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Subm|tted 1o Maem Ambreen

Presented by:
Abdu| rafay m|rza
A|man Mughn|
A||f|ya Auna||
Anum Durran|


or the past S0 years te|ev|s|ons have p|ayed a huge part |n our ||ves Lveryone
seems to have a te|ev|s|on and |n many cases we have two or three te|ev|s|ons
|n our home Not on|y that we have te|ev|s|on on our computers and on our ce||
phones 1h|s [ust shows that te|ev|s|on cont|nues to change and adapt to the
t|mes Wh||e we may not a|ways have te|ev|s|on as we once knew |t the effect |t
has created on our p|anet |s |mmense 8efore the |nternet came a|ong
te|ev|s|on he|ped to create a g|oba| v|||age and now te|ev|s|on and the |nternet
are [o|n|ng together |nto one amaz|ng med|a beast

History of television
Television was invented in 1930's and it gave both sound and voice to the people.
Radio was invented before television and radio gives voice to the people but television
gave picture.
The natural progression of technology occurred before it in the 1920's radio was the
most popular medium among the masses.

1930's was the time when television technology emerged but it was very expensive not
available for the masses means it was not very common in the society. But the time of
invention of television was the war time in which no further work could be done on that
technology as the factories were only producing Weapons and Food.

The war had the indirect effect on television as no work could be done on television
technology from 1920's to 1945.When the war ended the television technology had a
boost and then television came with a bang. it can be said because
When invention of telephone came it took 50years to reach the 85% of the masses.
When auto-mobiles came they also took 50years time to reach 85% of the masses.

When the television technology invention came it took only
10years to reach 85%

n 1945 television was introduced as a tool of mass. Communication at that time there
were 8000 televisions sets after 5 years there were 10million sets then after 10years
there were 35 million television sets.
n 1960 there were 40 million television sets in the households.

Pakistan Television ,' ~ - ' - - ,, - ; (PTV) started its broadcast in 1964.

t started its work initially from Dhakka and Lahore.

Japan helped Pakistan to start her first television channel for only 3 hours a day.

The First drama on PTV was "Nazraana in which "Qavi Khan played the major role.

Colored broadcast was started in 1982 with a successful drama "Phool walon ki Sair.
By and by PTV stretched its muscles in other cities of Pakistan.

Now PTV is aired in other regional languages as well like Punjabi, Pushto, Sindhi,
Balochi and Saraiki.

unct|ons of med|a

Informat|on lnforms abouL dally ongolng news Also lnforms of lmmedlaLe and
chronlc LhreaLs
lmmedlaLe lncludes Lhe breaklng news news of naLural calamlLles and bomb exploslon
hronlc lnclude LhreaLs of unemploymenL dlseases and so on

Lnterta|nment ln Lhls fasL movlng world enLerLalnmenL ls necessary for all of us

1v ls Lhe mosL used Lool for enLerLalnmenL
hlldren waLch carLoons
Leenagers waLch movles drama muslc shows
Women waLch cooklng channels soaps and dramas
lder men enLerLaln Lhemselves Lhrough varlous laLe nlghL pollLlcal and soclal Lalk shows

Interpretat|on 1v provldes slgnlflcance and meanlngs of lssues by conducLlng shows
and programs

1ransm|ss|on of va|ues and cu|ture 1elevlslon helps people Lo learn abouL
oLher culLures
We geL Lo know of dlfferenL culLures norms and values Lhrough 1v
,ovles show broad culLure
hannels llke naLlonal geographlc show cusLoms and culLures of all over Lhe world
|nkage 1v also creaLes llnk among people and llnks beLween soclal and culLural groups of
Lg A loL of money was generaLed by Lhe rlch for Lhe poor flood vlcLlms lasL year (2011)
A new and another |mportant funct|on of med|a |s surve|||ance
icro-functions of media
A numbei of classic anu iecent meuia theoiies have focuseu on what meuia
usei uoes with meuia, one of the most piominent appioaches has been
Uses and gratification tbeory
Dses and graLlflcaLlon wlnds from an assumpLlon LhaL Lhe lndlvlduals play an acLlve role ln Lhe
communlcaLlon process and are goal dlrecLed ln Lhere medla behavlor
1hls approach also assumes LhaL Lhe needs or moLlves lf an lndlvldual can be graLlfled by alLernaLlve
medla cholces
Several researchers classlfled Lhe varlous uses and graLlflcaLlon lnLo four fold caLegory sysLem
1he user and grat|f|cat|on theory |s the way a person uses med|a to sat|sfy h|s onese|f
our fo|ds of th|s theory are
O ogn|t|on
O D|vers|on
O Soc|a| ut|||ty
O W|thdrawa|


