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Toward an understanding of the spin-statistics theorem

Ian Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan

Citation: American Journal of Physics 66, 284 (1998); doi: 10.1119/1.18860

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Toward an understanding of the spin-statistics theorem
Ian Duck
T. W. Bonner Laboratory, Physics Department, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77251-1892
E. C. G. Sudarshan
Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712
~Received 6 February 1997; accepted 2 December 1997!
We respond to a recent request from Neuenschwander for an elementary proof of the Spin-Statistics
Theorem. First, we present a pedagogical discussion of the results for the spin-0 Klein–Gordon field
quantized according to Bose–Einstein statistics; and for the spin- 21 Dirac field quantized according
to Fermi–Dirac statistics and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. This discussion is intended to make our
paper accessible to students familiar with the matrix solution of the quantum harmonic oscillator.
Next, we discuss a number of candidate intuitive proofs and conclude that none of them pass muster.
The reasons for their shortcomings are fully discussed. Then we discuss an argument, originally
suggested by Sudarshan, which proves the theorem with a minimal set of requirements. Although
we use Lorentz invariance in a specific and limited part of the argument, we do not need the full
complexity of relativistic quantum field theory. Motivated by our particular use of Lorentz
invariance, if we are permitted to elevate the conclusion of flavor symmetry ~which we explain in
the text! to the status of a postulate, one could recast our proof without any explicit relativistic
assumptions, and thus make it applicable even in the nonrelativistic context. Such an argument,
presented in the text, sheds some light on why it is that the ordinary Schrödinger field, considered
strictly in the nonrelativistic context, seems to be quantizable with either statistics. Finally, an
argument starting with ordinary-number valued ~commuting!, and with Grassmann-valued
~anticommuting!, oscillators shows in a natural way that these must relativistically embed into
Klein–Gordon spin-0 and Dirac spin- 21 fields, respectively. In this way, the Spin-Statistics Theorem
is understood at the expense of admitting the existence of the simplest Grassmann-valued field.
© 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers.

PART A. INTRODUCTION and A. S. Wightman.3 Pauli’s proof and Streater and Wight-
man’s explanation and expansion of it, are perhaps examples
This paper is our response to a question raised by Neuen- of just the inaccessible formal arguments which Feynman
schwander in the ‘‘Questions and Answers’’ section of The was apologizing for, and which prompted Neuenschwander’s
American Journal of Physics,1 whom we quote: dissatisfaction in the first place.
‘‘In the Feynman Lectures on Physics, Richard We present the following.
Feynman said: ‘Why is it that particles with half- ~1! In Part A, we present a pedagogic review of the quan-
integral spin are Fermi particles whose ampli- tization of the spin- 21 Dirac equation according to Fermi–
tudes add with the minus sign, whereas particles Dirac statistics and of the spin-0 Klein–Gordon equation ac-
with integral spin are Bose particles whose am- cording to Bose–Einstein statistics. Following this, we
plitudes add with the positive sign? We apolo- briefly describe important and exciting experimental
gize for the fact that we cannot give you an el- searches for violations of, for example, the Pauli Exclusion
ementary explanation. An explanation has been Principle, and theoretical efforts to interpret such violations.
worked out by Pauli from complicated argu- ~2! In Part B, a detailed refutation of four heuristic proofs
ments of quantum field theory and relativity. He put forward in response to Neuenschwander’s question is
has shown that the two must necessarily go to- presented. We are in full accord with a brief criticism already
gether, but we have not been able to find a way published by Hilborn.4
of reproducing his arguments on an elementary ~3! In Part C, a simple proof of the Spin-Statistics Theo-
level... . This probably means that we do not rem based on work by Schwinger is presented.5,6 The proof
have a complete understanding of the fundamen- makes use of a convenient but rather unfamiliar formulation
tal principle involved... .’ of quantum theories which uses second-quantized Hermitian
Has anyone made any progress toward an ‘el- fields rather than the usual complex Schrödinger wave func-
ementary’ argument for the Spin-Statistics Theo- tions. It also uses a Lagrangian formalism with the kinematic
rem?’’ part of the Lagrangian bilinear in these fields and, at most,
Within months a few responses appeared, none of which linear in their first derivatives. The proof is based on Sudar-
we find to be credible. shan’s observation that rotational invariance, in conjunction
Neuenschwander’s question made us realize that we too with the postulate of flavor symmetry ~perhaps as a vestige
did not ‘‘really understand’’ the original Pauli proof,2 and of Lorentz invariance! of the Lagrangian requires the spin-
did not understand the too terse comments on the subject that statistics connection. The flavor symmetry is necessary to
one finds in all textbooks on quantum mechanics and field prevent a free antisymmetrization on internal degrees of free-
theory, especially in the book on the subject by R. F. Streater dom ~for example, isospin!, which could reverse our conclu-

284 Am. J. Phys. 66 ~4!, April 1998 © 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers 284

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sions. We will find that flavor symmetry is necessary to sat- §A1. Preliminary remarks
isfy certain elementary requirements of relativistic quantum
field theory but seems to have no independent motivation. Everyone knows the Spin-Statistics Theorem but no one
We spend considerable effort rationalizing Sudarshan’s re- understands it. This is the complaint expressed by Neuen-
sult, because in this formalism chosen by Schwinger to make schwander.
the spin-statistics connection transparent, many other things The Spin-Statistics Theorem—which states that identical
half-integral spin particles satisfy the Pauli Exclusion Prin-
become quite complicated. We describe the situation in some
ciple and Fermi–Dirac statistics which permit no more than
detail. We hope the reader will not be intimidated, and will
one particle per quantum state; identical integral spin par-
accept our assurances that the theory, although cumbersome, ticles satisfy Bose–Einstein statistics which permits any
is truly elementary. All the manipulations involved are famil- number of particles in each quantum state—stands as a fact
iar from elementary quantum mechanics and classical La- of nature. The question is whether physics contains this fact
grangian mechanics. One exception to this claim is the fact as a prediction, and if so how this comes about; or whether
that we have used the formalism of second-quantized field physics is merely consistent with the Spin-Statistics Theorem
operators to deal with the many-body quantum mechanics. and that some deeper explanation exists.
We know of no better alternative. The fact that the fields are The situation turns out to be more simple than we had
noncommuting operators can often be kept in the back of been led to believe. The pre-existing proofs of the Spin-
one’s mind, while they are manipulated quite freely. Only Statistics Theorem have been encumbered by formulations
occasionally does one have to confront their full complexity. using the full formalism of relativistic quantum field theory.
~4! In Part D, we introduce a different way of looking at This turns out to be unnecessarily complicated. Following
the problem of understanding the spin-statistics connection. work done by Schwinger and by Sudarshan,21 the proof of
We argue for the consideration of two fundamental objects. the Spin-Statistics Theorem is reduced to its barest essen-
The first is just the well-understood harmonic oscillator. The tials, which are contained in elementary quantum mechanics
second is a ‘‘Grassmann’’ oscillator, which is analogous to extended to include Pauli spinors of half-integral spin
the ordinary harmonic oscillator but differs in the essential supplemented by one essential feature of the relativistic
way that the amplitudes of Grassmann oscillators anticom- theory.
mute. Bilinear kinematic Lagrangians for these fundamental For the sake of completeness, we present brief, heuristic
objects can be constructed whose symmetry uniquely identi- arguments for the following standard choices:
fies them by Sudarshan’s argument, as integral or half- ~1! Anticommutation relations for operators of the generic
integral spin in accord with the Spin-Statistics Theorem.
Their Lagrangians can be embedded relativistically, and in @ a,b † # 1 [ab † 1b † a,
the simplest cases lead to the Klein–Gordon spin-0 field
theory for the ordinary commuting oscillator and to the Dirac leading to antisymmetrized wave functions, Fermi–Dirac
statistics, and the Pauli Exclusion Principle for identical par-
spin- 21 field theory for the anticommuting Grassmann oscilla-
ticles of spin- 21 satisfying the first-order relativistic free par-
tor. We characterize this as the statistics-spin connection.
ticle Dirac equation.
Following Part D, we summarize our basic conclusions. ~2! Commutation relations
The objection is frequently raised ‘‘But why anticommu-
tators?’’ We are reminded of Rabi asking about the muon, @ a,b † # 2 [ab † 2b † a,
‘‘Who ordered this?’’ We do not know why anticommuting
leading to symmetrized wave functions and Bose–Einstein
particles are required to exist. We are glad that they do, the statistics for identical particles of spin-0 which satisfy the
point being that none of us would be here, if there was a second-order relativistic free particle Klein–Gordon equa-
here, to worry about it if they didn’t. But within the confines tion.
of the local Lagrangian formulation of relativistic quantum
mechanics in ordinary (311)-dimensional space–time, we
do know that they must have half-integral spin, and vice
versa. In §C3, by a simple example, we illustrate the appar- §A2. Anticommutation relations for Dirac spin- 21 fields
ently essential role of relativity in restricting our choice of
The Dirac equation22 linear in the space and time deriva-
theories to those with the observed spin-statistics connection.
tives is
The Spin-Statistics Theorem is generally credited to Pauli,
but Pauli and Weisskopf,7 Pauli himself,8 Iwanenko and
Socolow,9 Fierz,10 Belinfante,11 Belinfante and Pauli,12 and
deWet13 all made prior contributions. Pauli did define the
c 5H D c 5 aW • 1 b m c .
D ~1!

