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JOURNAL OF Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No.

4: egaa047
doi: 10.1093/petrology/egaa047

PETROLOGY Advance Access Publication Date: 24 April 2020

Original Article

QEMSCAN as a Method of Semi-Automated

Crystal Size Distribution Analysis: Insights from
Apollo 15 Mare Basalts

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S. K. Bell *, K. H. Joy, J. F. Pernet-Fisher and M. E. Hartley
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
*Corresponding author. Telephone: þ44 1612753406. E-mail:
Received March 27, 2019; Accepted April 6, 2020

Crystal size distribution analysis is a non-destructive, quantitative method providing insights into
the crystallization histories of magmas. Traditional crystal size distribution data collection requires
the manual tracing of crystal boundaries within a sample from a digital image. Although this man-
ual method requires minimal equipment to perform, the process is often time-intensive. In this
study we investigate the feasibility of using the Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANing
electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) software for semi-automated crystal size distribution analysis.
Four Apollo 15 mare basalt thin sections were analysed using both manual and QEMSCAN crystal
size distribution data collection methods. In most cases we observe an offset between the crystal
size distribution plots produced by QEMSCAN methods compared with the manual data, leading to
differences in calculated crystal residence times and nucleation densities. The source of the dis-
crepancy is two-fold: (1) the touching particles processor in the QEMSCAN software is prone to
segmenting overlapping elongate crystals into multiple smaller crystals; (2) this segmentation of
elongate crystals causes estimates of true 3D crystal habit to vary between QEMSCAN and manual
data. The reliability of the QESMCAN data appears to be a function of the crystal texture and aver-
age crystal shape, both of which influence the performance of the touching particles processor.
Despite these limitations, QEMSCAN is able to produce broadly similar overall trends in crystal
size distribution plots to the manual approach, in a considerably shorter time frame. If an accurate
crystal size distribution is required to calculate crystal residence time or nucleation density, we rec-
ommend that QEMSCAN should only be used after careful consideration of the suitability of the
sample texture and average crystal shape.

Key words: crystal size distribution; QEMSCAN; Apollo 15; mare basalt; quantitative petrology

INTRODUCTION from Hawaii, aim to address fundamental processes

Basaltic magmatism is a fundamental planetary-scale such as magma differentiation, magma storage at
process that occurs on terrestrial bodies throughout the depth and timescales, and ascent rates and eruption
Solar System (e.g. Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, styles (Cashman & Marsh, 1988; Mangan, 1990; Vinet &
1981; Cattermole, 1989; Wilson, 2009, 2014), and is re- Higgins, 2010, 2011; Bradshaw et al., 2018). Whereas
sponsible for the creation of ‘secondary’ crust (Taylor, unravelling complex magmatic histories is difficult in
1989; Taylor & McLennan, 2009). The journey a basaltic terrestrial systems, understanding these processes on
magma takes through the crust and during eruptive other planetary bodies in the Solar System has add-
processes has been extensively studied in terrestrial itional challenges. Extra-terrestrial rock samples are
magmatic systems (e.g. Watson & McKenzie, 1991; often of limited size, with little to no field context as to
Sisson & Layne, 1993; Walker, 1993; Hofmann, 1997). the origin of the sample. In some cases, owing to their
Studies of terrestrial magmatic systems, such as those precious nature, analysis of extra-terrestrial samples is

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1
2 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

limited to non-destructive techniques. Therefore, non- Lentz & McSween, 2000, 2005; Day et al., 2006;
destructive petrological analyses of samples with lim- Sarbadhikari et al., 2009; Ennis & McSween, 2014) and
ited sizes are incredibly important tools for the study of eucrite meteorites (Jaret et al., 2008) have also been
magmatic processes on other planetary bodies. studied using CSD analysis.
Crystal size is considered a fundamental property in Crystal size distribution analysis considers the popu-
igneous petrology, from which magmatic processes lation density of a mineral phase within different crystal
such crystal fractionation, accumulation and magma size intervals, providing a measure of processes such
mixing can be inferred (Marsh, 1988). One of the most as fractionation, accumulation and magma mixing
commonly used theories of crystal size distribution (Fig. 1; Marsh, 1998). CSDs are conventionally plotted
(CSD) analysis for geological applications was originally as the natural logarithm of the population density
developed by Randolph & Larson (1971) for use in the against corrected crystal length (Fig. 1). The population
density (mm–4) is the volumetric number density of

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chemical engineering industry. Since then, their theory
has been adapted and used as a non-destructive quanti- crystals within a given crystal length bin width.
tative method for determining the crystallization history Corrected crystal length (mm) refers to measured crys-
of a magma (Cashman & Marsh, 1988; Marsh, 1988, tal lengths that have been converted from two-
1998). The technique has been used in many studies dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) values.
investigating the magmatic histories of terrestrial mag- Linear CSD trends (Fig. 1a) imply that the crystals
matic systems (e.g. Cashman & Marsh, 1988; Higgins & formed during steady-state crystallization (Marsh, 1988)
Chandrasekharam, 2007; Higgins & Roberge, 2007; with a constant cooling rate (Higgins, 2000). The slope
Jerram & Martin, 2008; Jerram et al., 2009; Neave et al., of a CSD graph can be described as
2013, 2014, 2017; Holness, 2014). It has also been
CSD slope ¼ –1=ðGtÞ (1)
applied to lunar meteorites and Apollo samples to dis-
tinguish rocks that are the products of impact melts where G is the crystal growth rate (in mm s–1) and s is a
from volcanic mare basalts (Fagan et al., 2013; Neal measure of the average crystal growth time (seconds),
et al., 2015), identify textural relationships between more commonly referred to as the crystal residence
samples in lava flows (Day & Taylor, 2007), and investi- time. Such relationships are applicable to only straight
gate how magmatic processes may vary across differ- sections of a CSD graph and cannot be applied to
ent regions of the Moon (Hui et al., 2011; Fagan et al., curved trend lines. The y-intercept of a CSD graph is
2013; Donohue & Neal, 2015; Donohue & Neal, 2018). equal to the nucleation density of those crystals within
Other extra-terrestrial materials such as Martian (e.g. the system. Systems that underwent fractionation show

Fig. 1. Schematic CSD graphs showing the trends associated with different magmatic processes (after Neal et al., 2015): (a) linear
cooling; (b) accumulation and fractionation; (c) multistage cooling history; (d) magma mixing. The gradient of a CSD plot is equal to
the negative reciprocal of Gs, where G is the growth rate and s is the crystal residence time.
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 3

curved concave-down trends owing to the removal of intensity from a scanning electron microscope to iden-
larger crystal sizes (Marsh, 1988, 1998). On the other tify the minerals present in the sample based on com-
hand, systems that experienced crystal accumulation parison with a pre-defined mineral database [see
display curved concave-up trends that reflect entrain- Gottlieb et al. (2000) or Pirrie & Rollinson (2011) for a
ment of larger crystals (Marsh, 1988, 1998). Concave-up general overview]. The images produced are particular-
CSD plots coupled with a lack of small crystals can also ly useful because, as well as providing mineralogical in-
be indicative of textural coarsening, a common process formation, textural relationships can also be observed.
in plutonic rocks and some volcanic systems whereby Neave et al. (2017) used QEMSCAN for CSD analysis as
larger crystals grow at the expense of smaller crystals part of a study on plagioclase crystals in a basaltic lava
(e.g. Higgins, 2011). Kinked CSD plots (Fig. 1c and d) from Iceland, and concluded that QEMSCAN-derived
can indicate that the system experienced two (or more) CSDs were able to capture the main features of a manu-
different cooling rates, with macrocrysts forming under ally derived CSD.

