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Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Certified Support Partner

Certification Exam
Exam for Yellowbrick Support Partners to be completed before attending instructor-led

IMPORTANT: Be sure to read each question and answers(s) carefully before submitting your

Ensure that you have reviewed the ten (10) Yellowbrick Training Courses that are located
under the Yellowbrick Data Customer Center -> Yellowbrick Training Library.

The exam consists of 50 questions that cover topics from the reference materials listed
above. These topics include:
Introduction & Administration
• Course 1: Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture
• Course 2: Setup & Administration
• Course 3: Introduction to System Management Console (SMC)
DBA Operations & Management
• Course 4: Managing Diagnostics & Alerts
• Course 5: Operations, Query & Space Management
• Course 6: Introduction to System Views
• Course 7: Workload Management
Table Design and Query Plans
• Course 8: Table & Query Design
• Course 9: Reading Query Plans
User Training
• Course 10: Yellowbrick Database User Training…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 1 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

• Course 10: Yellowbrick Database User Training

IMPORTANT: Be sure to read each question and answers(s) carefully before submitting your

Scoring: You must score a minimum of 80% (40 of 50 questions correct) to pass the exam.
Do not skip any questions as that will count against your final score.

Best of luck!

Habilitar Lector inmersivo

Puntos: 94/100

1. Please enter your name and email address *

Héctor Manuel Pulido Osorio

2. Yellowbrick ships with utilities for backup and restore. *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture Yellowbrick

ships with: - YBBACKUP - YBRESTORE • Run backup client on any device


3. Which of the following are compatible with Yellowbrick?

(Select all that apply) *…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 2 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

(Select all that apply) *

(2/2 puntos)

Use Standard PostgreSQL Driver ption 1 "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture • Use

Standard PostgreSQL Driver • Reporting Tools Just Work - Tableaux, Business Objects,
MicroStrategy etc. • All Existing GUI / DBA Tools Just Work - DataGrip, Toad, WinSQL,
etc. • Compatibility Functions To Match Netezza - DATEADD, NEXT_DAY,

Tableaux, Business Objects, MicroStrategy "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture • Use

Standard PostgreSQL Driver • Reporting Tools Just Work - Tableaux, Business Objects,
MicroStrategy etc. • All Existing GUI / DBA Tools Just Work - DataGrip, Toad, WinSQL,
etc. • Compatibility Functions To Match Netezza - DATEADD, NEXT_DAY,


CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture • Use

Standard PostgreSQL Driver • Reporting Tools Just Work - Tableaux, Business Objects,
MicroStrategy etc. • All Existing GUI / DBA Tools Just Work - DataGrip, Toad, WinSQL,
etc. • Compatibility Functions To Match Netezza - DATEADD, NEXT_DAY,

DataGrip, Toad, WinSQL "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture • Use

Standard PostgreSQL Driver • Reporting Tools Just Work - Tableaux, Business Objects,
MicroStrategy etc. • All Existing GUI / DBA Tools Just Work - DataGrip, Toad, WinSQL,
etc. • Compatibility Functions To Match Netezza - DATEADD, NEXT_DAY,

4. What are the two storage engines in Yellowbrick?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Column Store "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture There are…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 3 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture There are

two storage engines in Yellowbrick. Both are fully ACID and running at READ
COMMITTED isolation level - Row Store: - Scale-up, commit-latency-optimised, runs on
management server - For real-time trickle INSERT of data - Logged, synchronously
mirrored locally (RAID-1) and remotely to passive server – 4 copies - Automatically
“flushed” to column store when it gets too large - Column Store: - Scale-out,
throughput optimised. - Auto-indexing for fast data skipping, supports sorting &
clustering data - Adaptive, automatic, always-on compression using many algorithms -
Designed for fast scans, bulk inserts/loads, bulk updates & deletes - Protected with
n+2 erasure code - Data can be mirrored across nodes or distributed based on hash of
a column or randomly All queries automatically join the row store and column store.
There is no “lag,” and transaction semantics are unified across both.