ognlLlon refers Lo Laklng news and lnformaLlon from medla abouL new dlscoverles or
lnvenLlons eLc
ognlLlon ls used Lo saLlsfy a person own curloslLy abouL Lhlngs happenlng around us


ulverslon ls furLher dlvlded lnLo Lhree caLegorles
2 Lmot|ona|
3 ke|axat|on

When a person geLs bored Lhe funcLlon of sLlmulaLlon creaLes or energy
Lg Lrlgger a person Lo do someLhlng very creaLlve as he has [usL waLched on 1v

LmoLlonal dlverslon works for some speclflc sLaLe of emoLlon
When a person goes Lhrough some emoLlonal ups and downs emoLlonal dlverslon helps
a loL
lL wlll work ln parLlcular slLuaLlon
Lg lf a person ls angry Lhen waLchlng an acLlon movle wlll help Lhe person Lo feel

,edla glves a person ouLleL for relaxaLlon
Lg medla ln parLlcular Lelevlslon glves us Lhe opLlon Lo waLch our favorlLe show
wheLher lLs sporLs drama show or anyLhlng whlch makes us feel relaxed

ounse||ng of our own se|ves

Social utility

,edla lndlvldually soclallzes us
Croomlng of person Lhrough medla ls also soclal uLlllLy Lool
lL can soclallze us Lhrough movle arLlcle magazlne eLc


1o lsolaLe one own self from Lhe socleLy
A person uslng medla Lo escape or Lo geL away from any person or any slLuaLlon ls Lhe wlLhdrawal
funcLlon of medla
Lg a person readlng a newspaper whlle someone wanLs Lo communlcaLe wlLh LhaL person

NegatIve Impacts oI teIevIsIon.
Like it or not, we live in a media driven world. We spend 11 hours a day bombarded by
television, radio, Internet, and other Iorms oI media, a non-stop onslaught on the psyche, an ever-
churning series oI images, sound bites, opinions, and advertisements, but precious little
The media provides shared experience, collective memory. UnIortunately, many oI the ideas
we`re exposed to are negative and selI-deIeating. The pervasiveness oI these negative ideas
makes them hard to ignore; easy to internalize.
1. Mindless Consumerism:
The average person is exposed to 247 commercials everyday. Buying things has become reIlex,
due partly to the ideal liIestyle Ilickering on the television: big house, giant SUV, three-car
garage, Ilat-panel television. There`s nothing wrong with enjoying liIe, but are you buying things
to improve your liIe? Or to compensate Ior Ieelings oI emptiness?
Find something to believe in; Iill the void with something real.
2. Poor Body Image:
Never beIore in history have we been surrounded by so many examples oI physical perIection,
shaped by cosmetic surgeons, airbrushed by artists, and distributed by print and video. Remind
yourselI that Iitness is more important than perIection. And while it`s true that people outside
the media are Iatter than ever, even physically Iit individuals struggle with a poor body
image. Yes, attractiveness is an advantage, but your value runs deeper than your appearance,
and those actors don`t look halI as good without make-up and lighting.
. Roaming Eye:
Television gives everyone (men in particular) the idea that the world is overIlowing with
beautiIul, willing sex partners; even iI it`s true (which depends largely upon your own skills with
the opposite sex), that roaming eye, that tendency to want what you don`t have, can be
destructive iI not monitored and controlled. Like all the elements in this list, human nature is the
root here. Remind yourselI that relationships are built upon more than physical attraction.
4. Destructive Communication:
Electronic media brims with insults and anger. On message boards, gentle persuasion has
collapsed beneath the weight oI incivility. In real liIe, victory is seldom obtained with witty one-
liners or rude put-downs. Hone those communication skills. Learn to Persuade without
oIIending. Connect.
5. Clique Mentality:
As iI cliques weren`t prevalent enough, television programs oIten have casts that are socially,
ethnically, and racially homogenous. That`s Iine; it`s Iree enterprise at work, Ior the most part,
and not every story involves a melting pot. I make no bones about it; I`m simply reminding
everyone not to be aIraid oI diversity in the real world.
6. Stereotypes:
As evolved as we believe we are, television is overIlowing with stereotypes: the dumb jock, the
bubble-headed blonde, the geek with a pocket protector, all products oI lazy writing. Most oI us
are smart enough to recognize a stereotype Ior what it is, but I question the subconscious impact
oI such repeated exposure. The best deIense is to remind yourselI that every human being
deserves to be evaluated as an individual, no matter how prevalent or justiIied a stereotype might