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a slower cooling rate than the smaller groundmass Here, we present the first study to explore the use of
crystals (e.g. Higgins, 2006). Magma mixing can also re- QEMSCAN for CSD analysis of extra-terrestrial sam-
sult in kinked CSD trends owing to differences in the ples. We compare manual (i.e. human) and semi-
cooling rates that formed the two crystal populations automated QEMSCAN methods of CSD data collection
(e.g. Marsh, 1988, 1998; Higgins, 1996a, 1996b, 2006). on plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine crystals in four
Traditional CSD data collection methods require the Apollo 15 mare basalt thin sections, to explore whether
manual tracing of crystal boundaries from digital semi-automated processes of data collection may be
images of thin sections or polished rock samples, to de- able to provide a more time-efficient alternative without
termine crystal sizes and shapes. An important aspect loss of information or accuracy. We show that the reli-
of this method is distinguishing between touching crys- ability of QEMSCAN as a method of automated CSD
tals of the same mineral. This is simple to achieve using analysis is dependent on sample texture and crystal
a polarizing microscope or by any other methods that habit, but that QEMSCAN offers an effective non-
depend on crystal anisotropy, such as electron back- destructive, rapid classification method for both Apollo
scatter diffraction. The separation of touching crystals is and other extra-terrestrial samples.
required to produce a crystal map as opposed to a
phase map (Higgins, 2015). Data collected in this man-
ner represent 2D measurements of 3D crystals, and, SAMPLES: THE APOLLO 15 BASALTS
therefore, require conversion to true 3D values (e.g. The thin section samples considered in this study are
Higgins, 1994, 2000). Morgan & Jerram (2006) sug- Apollo 15 mare basalts. Apollo samples are rare and
gested that a minimum of 250 crystals should be used precious; therefore, being able to collect data via non-
for CSD analysis, to produce a reliable estimate of true destructive analytical methods is critical if these sam-
3D crystal shape. Consequently, the manual tracing of ples are to be preserved for future generations (Allen
many thousands of crystals boundaries is often et al., 2011).
required to produce a reliable overview of a particular The Apollo 15 landing site is located on the eastern
thin section. This time-consuming process may take edge of Mare Imbrium (2613222 N, 363386 E) on the
many days or weeks to complete, depending on the size lunar nearside. Two suites of mare basalts, with similar
of the sample and the number of crystals it contains. eruption ages of 335–325 Ga, were collected at this
For instance, Neal et al. (2015) conducted a large study locality. Based on differences in whole-rock major elem-
of more than 70 lunar thin sections requiring the man- ent abundances (FeO, SiO2 and TiO2), the Apollo 15
ual tracing of over 50 000 crystal boundaries. This study mare basalts are subdivided into the quartz-normative
represented 6 years of work by multiple team members (QN) and olivine-normative (ON) suites (Chappell &
to develop a non-destructive method of distinguishing Green, 1973; Rhodes & Hubbard, 1973). The quartz-
impact melts from mare basalts within the Apollo sam- normative samples have bulk SiO2 contents of 47–
ple collection using CSD analysis (see also Oshrin & 49 wt%, 19–20 wt% FeO and 10–20 wt% TiO2 (Rhodes &
Neal, 2009; Hui et al., 2011; Fagan & Neal, 2012; Hubbard, 1973). The slightly younger olivine-normative
Donohue, 2013; Fagan et al., 2013; Donohue & Neal, samples have lower SiO2 concentrations of 44–46 wt%
2018). and comparatively higher bulk FeO (22–23 wt%) and
Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANing TiO2 (2–3 wt%) (Rhodes & Hubbard, 1973).
electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) is a system of auto- The Apollo 15 mare basalts display a wide range of
mated quantitative petrology originally developed for textures including vitrophyric, porphyritic and highly
use in the mining industry. Since then, the technique vesicular samples, with the quartz-normative samples
has successfully been applied in the oil and gas indus- showing a larger textural variability than olivine-
try (Sølling et al., 2014), forensic science (Pirrie et al., normative samples. Within the two suites, samples are
2004), archaeological science (Knappett et al., 2011), further defined as being either parent, cumulate or frac-
and geological research (Neave et al., 2014, 2017). tionate. Parent samples are thought to be representa-
The QEMSCAN system combines energy-dispersive tive of the initial magma composition from which the
spectroscopy (EDS) and backscattered electron (BSE) respective Apollo 15 mare basalt suites differentiated.
4 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

Fractionate samples have chemical compositions that

can be linked to parent magma compositions via the
process of fractional crystallization (i.e. the removal of
crystals from a melt). Cumulate samples are related to
parent magmas via accumulation of crystals, either by
flotation or via crystal settling.
The petrogenetic relationships and eruption histories
of the quartz-normative and olivine-normative suites
remains controversial (Chappell & Green, 1973; Rhodes
& Hubbard, 1973; Lofgren et al., 1975; Ma et al., 1976,
1978; Lindstrom & Haskin, 1978; Ryder & Steele, 1988;
Vetter & Shervais, 1989). Recent major and trace elem-

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ent studies (Schnare et al., 2008) suggest that the two
suites may be related through crystal fractionation. In
this scenario, the quartz-normative suite experienced a
multi-stage cooling history, whereas the olivine-
normative suite predominantly crystallized in shallow
crustal sills and/or in lava flows on the lunar surface
(Ryder & Steele, 1988; Ryder & Schuraytz, 2001;
Schnare et al., 2008). For the purposes of our study, the
important distinction between the two suites is that of a
simple versus a complex magmatic history. If the
olivine-normative samples experienced relatively sim-
ple magmatic histories, then they are expected to ex- Fig. 2. A flowchart outlining the steps involved in CSD analysis
hibit near-linear CSD trends. If the quartz-normative via the manual method (left) compared with QEMSCAN (right).
(See text for details.)
samples underwent a more complex magmatic history,
their CSDs are expected to exhibit signatures of mag-
via the FEI MAPS software, using a single frame and a
matic processes such as fractionation and accumula-
dwell time of 10 ls at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV.
tion. To thoroughly compare manual and automated
Each sample map is a montage of 1 mm tiles mapped at
CSD methods, a range of samples were selected to in-
resolution of 1024  884 pixels, resulting in a 098 lm
corporate as many potential CSD trends as possible.
per pixel scale. The BSE maps were saved as .tif files
Our wider goal is to use CSD analysis to quantify proc-
and at no stage in the process were the images com-
esses of magma storage and transport in the Apollo 15
pressed or rotated. Instrument error was negated as
magmatic plumbing system and to understand the
much as possible by producing all BSE maps using the
petrogenesis of the olivine-normative and quartz-
same instrument under the same operating conditions.
normative suites.
Four Apollo 15 mare basalt thin sections were con- Each map was visually inspected to ensure individual
sidered in this study: 15597,18 (QN, parent); 15125,6 frames were adequately stitched together. If inconsis-
(QN, parent); 15475,15 (QN, fractionate); 15555,209 (ON, tencies were found with the stitching of the BSE map,
parent). These samples were selected to reflect the then the samples were re-imaged. Full-resolution BSE
range of crystal shapes, sizes and textures within the maps of each sample were uploaded to a data reposi-
Apollo 15 mare basalt collection. tory and can be accessed via the link doi:10.17632/

METHODS Crystal tracing

All samples were analysed using the data reduction Each BSE map was imported into CorelDraw X6, at full
processes summarized in Fig. 2. Thin sections were pre- resolution. Crystal outlines of the mineral(s) in question
pared at the NASA Johnson Space Center Apollo (i.e. plagioclase, olivine and pyroxene) were manually
Curatorial labs, then imaged optically using plane- and traced from the BSE maps (Fig. 3). Optical images of the
cross-polarized light at the University of Manchester be- thin sections, taken under plane- and cross-polarized
fore being carbon coated. light, were used to determine the boundaries between
touching crystals of the same mineral. The smallest re-
Manual CSD calculation solvable crystals were those with an area of four pixels
Image acquisition (4 lm2); crystals below this size could not be reliably
Backscattered electron (BSE) maps of each sample identified. Crystals that intersected the perimeter of the
were collected using a FEI QUANTA 650 field emission thin section were not included in the analysis as they do
gun (FEG) scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the not represent true 2D crystal lengths. For the same rea-
University of Manchester. The BSE maps were collected son, crystals that were bisected (i.e. cut) by large cracks
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 5

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Fig. 3. An example of the manual tracing of crystals in sample 15555,209. (a) A BSE map and (b) traces (and coloured fill) of pyrox-
ene and olivine crystals. Black areas in (a) are voids within the sample.

