his dismay, he dropped straight onto the crystal as the ritual finished. In a
bright(ish?) flash of deep purple-black light, Cy had a vision. There was a being who powered the crystal.
All Cy saw was blackness, with two purple slits for eyes. Immediately he was back into the real world,
and the Amii were running around the temple. He had rolled down the Crystal right into the heart of the
Temple, and as he scrambled backward, he noticed that while the adepts clearly knew that something
happened, they were ignoring him. He watched them see the rope, heard them yell out in alarm, and
saw them draw blades and take off to catch his crew. He looked at his arms, and noticed they were
wrapped in a strange purple glow.

Cy followed the Amii, and watched in horror as they found and slaughtered his crew. Cybras fled the
temple, still wrapped in the purple glow.
On his journey back to civilization, he noticed that there was a sliver of the Amethyst in his finger. As he
pulled it out, he became visible again. He stopped in a nearby town, purchased a locket and a picture of
an older woman, and hid the sliver in the locket.

As he made his way through the quieter parts of the world, he started to develop his purple magic. He
realized that he was still connected to this being in the Crystal, and through that relationship he could
use Amethyst magic.

Cybras made his way to Keisenheim, where he has been for the last two years. He has been working as a
solo thief for hire, known for being impossibly stealthy. He has become quite skilled at purple magic,
using it to trick and deceive his way through his jobs, and to prevent loss of life. He’s come to realize
that there is a mental cost to killing, and Camon knew he didn’t want to be that kind of person. Cy has
come to regret how he left things with Camon, and now follows his code as best he can. However, he
has had to (and is quite capable of) defending himself if he needs to.

He also now stays in Keisenheim. He knows the Amii adepts and priests are after whoever it was that
broke into the temple, and knows that the mages of Keisenheim are not very tolerant of the Amii. He’s
using that buffer to protect himself from them. While they don’t know who it was that broke in, they are
still suspicious that someone got away.

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