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Etymoquest - 1.

4 (CET-1)
Directions: Identify the roots in the following words and guess the meaning of the same

Word groups Root Meaning of the root

1 Anthropology, misanthropy, philanthropy

2 Unilateral, bilateral, quadrilateral

3 Annual, per annum, annuity

4 Astronomy, asterisk, astronaut

5 Audible, inaudible, auditory

6 1. autonomous, automatic, autograph

7 Bibliography, bible, bibliophile

8 Biology, biography, biotechnology

9 Carnivore, reincarnation, carnage

10 2. chronology, chronic, synchronize

11 3. suicide, insecticide, germicide

12 4. credible, incredible, credit

13 5. manicure, pedicure, curator

14 Bicycle, tricycle, cyclone

15 Democracy, epidemic, demography

16 Autocracy, democracy, bureaucracy

17 Diction, dictator, benediction

18 Confident, confidant, fidelity

19 6. geometry, geography, geology

20 Graphology, calligraphy, graphic

21 Inject, reject, eject

22 Eloquent, loquacious, soliloquy

23 Manuscript, manual, manicure

24 Maternal, matron, metropolis

25 Thermometer, barometer, pyrometer

Morphology, amorphous,

27 Synonym, antonym, acronym

28 Empathy, sympathy, apathy

29 Biped, quadruped, centipede

30 Philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy

31 Metropolis, politics, acropolis

32 Psychology, psychomotor, psychiatrist

33 Science, omniscient, prescient

34 Introvert, extrovert, vertigo

35 Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore


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