or fractures were also excluded. In samples where >08 to be reliable representations of true 3D crystal
CSDs of more than one mineral could be produced, dif- habits.
ferent layers were used to trace each mineral phase The 3D crystal shape parameters are important
separately. Each layer was saved as a separate .tif file when stereologically converting 2D crystal lengths into
keeping the same resolution as the original BSE map. 3D lengths using the program CSDcorrections v1.50
(Higgins, 2000). Crystal habit estimates from CSDslice,
along with total measured area (mm2), roundness
Image processing in ImageJ
(0–10) and measured major and minor crystal lengths
Images of the traced crystal boundaries were imported
(mm) were input into CSDcorrections to calculate CSDs
into ImageJ version 1.51 for analysis (Abràmoff et al.,
using corrected 3D crystal sizes. Resulting CSD plots
2004). The Analyse Particles function was used to calcu-
show the natural logarithm of the population density
late the following parameters: crystal coordinates
(mm–4) against corrected crystal length (mm).
(X and Y), area (mm2), roundness (0–10), major and
Crystal lengths were sorted into size bins with five
minor axis length (mm). Data were exported as
bins per decade, which is the optimal number when
Microsoft Excel worksheets (.xls), as well as using the
using CSDcorrections to avoid errors associated with
CSD output plugin to save data as .csd files for use in
too few crystals in each bin (Higgins, 2000). The error
CSDcorrections v1.50 (Higgins, 2000). Image data qual-
associated with population density is a combination of
ity was ensured throughout the data handling process
three principal sources (Higgins, 2000). The first is a
by repeating exactly the same steps for each of the
statistical counting error, which is equal to the square
samples in question.
root of the number of crystals within a particular size
interval. The second is a systematic error that arises as
CSD calculation a result of the stereological conversion of 2D short and
To produce a CSD plot, the 2D data collected from the intermediate axes to true 3D crystal lengths. Owing to
images must be converted into true 3D values. The first the often irregular shapes of natural crystals, the third
step in the conversion process is to evaluate the 3D source of error is associated with shape probability
habit of the crystals within the sample. Estimates of 3D parameters that are calculated for idealized crystal
crystal habit were calculated using the Microsoft Excel shapes. The overall influence of each error on the popu-
macro CSDslice (Morgan & Jerram, 2006). In CSDslice, lation density is dependent on the magnitude of the size
measured 2D minor and major crystal axis length data interval and/or the number of crystals within it. For in-
from ImageJ are compared with a database of 2D crys- stance, the counting error is more significant in large
tal shapes. Using a linear regression, CSDslice provides size bins that contain a small number of crystals.
a list of the top five best-fit estimates of the ratios be- Uncertainties exist as to how to accurately quantify the
tween the short (x), intermediate (y) and long (z) crystal errors associated with the shape probability parameters
dimensions, based on the input 2D data. Each crystal and the conversion to 3D crystal lengths (Higgins,
habit ratio is also given an R2 value, a statistical meas- 2000). Therefore, error bars calculated using CSD cor-
ure of how close the 2D data lie to the fitted regression rections are considered to be minima, as they are calcu-
line. Morgan & Jerram (2006) considered R2 values of lated using the counting error only.
6 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

From start to finish, the manual derivation of a crys- Although every effort has been made to include as
tal size distribution took on average 30–70 h per thin many relevant minerals within the lunar SIP list as pos-
section, depending on the number of crystals within sible, this list is by no means exhaustive. Even major
the thin section (Supplementary Data Table S1; phase minerals such as plagioclase, pyroxene and oliv-
supplementary data are available for downloading at ine have wide ranges of potential compositions, all of The process which may not be present within the SIP list. Therefore,
is, thus, very labour-intensive. the ability of QEMSCAN to correctly assign each pixel
to a mineral phase is dependent on the range of miner-
QEMSCAN CSD calculation als included in the SIP list. As measurements are taken
Image acquisition from the centre of each pixel, it is also possible to hit
The FEI QEMSCAN at the University of Manchester grain boundaries, which produce a mixed signal. Often
operates using the QUANTA 650 FEG SEM, equipped these pixels are designated as unclassified unless there

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with a single Bruker XFlash energy-dispersive X-ray is a SIP file corresponding to a mixture of the two min-
spectrometer (EDS), at an accelerating voltage of 25 kV erals (e.g. 50:50 quartz:plagioclase). Problems with min-
and a 10 nA beam current. This set-up was used to col- eral identification can also arise if a sample has
lect data in field scan mode, which produces full images undergone any form of alteration. This is not an issue in
of each field of the sample block to produce both quali- this study as Apollo 15 mare basalts are pristine; how-
tative major element chemical maps and a mineral map ever, alteration may be an important factor for other ter-
of the full thin section. The QEMSCAN uses a combin- restrial and extra-terrestrial samples.
ation of EDS and BSE brightness to identify the miner- Mineral phase maps of each sample were acquired
als present within the sample (Gottlieb et al., 2000; using step sizes (i.e. pixel sizes) of 5, 10 and 20 lm to
Pirrie & Rollinson, 2011). Using BSE brightness, areas understand the effect of resolution on the final CSD ana-
of the sample that contain minerals as opposed to the lysis. Full-resolution QEMSCAN phase maps of each
mounting material (i.e. epoxy) are initially identified. sample were uploaded to a data repository and can be
Areas that contain only the mounting material are con- accessed via the link doi:10.17632/rh37cdm9hv.1. All
sequently excluded from further analysis to reduce maps were classified in the iExplorer QEMSCAN soft-
scan times. To ensure minerals are correctly identified, ware using the full lunar SIP list, and then using a sim-
BSE brightness is calibrated using homogeneous plified secondary SIP list. The secondary SIP list is
quartz, copper and gold standards. During sample ana- customized to group minerals together; for example,
lysis EDS spectra were acquired using 1000 counts per augite and pigeonite are grouped as ‘pyroxene’. Owing
pixel, measured at a point in the centre of the pixel. The to the chemically zoned nature of crystals in the major-
distance between each measurement is known as step ity of our samples, the implementation of a secondary
size, and is equivalent to the pixel size of the resulting SIP list makes data processing faster for CSD analysis.
mineral phase map.
To assign a mineral based on the measured spec- Mineral map analysis
trum, the data are compared with the Species After applying the secondary SIP list, all mineral phase
Identification Protocol (SIP), a list of pre-defined mineral maps were analysed in the same way using functions
definitions. SIP files include ‘optional’ and ‘must have’ known as processors found in the QEMSCAN iExplorer
elemental ranges, BSE brightness and X-ray count rate software. The granulator processor was used to extract
thresholds. Element peaks from the EDS spectra at each crystals of a specified mineral from a mineral map
point are matched by comparing the relative heights of (Fig. 4), dismissing particles of any other mineral spe-
the measured peaks against the standard peak heights cies. The granulator displays only occurrences of the
stored within the mineral SIP file. Element proportions mineral specified by the user. The granulator will not,
are reported in the software as a percentage out of a however, separate two crystals of the same mineral that
total of 125 % to account for low counting statistics. are touching. To separate touching crystals, the touch-
Each pixel is assigned to a mineral on a first match ing particles processor is required. The algorithms used
basis when the all of the conditions outlined in a SIP file in the touching particles processor look for abrupt
have been met by the data. Customization of the SIP list changes in the direction of the particle boundary,
allows users to adjust the mineral database to be more known as cusps. An A* path algorithm is then used to
suitable for the samples being analysed. In this study determine the path between two cusps with the lowest
we created a SIP list tailored towards lunar samples, cost, taking into account distance, mineral chemistry
referred to hereafter as the lunar SIP list. It excludes and filters based on features such as particle roughness
many of the mineral SIP files stored in the master data- and particle feature size (M. Owen, personal communi-
base provided by FEI, such as hydrous minerals or cation). A 3  3 erosion is then used to separate the par-
metalliferous ore minerals. This allows for a more effi- ticle composed of touching crystals into individual
cient mineral assignment process and accurate mineral crystals (M. Owen, personal communication).
identification, based only on minerals commonly found When combined, the two processors allow individual
in lunar and extra-terrestrial samples. crystals of a particular mineral to be separated and
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 7

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Fig. 4. Example of the data processing using iExplorer: (a) field scan of sample 15125,6 at 5 lm step size, classified using the lunar
SIP list; (b) the same field scan reclassified using a simplified secondary SIP list; (c) data processing using the granulator tool; (d)
additional data processing using the touching particles tool; (e) an example of how touching particles are separated using the
touching particles processor.