7 anger Fixation:
We`re wired to pay attention to danger, which is why the Discovery Channel broadcasts so many
programs that show the world being destroyed by tsunamis, earthquakes, and giant asteroids;
why the news leads with gunIire and bloodshed. Remind yourselI that there are just as many
positive Iorces in the world as negative; your Iocus on the negative is a matter oI personal choice
and perspective.
All media is not bad. Movies in particular can be wonderIul works oI art or much-needed
distractions, and there`s nothing inherently evil about television, radio, print, or the internet;
quite the contrary, all Iorms oI media provide wonderIul channels oI communication.

Watching more television has caused increased in obesity in

Positive impacts of television

Television gives family membeis of all ages an oppoitunity to spenu time
togethei while watching it

aients can use TV to get kius ieauing by getting books on the same subjects.

aients anu chiluien can talk about TV piogiams anu leain.

uucational piogiams can teach new things. To people anu help chiluien to make
new fiienus

ews, cuiient events anu histoiical piogiams can finu out moie about othei
cultuies anu people

ocumentaiies can cieate a pictuie of the woilu in minu which othei meuiums aie
unable to uo it.

ultuial piogiams can show the woilu of music anu ait anu othei cultuial foim so
one can be bettei familiai with otheis cultuies anu can have bettei peispective.

Besiues Tvs othei goou inventions aie vs anu vs. They allow families to
watch specific shows that aie appiopiiate foi the chilu, oi save time by iecoiuing
some shows anu skipping the commeicials when watching them latei without
having to watch commeicials.


Some Tv commeicials maue by onceineu hiluiens tell an impoitant message: Stay fit.
'ause you nevei know. They show chiluien chasing an ice cieam tiuck oi iunning aftei a
game caiu blown away in the winu, situations that make them use theii eneigy.

The people who maue these auveitisements say that they at least want kius to exeisise.
This helps chiluien stay in goou shape. They say that kius in anaua uont uo enough

Safeguard, Lifebuoy, ettol, Surf Excel also makes advertisements to benefit tbe
society Example: wasb your bands before eating witb soap, play out door, belp your
friends and so on

Accoiuing to the anauian Association foi Bealth, hysical uucation, eseaich anu ance
in 0ttawa only % of ,8 schools in anaua have goou uaily .. piogiams.
uucational auvantages
Several sLudles have found LhaL Lelevlslon has many educaLlonal advanLages 1elevlslon can be a very
powerful and effecLlve learnlng Lool for chlldren lf used wlsely
1e|ev|s|on can he|p young peop|e d|scover where they f|t |nto soc|ety deve|op c|oser re|at|onsh|ps
w|th peers and fam||y and teach them to understand comp|ex soc|a| aspects of commun|cat|on
LkAML umlLrl hrlsLakls clLes sLudles ln whlch Lhose who waLched Sesame SLreeL and oLher
educaLlonal programs as preschoolers had hlgher grades were readlng more books placed more value
on achlevemenL and were more creaLlve Slmllarly whlle Lhose exposed Lo negaLlve role models
suffered Lhose exposed Lo poslLlve models behaved beLLer
TV bannels in Pakistan, List of Television Stations
in Pakistan, Satellite able TV bannels Pakistan
Television Sector in Pakistan is now considered among the robust Media Sources oI Pakistan and
is Ilourishing.
There used to be only Three State Owned TV Channels in Pakistan until the year 2001 which
were available only on Terrestrial Network.
With the introduction oI Cable TV System in Pakistan the Electronic Media in Pakistan
was revolutionized.
The Variety oI channels oIIered Ior viewer ship on Cable TV in Pakistan allowed a lot oI New
TV Channels to start their operations in Pakistan.
A Majority oI Pakistani TV Channels are Free to air Satellite Television Stations but some TV
Channels with label oI being Pakistani on them are Encoded so you need to purchase a special
Decoder Receiver in Order to subscribe to those TV Channels.
Pakistani Television Sector is now developed and you have a variety oI TV and Radio channels
to Iollow with quality content.
A lot oI Television Channels who`s Origins are Irom Pakistan have gained a lot oI Iame and
exposure throughout the world Courtesy some brilliant eIIorts by Pakistani People.
Below is a list oI some Television Stations TV channels that are Currently Working within
Pakistan. Some are prominent and are an essential part oI Every Cable TV Network in Pakistan
but some are available only in selected areas.
Pakistan Television Network (PTV)
9aklsLan 1elevlslon neLwork also referred Lo as 91v ls 9aklsLan's sLaLe owned Lelevlslon
neLwork whlch operaLes on boLh LerresLrlal neLwork saLelllLe neLwork
1he wnershlp 8lghLs of 91v are wlLh 1he CovernmenL of 9aklsLan
1here are a number of 1v hannels ln 91v neLwork
Some of Lhe hannels ln 91v neLwork are llsLed below
O 1V nome Lnterta|nment hanne|
O 1V News News hanne|
O 1V G|oba| Lxc|us|ve channe| for overseas ak|stan|s
O 1V Nat|ona| keg|ona| hanne|
O 1V 8o|an 8a|och| anguage hanne|
O AIk 1V Muzaffarabad
O Virtual University Educational TV Network
O Virtual University, also known as VU, is Pakistan`s Iirst University, completely based on
modern inIormation and communication technologies.
O This University OIIers distance Learning to its students. You have a variety oI Lectures
and Video CD`s accessible online on Internet or in the Form CD`s and Other Modern
O Virtual University was established by the Government oI Pakistan as a public sector
institution with a clear mission; to provide extremely aIIordable world class education to
aspiring students all over the country`.
vlrLual DnlverslLy uses freeLoalr saLelllLe Lelevlslon broadcasLs and Lhe lnLerneL Lo
broadcasL knowledge and ourse onLenL across Lhe counLry 9aklsLan
O AAI News
Play TV - Music & Lifestyle channel Air Waves Media (Pvt.) Ltd.
O 1V Cne
O News Cne
O Waseb 1v