terms in which it was proved, and he criticized14 alternative Dirac found the four 434 matrices aW and b by requiring that
proposals from Feynman15 and Schwinger.16 Finally, Lüders c also satisfy the relativistic energy–momentum relation
and Zumino,17 and Burgoyne,18 based on developments of E 2 5 p 2 1m 2 . Consider a state of zero momentum with the
Hall and Wightman19 and Jost,20 resolved flaws of logic, Dirac wave function
rigor, and generality which infected the earlier proofs. The
foundation of the theorem, however, remained the one de- c 5aue 2imt 1b * v e 1imt , ~2!
fined by Pauli: relativistic quantum field theory. We note in which requires interpretation23 of the ‘‘negative energy’’
passing that in atomic physics, for the conduction electrons piece ;exp(imt), for which
in metals, for the phonons in solids, and most recently in
Bose–Einstein condensates at tenths of a micro-kelvin, we ] imt
i e 52me imt [Ee imt .
need the result in a nonrelativistic context. ]t

285 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 285

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The four-component Dirac column spinors u and v are ^ n21 u a u n & 5 An, ^ n u a † u n21 & 5 An, ^ n u a † a u n & 5n.
trivial for zero momentum. Here we use the standard repre- ~6!
sentation with
All others are zero and the energy eigenvalues are
b 5diag~ 1,1,21,21 ! .
E n 2 12 5 ^ n u H2 21 u n & 5 ^ n u N u n & 5n. ~7!
u has the top two components equal to a Pauli spinor, the Returning now to the discussion of the zero momentum
bottom two equal to zero, and the opposite for v . They are solutions of the Dirac equation and the interpretation of the
normalized to (a,a † ), (b,b † ) as annihilation and creation operators, we can
u † u5 v † v 51, u † v 5 v † u50, ~3! write

where u is the Hermitian conjugate to u.
We begin by interpreting a ~and b! as the amplitude to be
E5 E c S ]] D c

d 3 x5m ~ a † a2bb † ! . ~8!
in the electron ~positron! state with energy 1m and charge The cross terms disappear because of the orthogonality of u
e(2e) ~the charge on the electron is taken to be e52 u e u . and v . We are now in a quandary. If we attempt to pursue
The mass m5 u m u is intrinsically positive!. the analogy with the harmonic oscillator solution and assign
Speaking loosely, c has a piece aue 2imt , which is the commutation relations to (a,a † ) and (b,b † ) ~which are no
wave function of an electron of energy m, and another piece longer simply related to coordinate and momentum!, then the
b * v e imt , which is the complex conjugate of the wave func- eigenvalues of a † a and b † b ~or bb † ! would be all positive
tion of a positron of energy 1m. The probability for an integers, and the energy eigenvalues would range from 1`
electron is a * a, and that for the positron part must be de- to 2`. There would be no lowest energy state but separate a
fined in a way that is similar but subject to such basic re- and b oscillators with positive and negative energies.
quirements as positive energy and opposite charge ~permit- The way out of this quandary is to replace commutation
ting pair production! for the positron. We are reminded of relations for the (a,a † ) and (b,b † ) by anticommutation
the raising and lowering operators in the matrix solution of relations.24 It took five years to understand the problem of
the quantum theory of the harmonic oscillator, where the ‘‘negative energy states’’ in the Dirac equation and to realize
operators a and a † (b,b † ) replace the complex numbers a that the ‘‘filled Dirac negative energy sea’’ with ‘‘holes,’’
and a * (b,b * ) and the number operators N e 5a † a and N ē should be replaced by the concept of antiparticles. The part
5b † b replace the corresponding probabilities a * a and bb * . of the field operator c which ;e 2i v t ~where we always
Reinterpreting (a * ,a) as raising and lowering ~better, cre- mean v [1 Ap 2 1m 2 ! is to be interpreted as a particle anni-
ation and annihilation! operators (a † ,a), we have the follow- hilation piece, the part ;e 1i v t as an antiparticle creation
ing: piece.
~1! a † creates an electron of energy m, charge e; a annihi- With anticommutation relations
lates an electron of energy m, charge e. ~There is also an @ a,a † # 1 5 @ b,b † # 1 51, ~9!
unspecified spin component, and usually a momentum
which is here set to zero.! the situation clarifies remarkably. It will be necessary to ex-
tend these anticommutation relations by requiring all others
~2! Similarly, b † creates a positron of energy m, charge 2e,
to be zero,
and so on.
@ a,b # 1 5 @ a,a # 1 5etc.50.
In the usual harmonic oscillator solution of nonrelativistic
quantum mechanics, only the operator a and its Hermitian With the anticommutation relation for b and b † , the en-
conjugate a † occur, but not b and b † . There is only one kind ergy
of quantum, no charge, and no antiparticle. For the harmonic
E5m ~ a † a2bb † ! ⇒m ~ a † a1b † b21 ! , ~10!
oscillator case, the operators a and a † are linear combina-
tions of the coordinate q and momentum p which satisfy can be expressed in terms of occupation number operators
canonical commutation relations, and the a and a † can also N e 5a † a, N ē 5b † b ~11!
be shown to satisfy the commutation relations
@ a,a † # 2 51, @ a,a # 2 5 @ a † ,a † # 2 50. ~4!
E5m ~ N e 1N ē 21 ! ,
In a standard elementary, but fundamental, exercise, the ma-
trix representation of the quantum harmonic oscillator fol- and readily interpreted. The energy difference
lows from this algebra plus the requirement that the positive E2E 0 5m ~ N e 1N ē !
definite Hamiltonian operator
is positive, as required. The total electric charge and momen-
H5a † a1 21 ~5! tum have similar sensible expressions in terms of N e and N ē .
must have a lowest energy eigenstate u0&. We are led to the It is possible to construct a matrix realization of the op-
occupation number operator N5a † a whose eigenstates erator algebra with only two states, u0& and u1&, for which
u 0 & , u 1 & ,..., u n & ,..., are characterized by the integer occupa- a u 0 & 5a † u 1 & 50, a †u 0 & 5 u 1 & , au1&5u0&. ~12!
tion number eigenvalues n50,1,2,..., which are the number
Each state is labeled by its eigenvalue of the occupation
of quanta in each state. To complete the solution we have the
number operator N5a † a, so
orthonormal occupation number eigenstates u n & , and the ma-
trix elements N u 1 & 51 u 1 & , N u 0 & 50 u 0 & 50. ~13!

286 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 286

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In matrix form, This situation was in place by 1932. It would occupy some

of the best minds in physics over the next generation to
1 0 0 1 0 0 satisfy themselves perhaps, but certainly not everyone, that
u0&5 , u1&5 , a5 , a †5 ,
0 1 0 0 1 0 the matter was closed.
Next we look at the comparable situation for the spin-0
and the occupation number operator relativistic scalar field satisfying the free particle Klein–

Gordon equation.
0 0 0 1 0 0
N5a † a5 5 .
1 0 0 0 0 1
The eigenvalues of the occupation number matrix, which are §A3. Commutation relations for Klein–Gordon spin-0
the occupation numbers allowed by the anticommuting field fields
operators, are zero and one in accord with the Pauli Exclu-
sion Principle. There was a long delay and much confusion before the
One can verify that the wave function for two noninteract- spin-0 relativistic scalar wave equation was treated in a sys-
ing identical particles is antisymmetric in the exchange of the tematic and rigorous way by Pauli and Weisskopf. In con-
two particles. For this we need the field operator C † (x) trast to the Dirac case, everything goes smoothly if we
which creates a particle at position x and its Hermitian con- choose commutation relations for the field operators, and the
jugate which annihilates it. We need only the particle a but resulting Bose–Einstein statistics for the Klein–Gordon
spin-0 particles. If we were to choose anticommutation rela-
not the antiparticle b part. We have
tions, we would still find a formally positive Hamiltonian,
but it is infinite for the vacuum state because
C~ x !5 (j a j c j ~ x ! , C †~ x ! 5 (j a †j c *j ~ x ! ~14!
E 05 ( v ~ a † a1bb † ! .
summed over a complete orthonormal set of single-particle
wave functions c j (x), and the corresponding ~annihilation! No negative energy problems are generated by the solutions
operators a j . $The notation is standard but confusing. Earlier ;e 1imt , which still occur just as in the Dirac case, because
we used c @Eqs. ~2! and ~8!# to denote a Dirac field operator. the Klein–Gordon Hamiltonian is bilinear in the time deriva-
Here we temporarily use C in order to distinguish the field tives and produces a factor 1m 2 regardless of the sign in the
operator from the single-particle Dirac wave function c j .% exponential.
To define anticommutation relations independent of the The Pauli–Weisskopf quantization of the relativistic scalar
choice of basis states c j , it is necessary that the creation and field assumes a Lagrangian density which produces the
annihilation operators of different modes should satisfy the Klein–Gordon equation as the field equation for a complex
prescription that ‘‘all others are zero.’’ one-component field f (xW ,t):
The state vector for a particle localized at x is ]f† ]f
u x & 5C † ~ x ! u 0 & . ~15!
L5 2
] t ] t j5x,y,z j (
¹ f † ¹ j f 2m 2 f † f . ~18!