displayed (Fig. 4). The images of the separated crystals From start to finish, derivation of a crystal size
were then exported at full spatial resolution (i.e. 5, 10 distribution using QEMSCAN, including processing
and 20 lm per pixel) as .tif files, which can then be dir- time in iExplorer, took on average 35–22 hrs, depending
ectly imported into ImageJ for processing (Fig. 2). For on the size of the sample and the step size used
reasons outlined in the discussion section, crystals less (Supplementary Data Table S1).
than four pixels in area were removed from the
QEMSCAN datasets following ImageJ analysis, with the
exception of 15125,6 from which crystals with areas RESULTS
less than 5 pixels were removed. The 2D QEMSCAN Backscattered electron images and QEMSCAN mineral
data were then processed using CSDslice and maps (secondary SIP list at 5 lm step size) of each thin
CSDcorrections following the same method as section are shown in Fig. 5 (doi:10.17632/rh37cdm9hv.1).
described for the manually collected data (Fig. 2). Sample 15597,18 (Fig. 5a and e) is vitrophyric, domi-
Processed data (i.e. with crystals <4 pixels in area nated by acicular pyroxene crystals in a glassy matrix.
removed) collected at 5, 10 and 20 lm step sizes are Pyroxene crystals in 15597,18 are up to 1 mm in length.
hereafter denoted as Q5, Q10 and Q20. Whereas 15125,6 has a similar vitrophyric texture to
8 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

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Fig. 5. Backscattered electron maps (a–d) and QEMSCAN mineral maps (e–h) of samples: (a, e) 15597,18; (b, f) 15125,6; (c, g)
15475,15; (d, h) 15555,209. The scale is the same in all images. Black areas in (a)–(d) are voids within the sample. The QEMSCAN
mineral maps shown here are all field scans taken using a 5 lm step size and the simplified secondary SIP list. The legend shows
the main minerals present in these samples. QEMSCAN mineral maps using the full lunar SIP list at 5, 10 and 20 lm step sizes are
provided in Supplementary Data Fig S1–S4.

15597,18, it contains skeletal olivine crystals (3 %) plagioclase crystals (Fig. 5c and g). Minor amounts of
along with pyroxene phenocrysts (005–3 mm), set in a chromite can be found in both 15125,6 and 15597,18.
microcrystalline matrix of needle-like pyroxene and Sample 157475,15 has a porphyritic texture with
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 9

Table 1: Crystal size distribution data for the Apollo 15 mare basalts

Sample Mineral Area (mm2) Method No. of crystals Crystal R2 CSD intercept Residence
shape (x:y:z) time (days)

15597,18 pyroxene 6168 Manual 6869 1:125:55 0810 906 53–343

Q5 5925 1:13:19 0854 1285 10–83
Q10 4228 1:125:19 0909 1008 41–296
Q20 3058 1:15:20 0887 880 42–83
15125,6 pyroxene 5912 Manual 1630 1:14:50 0863 743 64–397
Q5 19 332 1:15:28 0722 1487 10–304
Q10 4445 1:15:28 0846 1225 19–331
Q20 558 1:14:24 0883 898 41–136
15555,209 pyroxene 23528 Manual 1130 1:14:28 0784 542 65–336
Q5 5758 1:14:25 0833 1127 13–248

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Q10 3201 1:15:20 0884 808 47–373
Q20 2027 1:15:21 0872 767 58–546
15555,209 olivine 23528 Manual 1716 1:125:19 0888 671 37–131
Q5 17 827 1:14:22 0864 1298 6–66
Q10 6699 1:15:21 0869 1131 10–90
Q20 2735 1:15:20 0864 878 21–90
15475,15 plagioclase 8692 Manual 953 1:18:80 0808 705 62–2734
Q5 2587 1:16:36 0800 1020 33–368
Q10 1671 1:15:30 0888 848 66–324
Q20 1074 1:15:30 0864 703 112–342

subhedral pyroxene phenocrysts up to 45 mm in length Crystal habit estimates calculated using CSDslice
(Fig. 5c and g) in a matrix of sub-ophitic plagioclase and (Morgan & Jerram, 2006) differ between the manual
smaller anhedral pyroxene. It also contains minor and QEMSCAN data. In the case of 15597,18, 15125,6
amounts of ilmenite, chromite and silica. Sample and 15475,15, the long axis (z) estimates are larger for
15555,209 is porphyritic with phenocrysts of pyroxene the manual data compared with Q5, Q10 and Q20
up to 3 mm in length and olivine up to 15 mm in length, (Table 1). For example, the manual data for 15475,15 re-
set in a plagioclase matrix (Fig. 5d and h). It contains turn a long axis ratio estimate of 80, compared with
minor chromite, ilmenite and silica. The crystal size of 30–36 for the QEMSCAN data. Less variation is seen in
15555,209 is the coarsest of the samples included in this the intermediate (y) value estimates calculated for the
study. manual and QEMSCAN data. In all but two cases
Mineral maps using the full lunar SIP list for each (15125,6 Q5 and 15555,209 manual pyroxene), the R2
sample at 5, 10 and 20 lm step sizes can be found as values for crystal habit estimates are >08 and would be
Supplementary Data Figs S1–S5. Examples of images considered to be reliable estimates of 3D crystal habits
produced by the iExplorer software, after using the according to Morgan & Jerram (2006).
granulator and touching particles processors, are The CSD plots produced via manual and QEMSCAN
shown in Supplementary Data Fig. S5. data collection methods are shown in Fig. 6, where Q5,
Crystal size distribution analysis data are presented Q10, and Q20 refer to QEMSCAN data collected at step
for each of the four samples in Table 1. The number of sizes of 5, 10 and 20 lm respectively. Pyroxene crystals
crystals traced during manual data collection varies sig- were measured in samples 15597,18 and 15125,6.
nificantly from the number of crystals identified by Although olivine is also present in 15125,6, there are
QEMSCAN at each of the three step sizes. For 15597,18, not enough crystals (n < 250) to produce a reliable CSD.
more crystals were identified by manual tracing than by In 15475,15 only plagioclase crystals were measured,
QEMSCAN, with about twice as many crystals in the and in 15555, 209 both olivine and pyroxene crystals
manually traced data compared with Q20. Conversely, were measured. The manual data for 15597,18, 15125,6
QEMSCAN identified more crystals of both pyroxene and 15475,15 all show concave-up CSD trends. Olivine
and olivine in 15555,209 than the manual data, by up to a and pyroxene crystals in 15555,209 show more pro-
factor of 10. Plagioclase in 15475,15 shows similar trends nounced concave-up trends than the other samples,
in the number of crystals, with Q5 identifying double the with the change in gradient from steeper to shallower
number of crystals compared with the manual datasets, occurring at a crystal length of 1 mm for pyroxene and
and the number of crystals identified at Q20 being clos- 075 mm for olivine. In all samples apart from
est to the manual values. The largest variation in the 15555,209, the manual CSD data trends extend to larger
number of crystals identified is between the manual and crystal lengths than the QEMSCAN data. This is most
Q5 data for pyroxene in 15125,6. In every dataset the pronounced in 15475,15, where maximum crystal
number of crystals exceeds the recommended minimum lengths are <3 mm for Q5, Q10, and Q20, but the max-
value of 250 crystals needed for both robust CSD ana- imum corrected crystal length for the manual data is
lysis and crystal shape analysis from a 2D section (Mock 9 mm (Fig. 6). Crystals up to 12 mm in length are
& Jerram, 2005; Morgan & Jerram, 2006). observed in the 15125,6 manual data; however, this size
10 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

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Fig. 6. Crystal size distributions for (a) pyroxene in 15597,18, (b) pyroxene in 15125,6, (c) plagioclase in 15475,15, (d) pyroxene in
15555,209 and (e) olivine in 15555,209. For each sample the plots show CSDs for data collected manually (Manual, black circles)
and using QEMSCAN at step sizes of 5 lm (Q5, blue diamonds), 10 lm (Q10, green triangles) and 20 lm (Q20, red squares). Crystals
<4 pixels in size were removed from the Q5, Q10 and Q20 datasets prior to processing. Error bars represent a minimum error as
calculated by CSDcorrections (see text for details) and in most cases the symbol is larger than the error bar. The x- and y-axes vary
in size frame to frame. Size bins containing fewer than three crystals were not used to derive the CSD trends but are plotted here as
grey symbols.