ARY Digital Network
O Ak D|g|ta| Lnterta|nment hanne|
O Ak Mus|k Mus|c channe|
O Ak 2auq ood channe|
O Ak News News channe|
O Ak tv ke||g|ous channe|
O A1V Network ak|stan 8us|ness |us
O W|kk|d |us k|ds channe|
O hanne| S News channe|
O |ty 42 News hanne| of ahore
O Dawn News Lng||sh |anguage News channe|
O D|n News
O Dhoom 1V
O DM Digital Network
O Dunya News
Express Media Network
O Lxpress News (Urdu)
O Lxpress 24]7 (Lng||sh)
Eye Television Network
O num 1V
O Masa|a 1V ood channe|
O Sty|e 360 ash|on hanne|
ye - Youth Entertainment and Music Lifestyle Channel

O ||maz|a ak|stan| Mov|es channe|
O ||max Lng||sh Mov|es channe|
O ||m Wor|d
O un 1V
O Good News 1V (urrent|y on 1est 1ransm|ss|on)
eo Television Network
O Aag 1V Mus|c hanne|
O Geo 1V Lnterta|nment hanne|
O Geo News 24 nour News hanne|
O Geo Super Sports channe|

Indus Television Network
O Indus V|s|on
O Indus Mus|c
O Indus News
Kaboom Indus Television Network
O Indus V|s|on
O Indus Mus|c
O Indus News
O G kaboom
O M1V ak|stan
O M1V ak|sta
A Blessing and a urse
Television has the potential to unite communities, provide inIormation to allow positive cultural,
social and environmental change, and to create a true global village. It also has the potential to
alienate, de-socialize, to promote aggressive and negative behaviors, provide negative and
inappropriate role models to our children, and to create negative values such as values oI
consumption and possession.
During the past two decades there has been considerable debate on the issue oI the impact oI
television violence on youth behavior. Many in the television industry deny television's
contribution to youth violence.
The Net-generation reIers to people born between 1977 and 1997. There have been many studies
that identiIy an association between exposure to violence in entertainment and violent behavior,
but these studies do not prove that exposure causes violent behavior. They show that there is a
risk that exposure to media violence will increase the likelihood oI subsequent aggressive
behavior. This risk can be increased or decreased by a large number oI other Iactors. Recent
research into the eIIects oI pornography and violent video/computer games is starting to draw
similar conclusions, although Iindings suggest that pornographic Iilms, especially those
containing violence, can contribute to callous sexual behavior and violence towards women.
The relationship between what we see and what we do is extremely complex. Some oI the more
important variables are context in which violence is portrayed, the age oI the viewer, the sex oI
the viewer, the ability oI the viewer to diIIerentiate between Iantasy and reality, and justiIied and
unjustiIied use oI Iorce.
Violence on television seems to be aIIecting our Ieelings oI saIety within the community. There
is some evidence to suggest that the level oI violence in television programs, Iilms, news, may
have led to an increase in Iear that society is more dangerous than is actually the case.
It is well known that parental inIluence can be a major Iactor in reducing the impact that
television violence will have on children. But parents need to be aware oI this and need to take
the time to know what their children are viewing and, at best, view programs with children in
order to ameliorate the negative impacts Irom such viewing. Parental inIluence can also enhance
the positive impacts oI television, and can allow children to understand social systems and
appropriate behavior more Iully. Parental education and awareness programs will determine how
successIul this approach is.
One option to ensure television viewing is less damaging to children is to have media literacy
education Ior children in all schools. The aim oI this education would be to help children to