The amplitude for a particle in state s to be at position x is L will be Lorentz invariant if f is an invariant scalar under
Lorentz transformations. The Hermitian conjugate of the
field f † anticipates the quantization elevating the fields to
^ x u s & 5 ^ 0 u C ~ x ! a †s u 0 & 5 ( c j ~ x ! ^ 0 u a j a †s u 0 & operators in the Hilbert space of states.
The generalized momentum canonically conjugate to the
fields f , f † are ~abbreviating ] f / ] t as f ;t and so on!
5 (j c j ~ x ! d js 5 c s~ x ! . ~16!
P f5 5 f †;t , P f † 5 f ;t . ~19!
For a two-particle state, ] f ;t
^ x,y u s,t & 5 ^ 0 u C ~ x ! C ~ y ! a †s a †t u 0 & The Euler–Lagrange equation
] ]L ]L ]L
1¹ j † 5 ~20!
5 (jk c j ~ x ! c k~ y ! ^ 0 u a j a k a †s a †t u 0 & ] t ] f †;t ]f;j ] f†
5 (jk c j ~ x ! c k ~ y ! $ d ks d jt 2 d kt d js % ] 2f
2¹ 2 f 52m 2 f , ~21!
5 c t~ x ! c s~ y ! 2 c s~ x ! c t~ y ! , ~17!
just the Klein–Gordon relativistic wave equation.
which is antisymmetric as desired. The Hamiltonian density
In summary, the quantization of the Dirac equation using
anticommutation relations ~instead of canonical commutation H5P f f ;t 1 f †;t P f † 2L
relations! for the field operators gives a theory with a posi- ]f† ]f
tive energy spectrum, which is naturally interpreted in terms 5 1¹ j f † ¹ j f 1m 2 f † f ~22!
of electrons and positrons ~of spin- 21 , not shown! satisfying
]t ]t
the Pauli Exclusion Principle and Fermi–Dirac statistics, and is positive, which guarantees a positive energy spectrum, in
possessing antisymmetric many-particle wave functions. contrast to the Dirac case.

287 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 287

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One also finds a conserved four-vector charge-current den- the order of the operation cannot matter. The difficulty with
sity this argument is taking the limit as x→x 8 in a convincing
J J way.
¹ ] One more exercise is worth doing to support our choice of
W 5e f † f , r 5e f † i f. ~23!
i ]t a and b. The equal time commutation relation
Expressed in terms of momentum eigenstates, the Klein– @ f ~ x,t ! ,P f ~ x 8 ,t ! # 2 5 @ f ~ x,t ! , f †;t ~ x 8 ,t !# 2 ~29!
Gordon field f is
can easily be shown from the above expansions in terms of
1 the a, a † ’s and b, b † ’s to be i d 3 (xW 2xW 8 ), just the intuitive
f5 ( $ a k e i ~ kr2 v k t ! 1b †k e 2i ~ kr2 v k t ! % , ~24!
k A2 v k result for the canonical commutation relation
where we interpret the expansion coefficients as annihilation
operators a k for a particle of momentum kW and creation op- F qk ,
1 ]
i ]q j G 2
F ~ q 8 s ! 5i d k j F ~ q 8 s ! . ~30!
erators b †k for an antiparticle of momentum kW and energy
Now we sketch deWet’s proof that anticommutation rela-
v k 51 Ak 2 1m 2 . Substituting these expansions of f and f † tions are impossible for spin-0 fields.
into E5 * Hd 3 x and Q5 * r d 3 x gives the total energy and Suppose we try to replace the canonical commutation by
total charge: an anticommutation, so we investigate the possibility

E5 (k v k~ a †k a k 1b k b †k ! , ~25!
@ f ~ x,t ! , f † ~ x 8 ,t !# 1 5 0,

and which we assume to hold at xÞx 8 . The diagonal matrix

element for an arbitrary state um& is
Q5 (k e ~ a †k a k 2b k b †k ! . ~26!
(x ^ m u f ~ x,t ! u x &^ x u f †~ x 8 ,t ! u m &
All the cross terms cancel, leaving expressions that are
readily interpreted in terms of particle and antiparticle occu- 1Hermitian conjugate50,
pation numbers
where we have inserted a complete orthonormal set of states
N e 5a † a, N ē 5b † b, ~27!
if the operators a,a † and b,b † are assigned the commutation 15 (x u x &^ x u .
@ a k ,a k 8 # 2 5 @ b k ,b k 8 # 2 5 d k,k 8
† †
~28! If this can be continued to x5x 8 , then

and all others zero.

This leads to Bose–Einstein statistics with occupation (x u ^ x u f u m & u 2 50,
numbers for each mode allowed to take any positive integer
value, and to symmetric many-particle wave functions. leading to the conclusion that a scalar field operator satisfy-
Without delving into all the pathologies that might de- ing the above anticommutation relation has no matrix ele-
velop if we try to quantize Klein–Gordon spin-0 fields with ments in the Hilbert space and would have to be the null
anticommutation relations ~see §C3!, we present an argu- operator.
ment used by Pauli and Weisskopf and by deWet. Although In this simple and direct way, deWet concluded that the
incomplete, it is remarkably close to the proof finally con- anticommutation relation required u f (x,t) u 2 50, which could
structed by Lüders and Zumino and by Burgoyne. only be satisfied if f (x,t)50. This nonoperator statement is
For deWet’s discussion we need the ~anti!commutation the correct conclusion, but does not make explicit the under-
relations for the full field operators f and f † at different lying assumptions on the requirements of the Hilbert space.
points of space–time, at equal times, and at coincident points The Dirac field escapes this fate. The anticommutator
of space–time. For example, for the free fields above @ c , c † # 1 is not in the category ‘‘all others are zero,’’ because
in the Dirac Lagrangian ~linear in the time derivative! i c † is
@ f ~ x,t ! , f ~ x 8 ,t !# 2 ; @ a1b † ,a1b † # 2 [0.
the momentum P c conjugate to c, and this anticommutator,
This is clear because the commutators involved @ a,a # 2 , by analogy to the canonical commutators, is not zero, but
@ a,b † # 2 , and so on, are in the category ‘‘all others are d 3 (x2x 8 ). The above matrix element is not zero but infinite,
zero.’’ ; d 3 (0), and the Dirac field survives. deWet went on to
Also, the commutator show that no such exceptions could exist for tensor fields and
therefore that it is impossible to quantize integral spin fields
@ f ~ x,t ! , f † ~ x 8 ,t !# 2 50.
with anticommutation relations. His arguments made essen-
This follows, not quite so trivially as above, from direct cal- tial use of the full Lorentz invariance of the Dirac and the
culation. It follows also from the classical analog because f Klein–Gordon Lagrangians.
and f † are both generalized coordinates q 1 , q 2 , say, whose The shortcomings of these simple proofs and others to be
Poisson brackets vanish, and whose commutator brackets presented over the years were as follows.
also vanish. It can also be argued to vanish because these ~1! Pauli ~1940! criticized deWet’s proof as limited to
equal time operators are separated by a spacelike interval and spin-0 and spin- 21 , and also limited to the canonical formal-
the two operations cannot be causally connected, therefore ism which is difficult to carry beyond these low spins be-

288 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 288

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cause of the need for a proliferating array of subsidiary con- particle identity and to give a basis for interpreting experi-
ditions. In retrospect this appears as a serious lapse in taste ments of the K-shell x-ray search type. They state that the
and judgment by Pauli, which caused a long-standing im- ‘‘... theory cannot be represented in a positive-metric ~Hil-
passe. bert! space.’’
~2! None of the proofs ~including Pauli’s! until those fi- Subsequent developments by Greenberg30 show that there
nally put forward by Lüders and Zumino and Burgoyne is an interpretation in the framework of the quantum me-
~1958! included the effect of interactions, but dealt with free chanics of quons, based on a generalized q-mutator which
fields only, or in the case of Feynman and Schwinger with interpolates continuously between commutator and anticom-
free fields interacting perturbatively. mutator,
~3! The formal requirements underlying the analytic con-
tinuations and the manipulations of the usually singular a j a †k 2qa †k a j 5 d jk .
products of operators and their matrix elements were even- Greenberg constructs quon Fock states which include the
tually addressed. The formalism reached daunting dimen- symmetric, antisymmetric, and mixed symmetry states. The
sions in the work of Hall and Wightman, but did substantiate norms of the inappropriate states vanish in the q561 limit
the intuitive conclusions.
as expected and return the theory to Bose–Einstein or
Schwinger took an informal view about higher spin par-
Fermi–Dirac statistics. For other values of q there is now the
ticles and about interactions. He maintained that higher spin
particles were not fundamental, and assumed that a model possibility, for example, of q-electron radiative capture into
using spin- 21 and spin-0 constituents would give the required a symmetric 2 q-electron K-shell orbit from a previously
generalization with sufficient rigor. Schwinger further as- symmetric continuum-bound 2 q-electron state, without vio-
sumed that perturbation theory could in some way deal with lating the requirement of Amado and Primakoff that the
the ~non!effect of interactions on statistics. Hamiltonian evolution of identical particles not change the
Schwinger’s opinion that spin-0 and - 21 solve the basic symmetry type.
problem leaves the truly arduous early work of Fierz, Belin- Greenberg also constructs quon number operators and the
fante, and Pauli himself, based on the spinor representations free-particle Hamiltonian which are generally of infinite or-
of the Lorentz group, as not only arcane but also obsolete der in the a, a † , and lead to operators nonlocal in coordinate
and unnecessary. We bypass, as well, the beautiful, formal, space. Greenberg concludes that the criterion of locality is of
and economical proofs especially of Burgoyne, which prove critical importance in limiting the choice of fields to those
the Spin-Statistics Theorem beyond doubt but perhaps also with standard commutation or anticommutation relations.
beyond comfortable comprehension, in favor of the proof In spite of these difficulties, there is profound interest in
following Schwinger. the general question of violations of the usual statistics. An-
other possibility referred to by Greenberg and Mohapatra is
ordinary quantum mechanics and statistics in a space of N
§A4. Alternatives to the standard statistics 531d dimensions. Fermions could have an antisymmetric
Before focusing on the standard choice of Bose–Einstein excitation in the invisible ~compactified! extra d dimensions,
or Fermi–Dirac statistics, we briefly describe interesting re- leaving a symmetric wave function in the observed three
search which has the all-important aim of searching for small dimensions. A quantitative estimate of the effect of such ap-
violations of these two possibilities. Prototype experiments25 parent violations of antisymmetry on the Pauli Exclusion
look for K-shell x-rays from electrons falling into filled Principle tests is obviously very model dependent. Ramberg
atomic orbits, in violation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. and Snow interpret their search for a violation of the Pauli
The objection to the experiment by Reines and Sobel within Exclusion Principle as an upper bound on Greenberg and
the confines of ordinary quantum mechanics of identical par- Mohapatra’s b parameter,
ticles is described by Amado and Primakoff,26 and goes back b 2 <1.6310226,
to the original reasoning which led Heisenberg27 to the no-
tion of symmetric or antisymmetric many-particle wave which might be compared to the square of the ratio of the
functions. As Amado and Primakoff explain again ‘‘... the electron mass to the Planck mass ;10245, or to the GUT
Hamiltonian must treat the identical particles completely mass ;10236. More recently, however, membrane theorists
symmetrically’’ and as a result ‘‘... identical particles in non- have been speculating on a large compactification radius for
relativistic quantum mechanics can be described according to one of their eleven dimensions, which could give a ratio
unmixable symmetry types, and worlds of different symme- ;10230.
try type do not mix.’’ In brief, there are no small violations It is clear that these and many other speculations can lead
of identity. Nonetheless, Amado and Primakoff conclude that us far afield from our announced goal of ‘‘understanding’’
such experiments do have important motivations, one of the Spin-Statistics Theorem. We take an orthodox, even pe-
which is to test the stability of electrons. destrian, view and restrict the discussion to known, estab-
Greenberg and Mohapatra28 have developed a theory lished, elementary, but hopefully fundamental physics. We
which employs a single oscillator with mixed trilinear do this without in any way trying to inhibit conjecture, but
~anti!commutation relations of the Green type.29 The theory rather to give a firm basis for conjecture by establishing bare
includes a parameter b which interpolates between Fermi– minimum postulates which can support the theorem.
Dirac statistics ( b 50) and ‘‘para-Fermi’’ statistics ( b 51) Our strategy is: We do ordinary quantum mechanics in
with occupation numbers 0, 1, 2 for parafermions in a single ordinary (311)-dimensional space–time. Within ordinary
state. The result is a parallel world of para-electrons which or standard quantum mechanics we do include the technique
can violate the usual statistics at order b 2 . As described by of second quantization and field theory as a convenient and
Greenberg and Mohapatra, the importance of this work is to powerful tool for dealing with the many-body problem. The
give a quantum mechanical description of small violations of extension to relativistic quantum field theory, while perhaps