bin is not considered during further processing as it have been calculated using terrestrial basalts collected
contains fewer than three crystals. from the Kilauea eruptions in Hawaii. Plagioclase and
At 5, 10 and 20 lm step sizes, QEMSCAN-derived pyroxene growth rates are an average of the experimen-
CSDs generally plot within error of each other (Fig. 6), tally derived values of Burkhard (2005), conducted under
but collectively they deviate from the trend of the man- atmospheric conditions (see Electronic Appendix 1). The
ual data in all samples except 15555,209. For the small- olivine growth rate from Borell & Kilinc (2012) was
est crystal size bins, the manual data plot closer to and solved using CSD theory on basalts with known growth
sometimes within error of the Q5, Q10 and Q20 data; rates and residence times for plagioclase, which crystal-
however, the QEMSCAN data deviate from the trend of lized from the same melt as the olivine. We acknowledge
the manual data as crystal length increases, plotting at that growth rates based on terrestrial samples are not
lower population densities and maintaining a steeper able to completely replicate lunar conditions. However,
gradient. Sample 15555,209 is the only sample for as crystal residence times can be used to interpret mag-
which the manual trends plot within error to the matic processes, the use of growth rates in this study is
QEMSCAN-derived trends, particularly Q5 for olivine merely to highlight any differences in calculated crystal
and Q10 for pyroxene. residence times calculated using manual versus
The y-intercept of a CSD plot corresponds to the nu- QEMSCAN-derived data.
cleation density (mm–4) of the mineral of interest within Table 1 shows the range of calculated residence
the magmatic system. The values for CSD y-intercept in times (in days) for each CSD plot. As residence times
Table 1 are generally lower for the manual data com- can only be calculated using straight segments of a
pared with the QEMSCAN data. CSD plot, gradients were measured across the shallow-
Residence times were calculated for each CSD plot est and steepest portions of the CSD to give an estimate
(Marsh, 1988) using growth rates for plagioclase of maximum and minimum residence times. Pyroxene
(1309  10–8 mm s–1), pyroxene (1797  10–8 mm s–1) residence times (measured in 15597,18, 15125,6 and
and olivine (3162  10–9 mm s–1) based on values that 15555,209) calculated using the manual data generally
have previously been used in CSD analysis of mare return higher minimum and maximum residence time
basalts (Neal et al., 2015). These crystal growth rates estimates than the corresponding QEMSCAN data.
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 11

Lower residence time estimates for pyroxene range three step sizes. The exception to this was sample
from 10 days (15597,18 Q5 and 15125,6 Q5) to 65 days 15125,6, which has a fine-grained groundmass with a
(15555,209 manual). Upper residence time estimates for feathery texture. In this case, we increased the min-
pyroxene vary from 83 days (15597,18 Q5 and Q20) to imum crystal area threshold to five pixels to obtain a
546 days (15555,209 Q20). For plagioclase in 15475,15, more reliable 3D crystal shape estimate.
the upper residence time estimate using the manual We stress that the minimum crystal size in a
data is at least seven times greater than the largest QEMSCAN CSD analysis should not simply be equal to
QEMSCAN-derived residence time. The lower residence the step size at which the sample was scanned. We rec-
time estimate using the manual data falls within the ommend, at minimum, that crystals smaller than four
range of the lower estimates from QEMSCAN data. The pixels in area should be excluded from CSD analyses of
residence times of olivine in 15555,209 using the man- QEMSCAN datasets. An assessment should be made
ual data are in broad agreement with those calculated on a sample-by-sample basis as to whether this min-

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from the QEMSCAN data. Lower estimates of olivine imum should be increased based on the texture of the
residence times are all in the range of <40 days. The sample.
upper estimates of olivine residence times for the man-
ual, Q5, Q10 and Q20 data are of the order of 66– Edge crystals
131 days. When gathering the manual CSD data, any crystals that
intersect the edge of the sample, hereafter referred to
as edge crystals, were not traced. This is because they
DISCUSSION do not represent the true 2D length of a crystal, as they
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of have been randomly cut at the boundary of the thin sec-
QEMSCAN for automated CSD data collection, with a tion. Whereas it is easy to distinguish and exclude these
particular focus on precious samples for which there from the manual data, it is not currently possible to
are few, small thin sections available. The manual data automatically exclude edge crystals from QEMSCAN
collection method for CSD analysis is a time-consuming data using processors in iExplorer software. To explore
process requiring the tracing of hundreds of crystal whether the inclusion of edge crystals in the QEMSCAN
boundaries, whereas QEMSCAN offers the potential to data contributes to the disparities between the
dramatically reduce the user input and hours required QEMSCAN and manual CSD trends, edge crystals were
to perform the analysis. In a broader sense, QEMSCAN manually removed from 15597,18 Q5 in iExplorer and
is a non-destructive method of analysis for the rare and the dataset was reprocessed through CSDslice and
precious extra-terrestrial samples of limited mass. CSDcorrections (referred to as Q5-E). Sample 15597,18
Below we discuss some of the challenges inherent in was selected for this comparison as the QEMSCAN data
CSD data collection using QEMSCAN, and the potential showed the most variability from the manual results
limitations these factors may have on the reliability of (Fig. 6a). For a thorough comparison, edge crystals
this method. from this sample that were originally excluded during
manual tracing were subsequently traced and added to
Establishing a minimum crystal size the manual dataset (referred to as ManualþE), which
A proportion of crystals gathered and separated using was then compared with the Q5 data.
QEMSCAN are represented by a single pixel; that is, a The trend of the 15597,18 Q5 CSD plot shows min-
square crystal with dimensions equal to the step size. imal changes when edge crystals are removed (Fig. 7),
Owing to the excitation volume of the QEMSCAN meas- hereafter referred to as Q5-E. The Q5-E trend generally
urement relative to the crystal size, they are not repre- falls within error of the Q5 trend and is marginally
sentative of the true size or shape of the detected closer to replicating the manual data. This suggests that
crystal phase. As such, single pixel crystals could be including edge crystals in the QEMSCAN data does not
considered equivalent to noise within the image. make a substantial contribution to the offset between
To determine at what size (total area in pixels) crys- Q5 and the manual data. This finding is in agreement
tals cease to be regarded as noise and start to represent with Higgins (2006), who stated that edge effects can be
a true crystal population, raw data for each sample at 5, ignored in samples with a large number of crystals. In
10 and 20 lm step sizes were processed through addition, the minor difference between the trends of the
CSDslice while sequentially increasing the threshold for Q5 data and Q5-E data highlights that if QEMSCAN
the minimum crystal size (Electronic Appendix 2). For could perfectly reproduce a manual CSD, the inclusion
all but one of the samples in this study we obtained of edge crystals should make very little difference to the
consistently reliable 3D crystal shapes (with R2 values overall CSD trend.
>08) when crystals smaller than four pixels in area
were excluded from the CSDslice calculation CSDslice 3D crystal habit estimate
(Supplementary Data Fig. S6). Therefore, we impose an Obtaining a true 3D estimate of crystal habit from
optimal minimum crystal area threshold of four pixels CSDslice (Morgan & Jerram, 2006) is crucial, as this is
for samples 15597,18, 15475,15 and 15555,209 at all the basis from which stereological conversions are
12 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

derived from subtleties within the data which result in

CSDslice estimating different crystal habits. One possi-
bility is that the crystal shapes collected using
QEMSCAN are more rectangular and blocky because
they are collected at lower resolution than the manual
data. The more tabulate nature of these crystal shapes
would in turn make it easier for CSDslice to produce a
crystal habit estimate as opposed to the more acicular
shapes in the manual dataset.
To negate issues surrounding 3D crystal habit esti-
mates, some studies employ a method of CSD analysis
without using stereological conversions (e.g. Neave

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et al., 2014, 2017). Plots of our data using this non-
stereologically corrected CSD method are not
considered here, but can be found in Supplementary
Data Fig. S7.

