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Health & Fitness

Booking Site

A Project Report

Submitted by:

Akshay Parmar (AU2040199)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree

(Computer Science and Engineering)

School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

May 2024

I hereby declare that the project entitled Health & Fitness, Booking Site submitted for
the B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering degree is my original work, and the project
has not formed thebasis for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other
similar titles.

Signature of Student

Date: 20th May 2024

Place: Ahmedabad


This is to certify that the project Health & Fitness, Booking Site is the bona fide
work carried out by Akshay Parmar, a student of BTech. (Computer Science and
Engineering) of School of Engineering and Applied Science at Ahmedabad University
during the academic year 2023-2024, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
and that the project has not formed the basis for the award previously of any other degree,
diploma, fellowship or any other similar title.

This project was at Kintu Designs Pvt. Ltd under the supervision of the industry
mentor Rushikesh Patel.

Signature of Industry Mentor Signature of Faculty Mentor

Date: Date:

Place: Place:


The Health and Fitness project develops a breakthrough solution that transforms healthcare through
modern web technologies, offering an enhanced approach to accessibility and efficiency. The website
tackles a widespread problem relating to the inefficiency of the booking processes in conventional
health care systems by streamlining the booking procedure and as well as improving patient-provider
experience. Utilizing the MERN stack programming language (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS,
Node.js) the user sees an easily accessible interface for patients to book appointments, provide real-time
feedback to doctors and gain medical resources at their hand. The main standouts include role-based
access control, secure authentication where students can log-in with their academic number and a
backend architecture that allows for secure information storage.

During the development phase, I saw many difficulties and problems such as the mixing of different
technologies and data security. Compared there with scalability was another challenge for us. Though
struggling with these challenges, by having systematically employed the strategic planning, it became
possible for me to complete the project successfully.

The final report presents the project’s output, its milestones attained, the obstacles overcome, and future
suggestions. Keeping track of the development cycle is one of its important tasks. The development
cycle is constituted by: requirements analysis, frontend and backend, testing, documentation, and
deployment. Beyond that, the report highlights the project's impact on healthcare accessibility and
suggests possible further areas to future improve.

All things considered, the Health and Fitness project has made a substantial contribution to the
healthcare sector by providing a scalable and intuitive way for patients to choose an efficient doctor by
evaluating reviews, scheduling appointments, and improving patient care.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful
completion of my final year project for B.Tech First and foremost, I would like to extend my
heartfelt thanks to my faculty mentor, Prof. Dhaval Patel, for his guidance, encouragement, and
invaluable insights throughout the project.

I would also like to thank Mr. Rushikesh Patel, who served as industry mentors for the project,
for their unwavering support, expertise, and constructive criticism that helped me improve the

I would like to extend my thanks to my seniors for their invaluable guidance, feedback, and
support. Their experience and knowledge in the field of technology have been invaluable in
helping me complete this project.

Finally, I would like to thank my colleague Dhruvam Bhalodiya for his cooperation, enthusiasm,
and support during the project. His contribution was crucial to the success of the project, and I
am grateful for her dedication and hard work.

Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to the
successful completion of my final year project. Their support and guidance have been
instrumental in shaping my career and academic pursuits.


Declaration ......................................................................................................... I

Certificate ........................................................................................................... II

Abstract .............................................................................................................. III

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. IV

List of Figures ...................................................................................................... 1

List of Tables ........................................................................................................ 3

Gantt Chart .......................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Project Definition ................................................................................... 6

1.2 Project Overview .................................................................................... 7
1.3 Software Specification ........................................................................... 9

Literature Survey ............................................................................................... 10

2.1 Related Work ............................................................................................... 10

2.2 Tools and Technology ...................................................................................11

Methodology ....................................................................................................... 14

3.1 Process Model of Site ................................................................................... 14

Result .................................................................................................................. 16

4.1 User Interface .................................................................................. 16

4.1.1 User Interface Design for site .............................................. 19

4.2 My Contribution to the Project ....................................................... 30

4.3 Learning Outcomes ......................................................................... 32

Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 33

Bibliography ...................................................................................................... 34

List of Figures

Figure 4.1 Homepage for E-Commerce Site......................................................................... 19

Figure 4.2 Homepage for E-Commerce Site......................................................................... 20

Figure 4.3 Homepage for E-Commerce Site......................................................................... 20

Figure 4.4 Register Page for E-Commerce site ..................................................................... 21

Figure 4.5 Login page for E-Commerce site........................................................................... 22

Figure 4.6 Filter page for E-Commerce site .......................................................................... 23

Figure 4.7 Filter page for E-Commerce site .......................................................................... 23

Figure 4.8 Product search page for E-Commerce site ..........................................................24

Figure 4.9 Product detail page of E-Commerce site.............................................................. 25
Figure 4.10 Shopping Cart for E-Commerce site .................................................................. 26

Figure 4.11 Address page for E-Commerce site ..................................................................... 27

Figure 4.12 Address page for E-Commerce site ..................................................................... 27

Figure 4.13 Add new address page in E-Commerce site ....................................................... 28

Figure 4.14 Order page for E-Commerce site ...................................................................... 29

Figure 4.15 Order Detail page of E-Commerce site .............................................................. 29

Figure 4.16 Home page for Current Event Media site ......................................................... 30

Figure 4.17 Author List page for Current Event Media Page .............................................. 31

Figure 4.18 Southern Member permission page ................................................................... 31

Figure 4.19 Southern member portlet permission page........................................................ 32
Figure 4.20 Southern member portlet permission page........................................................ 33

Current Event Media
BrowseBay – E-Commerce website

Figure 4.21 Add Author Page ............................................................................................... 34

Figure 4.22 Add Author Page with Filter ............................................................................. 34
Figure 4.23 Filter page ............................................................................................................ 35
Figure 4.24 User Admin page ................................................................................................ 36
Figure 4.25 Search in toolbar.................................................................................................. 36

Current Event Media
BrowseBay – E-Commerce website

List of Tables

Figure 3.1 Model Diagram for E-Commerce Site ................................................................ 14

Figure 3.2 ER Diagram for E-Commerce site ...................................................................... 15
Figure 3.3 Permission model for news site ............................................................................ 16
Figure 3.4 Table with Group_Id in Current Event Media .................................................. 17
Figure 3.5 Table with articleId in Current Event Media.................................................... 17
Figure 3.6 For permission ...................................................................................................... 18

Current Event Media
BrowseBay – E-Commerce website


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