289 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 289

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intimidating, is still the ordinary quantum mechanics of the Bacry considers the state of an electron at (x,y,z)
many-body problem, but with the possibility of transitions 5(1a,0,0) with spin component s z 51 21 described by a
between states having different particle numbers. wave function

We define canonical, or standard, quantum theory to mean
that the theory is derived from a Principle of Least Action d ~ x2a ! d ~ y ! d ~ z !
c A5 , ~31!
based on a local Lagrangian. The original definition of ca- 0
nonical meant the deduction of quantum theory from the
prescription of replacing classical Poisson brackets by the and another electron at (x,y,z)5(2a,0,0) with s z 52 21 de-
corresponding quantum commutator brackets ~see again the scribed by a wave function
work of Pauli and Weisskopf in §A3!, and the Hamilton–
Poisson equations of motion by the Heisenberg-commutator
equations. In the presence of anticommutating fields, we
c B5 S 0
d ~ x1a ! d ~ y ! d ~ z ! . D
must generalize the definition to a purely quantum Principle The two-electron wave function is written as
of Least Action. We retain as much of the structure of clas-
sical mechanics as possible, including, for example, the role C AB ~ 1,2! 5 c A ~ 1 ! c B ~ 2 ! 6 c B ~ 1 ! c A ~ 2 ! , ~32!
of the Hamiltonian as the time-translation generator in where we need to make a choice 6 between a symmetric
Heisenberg-commutator equations. The goal of a full quan- wave function or an antisymmetric wave function for the two
tum dynamics can be achieved at least in simple cases by the electrons. Under the exchange operation E 12 taking 1⇔2,
prescription of correspondingly simple commutation or anti-
commutation relations. A third alternative is possible in a E 12C AB ~ 1,2! [C AB ~ 2,1! 56C AB ~ 1,2! . ~33!
slightly more general interpretation of the Principle of Least
Action. This choice is Green’s parastatistics, which employs Bacry then observes that a finite rotation by p around the y
a trilinear commutation relation and has somewhat patho- axis leaves this two-particle state unchanged. The rotation is
logical representations which do not seem to be realized generated by the operator
physically. An introduction to the subject can be found in R y ~ p ! 5e 2i p J y 5e 2i p L y e 2i s y p /25e 2i p L y ~ 2i s y !

Ref. 29. We will not pursue this branch of the subject here,
but refer the reader to an excellent review of modern alter- 0 21
natives by Greenberg, Greenberger, and Greenbergest.31 The 5e 2i p L y . ~34!
1 0
impact on our very traditional view of developments such as
color confinement and higher dimension string theory also Acting on the wave function c A ,

remains to be explored.
R y ~ p ! c A ~ x,y,z ! 5
d ~ 2x2a ! d ~ y ! d ~ 2z !
QUESTION 5 c B ~ x,y,z ! , ~35!
and on c B ,
§B1. Introduction
R y ~ p ! c B ~ x,y,z ! 52 c A ~ x,y,z ! .
Neuenschwander’s question excited us, obviously, but
generated a remarkably limited direct response. Two years Acting on the two-particle wave function,
after publication of the question, there have been only four
published replies. R y ~ p ! C AB ~ 1,2! 52 ~ c B ~ 1 ! c A ~ 2 ! 6 c A ~ 1 ! c B ~ 2 !!
In our opinion, and in agreement with the response of [26C AB ~ 1,2! .
Hilborn, none of the intuitive arguments put forward consti-
tute satisfactory elementary proofs of the Spin-Statistics Bacry now makes the unjustifiable assumption which negates
Theorem. They leave the situation essentially as Feynman32 the proof. From the fact that the two-particle state is invari-
described it 30 years earlier. ant under the finite rotation R y ( p ), he concludes that the
wave function is also, and requires that
§B2. Bacry’s proof and Hilborn’s critique R y ~ p ! C AB ~ 1,2! [C AB ~ 1,2! ,
We discuss the simplest proof, outlined by Bacry.33 Bacry which, if true, would require the choice of the negative sign
identifies an exchange operator E with a suitably chosen ro- in the 6 and would determine that
tation operator R. The situation described in his reply is a E 12C AB ~ 1,2! [C AB ~ 2,1! 52C AB ~ 1,2! ,
particularly simple one which illustrates the essential idea
but in fact contains the basic flaw which invalidates his ar- the desired result.
gument from being the sought-after ‘‘simple intuitive However, the invariance of the state does not require the
proof.’’ If his argument had been valid, it would have meant invariance of the wave function in the case of a discrete
that no reference to relativity was necessary and would have symmetry, which is what we have here. There is nothing to
negated all previous ideas on the subject. Later we discuss an rule out the possibility of a sign change of the wave function
apparently more general argument along the same line, ap- under a rotation through p, and therefore the above argument
pearing in an earlier paper by Broyles,34 which defines the can give no information about the choice of exchange sym-
exchange operator in terms of a rotation operator designed metry of the wave function.
for situations more general than the simple configuration de- The change of sign of a wave function under a discrete
scribed by Bacry. However, Broyles’ argument suffers from symmetry transformation is a common feature of wave func-
the same critical flaw as does Bacry’s. tions: Note the invariance under a 2p rotation of a spin- 21

290 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 290

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particle state, but the wave function changes sign; or the Gould summarizes Feynman’s argument in part, by re-
invariance under reflections of a pseudoscalar state, but again counting the paradoxical behavior of the rotation of a teth-
the wave function changes sign. ered classical object. The purpose of the classical paradox is
Broyles’ argument, which predates the whole Neuen- to convince people that a 2p rotation is not just a trivial
schwander incident, is primarily concerned with showing return of everything to the way it was, even classically, and
that a rotation operator exists which can serve as the ex- that we should not be distressed by the resulting change in
change operator for two spins not simply parallel or antipar- the sign of the wave function of a spin- 21 particle. The point
allel ~as in Bacry’s case!, and that therefore a rotation opera- of the demonstration is—grasping the handle of a full coffee
tor exists which exchanges the two particles for general spin cup, without spilling the coffee, rotate the cup through an
states. The actual details of this operator @in Broyles’ Eq. angle of 2p around a vertical axis while keeping feet fixed,
~16!, a result which is somewhat contrived and artificial in but at the expense of a twisted arm. A further 2p rotation
our view# need not concern us. What does concern us is his through a total of 4p returns the cup ~and the arm! to the
Postulate A on which he predicates his proof of the Spin- original configuration. This is supposed to remind us of the
Statistics Theorem: sign change in the wave function of a spin- 21 particle under a
‘‘Postulate A: If we write the wave function for 2p rotation, and the need to rotate the spin- 21 particle twice
two particles in such a way as to exhibit all of the around through 4p to return to the original wave function. So
internal quantum numbers and the spatial posi- far, so good. But no further.
tion of each and, furthermore, if the two sets of Hilborn states it beautifully: ‘‘... analogy is not an expla-
quantum numbers including coupling constants nation. Nowhere does the spin of the object enter the discus-
and spin are identical with the exception of the sion nor is it clear what the twist in the constraint has to do
spin components along some axis and the spatial with the change in sign of the fermion’s wave function. ...
positions, then this wave function must be invari- why are boson wave functions unchanged... .’’
ant ~Note: Italics added! to any ~Poincaré! trans- It was Feynman’s purpose to show that ‘‘... the mysterious
formation of the coordinate frame ~with all minus signs in the behavior of Fermi particles are really due
physical apparatus connected to it! that produces to unnoticed 2p rotations!’’ Feynman produces in his Dirac
a wave function with the same two sets of quan- Lecture two other models of identical particle exchange
tum numbers.’’ which reproduce the spin-statistics connection. One is a
nearly classical model of a spin- 21 object which has the re-
The critical part of this postulate, with which we disagree, quired change of sign under a 2p rotation, and also—it is
is the phrase in italics. claimed—under an exchange of two identical particles.
Broyles goes on to emphasize: ‘‘Any combination of ro- Feynman describes the composite object invented by Saha,38
tations and translations of the coordinate frame that leaves consisting of a spin-0 electric charge e and a spin-0 magnetic
the picture looking just as it did before these operations, monopole of magnetic charge g. The electromagnetic angu-
must also leave the wave function unchanged.’’ He does em-
lar momentum
phasize that the postulate is special to two-particle wave