Separation of crystals using QEMSCAN

Fig. 7. Crystal size distributions replotted to show the effect of The granulator processor was used in the QEMSCAN
including or excluding edge crystals from both the manual and iExplorer software to separate each particular mineral
processed Q5 data for pyroxene crystals in 15597,18. The plot (i.e. plagioclase, pyroxene or olivine) from the rest of
shows CSDs for data collected manually (Manual, black circles)
and using QEMSCAN at step size of 5 lm (Q5, black diamonds).
the mineral map (Fig. 4c). The touching particles pro-
Crystals <5 pixels in size were removed from the Q5 dataset cessor was then used to separate crystals in contact
prior to processing. The suffix ‘þE’ is used to denote that these with each other, to produce an image of all the individ-
CSD plots were processed including edge crystals with the
ual crystals of a particular mineral within the sample.
manual data (ManualþE, purple circle). The suffix ‘-E’ is used
to denote that these CSD plots were processed excluding edge The ability of the touching particles processor to cor-
crystals from the Q5 data (Q5-E, purple diamonds). It should be rectly identify and separate individual crystals is critical
noted that error bars represent a minimum error as calculated if reasonable crystal habits are to be calculated in
by CSDcorrections (see text for details) and in most cases the
symbol is larger than the error bar. CSDslice.
The lengths, areas and aspect ratios of the crystals in
made in CSDcorrections (Higgins, 2000). Manually col- the manual and QEMSCAN datasets show differences
lected data often produce a larger estimate for the long suggestive of larger elongate crystals in the QEMSCAN
axis of crystal length than the QEMSCAN data (Table 1). being segmented and split into multiple smaller crystals
To explore the effect of crystal habit estimate on the by the touching particles processor. Figure 9 shows
manual and QEMSCAN CSD trends (Fig. 6), all four variations in crystal length, area and aspect ratio for
datasets for each sample (manual, Q5, Q10 and Q20) pyroxene in 15125,6. The same graphs for the
were reprocessed using the same crystal habit esti- remaining samples are shown in Supplementary Data
mates (Fig. 8). By removing the variability in CSDslice Figs S8–S11.
crystal habit estimates, we can more effectively com- The percentage of pyroxene crystals in the manual
pare the raw QEMSCAN data with the manually col- data with relatively long lengths (>03 mm) and large
lected data. areas (>005 mm) is consistently higher than in the Q5,
We reprocessed each CSD using a calculated Q10 and Q20 data for 15597,12 (Fig. 9). Differences be-
weighted average of the CSDslice crystal habit esti- tween the manual and QEMSCAN data are also shown
mates for Q5, Q10, Q20 and manual data. Each crystal when plotting average aspect ratio against the square
shape estimate was weighted based on its correspond- root of the crystal area (Fig. 9). For both length and
ing R2 value (Electronic Appendix 1); however, this area, the variation in total crystal percentage between
made very little difference as the R2 values in most manual and QEMSCAN is small, at 1–3 %. However,
cases were similar and above 08. When CSDs are cal- these results show a consistent discrepancy between
culated using a single crystal habit estimate, all of our the raw manual and QEMSCAN datasets, which is not
samples show manual and QEMSCAN CSDs within influenced in any way by processing in CSDslice. In the
error of each other. This suggests that the raw data col- case of 15125,6, there are larger crystals with relatively
lected using QEMSCAN are broadly comparable with high average aspect ratios in the manual data, which
the manual data. If the QEMSCAN data were vastly dif- are missing from the QEMSCAN data (Fig. 9). For crys-
ferent from the manual data, this would be reflected in tals within a single size bin, the QEMSCAN data often
the CSD plots even if calculated using the same crystal show lower average aspect ratios than the manual data,
habit estimate. Therefore, the differences between the and there is a systematic decrease in average aspect
manual and QEMSCAN CSD plots in Fig. 6 must be ratio between the Q5, Q10 and Q20 datasets. This
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 13

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Fig. 8. Crystal size distributions replotted using the same crystal habit estimates for (a) pyroxene in 15597,18, (b) pyroxene in
15125,6, (c) plagioclase in 15475,15, (d) pyroxene in 15555,209 and (e) olivine in 15555,209. For each sample the plots show CSDs
for data collected manually (Manual_R, black circles) and using QEMSCAN at step sizes of 5 lm (Q5R, blue diamonds), 10 lm
(Q10R, green triangles) and 20 lm (Q20R, red squares). Crystals <4 pixels in size were removed from the Q5, Q10 and Q20 datasets
prior to processing. The suffix ‘R’ is used to denote that these CSD plots were processed using the same short, intermediate and
long axis ratios, the values for which are indicated on each graph. Error bars represent a minimum error as calculated by
CSDcorrections (see text for details) and in most cases the symbol is larger than the error bar. The x- and y-axes vary in size frame
to frame. Size bins containing fewer than three crystals were not used to derive the CSD trends but are plotted here as grey

suggests that the QEMSCAN datasets have more crys- QEMSCAN data contain more small, low aspect ratio
tals with smaller average aspect ratios, which could be crystals (owing to the segmentation of elongate crys-
explained by segmentation of elongate (high aspect tals) the long axis estimates from CSDslice are typically
ratio) crystals into smaller particles (low aspect ratio). smaller (Table 1), resulting in CSD trends with steeper
Evidence of the QEMSCAN segmentation issue is gradients that extend to shorter crystal lengths than the
shown in Fig. 10, where an example of a cluster contain- manual data (Fig. 6).
ing a 09 mm long elongate crystal with an aspect ratio Generally, the population of long elongate crystals in
of 96 is shown before and after processing with the any given sample is relatively small, often less than 1 %
touching particles processor. The touching particles of the total number of crystals (Fig. 9b). The effect of
processor separates this crystal into five crystals rang- segmentation of large elongate crystals is therefore
ing in size from 01 to 04 mm with an average aspect most apparent in the largest crystal size bins of a CSD
ratio of 26. plot. In some circumstances, the incorrect segmentation
The segmentation of touching elongate crystals is of elongate crystals can result in the complete removal
able to explain why the 3D crystal habit estimates from of a large size bin, as the standard practice with CSD
CSDslice have lower long axis values for the QEMSCAN plots is not to consider size bins containing fewer than
data than the manual data. If the touching particles pro- three crystals (Higgins, 2000). The addition of several
cessor has incorrectly segmented elongate crystals in segmented crystals to smaller size bins does not have a
the QEMSCAN mineral maps, this will reduce the num- pronounced effect, because these size bins already con-
ber of elongate crystals within the dataset, resulting in tain large numbers of crystals. For example, if a large
the 3D crystal habit ratios from CSDslice having smaller size bin contains three 6 mm long crystals and two of
estimates for the long axis value than the manual data. those crystals were segmented into 3  2 mm long crys-
Owing to the larger long axis estimates for the manual tals, that large size bin would only have one crystal
data, their resulting CSD plots extend to larger cor- remaining and consequently would not be included in
rected crystals lengths. Conversely, because the the CSD plot. The six new 2 mm long crystals are
14 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

instead counted in a smaller crystal size bin, and the

addition of six crystals to a bin that already contains
some tens or possibly hundreds of crystals is relatively
small. The incorrect segmentation of elongate crystals
is the most probable explanation for higher total crys-
tals within some QEMSCAN datasets compared with
manual data (Table 1).
Inefficient segmentation of particles by QEMSCAN
was also noted by Neave et al. (2017), particularly in a
sample with an abundance of plagioclase agglomera-
tions; however, this study used manual segmentation
of crystals instead of the touching particles processor.

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Manual segmentation of touching crystals from
QEMSCAN mineral maps derived using the granulator
processor would remove the problems of incorrect seg-
mentation, but would increase the time required for
CSD analysis. We did not explore manual separation of
touching crystals from QEMSCAN maps in this study,
because our purpose was to explore the limitations of
the QEMSCAN software by allowing the CSD data col-
lection to be as automated as possible. However, given
the current limitations of the QEMSCAN processors,
manual segmentation of granulated QEMSCAN mineral
maps could improve accuracy whilst also providing a
faster method of CSD data collection than manual crys-
tal tracing.

How reliable are the QEMSCAN data?

