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Activity Number- 3

Obtaining Fibre from Fabric

Class :VI Subject:Science Duration – 30 minutes

Nature of activity : Individual

Learning Outcome :Students will be able to

-conclude that the clothes that we wear daily , the towels , the curtains , etc are made from different
types of fabrics.

- correlate that the fabrics are made from certain types of fibres. Fibres are long , strong , and flexible
thread like materials.

What I have to do? To obtain fibres from a fabric.

What I require? Cotton fabric and a magnifying glass

What do I need to know? There are two types of fibres: natural fibres and synthetic fibres.

Teacher's Activity: Teacher will ask students to

(1) take a cotton fabric

(2) find a loose thread or yarn at one of the edges and pull it out. If no loose yarns are visible,
gently pull out a yarn with a pin or needle.

How will I proceed?

Student’s Activity: Students will:

(1) place the piece of yarn on the table and press one end of the yarn with your thumb.
(2) scratch the other end of the yarn along its length with their nail.

What have I observed?

The yarn splits up into thin strands .These thin strands of thread are called _________.It is made up of
a number of threads interwoven with each other.

What have I learnt?

What I would be interested / curious about ?What could be the various ways of weaving yarns to
make fabric?
Extended learning worksheet
A. Observe the picture and answer the following questions.

1. Identify the object shown in the picture.


2. Which fibre is used in making this object?


3. Is it natural, synthetic or mixed fibre?


4. Write any two properties of the fibre.



5. List some other uses of the fibre.



B. A and B are two natural fibres. Fibre A is very soft and smooth which is separated from the seeds
by the process Fibre A is used for making the wicks of oil lamps lit on Diwali .Fibre B is very rough
which is present as an outer covering on the ripened fruit D which occurs mainly in coastal areas
.Fibre B is also known by another name E .This fibre is used for making ropes and mats.

1. Identify fibre A and B.


2. What is the process C known as?


3. What is the name of fruit D?


4. Write the name E.


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