Row Store "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture There are

two storage engines in Yellowbrick. Both are fully ACID and running at READ
COMMITTED isolation level - Row Store: - Scale-up, commit-latency-optimised, runs on
management server - For real-time trickle INSERT of data - Logged, synchronously
mirrored locally (RAID-1) and remotely to passive server – 4 copies - Automatically
“flushed” to column store when it gets too large - Column Store: - Scale-out,
throughput optimised. - Auto-indexing for fast data skipping, supports sorting &
clustering data - Adaptive, automatic, always-on compression using many algorithms -
Designed for fast scans, bulk inserts/loads, bulk updates & deletes - Protected with
n+2 erasure code - Data can be mirrored across nodes or distributed based on hash of
a column or randomly All queries automatically join the row store and column store.
There is no “lag,” and transaction semantics are unified across both.


5. The default user (Yellowbrick) is an SMC admin: *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration Yellowbrick System

Management Console (SMC) • Web GUI administration and monitoring tool • Many of
the functions available via ybcli are also available via SMC • Default user is Yellowbrick
and is an SMC admin

Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

6. What are the methods to connect to Yellowbrick for remote administration?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)


CORRECT! Reference: Course 2: Setup & Administration See diagram on slide 10

Query Wizard

Yellowbrick System Management Console (SMC) "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2: Setup & Administration See diagram on slide 10

Yellowbrick bulk loader clients "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2: Setup & Administration See diagram on slide 10

ybsql "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2: Setup & Administration See diagram on slide 10

7. Do not use Linux to add or modify OS users. *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration Use ybcli to ADD Operating
System Accounts Do Not Use Linux To Add Or Modify OS Users. Use `config user` so
users: • Are in sync across the manager nodes • Have sudo privileges for ybcli
commands (but not full sudo privileges) `config user` syntax • config user create
<username> • config user delete <username> • config user key generate • config
user key show • config user list • config user password <username> Password Rules: •
Must be between 8 and 16 characters • Must contain at least one uppercase letter, one
lowercase letter, and one number

Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

8. Select the correct user name and password for Yellowbrick's default database
superuser. *
(2/2 puntos)

User: ybsuper / Password: ybsuper

User: yellowbrick / Password: yellowbrick "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration See chart on slide 14

User: smcadmin / Password: smcadmin

9. Database users can be created using SMC. *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration Create Database Users

Database users can be created using SMC or SQL CREATE USER


10. Database users can be created using SQL CREATE USER. *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration Create Database Users

Database users can be created using SMC or SQL CREATE USER


11. Select the correct order of operation to bounce the Yellowbrick database. *…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 6 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

11. Select the correct order of operation to bounce the Yellowbrick database. *
(2/2 puntos)

Stop -> Start -> Status

Status -> Stop -> Status -> Start -> Status "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration Bouncing Yellowbrick Steps:

status, stop, status, start, status 1. Status 2. Stop 3. Status 4. Start 5. Status

Stop -> Start

Status -> Stop -> Start -> Status

12. The SMC health indicator reflects health warnings for blade, CMP, fan, network,
PSU, and storage. *
(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration Monitoring Health Of The

System Using SMC SMC health indicator reflects health warnings for blade, cmp, fan,
network, psu, or storage.


13. Select the valid health status of a blade (ABB).

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Green = worker software online "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration See chart on slide 36

Red = worker software removed

Light grey = Worker compute blade physically removed

Red = worker software in error state "…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 7 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Red = worker software in error state "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration See chart on slide 36

14. SMC has 6 major sections. *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 3 - Introduction to SMC See chart on slide 9


15. SMC is resource intensive, so it is not intended as a general-purpose tool for a

large audience. *
(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 3 - Introduction to SMC Caveats • SMC is resource

intensive, so: • It is not intended as a general-purpose tool for a large user audience •
Don’t leave open on pages that are frequently updated


16. SMC is resource intensive, so do not leave open on pages that are frequently
updated. *
(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 3 - Introduction to SMC Caveats • SMC is resource

intensive, so: • It is not intended as a general-purpose tool for a large user audience •
Don’t leave open on pages that are frequently updated

Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48


17. Many of the functions available via ybcli are also available via SMC. *
(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 3 - Introduction to SMC System Management Console

(SMC) • Web GUI administration and monitoring tool • Many of the functions available
via ybcli are also available via SMC • Default user is 'yellowbrick' and is an SMC admin


18. Which command would you run to get the query explain plan when tuning a
query? *
(2/2 puntos)


CORRECT! Reference: Course 9 - Reading Query Plans See slides 15 through 23


Neither of these

19. Which Yellowbrick course contains the Yellowbrick best practices for query
tuning? *
(2/2 puntos)

Course 4 - Managing Diagnostics & Alerts

Course 8 - Table & Query Design "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 8: Table & Query Design See section "Query Best