Despite the inconsistences between the QEMSCAN and
manual CSD plots (e.g. Fig. 6), they both display broadly
similar CSD shapes. This suggests that QEMSCAN-
derived CSDs are still useful for correctly identifying the
signatures of crystallization processes in each of our
five samples. For example, the manual CSD for
15597,18 (Fig. 6b) shows a slight concave-up trend,
which is also apparent in the Q5, Q10 and Q20 CSDs.
Neave et al. (2017) likewise concluded that QEMSCAN
data are able to pick out the same primary features as
manually derived data, in their case identifying plagio-
clase microcryst and macrocryst populations in an
Icelandic basalt. However, they also noted that the crys-
tal number density (equivalent to nucleation density)
was higher for the QEMSCAN data compared with man-
ual data. This is also true in our study, with Q5 results
consistently returning higher nucleation densities than
the manual data, although nucleation density values for
Q10 and Q20 are much more similar to the manual val-
ues (Table 1).
Although QEMSCAN-derived CSD trends may show
similar shapes to manually derived CSDs, if the
iExplorer touching particles processor is wrongly seg-
Fig. 9. Histograms of pyroxene crystals in 15125,6 showing the menting elongate crystals into smaller crystals then this
percentage of the total crystal population as a function of (a)
crystal area and (b) crystal length. Manual data (black) are com-
pared with Q5 (blue), Q10 (green) and Q20 (red) data. In each
case, the full extent of the graph is shown as an inset with a
box denoting the region that the scaled graph represents. 5 lm (Q5, blue diamonds), 10 lm (Q10, green triangles) and
Aspect ratios of pyroxene crystals are shown in (c) for 15125,6 20 lm (Q20, red squares). In (c) the error bars shown are calcu-
manual data (M, black circles) and QEMSCAN at step sizes of lated as the standard deviation from the average crystal aspect
within each of the 01 mm size bins.
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 15

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Fig. 10. An example of a group of pyroxene crystals in 15597,18 (Q5) before (a) and after (b) processing with the touching particles
processor. Lines are used for reference to match the same points on the large central crystal in (a) and (b). It should be noted that
both (a) and (b) show an identical crystal area, but (b) appears to be elongated because the separation between segmented par-
ticles is exaggerated to highlight the effect of the touching particles processor. For reference, (c) shows a manual segmentation of
the same group of crystals.

raises questions as to what effect this may have on 15597,18, 15125,6 and 15555,209 are all of the order of
interpretations of the CSD trends at the largest crystal months (05–13 months) rather than years (with the
sizes. The large crystal size bins are often where charac- exception of the upper Q20 estimate for 15555,209).
teristic signatures of accumulation or fractionation may QEMSCAN-derived residence times for olivine in
be observed (Fig. 1), so if larger or elongate crystals are 15555,209 have very small lower estimates of
effectively removed through segmentation into several <1 month, but overall the residence time estimates are
smaller crystals, this may result in signatures of import- all <3 months. The only sample for which there is a sig-
ant magmatic processes being masked or lost. For ex- nificant difference between the residence times calcu-
ample, the concave-up shape and pronounced kink in lated from the manual data compared with the
the manual CSD trend for 15475,15 is completely miss- QEMSCAN data is for plagioclase in 15475,15. The
ing in the QEMSCAN data. This is partly a function of upper residence time estimate from the manual data
the differences in the CSDslice crystal shape estimate (2734 days) is seven times higher than the largest max-
between the manual (1:18:80) and QEMSCAN imum estimate from the QEMSCAN data (368 days, Q5).
(Q5 ¼ 1:15:30) datasets. However, the ultimate cause of Such a difference means that the QEMSCAN data are
the differences in CSDslice crystal shape estimates is suggesting residence times of 1 year, whereas the
related to the segmentation of large elongate crystals residence time from the manual data ranges up to
by the QEMSCAN iExplorer processors. 75 years.
One quantitative measure of the similarities between Residence times of the order of months calculated in
CSD trends is to compare the residence times calcu- this study using both manual and QEMSCAN-derived
lated using the gradient of the graph. Plotting character- data are comparable with the ranges calculated for
istic length (LC ¼ –1/slope) is an alternative way to plagioclase, olivine and pyroxene in other Apollo mare
graphically consider the curvature of the CSD trends basalt samples (Donohue & Neal, 2015; Neal et al.,
(Higgins, 2009) (Supplementary Data Fig. S12). 2015). However, for sample 15475,15 the difference be-
However, because CSD analysis of other Apollo sam- tween manual and QEMSCAN data was of the order of
ples included calculations of crystal residence times years. Regardless of whether both manual and
(e.g. Neal et al., 2015), the reliability of our QEMSCAN QEMSCAN-derived residence times for plagioclase in
data will be considered utilizing this method as 15475,15 fall within the range of other mare basalts, this
opposed to considering characteristic length. result highlights the potential for significant differences
Residence times can only be calculated using linear in interpretation of cooling rates depending on whether
portions of a CSD trend. The CSDs for our samples are these are derived from manual or QEMSCAN data.
all curved to some extent; therefore, a residence time To understand how the reliability of the QEMSCAN
range was produced for each dataset using minimum data may influence interpretation of CSD trends with re-
and maximum linear regressions through the data. The spect to the magmatic processes that formed the Apollo
QEMSCAN data nearly always return a smaller and 15 mare basalts, data from 15475,15 are used as an ex-
shorter range for the residence time compared with the ample. The CSD derived from manual data (Fig. 6)
manual data (Table 1). This could be caused by the seg- shows a slight convex-up trend between crystal lengths
mentation of larger crystal sizes from these samples, as of 25 and 575 mm, which could be interpreted as a sig-
the larger crystal size bins typically have shallower CSD nature of crystal fractionation. This would be consistent
gradients and hence longer residence times. However, with the chemical designation of this sample as a
the QEMSCAN-derived residence times are generally of quartz-normative fractionate. At a crystal length of
the same order of magnitude as the manual data. For 575 mm there is a sharp kink in the graph and a reduc-
example, the residence times of pyroxenes in 15597,12, tion in the CSD gradient. This may either reflect the
16 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

accumulation of larger plagioclase crystals, or else indi- We observe some minor lateral offsets between the
cate that there were two stages of cooling. Overall, this manual traces of crystals and the same crystals in the
combination of CSD features is consistent with the QEMSCAN mineral maps. This is mostly probably due
quartz-normative Apollo 15 mare basalts being proc- to minor differences in the calibration between the BSE
essed in a complex magmatic system, as suggested by maps collected using FEI MAPS software and the
Schnare et al. (2008). However, QEMSCAN-derived CSD QEMSCAN mineral maps. The lateral offset between
data for 15475,15 would lead to a somewhat different manual crystal shapes and QEMSCAN crystal shapes
interpretation: the QEMSCAN-derived CSDs all show appears to make very little visual difference to the
slightly concave-up trends, which could be interpreted length of crystals and instead adds to the width of the
as accumulation of crystals or as the product of crystal crystal. The minor axis length has a much smaller effect
coarsening. on the crystal habit estimate, and thus on the resulting
Another way to investigate the reliability of the CSD plot, than the major axis (Morgan & Jerram, 2006).

