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Subject : Nursing Foundation – I

Topic : Bed Making I year

Place :

Date :

Method of Teaching : Lecturer cum Discussion, Demonstration

AV aids : Roller Board, Pamphlet, Leaflets, OHP, LCD

Method of Evaluation : By Assignment

Name of the Student :

Name of the Evaluator :


Every human being wishes to sleep comfortable to make themselves refresh for other activities likewise for bed ridden patient

we have to make their comfort and convenient by doing the refreshing activities or procedure. Can you guess what is the measure to

be taken for make them full comfort? Yes, its non-other than bed making for ridden patient.
General objectives:

The student will be able to acquire knowledge regarding procedure of occupied bed making and develop knowledge, attitude

and skill while taking care of the patient in clinical setting.

Specific objectives:

The student will able to:

 Define carbalization
 List out the disinfectant solution’s ratio
 Explain the procedure of carbalization
 Define bed making
 Explain about purposed of bed making
 Describe the principles of bed making
 Enumerate about general instructions of bed making
 Explain about the nurse’s responsibility of bed making
 Explain about articles needed in bed making
 Enlist the preparation of client in the unit
 Define occupied bed
 Detail about step of procedure in occupied bed
 Briefly explain about after care of patient in the unit

Specific Teachers and Learners

S.No Time Content Avaids Evaluation
Objective activity

1 Define 3 min Definition: Teacher’s Activity:

It is a process of disinfecting the whole Defining the Carbolization
external environment of the patient and Roller What is
rendering if from pathogenic organisms. Learner’s Activity: Board Carbolization?

Listening and taking notes

2 List out the 3 min Disinfectant Solution Ratio: Teacher’s Activity:

ratio for Dettol  1 : 40 Listed out the disinfectant What are the
Carbolization Lysol  1 : 40 solution ratio for Leaflets solutions used for
Phenol  1 : 10 carbolization carbolization?
Savlon  1 : 40
Learners Activity:

Listening and taking notes

3 Explain the 8 min Procedure: Teacher’s Activity:

procedure of
Carbolization 1. Arrange the articles need to the Explained the procedure of How you do the
bed side carbolization OHP carbolization
2. Wash the hands
3. Remove the linen from the bed on
cot properly Learners Activity:
4. Place it over the chair Listening to the class and
5. Switch off the fan taking notes
6. Take the dry duster wipe it first
7. First start it in back side of
8. From top to middle bottom to
middle and far to rear
9. Clean also the bed side locker and
side rails

4 Define bed 3 min Definition of bed making: Teacher’s Activity:

It is the techniques of preparing different Defined bed making Roller What is the
types of bed to making a patient’s Board definition of bed
comfortable in his /her position suitable Learners Activity: making?
for a particular condition
Listening and taking notes

5 Explain about 5 min Purpose of bed making: Teacher’s Activity:

purposes of
bed making To provide the client with a safe and Explained about purposes What are all the
comfortable bed to take rest and sleep. of bed making. OHP purposes of bed
To give to the client is ward is a neat making?
appearance Learners Activity:
To economize time, material and effort Listening the class and
taking notes
To prevent bed sores
To promote cleanliness
To establish an effective nurse patient
To provide active and passive exercise to
the patients
To help the relations to learn to care for
the sick at home

6 Describe the 3 min Principles: Teacher’s Activity:

principle of
Bed making Micro organisms are found everyone on Described the principle of OHP What are all the
the skin, on the articles used by the client bed making principles of bed
and in the environment. The nurse take making?
care to prevent the transfer of micro- Learners Activity:
organisms from the source to the new
host by direct or indirect contact can Listening and taking notes
prevent multiplication of the micro-

7 Describe 5 min General instruction for bed making:

about general Teacher’s Activity:
instructions of Wash hands before and after the Anyone of you
bed making procedure. Described about general LCD explain general
Do not expose the client unnecessarily instruction of bed making instruction of
med making?
Protect the patient from drought
Do not cover the clients face while
flaring the linen
Do not mix clean linen with sorted linen
Never place the woolen blanket next to Learners Activity:
client’s body except the both blanket and
allow the client to let down on the Listening and taking notes
mackintosh without linen.
Shake the linen gently
Do not let linen touch your body or
Maintain good body mechanisms
Makes the bed firm, smooth and
Practice economy of time, energy and
Arrange a bed clothes in such a way that
they allow freedom in the day time but
come over the shoulders at night and the
top linen loose on the feet.

8 Explain about 3 min Nurse’s responsibility in the bed

Nurse’s making (occupied bed) Teacher’s Activity:
responsibility Preliminary Assessment:
of bed making Explained about Nurse’s
Check the doctor’s order for specific responsibility of bed
precaution regarding the movement and making
positioning of the client.
Assess the ability for self care Learners Activity:
Check the furniture and linen available in
the client unit. Listening and taking notes
Assess the number of clean linen needed
Assess the articles needed for the
comfort of the client. eg. Blankets,
backrest etc.