Course 9 - Reading Query Plans…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 9 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Course 9 - Reading Query Plans

Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture

20. Which of the following is NOT considered a query tuning best practice? *
(2/2 puntos)

Define distribution keys when possible

Sort on primary key

Order on inserts and sort on columns

Use DISTINCT on all queries to remove DUP rows "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 8: Table & Query Design See slide entitled "Setting
Yourself Up For...Worst Practices?" Define NO or RANDOM distribution on all Tables •
Define CHAR / Varchar on all columns • Use multi-level deep VIEWS for all data access
• Use DISTINCT on all queries to remove DUP rows • Unload the rows and let the BI
tool Aggregate

21. Yellowbrick enforces primary and foreign keys. *

(2/2 puntos)


False "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 8: Table & Query Design See slide entitled "Primary
Keys" Define PRIMARY KEYS - Yellowbrick does not enforce - However, Yellowbrickuses
PK’s within the Optimizer Define FOREIGN KEYS - Yellowbrick does not enforce -
However, Yellowbrick uses FK’s within the Optimizer

22. Which of the following are types of distribution in Yellowbrick?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 10 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

(2/2 puntos)

Random "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 8: Table & Query Design See slide entitled "Setting
Yourself Up For...Worst Practices?" Define NO or RANDOM distribution on all Tables •
Define CHAR / Varchar on all columns • Use multi-level deep VIEWS for all data access
• Use DISTINCT on all queries to remove DUP rows • Unload the rows and let the BI
tool Aggregate See slide entitled "Setting Yourself Up For...Best Practices?" Have A
Distribution Methodology - Co-locate on an ‘anchor’ column. - REPLICATE the little
(<1gb) tables - CO-Locate Staging/Target - Add Distribution on CTAS

Replicate "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 8: Table & Query Design See slide entitled "Setting
Yourself Up For...Worst Practices?" Define NO or RANDOM distribution on all Tables •
Define CHAR / Varchar on all columns • Use multi-level deep VIEWS for all data access
• Use DISTINCT on all queries to remove DUP rows • Unload the rows and let the BI
tool Aggregate See slide entitled "Setting Yourself Up For...Best Practices?" Have A
Distribution Methodology - Co-locate on an ‘anchor’ column. - REPLICATE the little
(<1gb) tables - CO-Locate Staging/Target - Add Distribution on CTAS

ON (col) "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 8: Table & Query Design See slide entitled "Setting
Yourself Up For...Worst Practices?" Define NO or RANDOM distribution on all Tables •
Define CHAR / Varchar on all columns • Use multi-level deep VIEWS for all data access
• Use DISTINCT on all queries to remove DUP rows • Unload the rows and let the BI
tool Aggregate See slide entitled "Setting Yourself Up For...Best Practices?" Have A
Distribution Methodology - Co-locate on an ‘anchor’ column. - REPLICATE the little
(<1gb) tables - CO-Locate Staging/Target - Add Distribution on CTAS

None of the above

23. What happens when you use EXPLAIN without the ANALYZE option?
(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Runs the query

Does not run the query "…VLnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 11 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

CORRECT! Reference: Course 9: Reading Query Plans See chart on slide entitled
"EXPLAIN Parameters: Overview"

Will generate the query plan but will not put the plan in cache "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 9: Reading Query Plans See chart on slide entitled
"EXPLAIN Parameters: Overview"

None of these

24. Where can you see the log of executed queries in the database? *
(2/2 puntos)


sys.log_query "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training As shown on

slide entitled "System Views: Query" Query-Related Views: • sys.query – Currently
Running Queries • sys.log_query – Log of Executed Queries • sys.query_analyze –
Current State of Query Nodes For Running Queries • sys.log_query_analyze – Log of
Query Plan Tree Statistics For Executed Queries • sys.query_explain – Query Plan Tree
Metadata For Running Queries • sys.log_query_explain – Log of Query Plan Tree
Metadata For Executed Queries • sys.query_rule_event – WLM Query Rule Activity



25. Workload Management (WLM) provides database cluster administrators with

fine-grain visibility and control over resource usage for queries that run on the
Yellowbrick cluster *
(2/2 puntos)


True "…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 12 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management See slide entitled "Workload

Management: What Is It?"

