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Glenn Jones


emir Vali ( also spelled Wali ) was the rule of Astarabad and function of Mazandaran from
1356 until 1366 , and again from c. 1374 until 1384 .His relatively recollective reign was
dominated by conflict with the Sarbadars and the Jalayirids , and ended only upon the
arrival of Timur into easterly Persia .== ascent to Power == Amir Vali was the Word of
Shaykh 'Ali Hindu , who had been a supporter of the Ilkhanid claimant Togha Temü r and
had served as his governor in Astarabad .In 1353 Togha Temü r was murdered by the
Sarbadars , who annexed Astarabad .Vali avoided the slaughter of Togha Temü r 's adherent
and sought recourse with the neighboring Jauni Kurban tribe .The Sarbadar state soon
descended into civil war , and Amir Vali decided to take advantage of the situation .He
moved to Mazandaran , which he used as a staging stop to plunge raids into the region of
Astarabad .The city at that sentence was ill-equipped to handle such onset , as many of the
Sarbadar forces haddeparted to partake in the civil war .In order to enter suspensor , he
claimed to be acting in the name of Togha Temü r 's son Luqman .By the time Luqman had
arrived on the panorama , however , Vali had apparently decided to rule in his ain name ,
told Luqman to deviate , and sent into exile his congenator and supporters .Furthermore ,
he declared for the Shi ' a in decree to gain the living of the Shi'as of Mazandaran against the
then-Sunni Sarbadars .siemens After overwhelming a Sarbadar Garrison near Astarabad ,
Amir Vali successfully fought three armies sent to subdue him , including one led by the
Sarbadar drawing card Hasan Damghani himself .In 1356 , after the defeat of the for the first
time U. S. Army sent against him , he conquered Astarabad itself .He then expanded , taking
Bistam and Damghan from the Sarbadars in around 1360 .== release and recovery of
Astarabad == Eventually the Sarbadars , who since 1361 were under the leaders of 'Ali
Mu'ayyad , were able-bodied to mount a grave counteroffensive , and emir Vali was forced
out of his territories , including Astarabad , in c. 1366 .This licking proved to cost only a
temporary one for Vali .Soon after losing Astarabad , he established a freshly power al-
Qaeda by seizing Semnan from the Sarbadars .He then attempted to find Astarabad , but
failed .The next few years after that he went on the offensive against the Jalayirids to the
west , campaigning in the region of Rey .The Jalayirid Shaikh Uvais stopped him , but was
ineffective to comply up on his triumph .Uvais tried to convert 'Ali Mu'ayyad to attack Vali ,
but the Sarbadar considered him to comprise a utile buffer against the Jalayirids and
refused to move against him .During this meter he temporarily switched his allegiance back
to the Sunni , although this apparently did n't give him the boost in support he expected ,
since he reverted to the Shi ' a after a few years .A sustain state of war between the
Sarbadars and the Kartids of Herat allowed Amir Vali to expand his territories at the
Sarbadars ' expense .By 1374 at the a la mode he had retaken Astarabad , and sometime
between 1374 and 1376 he invaded Khurasan and besieged Sabzavar , the Sarbadar
capital .In 1376 or 1377 'Ali Mu'ayyad himself was overthrown by respective radical
dervishes who had enlisted Kartid support ; he fled to Vali , who saw this as a useful
opportunity to expand his influence in Khurasan .Vali laid siege to Sabzavar and took it in
around 1380 and restored 'Ali Mu'ayyad in the cap .== Conflict with Timur == In 1381
ameer Vali had his for the first time encounter with the Amir Timur , who sacked Esfarayen
when Vali refused to yield homage to him .Vali then proceeded to besiege Sabzavar again ,
after a falling out between him and 'Ali Mu'ayyad , and enlisted the reinforcement of the
Jauni Kurban .'Ali Mu'ayyad , who had already become Timur 's vassal , appealed to him for
aid , and Timur relieved the city in the winter 1382 .He then proceeded to invade Gurgan ,
forcing Vali to sue for peace of mind .In the succeed year ( 1383 ) , Timur sent an US Army
against Vali , then proceeded to invade his territories himself .Vali attempted to intercept
Tamerlane but in the end he failed and fled to the Jalayirids in 1384 , following which Timur
occupied Astarabad .He then gave the city to Luqman , whose figure Vali had supposedly
been acting in almost three decades ago , when he was commencement establishing himself
in the realm .After his red ink of big businessman , Amir Vali spent some time in the service
of the Jalayirids .He participated in defending Tabriz during the military blockade of
Tokhtamysh , caravansary of the Golden drove .After the urban center was sacked he
travelled to Mazandaran , where he attempted to arrange a uprising against Timur in
1386 .The insurrection failed and Vali was killed , bringing an end to his long calling .

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