functions for the reason cited above, that the wave function
for a single particle with spin- 21 under a rotation of 2p is an LW 5 r 3 ~ EW 3BW ! d 3 r ~36!
immediate exception without this restriction. We conclude
that Broyles’ Postulate A is ad hoc special pleading which
is independent of the separation of e and g, directed along
has no other purpose than to construct his proof of the Spin-
Statistics Theorem, plays no other role, and is to be deleted the line between them, and equal to eg, giving the Dirac
from the lexicon of quantum mechanics. relation eg5 21 when the angular momentum assumes its
In Hilborn’s words: Bacry’s and similarly Broyles’ minimum nonzero value.
‘‘... argument establishes a spin-statistics connection at the Now suppose the electric charge e is moved in a circle
expense of an additional assumption about how the wave around the magnetic charge g. The wave function acquires a
function behaves under coordinate transformations. This as- phase
sumption goes beyond the requirement that all observables
remain unchanged and is equivalent to restricting the wave
functions to the totally symmetric or totally antisymmetric
f 5e EW A •dlW5e EW B •dSW . ~37!
representations of the permutation group or, equivalently, re-
stricting physical states to those represented by single rays in The surface integral * dS can be deformed into an easily
Hilbert space.’’ done integral over a hemisphere centered on the magnetic
charge, giving the result
§B3. Topological markers and Feynman’s models f 5e ~ 4 p g ! /25eg2 p 5 p . ~38!
The first response to Neuenschwander’s question was
from Gould,35 who referred to the Feynman Lectures ~1963! As desired, the phase of the spin- 21 object has changed by p
and summarized Feynman’s 1986 Dirac Lecture36 on the for a rotation through 2p.
same topic. Here, as Gould describes it, Feynman Next, Feynman considers the process of exchanging two
‘‘sketched’’ an elementary argument for the spin-statistics ~very compact! eg composites, call them 1 at x and 2 at y.
connection. Unfortunately, the fascinating scenarios that he He views this as 1 translated from x→y in the vector poten-
described in his lecture do not constitute a proof or even an tial of 2, and 2 from y→x in that of 1. They are supposed to
explanation of the Spin-Statistics Theorem. In another reply, have their axes parallel and fixed in direction throughout the
von Foerster37 recalled similar heuristic explanations of the exchange. Then the phase acquired by the composite wave
result by others. function during the exchange is

291 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 291

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f 5 f 1 1 f 2 5e EW
A 2 •dlW1 1e EW

A 1 •dlW2 ,
that a rotation by 4p is... .’’ The solid ~i.e., impenetrable!
body is connected to an external coordinate frame by at least
three strings which become inextricably tangled after the 2p

5e EW B •dSW 5 p , ~39!
rotation but can be untangled after 4p. After a number of
caveats concerning the Dirac construction, Biedenharn and
Louck then make the unequivocal statement ‘‘Dirac’s result
just the same closed line integral that occurs in the 2p rota- must be carefully distinguished from the similar behavior of
tion, and just what is required by the Spin-Statistics Theo- spinors under rotation. ... spinors are point objects, in con-
rem. trast to the objects in Dirac’s construction, which must have
Finally, Feynman proposes a prescription for the exchange a finite size.’’
operator E 12 : Rotate each particle around the other by an The Cartan definition associates a spinor ( j 0 , j 1 ) with an
angle p, which is equivalent to a 2p rotation of one particle isotropic vector (x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ) defined as a three-dimensional
around the other. The net effect for spin-0 particles is a factor complex Euclidean vector of zero length x 21 1x 22 1x 23 50. The
1 and for spin- 21 particles a factor 21, in accord with the connection is
Spin-Statistics Theorem.
As a corollary, Feynman reminds us of an argument by x 1 5 j 20 2 j 21 , x 2 5i ~ j 20 1 j 21 ! , x 3 522 j 0 j 1 , ~40!
Finkelstein39 to demonstrate that in the rigid rotation of two
particles with no rotation of their internal axes, there is a which are nicely expressed using the Pauli matrices as
relative rotation of each by p. This can be seen by attaching
the two ends of a ribbon, one to each particle, and identifying xW 5 j T C s
W j, ~41!
the ‘‘inside edge’’ initially, which becomes the ‘‘outside
edge’’ after the rigid rotation. To complete the exchange and with C 5i s 2 . From the bilinear connection between the
return to the original configuration ~including the ribbon! spinor j and the vector xW , Cartan deduced the rotational
requires a further rotation of each particle around its own transformation of the spinor to be the ‘‘square-root’’ of that
body axis by p, for a total rotation by 2p and a factor 21. for the vector. Only the relative sign of j 0 and j 1 is defined
since the spinor reverses sign under a 2p rotation. This is the
source of the statement that the Cartan spinor is a point
§B4. Critique of topological markers
spinor of zero length. It has no other identifying properties
So what is wrong with these proofs of the Spin-Statistics beyond its associated isotropic vector which determines two
Theorem which Feynman sketched? complex spinor components within an overall sign. There is
The argument Feynman borrowed from Finkelstein, which no topological handle, as would be the case for the solid
endowed elementary particles with a connecting ribbon to bodies of Dirac’s construction and similar classical analogs.
keep track of their orientation, has to be dispensed with for Hilborn’s reply refers also to the possibility of the braid
the reason that there are no topological appendages to Cartan group playing a role in understanding the spin-statistics rela-
spinors, as we discuss later in this section. We need a proof tion. Biedenharn and Louck introduce the braid group of
that views an elementary particle as a mathematical point or order n as the crossings of n strings attached at top and
we need to prove that such a view is untenable, but we can- bottom, which run continuously downward without looping
not endow elementary particles with a property which is back. There are two elementary operations:
needed for no other purpose. So a ribbon attached to spinors ~a! s i , which crosses string i over string i11 @numbered
is not allowed, and we have no reason to identify the ex-
from the left before ~above! the operation#;
change operation as a rigid rotation ~with internal axes unro-
tated! followed by two internal rotations through angle p to
~b! s 21
i , which crosses string i under string i11.
make the spinors ‘‘face’’ each other again, thereby produc- The operations form a group of operators s 1 ,..., s n21 for
ing a minus sign. Cartan spinors have no face. which
The demonstration based on the charge-monopole com-
posite suffers from the same disqualification of endowing an ~a! s 0 and s 1 generate the group through
elementary particle with the unphysical superstructure of a s05s1s2•••sn21 , si5~s0!i21s1~s0!2i11,
magnetic field. In the ribbon case, the exchange operation is ~b! s i s j 5 s j s i for j>i12,
the rigid rotation of each ~with internal axes held fixed! fol- ~c! s i s i11 s i 5 s i11 s i s i11 .
lowed by two rotations by p which result in the sign change
required for Fermi–Dirac statistics. In the composite case, Biedenharn and Louck characterize the braid group math-
the exchange operation is the rigid rotation of each compos- ematically as more fundamental than the permutation group,
ite ~with internal axes held fixed! but with no apparent inter- and physically as the natural tool to analyze many path-
nal rotations. The purpose of the ribbon model is to convince dependent problems. The braid group is different from the
us that an unintended or unnoticed or at least unmentioned permutation group for two dimensions but they coincide for
rotation of 2p has actually occurred somehow. three- or more-dimensional Euclidean space.
In either case, the topological markers on the elementary Imbo, Imbo, and Sudarshan41 have shown using braid
particles have to be ruled out as extraneous. group analysis that—far from providing an understanding of
Biedenharn and Louck40 have discussed just these proper- the spin-statistics connection—topological considerations for
ties of rotations in Chapter 2 of their book ‘‘Angular Mo- point particles lead to a proliferation of presumably unreal-
mentum in Quantum Mechanics. Theory and Application.’’ ized possibilities beyond Bose–Einstein, Fermi–Dirac, and
They describe in detail and illustrate with intricate diagrams even para and u statistics. The so-called exotic statistics are
the Dirac construction which demonstrates that ‘‘... for solid associated with higher dimensional representations of the
bodies a rotation by 2p is not equivalent to the identity, but permutation group, in contrast to the Bose–Einstein and the