26. Select the phases under which a WLM rule will execute.
(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Runtime "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management Rules Execute In 1 of 3 Rule

Phases: - Prepare: Processed before submission to WLM resource pool queue Chooses
resource pool. - Runtime: Processed for long-running queries only, at 5 second
intervals Can log, abort, re-prioritize work - Completion: Invoked once after all query
processing is completed or halted


Completion "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management Rules Execute In 1 of 3 Rule

Phases: - Prepare: Processed before submission to WLM resource pool queue Chooses
resource pool. - Runtime: Processed for long-running queries only, at 5 second
intervals Can log, abort, re-prioritize work - Completion: Invoked once after all query
processing is completed or halted

Prepare "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management Rules Execute In 1 of 3 Rule

Phases: - Prepare: Processed before submission to WLM resource pool queue Chooses
resource pool. - Runtime: Processed for long-running queries only, at 5 second
intervals Can log, abort, re-prioritize work - Completion: Invoked once after all query
processing is completed or halted

27. A WLM profile consists of:

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Rule Definitions "…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 13 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Rule Definitions "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management As shown on slide entitled

"Workload Management Constructs": A collection of resource pool and rule definitions
is called a profile.



Resource Pool "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management As shown on slide entitled

"Workload Management Constructs": A collection of resource pool and rule definitions
is called a profile.

28. Select the correct method for activating a WLM profile.

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)


CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management As shown on slide entitled

"Activation Model": With Yellowbrick, WLM configuration is activated after a set of
changes are made to the system. Activation: Via SQL: ALTER WLM PROFILE
“my_profile” ACTIVATE; Via Systems Management Console


CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management As shown on slide entitled

"Activation Model": With Yellowbrick, WLM configuration is activated after a set of
changes are made to the system. Activation: Via SQL: ALTER WLM PROFILE
“my_profile” ACTIVATE; Via Systems Management Console



29. When would the "CEO Pool" be used? *…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 14 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

29. When would the "CEO Pool" be used? *

(2/2 puntos)

To execute queries in an exclusive pool with critical priority "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management See slides 33 through 40

To execute multiple large queries with high priority

To execute queries with high row limits

None of these

30. A WLM profile can be exported and imported. *

(2/2 puntos)

True "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 7 - Workload Management See slide entitled "Simple

WLM Configuration"


31. Which are key system components of a Yellowbrick cluster?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Manager nodes "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slide entitled
"Yellowbrick Database Appliance Hardware"

Analytic blade shelf / shelves "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slide entitled
"Yellowbrick Database Appliance Hardware"

Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48


32. How does Yellowbrick architecture differ from traditional architecture? *

(2/2 puntos)

Streaming data from disk to memory then to CPU L3 cache

Streaming data from disk to CPU L3 cache then to use memory for spill "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slides 8 thru

Streaming data from disk to CPU L1/L2 cache directly

None of the above

33. Which is the correct method to backup the Yellowbrick system? *

(2/2 puntos)

Using YBBACKUP client on manager node

Using YBBACKUP client on any device "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slides 25

and 26

34. Which system view can be used to monitor the running queries? *
(2/2 puntos)


sys.query "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training As shown on

slide entitled "System Views: Query" Query-Related Views: • sys.query – Currently
Running Queries • sys.log_query – Log of Executed Queries • sys.query_analyze –…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 16 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Running Queries • sys.log_query – Log of Executed Queries • sys.query_analyze –

Current State of Query Nodes For Running Queries • sys.log_query_analyze – Log of
Query Plan Tree Statistics For Executed Queries • sys.query_explain – Query Plan Tree
Metadata For Running Queries • sys.log_query_explain – Log of Query Plan Tree
Metadata For Executed Queries • sys.query_rule_event – WLM Query Rule Activity



35. Select the client tools that can be used to connect to the Yellowbrick database.
(Select all that apply) *
(0/2 puntos)


CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slide entitled
"SQL Clients Working With Yellowbrick" • Attunity • DataGrip • Dbeaver • pgAdmin •
razorSQL • Squirrel • WinSQL • Many Others... • Postgres Jdbc and Odbc drivers can be
download from SMC • Python programs can connect with Yellowbrick using the
Postgres python library - psycopg2

SQL tools such as Attunity, Dbeaver, pgAdmin, and razorSQL "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slide entitled
"SQL Clients Working With Yellowbrick" • Attunity • DataGrip • Dbeaver • pgAdmin •
razorSQL • Squirrel • WinSQL • Many Others... • Postgres Jdbc and Odbc drivers can be
download from SMC • Python programs can connect with Yellowbrick using the
Postgres python library - psycopg2


ybload / ybunload "

