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June 2024

Dear Parent/Guardian


Enclosed is information of our transport offer for academic year 2024/25, introducing the SOCS Transport
platform for initial enquiries and management of school transport. Please read through all the enclosed
information carefully before logging onto SOCS and submitting your transport request for the coming year.

Prospective Parents/Accepted Applicant Sign Up

If you are a new/prospective parent, you are required to activate your SOCS account to enable you to access
the transport request function. This can be done by following the below link to the SOCS parent login page
and referring to the below SOCS Parent Activation Instructions. Please login using the email address originally
submitted when applying to school.

SOCS Login (

SOCS Parent Activation Instructions

Once you have activated your account you will be able to view your SOCS profile and request a seat as per
the below Existing Parent Sign Up.

N.B: Accepted applicants will show in the previous year group to that of the year they will enter in
September 2024, for example: pupils starting in year 7 will show as a year 6 pupils, all applicants and existing
pupils will move over to the coming academic year at the start of Autumn term September 2024.

Existing Parent Sign Up

The SOCS Transport sign up window for 2024/25 will open at 09:00 on Friday 7 June 2024 and Close at
09:00 on Monday 17 June 2024. During this period, you can log into the SOCS portal and request a seat on
our existing established routes & stops. The annual transport review will commence once the sign-up
window has closed on Monday 17 June, if we have not received your submitted information by this time, we
will assume that you do not require transport for September 2024.

It is essential you complete the SOCS sign up process if you need school transport for the next academic
year, even if your child/ward already uses our day pupils’ travel service.

Please refer to below link for assistance in the SOCS Transport sign-up process.

SOCS Transport - Parent Help

Sibford School
Sibford Ferris
OX15 5QL
Telephone: 01295 781200
Fax: 01295 781204
Registered Charity No. 1068256 Sibford School is a company limited by guarantee registered in England No: 3487651
Transport Options
For our organised transport we provide three options. Transport users can either travel on all morning routes, all
afternoon routes or full return. These options run over 5 days, Monday to Friday, providing your child/ward with a
seat for the term on a subscription basis.

In the SOCS Transport platform, for a full return Monday to Friday 5 day a week seat, it is essential you request a
seat for both the AM and PM bus. For a full morning OR afternoon seat you need only apply for either the AM or PM
bus depending on your requirement.

When clicking through to Step 4 in the request process, please only save the stop that you are applying for and NOT
change the individual stops according to the day of the week.

Route Charges
Route charges are detailed alongside the route stops within the SOCS Transport platform. The costs specified are for
the Autumn 2024 term. Please note that costs are detailed separately for the AM and PM routes, if you are
requesting a full return both AM & PM 5 days a week, the cost for the term will be the total of the two routes.

Below is a link detailing termly travel costs for the 2024/25 academic year.
2024/25 Termly Travel Costs

Cost Increase
In line with the letter sent earlier in the year from School Committee, listed travel costs include a 6.9% increase on
transport charges for this coming academic year. As inflation, fuel and transport running costs remain high this
increase is required to keep the transport provision available for the whole school community.

Ad Hoc Travel
We offer an ad hoc option for any route on any bus in addition to the three current charging options. Ad hoc places
are charged at £10 per journey and will be charged to your termly bill. You can arrange an ad hoc journey by
emailing me on with at least 24 hours' notice if possible. Please note there may not be
seats available, places will be confirmed on request.

New Stop Request

If you would like us to consider introducing a new stop, please click on the below link and complete the New Stop
Request Form. New stops will only be considered if there is a broad need, they do not impact adversely with
established routes and are safe for coach/minibus use.

Routes are set with the geographical information of families wanting to use the school transport, coach/minibus
capacity and the time taken to run those routes. Our aim is to provide routes that broadly cover the needs of all
the families that use the service.

Established Bus Routes 2023/24

New Stop Request Form 2024/25
Travel charges are billed at the beginning of term for the term. A half term’s notice is required to change/amend your
child/ward’s travel arrangements. However, as much notice as possible would be appreciated as this would enable us
to bill you correctly for the term rather than having to apply a credit at a later stage. Accounts will be credited for any
complete half term that has been paid for but not used if a full half term notice has been given.

Retrospective credits are not applied for journeys not undertaken, whatever the reason. In the same way you would
not expect to be credited for journeys missed as a season ticket holder on other transport.

Occasional seats for borders are charged at the ad hoc rate. Please contact me on if this
is a requirement.
Parents of flexi/weekly boarders who require school taxi transport should contact Victoria Hall, Head of Boarding

Junior School Transport

We use a mixture of coach hire and our own minibuses. Pupils in Year 3 and above may travel on our minibuses.
Pupils in Year 4 and above may travel on coaches (currently SSB1 and SSB2).
Younger pupils may be able to travel on minibuses/coaches if accompanied by an older sibling in certain
circumstances - we ask that you seek approval for this from the Head of Junior School.

Confirmation of Places
The travel review will begin once the sign-up window closes on Monday 17 June 2024. Places will be allocated on a
first come first served basis with all places, timings and stops being confirmed on email by the end of July 2024.
If you can access one of our established routes, but would like to enquire about a new stop, please complete both
processes to avoid being left with no transport options.

Pupil/Parent Transport Agreement Form

To complete the sign-up process please follow the below link to our Pupil/Parent Travel Agreement form. This form
outlines expected behaviour of Pupils while traveling on school transport, I would be grateful if you could discuss
this document with your child/ward before submitting.

Parent/Pupil Agreement Form 2024/25

I will be in contact again to confirm your child/ward’s place once the travel review is complete in July.

You can contact me on the below email if you need any further information.

Many thanks for your time.

In Friendship

Kate Oldroyd
Senior Administrator and Deputy Head’s Assistant (EVC)

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