292 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 292

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Fermi–Dirac statistics, which are associated with the one- ization amplitude. Feynman shows that without the sign
dimensional totally symmetric and totally antisymmetric rep- change, the vacuum-to-vacuum transition probability would
resentations. be greater than one, and the spin-statistics connection is re-
A sophisticated variant of Bacry’s, Broyles’, and Feyn- quired in order to avoid this failure of relativistic perturba-
man’s identification of an exchange operator as a rotation tion theory. Pauli criticized Feynman’s analysis and showed
can be found in the work of Balachandran et al.42 Their work that the sign change conjectured for antiparticle amplitudes
is based on ‘‘topological properties of suitable classical con- violated charge-conjugation invariance and amounted to a
figuration spaces and show that the 2p rotation of an indi- field theory with an indefinite Hilbert space metric, hence the
vidual soliton is homotopic to the exchange of two identical violations of unitarity manifested as a probability greater
solitons... .’’ Similar to Bacry’s argument, they obtain the than one. In his lecture, Feynman ignored Pauli’s comment
spin-statistics connection without relativity or field theory, ~to which he evidently never responded! and presented the
but with detailed topological assumptions which exclude co- same argument in a slightly different guise.
incident coordinates from the many-body state space. We Feynman argues that the unitarity of the S matrix requires
can only refer the reader to their detailed arguments, from a cancellation of signs which arise from two sources: One
which we cite some of their qualifying remarks... ‘‘one out- sign change arises from ‘‘particles propagating backward in
standing problem... concerns its relation to field theory... time,’’ requiring two time reversals of a Dirac spinor with a
suggestive if as yet vague likeness to Fock space... try to resulting sign change ~analogous to that occurring in a 2p
formulate classical Lagrangian mechanics on these spaces rotation!; and a cancelling sign change from the anticommu-
and eventually to quantize... .’’ Certainly, the achievements tation of Dirac field operators. His claim is that the time-
of this work regarding solitons appear to be impressive, but reversal properties of the Dirac spinor require Fermi–Dirac
without a connection to field theory—which is, after all, no statistics in order to avoid violations of unitarity, clearly con-
more than a convenient and powerful way to handle the taining seeds of Schwinger’s proof based on time-reversal
quantum mechanics of the many-body problem—its broader invariance, and reversing the logical preeminence of the
significance is still in question. Spin-Statistics Theorem over the TCP theorem which had
In Balachandran’s theory where topologically nontrivial been specifically established in the proofs of Lüders and
many-particle manifolds exclude coincident points, and in Zumino, and of Burgoyne.
work based on variable commutation relations, there does Feynman evaluates the one-loop scattering amplitude us-
not seem to be this canonical foundation which would give ing Feynman rules. Consider the following somewhat artifi-
hope for a complete dynamical theory. What is referred to cial example, just to make his point: We imagine a toy model
there as ‘‘field theory’’ means only that fields can be written of spinless mesons f coupled to Dirac particles c by an
down of the form interaction f 2 c̄c . The ff → ff scattering amplitude in-
cludes an amplitude with a c , c̄ loop as intermediate state.
c ~ x ! 5 ( a j f j ~ x ! 1b †j f †j ~ x ! , We are instructed that the same amplitude evaluated with the
c , c̄ loop replaced by a loop of two spin-0 particles has the
but does not include an Action-Principle-based dynamics for appropriate sign required to respect unitarity.
these fields.
What is different about the amplitude with the c , c̄ loop?
Most recently, Berry and Robbins43 have extended ordi-
nary quantum mechanics to include the physics of exchange Feynman says that there are two differences. One is a sign
by defining an ‘‘exchange rotation’’ operator, by which the change due to the rearrangement—by three anti-
spin basis is smoothly parallel transported during exchange. commutations—of Dirac field operators from the order
which occurs naturally in the product of interaction Hamil-
The Pauli sign (21) 2S appears as a geometric phase of to-
tonians evaluated at the two vertices
pological origin and requires the spin-statistics connection
for single valuedness of the wave function. Their work pro- c̄ ~ 2 ! c ~ 2 ! c̄ ~ 1 ! c ~ 1 ! ,
vides a formal basis for the heuristic explanations of Bacry
and Broyles. Hopefully, our work can serve as a useful peda- into the order
gogical introduction to theirs, whose topological complica- c ~ 1 ! c̄ ~ 2 ! c ~ 2 ! c̄ ~ 1 ! .
tions are certainly not less than the complications of field
theory. The rearrangement is necessary so that we can identify the
Feynman propagator
§B5. Feynman’s unitarity argument S F ~ 2←1 ! 5 ^ 0 u c ~ 2 ! c̄ ~ 1 ! u 0 & ~42!
In his 1986 Dirac Lecture, Feynman also returned to an of a particle propagating forward in time from vertex 1 to
argument for the spin-statistics relation that he had made vertex 2 followed by the Feynman propagator
some 35 years before in his original quantum electrodynam-
ics paper. There he had pointed out that the consistency of S F ~ 1←2 ! 5 ^ 0 u c ~ 1 ! c̄ ~ 2 ! u 0 &
perturbative quantum electrodynamics was intimately depen- of a particle propagating backward in time from 2 to 1. This
dent on a particular sign reversal in the electron–positron triple anticommutation results in a characteristic minus sign
one-loop amplitude. The sign reversal can be traced to the accompanying every closed fermion loop when evaluated
feature of the Feynman propagator which replaces ‘‘negative with the Feynman rules.
energy particles’’ by positive energy antiparticles. In the Minus sign number one. Feynman explains away this mi-
second-quantized formulation, the sign reversal arises from nus sign as necessary to cancel another minus sign intro-
the anticommutation bb † →2b † b. The one-loop amplitude duced by a double time reversal of the ‘‘actual’’ antiparticle
is a recurrent feature of many processes and, most fundamen- spinors at vertices 1 and 2 to the ‘‘backward in time’’ nega-
tally, it occurs as the first contribution to the vacuum polar- tive energy particle spinors. The net result is said to be con-

293 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 293

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sistent with the sign of the spinless loop case, which is taken PART C. SCHWINGER AND THE SPIN-STATISTICS
to be consistent with the unitarity of the S matrix. CONNECTION
The projection operator L 1 (p) onto positive energy Dirac
states In this section, the long program begun by Schwinger
seeking an understanding of the spin-statistics connection is
p g 1m described in its most basic terms. It will be frequently em-
L 1~ p ! 5 ( u ~ p;s ! ū ~ p;s ! 5
s56 2m
, ~43! phasized that Lorentz invariance, or requirements based on
it, is still a fundamental necessity.
involves free Dirac spinors u(p) satisfying (p g 2m)u(p)
50 with p 2 5m 2 , p 0 .0 and normalized to ūu51. The pro- §C1. Introduction
jection operator onto negative energy states requires an extra
Schwinger assumed that the kinematic part of the La-
minus sign
grangian by itself determines the spin-statistics connection.
This would be true if weak coupling perturbation theory
L 2 ~ p ! 52 (s u ~ 2p;s ! ū ~ 2p;s ! , based on the free Lagrangian was valid. Schwinger claimed
the validity of these conclusions independent of perturbation
or theory on the grounds that at ‘‘sufficiently high’’ energies,
the kinematic terms dominate. This is certainly true for po-
2 (s v~ p;s !v̄~ p;s ! . ~44!
tential scattering where the first Born approximation is then
valid. It is also true for non-Abelian gauge theories where
‘‘asymptotic freedom’’ makes perturbation theory valid at
The technical details are reproduced in the Appendix for high energies; but this assertion cannot be taken for granted
easy reference. in all cases.
Minus sign number two. Just Feynman’s change of sign The validity of Schwinger’s assumption is supported in
from the time reversal (p→2p) of two Dirac spinors. the work of Umezawa and Kamefuchi, of Käll’en, and of
At last, the c , c̄ loop is expressed in a way which makes Lehmann.45 They show that a two-point Green’s function or
clear that it has the same sign imaginary part as obtained for propagator for a scalar field
a loop with spinless particles. The optical theorem ~reviewed F ~ 2 ! ~ x2y ! 5 ^ 0 u f ~ x ! f ~ y ! u 0 & ~45!
in the Appendix!, which is based on unitarity, requires that
the imaginary part of the forward scattering amplitude can be expressed as a superposition

should be negative, so all is well. The consistency depends `
on two minus signs—one from the original anticommuta- F ~ 2 ! ~ x2y ! 5 d ~ m 2 ! r ~ m 2 ! F ~02 ! ~ x2y;m ! ~46!
tions, one from the double time reflection of the Dirac 0
spinors; and two projection operators, one onto physical, of the corresponding Green’s functions F (2)0 for free particles
positive energy particle states and one onto so-called ‘‘nega-
tive energy,’’ but actually physical positive energy antipar- of mass m, with a positive weight function r (m 2 ). A similar
ticle states. conclusion holds for spinor fields. On this basis, it is suffi-
The perfect equivalence between particle and antiparticle cient to understand the behavior of the free particle Green’s
propagation in the Feynman propagator is clear from the function and the commutation properties of the free fields.
original prescription44 and is discussed in more detail in the Lüders and Zumino, and Burgoyne were able to establish
Appendix. the spin-statistics relation without this assumption within the
The same arguments—in particular, the sign of the one- framework of relativistic quantum field theory obeying cer-
loop amplitudes—follow also from the path integral formu- tain Wightman axioms. For a scalar field obeying anticom-
lation of quantum mechanics. The path integral formulation mutation relations for spacelike separated field points, it fol-
achieves all the results ~and more! of canonical quantum lows from the structure of the Green’s function that
field theory without the formalism of second quantization. F ~ 2 ! ~ x2y ! 50, x2y spacelike.
The device which makes this possible for Fermi–Dirac anti-
commuting fields is the calculus of Grassmann variables, But this implies that
which anticommute with each other. It is a long story, and
we simply accept the result that the usual Feynman rules are
dx f ~ x ! f ~ x ! u 0 & 50