Postgres JDBC / ODBC "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 10 - Yellowbrick Database User Training See slide entitled
"SQL Clients Working With Yellowbrick" • Attunity • DataGrip • Dbeaver • pgAdmin •
razorSQL • Squirrel • WinSQL • Many Others... • Postgres Jdbc and Odbc drivers can be
download from SMC • Python programs can connect with Yellowbrick using the…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 17 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

download from SMC • Python programs can connect with Yellowbrick using the
Postgres python library - psycopg2

36. Select the methods for collecting system diagnostics.

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)


SMC - Configure - Diagnostics Data "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 4 - Managing Diagnostics & Alerts

YBCLI - system diagnostics "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 2 - Setup & Administration

37. A user can alter system defined alerts. *

(2/2 puntos)


False "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 4 - Managing Diagnostics & Alerts

38. What is meant by "run-away query"? *

(2/2 puntos)

A query that is idle in transaction

A query that runs away

A query that runs more than its threshold "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 4 - Managing Diagnostics & Alerts See section "Runaway…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 18 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Query Alerts"

39. Which section would be used to check for space utilization using SMC? *
(2/2 puntos)

Monitor -> Storage "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management See

screenshot on slide entitled "SMC: Monitor"

Monitor -> Query Performance

Monitor -> Resource Pools

40. Which tool should be used to check for active queries and users? *
(2/2 puntos)



CORRECT! Reference: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management See section
"Monitoring Current Activity"

41. What is the difference between "users" and "roles"? *

(2/2 puntos)

Users and roles are exactly the same

Roles have login privileges

Users have login privileges "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 19 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

42. Select how the query plan can be found.
(Select all that apply) *
(0/2 puntos)

YBCLI -> database

INCORRECT! References: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management - See

slide entitled "SMC: Query Details - Plan Course 9 - Reading Query Plans - See chart on
slide entitled "EXPLAIN Parameters: Overview"

SMC - Query Details "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management See slide
entitled "SMC: Query Details - Plan


CORRECT! Reference: Course 9 - Reading Query Plans See chart on slide entitled
"EXPLAIN Parameters: Overview"

43. What can cause data/CPU skew? *

(2/2 puntos)

Uneven distribution of data across workers. "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management

Even distribution of data across workers.

44. What is true about "spilling" queries?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

Spilling introduces overhead that causes queries to run slower.…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 20 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Spilling queries need to be optimized.

Spilling reduces the lifetime of the flash storage in the cluster.

All of the above. "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 5 - Operations, Query & Space Management /

Yellowbrick documentation -> Workload Management See slide entitled "Monitoring
Writes to Temp: Spill Activity"

45. What schema has all system views? *

(2/2 puntos)

sys "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views



None of the above

46. Select the attributes of system views.
(Select all that apply) *
(0/2 puntos)

Users can create and modify tables in the sys schema.

They capture information about resource utilization, inflight queries, active loads,
and other operational statistics.

Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick documentation -

System Views…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 21 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Queries that reference both system and user tables cannot be executed. "

Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick documentation -

System Views

Able to perform joins between views that report current activity and views that contain
log history.

Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick documentation -

System Views

Yellowbrick recommends using the views in the sys schema for database

Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick documentation -

System Views

47. Which are User-Related Views?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)


sys.role "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

sys.user "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

sys.session "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

sys.member…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 22 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

48. Which are Schema-Related Views?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

sys.procedure "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

sys.table "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

sys.database "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views



49. Which are Query-Related Views?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

sys.query_analyze "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views



sys.query "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 23 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

documentation - System Views

sys.query_explain "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

50. Which are Alert-Related Views?

(Select all that apply) *
(2/2 puntos)

sys.warning "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

sys.log_alert "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views



sysl.alert "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 6 - Introduction to System Views / Yellowbrick

documentation - System Views

51. Select the correct definition used for the term FRU. *
(2/2 puntos)

Failure Redundancy Unit

Field Research Unit

Firmware Replacement Utility…Lnz5mBAO9AXxUN0dMUlFCNlVIWDNXOUo0QkVXOTZCQ0lJTSQlQCN0PWcu Página 24 de 25
Certified Support Partner Certification Exam 03/03/21 12:48

Field Replaceable Unit "

CORRECT! Reference: Course 1 - Introduction to Yellowbrick Architecture See slide

entitled "Yellowbrick Data Appliance Hardware Components"

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