critically evaluate the images, which are presented to them on an everyday basis.
II we are concerned about the kind oI television our children are watching, technological
advances such as the 'v-chip' (violence chip) can be programmed to block out unwanted
programs Irom television broadcasts.
Television programming is driven by commercial intent. Television appears to be harmless
entertainment, but the Iunction oI global television is connected with the ideology oI globalizing
capitalism. It appears the commercial intent is Iocused on distraction and cultural reIormation.
Television has a large social cost. Television viewing removes us Irom the physical reality oI our
current lives and oIten Ior extended periods oI time. When we watch television, we stop social
interaction conversation becomes Iractious and partial, iI it continues at all. While we watch
television we miss the verbal interaction that allows Ior sharing, learning and building collective
People's absorption in television results in Iar less time Ior intimate social connectedness, which
is visible not only in the home but in the broader patterns oI community vitality, or social capital.
Social capital is a term used to describe the overall health oI social connectedness
O Feelings oI common purpose,
O Common identity
O Common commitment.
Television viewing has been implicated in the collapse oI positive civic participation in almost
all oI its Iorms. Since healthy communities are characterized by high levels oI social capital and
participation, lack oI positive civic participation indicates and unhealthy communities. This is
declining in civic participation reveals a clear inter-generational shiIt.

Television and culture.
Television changes culture in more ways than we can imagine. In the United States, halI oI the
population now report watching television while eating dinner and more than a third watch while
eating breakIast or lunch. People in the US spend more time watching television than they do
talking with their spouses (Iour to six times more) and playing with their children (an average oI
twenty minutes each day compared with Iour hours oI television viewing). The situation is no
much diIIerent in the UK where 46 percent oI people say that at the end oI a working day all they
want to do is watch television. It is, in Iact, the number one leisure time pursuit in much oI the
developed world.

The Iotore oI Television und the igitul Living Room

Nolody can rcdici 100% wIai iIc fuiurc of iclcvision. Dui ii will form a Iugc
lasis of iIc fuiurc of iIc Inicrnci, Iow wc consumc mcdia, Iow wc
communicaic wiiI fricnds, Iow wc lay gamcs, and Iow wc sIo. Vidco will lc
incirically linlcd io iIc fuiurc of iIc Inicrnci and consumiion lciwccn PCs,
molilc dcviccs, and TVs will mcrgc. Noic iIai NODODY DELIEVES iIcrc will lc
ioial "convcrgcncc"--lui ossililiiy is io lclicvc iIc scrviccs will inicr-ocraic.

TIc digiial living room laiilc will ialc lacc ovcr iIc nci 5-10 ycars, noi jusi
iIc nci 1-2. Dui wiiI iIc iniroduciion of Alc TV, Cooglc TV, iIc Docc Do,
and oiIcr iniiiaiivcs ii's clcar iIai iIis laiilc will Icai u in iIc coming ycars.

TIc fuiurc of iclcvision is a suljcci of grcai inicrcsi.Sccifically, iIc
iccInology uscd io dclivcr iIai conicni, Iow iIai conicni is acccsscd ly
consumcrs and Iow ii is sulsidizcd.

Onc of iIc lig drcams of iIc iccI sci is iIc idca of inicrnci iclcvision. Oncc
your TV is connccicd io iIc inicrnci, you'll lc allc io gci all your inicrnci and
TV conicni in onc lacc. And, lilc iIc inicrnci usually docs, inicrnci TV will
cui oui all iIosc mcddlcsomc middlcmcn lilc TV nciworls and callc
comanics, and lifc will lc grand.
TIai's iIc vision lciwccn Cooglc's amliiious Cooglc TV rojcci, and
lcIind Alc TV.
Dui iIcrc's morc iIai can cIangc iIc gamc. ace book TV.