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QEMSCAN data is to consider the raw, unprocessed Therefore, we are confident that minor lateral offsets
modal value of the phases in question, expressed as between the manual crystal traces and raw QEMSCAN
area percentage of the sample. The area percentages mineral maps has negligible effect on the resulting CSD
attained using manual data are smaller than those for plots.
the QEMSCAN-derived data (Table 2). The largest differ-
ence is seen in the pyroxene proportion in 15125,6. This Recommendations for using QEMSCAN for CSD
result is not surprising, because this sample contains analysis
numerous pyroxene crystals in the fine-grained ground- In this study, we have demonstrated the capabilities
mass, which would have been detected by QEMSCAN and limitations of QEMSCAN data processed through
but not traced manually. Manual and QEMSCAN- iExplorer software to reproduce the CSD plots of manu-
derived mineral area percentages are most similar for ally derived CSD data, for samples of different textures,
olivine in 15555,209. This is equally unsurprising, as grain sizes and average crystal shapes. For samples
there are very few olivine crystals intersecting the edge that are primarily composed of small (<1 mm) acicular
of the sample that are excluded in the manual data but crystals with overlapping touching crystals, such as
included in the QEMSCAN data. 15597,18, the principal limitation of the QEMSCAN
When masking the QEMSCAN mineral maps with method is the ability of the touching particles processor
the manually traced crystal outlines, the biggest differ- to correctly segment touching crystals. Samples with
ence is seen in the number of edge and fragmented similar textures are therefore not optimal for CSD ana-
crystals included in the QEMSCAN maps lysis with automated QEMSCAN methods. Samples
(Supplementary Data Fig. S13). The inclusion of edge with larger (>1 mm) euhedral or rounded crystals
crystals is not believed to be a major source of discrep- touching in only a few places, such as 15555,209, are
ancy between manual and QEMSCAN-derived CSDs. generally processed successfully by the touching par-
ticles processor and are therefore most suitable for
Table 2: Comparison of the area percentage of the sample rep- automated CSD (stereological and non-stereologically
resented by the crystals used in CSD analysis for manual and converted) analysis by QEMSCAN.
QEMSCAN methods
Although the examples above show how texture,
Sample Mineral Method Area % of sample grain size, and crystal habit all affect the CSDs produced
15597,18 pyroxene Manual 482 by QEMSCAN, it is important to understand which of
5 lm 546 these factors is the most detrimental. The grain size is
10 lm 535 likely to be a limiting factor for samples composed of
20 lm 536
very small crystals approaching the step size of the
15125,6 pyroxene Manual 367
5 lm 621 QEMSCAN mineral map. For our samples, the majority
10 lm 627 of the Q5, Q10 and Q20 QEMSCAN data plot within
20 lm 627 error of each other (Figs 6 and 7), suggesting that crys-
15555,209 pyroxene Manual 410
5 lm 495 tal size and effective resolution is not a limiting factor in
10 lm 497 this study. This leaves the effects of average crystal
20 lm 497 habit and sample texture, which are best evaluated by
15555,209 olivine Manual 122
5 lm 128 looking at 15125,6 and 15597,18. The pyroxene crystals
10 lm 129 in 15125,6 are most similar in shape to those found in
20 lm 129 15597,18 (Fig. 6a and b); however, there are fewer con-
15475,15 plagioclase Manual 258
tacts between pyroxene macrocrysts in sample 15125,6
5 lm 350
10 lm 351 than in 15597,18 and the samples have different types
20 lm 351 of groundmass (fine-grained in 15125,6 versus mafic
glass in 15597,18). If crystal habit was the most influen-
Calculations were made using the raw QEMSCAN data (5, 10
and 20 lm) rather than processed QEMSCAN data (i.e. Q5, Q10 tial factor, similar results would be expected for sam-
and Q20). ples 15125,6 and 15597,18. However, we saw
Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4 17

differences between the two samples owing to the plagioclase crystals 03 mm. In this study, manual and
increased number of touching pyroxene crystals in QEMSCAN CSD data were most comparable at smaller
15597,18 and the inclusion of fine-grained groundmass crystal sizes (generally <05 mm). Therefore, QEMSCAN
crystals in 15125,6. Therefore, we conclude that the offers an exciting potential to rapidly classify mare
sample texture is the most influential factor for basalts from impact melts using olivine crystal popula-
QEMSCAN-derived CSD analysis, as this determines tions. Further work is required to evaluate whether this
how well the touching particles processor is able to sep- could also be reliably achieved using plagioclase crys-
arate touching crystals correctly. However, we note that tals 03 mm, as our study indicates that QEMSCAN-
crystal habit may affect the overall sample texture, so derived data tend to deviate from manually derived
these two factors must both be considered when CSDs at larger crystal lengths.
assessing whether a sample is suitable for CSD analysis The potential limitations of QEMSCAN for semi-
using QEMSCAN. automated CSD analysis do not negate its exceptional

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capacity to provide a rapid overall view of the general
Effect of step size CSD trends within a sample. A second major advantage
Whereas the differences between the Q5, Q10 and Q20 of QEMSCAN, which should not be overlooked, is the
CSD plots are minimal (Fig. 6), there is a significant amount of data collected during a single scan. Not only
trade-off between scan resolution and analysis time. is using QEMSCAN much quicker (i.e. semi-automated)
Field scans taken at a step size of 5 lm took upwards of for CSD analysis, at the same time it is also collecting
6 h for a 1 inch round thin section, whereas a scan of the the data required to produce (qualitative) element con-
same sample with a 10 lm step size completed in half centration and distribution maps of the sample (EDS
maps of samples in this study are available via the link
that time and scans at 20 lm step sizes took as little as
doi:10.17632/rh37cdm9hv.1). Processors available in
05 h (Supplementary Data Table S1). Although 20 lm
the iExplorer software provide capacity for detailed ana-
step size is the quickest scan time, it produces notice-
lysis of modal mineralogy, particle size and mineral
ably pixelated mineral maps compared with the high-
associations. The analysis is also non-destructive and
definition mineral maps generated using a 5 lm step
requires only a carbon-coated thin section. This is a
size (Supplementary Data Figs S1–S4). For samples
major advantage when studying precious extra-
with similar areas and average crystal sizes to those
terrestrial samples such as Apollo mare basalts, and is
used in this study we suggest that, unless a high-
a capacity that can be exploited for non-destructive ana-
definition QEMSCAN mineral map is required for
lysis of future meteorite falls and finds, and analysis of
another purpose, a 10 lm step size offers an optimal
returned samples.
compromise between analysis time and data quality.
Even using a 5 lm step size, it is up to 11 times faster
to collect the QEMSCAN data compared with manually CONCLUSIONS
tracing crystals. Taking into account the fact that the
In this study we have used four Apollo 15 mare basalt
QEMSCAN system can be set up in around 1 h and left thin sections to evaluate the effectiveness of QEMSCAN
to run unassisted, the actual user time required for as a semi-automated method for obtaining crystal size
QEMSCAN data collection is up to 13 times faster than distribution analyses. Crystal size distribution data col-
that for the manual method. A significant initial time in- lected by QEMSCAN recover similar CSD trends to
vestment is required to develop the primary and sec- those collected using manual tracing of crystal bounda-
ondary lunar SIP lists on the QEMSCAN iExplorer ries from digital images. However, we find some sys-
system; however, once complete, these SIP lists are tematic differences between the CSD plots generated
then available for any future analyses and can be opti- by the two approaches.
mized with only minor alterations. The principal limitation with our QEMSCAN-derived
data is the inefficient segmentation of elongate crystals
Potential future uses of QEMSCAN for CSD that are in contact with other crystals, via the iExplorer
analysis touching particles processor. The separation of long
There is considerable potential for future use of crystals into several smaller crystals principally affects
QEMSCAN methods for rapid identification and classifi- the sparsely populated large crystal size bins of a CSD
cation of extra-terrestrial samples. Previous work on plot, and may even result in the complete removal of
CSD analysis of Apollo samples has focused on these size bins.
whether this technique could be used to accurately dis- The effect of inefficient segmentation of long crystals
tinguish mare basalts from lunar impact melts (i.e. is carried through to 3D crystal habit estimates calcu-
basalts produced as a result of melting during meteorite lated in CSDslice, where QEMSCAN-derived data typic-
impacts). Neal et al. (2015) showed that the CSD slopes ally return shorter z-axis (i.e. long axis) ratios than
and intercepts of plagioclase and olivine could be used manual data for the same sample. When incorporated
to determine impact melts from mare basalt samples. into the stereological calculations in CSDcorrections,
Differences between the two types of basalts could be the difference in 3D crystal habits causes the
recognized by considering olivine crystals 04 mm and QEMSCAN-derived CSD plots to have a steeper
18 Journal of Petrology, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 4

gradient and extend to shorter crystal lengths than the FUNDING

manual data. This work was supported by a Science and Technology
Although the main differences between the Facilities Council studentship to S.B., and a Royal
QEMSCAN and manual data are restricted to the largest Society University Research Fellowship (RS/UF140190)
few crystal size bins of the CSD plots, this is often where and Science and Technology Facilities Council grant
the petrologically important signatures of crystal accu- (ST/R000751/1) to K.H.J.
mulation and/or fractionation are observed. Estimates
of crystal residence time and nucleation density calcu-
lated using QEMSCAN-derived CSD plots therefore de- REFERENCES
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thank the NASA Johnson Space Center curatorial team Fagan, A. L. & Neal, C. R. (2012). Apollo 11-type basalts from
for helping with the provision of Apollo samples for this Apollo 16: a new type of high-Ti basalt? 43rd Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1429. Houston, TX:
study. We thank Tod Waight for editorial handling, and
Lunar and Planetary Institute.
Michael Higgins, Elsa Pupier, Dougal Jerram and an an- Fagan, A. L., Neal, C. R., Simonetti, A., Donohue, P. H. &
onymous reviewer for their constructive and helpful O’Sullivan, K. M. (2013). Distinguishing between Apollo 14
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