Commuting Dirac fields violate unitarity as in Feynman’s for any suitable test function f (x). The conclusion is that the
above diagrammatic argument. The interesting questions full interacting field f (x) annihilates the vacuum and must
from this point of view are the basically unanswerable exis- therefore be a null field. The conclusion is that scalar fields
tential question of ‘‘Why Grassmann variables?’’ and a fa- cannot obey the anticommutation relation ‘‘all others are
miliar question in reverse ~which we finally answer in Part zero.’’ Comparable arguments rule out the possibility of
D!—‘‘How do we recognize a priori that a Grassmann field commutation relations for spin- 21 fields.
is a Dirac field?’’ The Wightman-based proofs make no assumptions about
Feynman’s argument seems to be a long and tenuous equations of motion, and assume no specific Lagrangian; yet
thread on which to hang a proof of the Spin-Statistics Theo- the analysis yields conclusions very similar to those obtained
rem. Any attempt to actually evaluate the severely divergent by deWet, by Pauli, and by Schwinger. Their common fea-
loop amplitude would lead to even more reluctance to accept ture is the symmetry properties of the covariants bilinear in
this as a fundamental proof of the Spin-Statistics Theorem. the fields, which themselves are finite dimensional represen-
We hazard a guess that Feynman’s argument leaves Neuen- tations of the Lorentz group. The relativistic invariance is
schwander still dissatisfied. used only to identify the symmetry or the antisymmetry of

294 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 294

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such terms. This provides the clue for a much simpler proof, triplet usually expressed in terms of the charge eigenstates
as we see in the following section on Sudarshan’s analysis. p 1 , p 2 , p 0 but here in terms of Hermitian fields p 1 , p 2 , p 3 .
We write separate kinematic Lagrangians for each Hermitian
field, each labeled by a separate flavor index which may be
§C2. Elementary proof of the spin-statistics theorem left implicit. Schwinger also required Lorentz invariance and
The full complications of Lorentz invariance and relativ- Hamiltonian equations of motion, so he used a Dirac-like
istic quantum field theory turn out to be unnecessary in Su- Lagrangian at most linear in the first derivatives of the fields.
darshan’s proof of the Spin-Statistics Theorem.46 They are Both of these stratagems are unfamiliar, and can lead to a
replaced by a number of intuitive requirements familiar from proliferation of field components in otherwise simpler situa-
nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. There still remains—as tions. The simplest case of a real scalar field f satisfying the
we will discuss in detail in §C3—a key part of the argument Klein–Gordon equation requires the introduction of an aux-
which we have traced only to the requirement of separate iliary 4-vector field V m and 535 matrices K and M . We will
relativistic kinematic Lagrangians for individual relativistic describe simple examples in detail in the next section, but
fields. first we return to Schwinger’s Lagrangian and Sudarshan’s
Sudarshan considers a (311)-dimensional space–time elementary proof of the Spin-Statistics Theorem.
with multicomponent spin wave functions having the usual It is a property of the SO~3! group of proper rotations in
rotation properties, which are essential to the proof. We im- three dimensions that representations belonging to integral
pose four conditions on the kinematic part of the Lagrangian spin have a bilinear scalar ~rotationally invariant! product
for an individual field: It must be symmetric in the indices of the factors: For example, the
scalar product of two real vectors is
~1! derivable from a local Lorentz invariant field theory for
fields which are each a finite dimensional irreducible
representation of the Lorentz group ~tensor or spinor!; ~ V 1 ,V 2 ! 5 (
V 1 j V 2k d jk , ~49!
~2! in the Hermitian field basis j 5 j † ;
~3! at most linear in the first derivatives of the field; and a familiar result. In contrast, half-integral spin representa-
finally, it must be tions have antisymmetric scalar products: For spin- 21 , the sca-
~4! bilinear in the field j. lar product is
These conditions impose the requirements that the Euler–
Lagrange equations of motion of each basic free field should ~ c1 ,c2!5 (
c 1r c 2s ~ i s y ! rs . ~50!
be first-order, linear differential equations of the Hamiltonian
form, local in space and time. The proof makes explicit use This result is familiar from the spin-0 combination of the
only of the rotational invariance guaranteed by the Lorentz spin- 21 spinors a and b,
invariance. f 12~ J50 ! 5 ~ a 1 b 2 2 b 1 a 2 ! . ~51!
The kinematic terms in the Schwinger Lagrangian have
the generic form We note in advance that the invariance of these scalar
products under the exchange 1⇔2 already requires the spin-
i i
~ j r j̇ s 2 j̇ r j s ! K 0rs 2
2 (
~ j r ¹ j j s 2¹ j j r j s ! K rs
j statistics connection.
The kinematic Lagrangian is of the form
2 j r j s M rs , ~48!
summed on indices r,s which are related to the spin of the
L5 (
j r L rs j s . ~52!

field, as we will discuss in individual examples. Any ‘‘fla-

vor’’ indices a ~corresponding to an internal chargelike de- ] 5 ]W 2 ]Q as
The matrix L rs contains differential operators J
gree of freedom! of the field j are treated separately, and well as numerical Hermitian matrices K,M :
each such flavor type has its own kinematic Lagrangian. For
spin-0 and no flavor, one Hermitian field is sufficient and r,
s51; spin 21 and no flavor, r, s51,...,4 ~because the Hermit-
L5 S i 0J i
K ] t 2 K jJ
] j 2M . D ~53!

ian spinors have two components for the real parts of the The terms in the Lagrangian must be scalar invariants under
Pauli spinors, two more for the imaginary, but must be the group of the indices (r,s), that is they must be scalar
doubled again for Dirac spinors!; spin-0 and one flavor ~cor- products bilinear in the j r . The indices r,s are spin indices,
responding to the complex field of a charged particle!, r, s and the requirement is rotational invariance of the Lagrang-
51, a 51,2 and two separate Lagrangians, L a ; spin- 21 and ian. A common unsummed flavor index a is implicit on each
one flavor, r, s51,...,4, a 51,2, and so on. The coefficients term in the Lagrangian. The Lagrangian must be invariant
K rs and M rs are elements of numerical matrices defined in under the change of order of any two fields because the order
the (r,s) space of the components of the fields j r . The num- of the fields is undefined a priori ~within an ignorable c
ber of field components ~the dimension of the K, M matri- number! and must be irrelevant.
ces! is left unspecified for the moment, but can be larger than Under the exchange of two fields j r ⇔ j s , the affected
the minimum numbers mentioned above. terms in the Lagrangian change to
Schwinger used Hermitian fields j r 5 j †r , which are con- j r L rs j s 1 j s L sr j r →6 j s L rs j r 6 j r L sr j s ~ no sum! ,
venient for the special purpose of the spin-statistics connec-
tion. The usual complex field of a charged particle requires with ~1! for commuting fields, ~2! for anticommuting fields.
one flavor and two such Hermitian fields, one for its real part Invariance of the Lagrangian requires L sr 56L rs . We see
and one for its imaginary part. A familiar example is the pion from the simplest term in the Lagrangian that the matrix M

295 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 295

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must be symmetric for Bose–Einstein ~1! statistics and an- proof is to recognize that the spin-statistics connection can
tisymmetric for Fermi–Dirac ~2! statistics; the opposite be made directly from rotational invariance without appeal-
holds for the K matrices. ing explicitly—as Schwinger does—to Lorentz invariance
The symmetry type of M and the rotational invariance of and time reversal.
the Lagrangian are compatible only with the usual spin- To summarize the preceding section: The Hermitian flavor
statistics relation: a symmetric scalar product corresponding degrees of freedom a are diagonal in their individual kine-
to an integral spin field for Bose–Einstein statistics with M matic Lagrangians L a . The rotationally invariant j T M j
symmetric; an antisymmetric scalar product corresponding to term in each such Lagrangian has the metric @Clebsch–
a half-integral spin field for Fermi–Dirac statistics with M Gordan coefficient (sms2m u ss00)# in the spin space, sym-
antisymmetric. This is the essential point of Sudarshan’s metric for integral spin s, antisymmetric for half-integral
proof.21,45 spin, and determines the spin-statistics connection for the
This conclusion is maintained when there is more than one individual Hermitian fields j a . The Hermitian fields may
flavor, as Schwinger argued in the following way. Consider combine in flavor pairs ( j (1) , j (2) ), which are the real and
the simple case of a complex field c whose charge conser- imaginary parts of complex fields c Þ c † which satisfy a
vation is guaranteed by invariance of the Lagrangian under a global ~charge-conserving! gauge invariance under the phase
global U~1! gauge transformation which changes the phase transformation c →e i a c . Then the pair of Hermitian fields is
of c by a constant amount rigidly rotated by the Hamiltonian leaving the norm ( j (1) ) 2
c ⇒ c 8 5e i f c , 1( j (2) ) 2 invariant. The sum of the kinematic Lagrangians
corresponding to invariance under rotation by angle f in the L a 51 1L a 52 is left invariant under the gauge transforma-
two-dimensional flavor space of j (1) 5Re c and j (2) 5Im c, tion. In this way, Sudarshan’s proof is extended to include
the non-Hermitian field c.
and leaving
Two simple examples are instructive. The isospin-1 pion
~ j ~ 1 ! ! 21 ~ j ~ 2 ! ! 25 ~ j 8~ 1 ! ! 21 ~ j 8~ 2 ! ! 2. field charge triplet p 1,2,0 can be written in terms of the three
The bilinear kinematic Lagrangian Hermitian components of an isospin vector field p 1,2,3 as

