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• Main memory of Computer System

• RAM and ROM
• Physical components of Computer.
• Hardware
• Processed data is called as …………
• Information
• Which is not an input device – Keyboard, BCR, Printer,OMR
• Printer
• Computer system consist of both Hardware and Software. T/F
• True
• Full form of CPU
• Central Processing Unit.
• Part of CPU that performs logical operations.
• Set of Programs are called as --------
• Software
• Identify the device type –Speaker
• Output device
• Linux is example of what type of software
• Open source Operating system
• A high speed memory that stores the most frequently accessed data
• Cache Memory
• Primary memory – volatile in nature
• Primary memory – nonvolatile in nature
• Tailor made software is also called as
• Customized software
• Full form of IPO cycle
• Input Process Output
• Predefined collection of codes and functions are a part of …………….
• Software Library
• Program code written by Programmer is called as
• Source Code
• Software that translates source code into machine code is
• Language Processor-Compiler/Interpreter

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