Consumcrs jusi don'i scc iIc valuc roosiiion of Iaving iIc inicrnci on iIcir
TV. Dui iIcy migIi scc iIc valuc roosiiion of Iaving iIcir fricnds on iIcir
TV can lc a vcry social ccricncc aficr all. TIinl aloui livc cvcnis, or musi-
waicI (i.c. musi-cIai-aloui} TV sIows. Wc cnjoy ialling wiiI our fricnds aloui
grcai siuff on TV. TIai's somciIing consumcrs alrcady do.
So if wc cvcr do gci connccicd io TVs, iIcy migIi noi lc Cooglc TVs, or Alc
TVs. TIcy migIi lc Facc lool TVs.

Some amazing and interesting facts about television
Wor|d kecord of 1e|ev|s|on
lf you Lhlnk LhaL waLchlng Lelevlslon for four hours a day ls Loo long Lhen you should Lalk Lo
Suresh !oachlm a man from Srl Lanka who seL Lhe record for mosL nonsLop Lelevlslon vlewlng
ln hlsLory Suresh waLched nearly Lhree full seasons of Lhe drama 24" sLarrlng klefer
SuLherland WaLchlng lL ln SLockholm Sweden Suresh seL Lhe record ln 2003 when he waLched
an asLonlshlng 69 hours and 48 mlnuLes of Lelevlslon Pow dld he do lL? ApparenLly drlnklng 30
cups of coffee durlng Lhose 69 hours helped a loL
O 1he Lelevlslon adverLlsemenL flrsL broadcasLed on 1sL !uly 1941 ln new ?ork 1he
adverLlsemenL was for 8ulova WaLch for 20 seconds lL was alred before a game of
baseball played beLween Lhe 9hlladelphla 9hlllles and Lhe 8rooklyn uodgers 1he cosL of
alr buy durlng LhaL Llme was only $9

O n !une 1 1946 Lhere were only 10000 Lelevlslon seLs ln Lhe DnlLed SLaLes llve years
laLer Lhere were 12 mllllon
O ln 1948 ,llLon 8erles budgeL for Lhe 1exaco SLar 1heaLer Lhe mosL popular onehour
show on Lelevlslon was $13000 for Lhe enLlre hour 1oday Lhls ls far less Lhan Lhe cosL
of a onemlnuLe Lelevlslon commerclal

O Accordlng Lo Lhe 1elevlslon ode of Decency a beer adverLlsemenL can never show a
person acLually drlnklng beer nexL Llme you see such an adverLlsemenL on Lelevlslon
noLlce LhaL whlle Lhe beer lLself ls promlnenLly dlsplayed Lhe sub[ecL always sLops shorL
of drlnklng lL

O Accordlng Lo Lhe lederal 1rade ommlsslon Lhere are 20000 Lelevlslon commerclals
made each year LhaL are almed excluslvely aL chlldren f Lhese 7000 are for sugared
breakfasL cereals

O ln Lhe 70s more people wlLh an lncome below $3000 a year owned Lelevlslon seLs ln
Lhe DnlLed SLaLes Lhan Lhose wlLh an lncome above $10000

O 8y Lhe Llme Lhe Amerlcan chlld reaches 14 on an average Lhey have seen around 11000
murders on Lelevlslon

O ln 2008 Lhe cosL of 30 seconds adverLlsemenL was $27 mllllon ln Lhe Super 8owl
broadcasL lL ls Lhe world's mosL cosLly alrLlme

O Some counLrles have puL ln measures Lo ensure LhaL Lelevlslon does noL Lake over famlly
llfe lceland does noL allow Lelevlslon programs Lo alr on 1hursdays so LhaL famlly llfe ls
noL dlsrupLed durlng LhaL day

Near|y 36 percent mob||e phone users can now watch the v|deo beamed stra|ght |n the|r
phones and the trend |s st||| r|s|ng

O 9robably Lhe mosL waLched evenL ln human hlsLory Lhough occurred ln 2009 when Lhe
funeral of ,lchael !ackson was vlewed by roughly 27 bllllon people or almosL half Lhe
world's populaLlon

Tbe banging World of Television

1he |argest p|asma te|ev|s|on |n the wor|d |s a whopp|ng 03|nch p|asma te|ev|s|on that |s
made by anason|c If you want th|s te|ev|s|on you better take out a mortgage because |t
pushes the pr|ce tag of 570000 tota|

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