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Honorable Chairs, Esteemed Delegates,

Buenos días, bonjour, guten Tag, As the representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, it is
an honor to stand before you in the General Assembly to address the critical issue at the heart of
our deliberations: the evaluation of UN Peacekeeping Forces, with a particular focus on
accountability for human rights abuses.

In these hallowed halls, where the spirit of collaboration and diplomacy prevails, Luxembourg
acknowledges the paramount importance of UN Peacekeeping Forces. These forces stand as
sentinels of hope in regions marred by conflict, striving to uphold the principles of peace,
security, and human rights.

We applaud the achievements of UN Peacekeeping Forces, where their presence has brought
stability and hope to those affected by conflict. However, let us not shy away from the challenges
we confront today, challenges that demand our collective attention and decisive action.

Human rights abuses within the context of peacekeeping missions represent a betrayal of the
very principles these forces are mandated to uphold. It is our duty, as representatives of nations
committed to justice and human dignity, to address these abuses with unwavering resolve.

Luxembourg is a nation that values human rights, cherishes diversity, and advocates for
accountability. In the face of reported human rights abuses, our delegation believes that
accountability must not be a mere aspiration but a cornerstone of our collective commitment. It is
through accountability that we safeguard the integrity of peacekeeping missions and restore faith
in the principles we hold dear.

In collaboration with fellow member states, Luxembourg proposes the implementation of robust
measures to ensure accountability for human rights abuses within UN Peacekeeping Forces:

1. Advocating for enhanced internal oversight mechanisms to promptly address allegations

of human rights abuses.
2. Proposing the establishment of an independent body to conduct impartial investigations
into such allegations.
3. Urging member states to strengthen cooperation with international bodies, including the
International Criminal Court (ICC), to ensure accountability for individuals responsible
for human rights violations within peacekeeping missions.
4. Emphasizing the importance of comprehensive capacity-building programs that equip
peacekeeping personnel with a deep understanding of human rights, cultural sensitivity,
and effective conflict resolution strategies.

Let Luxembourg's commitment to justice and accountability echo through our deliberations. May
our discussions be characterized by a shared determination to strengthen the effectiveness of UN
Peacekeeping Forces and to protect the rights and dignity of those whom they are entrusted to

Thank you, merci. Luxembourg stands ready to collaborate with each of you in fostering a future
where peace is not only achieved but is sustained with the highest regard for human rights.

Vive les Nations Unies!

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