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SORROW: (enters) (sorrowful action) I am deep in sadness. I want to cry. I think I can never be happy.

FEAR: (enters) (fearing action) ahh what is this ? Phew just an ant. Ahh what is this? Just a man . Ahh what is this ?Oh
Just a chair.

PRIDE: (enters) (proudful actions) ha haha everything is mine. I am the most powerful man in the world. I am richer Than
you . I am greater than you .

GREED: (enters) (greedy action) this is mine. This food is only for me not for you. Hey this toy belongs to me not for You.
Everything in the world belongs to me.

STRESS : (enters) (stressful action) y does this happens to me. I think I am a bad luck. I think God doesn’t love me .

HATE: (enters) (teases everyone) hey what are you looking at me , u said I am a fool? (beats). Hey give it to me or else I
will beat you.

“ A boy comes and see’s the sorrowful child , then he approaches that sorrowful child and tells to be happy”

Boy: hey y are u sad.

SORROW: I don’t get what I like. I commit many sins and there are much more , that’s y I am sad

Boy: Don’t worry, Think of Jesus he was betrayed by his own selected disciple. He was beaten , pricked with thorns,
Made him to carry the cross, made him to stand on 3 nails, even after this he was happy that he is doing his
Father’s plan . In I Thessalonians 1:6 we read that “ And ye become follower of us, and of the LORD, having received the
word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost” , see we become the follower of LORD because of Joyful acceptance
of the word of God, how big thing it is to become the followers of Christ. In I John 1:4 we read that “And these things we
unto you, that your joy maybe full”. In psalm 95:1 and psalm 66:1 you are asked to sing joyful noise and sing songs unto
God, so be happy and rejoice in the LORD as said in philippians 4:4.

“then this boy see’s the fear and approaches him”

“when this boy started to get near the fear, he backed from him, The boy caught him at hand ”

Boy: hey don’t be afraid , y are you in such fear.

FEAR: IDK whenever I see anyone they look like devils and overpower me , I am weak I cant stay strong because I get
beated by everyone.

Boy: Don’t worry brother, everyone in the world is like you , aren’t they stay strong ? Just remember this verse , more
than verse it’s a promise given to Israelites and also to us the spiritual Israelites , it is mentioned in Deuteronomy
31:8 ,”And the LORD, He it is that doth go before ; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear
not, neither be dismayed” , see God is always by your side, even now God is guarding you for many devils who are
waiting to corrupt you, be of good courage and go forward.

“then the boy approaches pride “

Boy: hey may I know who are you ?

PRIDE: what you don’t know me ? I am the famous youtuber in the world, How dare you don’t know me. I am the
greatest person of all the world”

Boy: (THINKS: so this is proud guy) hey.

PRIDE: wait “hey”. How dare you disrespect me , call me sir

Boy: ok sir , do you know about Joseph?

PRIDE: no , who is he?

Boy: he is also like you , always boasting about his dream that he is the greatest , everyone should bow before him. Do
you know what happened to him because of proudly nature?


Boy: his own brothers sold him for money, he became a slave for a man , soon after many accused him and shut him in
prison. This all happened because of his proudly nature. But at one time When pharaoh the king of Egypt asked him “ Art
thou the interpreter Who translates dreams?” . Here Joseph left his proudful nature and humble himself and said “yet
not I but through God in me “ . As he humbled himself and he was exalted to be the ruler of Egypt, and was able to feed
and give place to live for his brethren who sold them. We read in James 4:6 “God resisteth the proud, but give grace
unto the humble “. If you continue to be proud you will be sold to the devils.

“now the boy approaches GREED”

Boy: so what about you?

GREED: hey what is that in your hand , that looks like a precious stone , give it to me , from now this belongs to me.

Boy: (thinks : so this is a greedy guy) , I wanna tell you one thing , In Proverbs 11:25 ,”The liberal soul shall be made fat:
and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” in another translation “A generous person will prosper; Whoever
refreshes others shall be refreshed.”. this means when u practice to give others then only you will be given more and
more, If you didn’t give anything to others, at the times of your need no one will come front to do give what you need or
help you. As said in Galatians 6:7 “whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he also reap”.

“now the boy approaches STRESS”

Boy: hi, you look depressed y?

STRESS: I scored low marks in my exam, I got scammed blah, blah, blah (starts to mourn)

Boy: (this guy needs an inner peace , he fights his thoughts within himself) calm, calm brother. Relax. You are confused
with many thoughts. See st.Paul says, In II Corinthians 13:11 ,”Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, LIVE IN
PEACE; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.”. have a peace within yourselves , then only you can relax, sit
and think what to do ?, how to get out of this situation?. You will be blessed if you have and make peace , we know that
Matthew 5:9 “blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” . Be of good courage and move

“Now the boy approaches HATE”

Boy: I was seeing you from the starting you were alone all the time ,y?

HATE:I did nothing , I just tease and beat them for fun , now they made me alone

Boy: hmmmm you were being hated , don’t you think it is bad to tease and beat others, it makes others to hate you ,
when you spread love you will be loved by others, Christ has advised us in I John 4:7 “ Beloved , let us love one another:
for love is of God: and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” when you love others , you are reflecting
God himself on you . Show love and have peace with everyone then you will also be loved by everyone.

Yes , ye beloved children of God, you were chosen of God and Christ died for you not express your
sorrow,fear,pride,greed,stress or hate , but that you should be found as a joyful person, fearless of anyone except God, a
generous person, a humble gratitude , a peacemaker and a lovable person . A man cannot be Holy and Perfect unless
these bad characters are changed into good qualities. Christ overcame these bad qualities and showed only his good
qualities , as Christ overcame these qualities we also can overcome these qualities and be Holy as Christ .Therefore let us
move on with these qualities and lead a victorious life. AMEN

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