9 List out the 5 min Preparation of Articles:

articles The usual articles in the client unit are: Teacher’s Activity:
Needed for Can you list out
Bed making Cot Listed out the articles Leaflet the articles
Mattress & Pillow Needed for Bed Making Needed for Bed
Chair and stool making
Learners Activity:
Bed side table (or) locker
Mackintosh Listening and taking notes

Articles need for the complete change

of Linen are:
Mattress cover
Two sheets (bottom & top sheets)
Draw sheets
Pillow case
Counter pane
Additional articles needed:
Laundry bag
Ousters (2)
A bowl with Antiseptic lotion

10 Enlist the 3 min Preparation of the patient and unit:

preparation of Teacher’s Activity: Anyone of you
patient in the Explain the procedure to the patient to tell me the
unit win the co-operation & confident of the Enlisted the preparation of preparations of
patient. the patient in unit Pamphlets patient and unit
Explain how the client can assist in the
sequence of the procedure. Learners Activity:
Screen the client to provide privacy (if
needed) Listening and taking notes
Move furniture away from the bed and
move the bed away from the wall
Lower the backrest, if any
Place the laundry bag within the reach
11 Define 3 min Definition of occupied bed: Teacher’s Activity: Roller What is the
occupied bed Defined occupied bed Board definition of
Occupied bed is to make a bed with the occupied bed
client who cannot get out of the bed. Learners Activity:
Listening and taking notes

12 Details about 10 Procedure

steps of min Teacher’s Activity:
procedure is Explain how the patient can assist and LCD Any one of you
the sequence of the procedure. Assemble Details about steps of
occupied bed procedure in occupied bed tell me the
the equipment and arrange the liner procedure?
within the easy reach.
Remove all pillows except one.
Looses the bedding on all sides and
remove the spread and the blanket Learners Activity:
learing the top sheet over the patient. Listening and taking notes
Turn the patient away from you. If the
patient is very ill, care for assistance.
Fanfold the draw sheet to the patient and
push it or close to the client.
Dust the mattress with a dry duster then
raise the mattress with one hand and
clean the cot with a damp duster
Place the clean bottom sheet over the
Mattress making sure that the middle
fold is in the middle of the bed. Half of
the sheet is fanfold and kept near to the
client. Tuck the head and make the
corner’s at the top and bottom and tuck
side or in the open bed.
Bring the mackintosh back into the place
and tuck it tightly under the mattress
place the clean draw sheet over the
mackintosh and tuck the near and under
the mattress. The distal half is folded and
kept near to the patient
Turn the client back over the folded linen
and then towards you. Go to the
appropriate side of the bed.
Remove the soiled lines (bottom sheet
and draw sheet) and put them in the
laundry bag straighten out the bottom
sheet, rubber sheet and draw sheet and
tuck them separately and firmly.
Turn the client back to the middle of the
bed. Place a clean top sheet over the
patient and remove the soiled sheet. Take
care neither to expose the patient now to
cover the face of the client with the top

13 Briefly 5 min After care of the patient, unit and

explain about Teacher’s Activity:
after care of equipment LCD Anyone of you
patient in the Explain about after care of tell me the after
unit 1. Help the client to get into the bed, patient in the unit care of patient in
one corner of the top linen is folded
Learners Activity: the unit
back to let the patient cover with
the top linen
Listening and taking notes
2. Any comfort devices used by the
patient should be replaced

3. See that the whole unit is clean and

dry before you leave the client unit
4. The beds in a general ward should
be arranged in a straight line
5. The bed pans, urinals, sputum cups,
kidney tray etc. lying in the client
unit are to be taken away, emptied,
cleaned and are put back in their
proper places.
The windows and doors should be dusted
to keep them dust free.
- Replace the blanket and spread
over the top sheet and make the bed
or in an open bed.
- Tuck the foot end giving enough
freedom for movement. Use
anyone of the following methods.
- Make a longitudinal box pleat
down the middle of the bed.
- Ask the client to flex the knees
while tucking the top linen
- Place a foot board or cradle at the
foot of the bed.
Put the clean pillow cases and place the
pillows in position and leave the client
comfortable. Replace the comfort devices
in places to give additional comfort to the
patient – Leave the unit in order.
The cupboards are to be dusted and the
articles are to be arranged in order and
awarding to the use.
The water flasks should be washed and
filled with clean water.
The flower vases may be arranged and
The washing sinks if provided in the unit,
should be cleaned with same abaske.
Remove all the unnecessary articles which
are not in use.
Send the laundry bag with the soiled linen
to the laundry. If stains are prevent on the
sheets, remove them by appropriate
methods before it is sent to the laundry.
If there are any blankets, put them in the
sun and disinfect before they are started in
The duster is soaked in anti-septic lotion to
disinfect it & sink it with clean water and
put to dry.
Wash hand thoroughly.
Record in the nurse’s record any
observation made on the patient.


So far we have discussed about the definition, purpose, principles, general instruction, equipment, nurse’s responsibility, steps
after care of the patient about bed making procedure.


Thus from today session you people gained some adequate knowledge of occupied bed making procedure and I help you all
will apply this in your practical session

1. ANNAMA JACOB, “Clinical Nursing procedures the art of Nursing practice” Published by Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd., P.No: 65-69.

2. I.CLEMENT, “A text book of principle of Nursing Procedure”, 2 nd Edition published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
(P) Ltd., P.No: 11-17.

3. Sr. NANCY, “Stephanie’s principles and practice of Nursing”, Volume-I, 6 th edition published by N.R Publishing House India
Pvt Ltd., P.No: 137-148


1. GUPTA SAHU – “Practical Nursing Procedure”, 2 nd Edition, Published by Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.,
P.No. 11-13.

2. ALICE AGUSTINE – “Clinical Nursing Procedure Manual”, 1st Edition, Published by B.I. Publications (P) Ltd.,

3. http//

Write an Assignment on “Roles and Responsibilities of Nurse in Bed making”.

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