L5L a 51 1L a 52 p 1 5 ~ p 1 1i p 2 ! /&, p 2 5 ~ p 1 2i p 2 ! /&, p 05 p 3 ,

has the required gauge invariant flavor singlet behavior with p 2† 5 p 1 and p 0† 5 p 0 . A charge gauge transforma-
tion changes
L; ~ j ~ 1 ! ! 2 1 ~ j ~ 2 ! ! 2
p 6 ⇒ p 8 6 5e 6i a p 6 ,
if the K and M matrices are the same in L (1) and L (2) .
Schwinger concludes that the spin-statistics connection can and leaves p 0 unchanged. The effect on the Hermitian fields
be extended in a gauge invariant way from the basic Hermit- is to simply rotate the isospin vector fields p 1 and p 2 by an
ian fields to the charged fields. angle a around the 3 axis. A gauge invariant quadratic Her-
The result does not explicitly require Lorentz invariance, mitian Larangian has the generic form
although it is consistent with Lorentz invariant theories at the
expense of doubling ~at least! the number of Hermitian field L; 12 ~ p 1† p 1 1 p 2† p 2 1 p 0 p 0 ! ,
components j r and the dimension of the K and M matrices which can be written in terms of the Hermitian components
for a given spin. Three space dimensions are necessary in as
order to have symmetric or antisymmetric scalar products. A
nonrelativistic quantum field theory such as quantum hydro- L; 12 ~ p 21 1 p 22 1 p 23 ! .
dynamics should be quantized according to Bose–Einstein The gauge invariance of this form is assured by the invari-
statistics. By appending a Pauli spin- 21 spinor, we can change ance of the length of the ~1,2! projection of the vector field
the required statistics to Fermi–Dirac, but care must be taken under a rotation around the 3 axis. We can now choose the
to distinguish spin degrees of freedom from internal degrees parameters of the p 3 part of the Lagrangian to be the same as
of freedom generated by some symmetry group such as isos-
those of the p 1 , p 2 part and get full isospin invariance under
pin. The generators of the spin symmetry must be included in
rotations around any axis.
the rotational invariance of the Lagrangian, so the spin indi-
A different strategy suggests itself if we ignore the p 0 for
ces must be included in the fields j r , in which case their
a moment. Then another gauge invariant possibility would
impact on the statistics of the field will be recognized by
appear to be
Sudarshan’s theorem. Flavor degrees of freedom such as
isospin appear as an overall, unsummed, diagonal flavor in- L; 12 ~ p 1† p 1 2 p 2† p 2 ! ;i ~ p 1 p 2 2 p 2 p 1 ! ,
dex a and have no impact on the spin-statistics connection.
In the next section we consider examples that illustrate this which is the antisymmetric 3 component of a cross product,
requirement of the Schwinger construction and the Sudars- also invariant under rotations around the 3 axis. We do not
han proof. take this possibility seriously here because we have the p 3
field and its flavor symmetric Lagrangian to guide us. Fur-
§C3. Further comments on the elementary proof thermore, we are familiar with the fact that the time-
derivative terms in the Klein–Gordon Lagrangian must occur
Sudarshan and Schwinger base their proofs on Dirac-like with positive signs to guarantee positive kinetic energy terms
Lagrangians. Both ignore interactions, and both make use of in the Hamiltonian, so we are doubly wary of such construc-
Hermitian fields. Both recognize that the mass matrix M tions. A still further objection to such a Lagrangian would be
must be symmetric for Bose–Einstein statistics, antisymmet- that it is odd under the usual charge conjugation transforma-
ric for Fermi–Dirac. The great simplification in Sudarshan’s tion p 1 ⇔ p 2 .

296 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 296

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But there is another physical situation where we do not
have Hermitian components to guide us—the K-meson isos- E A5 (k v ~ N 1k 1N 2k ! , Q A5 (k q ~ N 1k 2N 2k ! .
pin doublet K 1 , K 0 and its antiparticle doublet K̄ 0 , K 2 .
Here we consider the impact on the Klein–Gordon field The usual way to rule out anticommutation relations for
theory of K 1 and K 2 mesons of admitting a Lagrangian Klein–Gordon scalar fields is to invoke relativistic invari-
which is antisymmetric in flavor. The K 1 and K 2 fields f 1 ance and causality and to require that the effect of two fields
at spacelike separations cannot depend on their order of op-
and f 2 5 f 1† satisfy the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian
eration, so
L S/A 5 ] m f 1† ] m f 1 2m 2 f 1† f 1 6 ~ f 1† ⇔ f 1 ! , ~54!
^ 0 u @ f ~ x ! , f † ~ y !# 6 u 0 & 50
which can be written as
at equal times for all x2yÞ0. In terms of the operators
L S/A 5L 1 6L 2 , (a,b) the left-hand side is
symmetric (S,1) or antisymmetric (A,2) in the fields f 1
and f 2 . Expressed in terms of Hermitian fields f 1 and f 2
the Lagrangian
E d 3k
~ ^ 0 u @ a,a † # 6 u 0 & e 2ik ~ x2y !

1 ^ 0 u @ b † ,b # 6 u 0 & e 1ik ~ x2y ! ! .

L A ;i ~ f 1 f 2 2 f 2 f 1 ! .
For standard commutators this reduces to
L S is the usual theory; L A exhibits pathologies which rule it
The Euler–Lagrange equation is E d 3k
sin$ k ~ x2y ! % ,

~ 16S !~ ] m2 1m 2 ! f 1 50, ~55! which is odd in k and integrates to zero. For standard anti-
where S 511 for commuting fields required to give a non- commutators we get the cosine instead of the sine, and a
trivial result for L S ; and 21 for anticommuting fields re- nonzero result in violation of causality. For the pathological
anticommutators introduced above, this objection is removed
quired for L A . The Fourier analysis follows in the usual
and we pass this test of causality at the price of the indefinite
way as
1 Another way to rule out anticommutation relations is to
f 15 f 11 f 25 ( $ a k e i ~ kr2 v t ! 1b †k e 2i ~ kr2 v t ! % , recognize that for Klein–Gordon fields, the generalized mo-
k A2 v mentum P is a field derivative and not a field itself. The
where v 51 Ak 2 1m 2 , and the a,b,a † ,b † satisfy commuta- canonical anticommutation relations do not specify the anti-
commutators of the fields themselves, which must be defined
tion (S) or anticommutation relations (A). The energy and
by ‘‘all others are zero.’’ But this cannot be so because for
charge follow as
any state u c & ,
E S/A 5 (k v ~ a †k a k 6b †k b k ! , Q S/A 5 (k q ~ a †k a k 7b †k b k ! . ^ c u @ f , f † ~ x !# 1 u c & 5 ( u ^ x u f u c & u 2 1 u ^ x u f † u c & u 2 .0,
For the usual symmetric case with commuting operators,
these are expressed in terms of number operators as unless f annihilates all states. This proof also is circum-
vented by the indefinite metric which would change the rela-
(k v ~ N 1k 1N 2k ! , (k q ~ N 1k 2N 2k ! .
tive sign of the two squared matrix elements above. Simi-
E S5 Q S5 larly, charge conjugation must include a metric reversal to
restore invariance.
For the proposed antisymmetric case with anticommutators Such pathologies brought on by antisymmetrizing on fla-
and number operators N 1 5a † a and N 2 5b † b, vor and thereby reversing the spin-statistics connection have
their analogs in Dirac theory. These pathologies are excluded
E A5 (k v ~ N 1k 2N 2k ! , Q A5 (k q ~ N 1k 1N 2k ! . by a basic postulate requiring the Hilbert space to consist of
positive energy states with positive definite metric. One con-
But this is untenable because b † creates negative charge ~as sequence is that only the flavor symmetric Lagrangians are
defined by the gauge transformation! and we require a minus admitted into relativistic field theories.48 It is evident that the
pathology is a result of the negative frequency ~antiparticle
N2k in Q. The error occurred in jumping to the conclusion
creation! component of the field f 2 being inextricably
that @ b k ,b †k # 1 51 d k,k 8 , as is usually the case. In fact, to linked to the positive frequency ~particle annihilation! com-
satisfy canonical anticommutation relations ponent f 1 in the relativistic field f. This linkage is neces-
@ P f , f # 1 5 d /i, sary in order to respect proper Lorentz transformations which
reverse the sign of the frequency and wave number, Pauli’s
for a Klein-Gordon field, we need to reverse the sign of the original ‘‘strong reflections.’’ Nothing has been said about
antiparticle anticommutator to
the fields f 1 and f 2 taken separately, as they are in non-
@ b k ,b k 8 # 1 →2 d k,k 8 ,

relativistic theories.
By expressing the relativistic Lagrangians in Schwinger’s
which seems impossible. One way to repair the damage is to form, we get Sudarshan’s proof based on the rotation sub-
invoke an indefinite metric in the Hilbert space47 so ^ c u c & group of the full Lorentz group. By elevating the flavor sin-
521 for b quanta, and identify N 2 k 52b k b k 50,1. At this

glet requirement implicit in relativistic theory to a separate
price, we return to postulate, Sudarshan’s proof becomes an almost free-

297 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 297

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standing nonrelativistic proof of the Spin-Statistics Theorem. in the Lagrangian ~or the Hamiltonian! is sufficient to require
There is no doubt, however, that the flavor symmetric pos- Bose–Einstein quantization using Sudarshan’s argument.
tulate has deep relativistic roots; nor is there any doubt that Rotational invariance requires g rs 5g sr to be symmetric; in-
there are interesting features—perhaps not always variance of the Lagrangian ~within a c number! under the
pathological—which occur in prospective counterexamples. exchange A r ⇔A s requires commutation and therefore Bose–
One such counterexample would take a Lagrangian for Einstein statistics.
which the spin statistics has been established and antisym- None of the above considerations limit the statistics of
metrize on particle flavor, for example, composite and nonlocal entities. But usually a composite
2 particle can be considered as a collection of point particles
L5 c † ~ i ] t 2M ! c ⇒ (
s y ~ j,k ! c †j ~ i ] t 2M ! c k , with exchange symmetry simply the product of those of the
constituents. When topological obstructions to simple ex-
change occur, the situation can be more complicated,50 as
apparently reversing the original conclusion. However, the
occurs in the charged particle-magnetic monopole system of
Lagrangian can be diagonalized in the flavor indices ( j,k) Saha, in the case of charged particles with a minimal Chern-
leading to two fields with identical independent Lagrangians
Simons interaction in (211)-dimensional space–time, and
of opposite sign, identical but opposite spectra, and a total
in the Skyrme model of the nucleon as a topological knot in
field energy which is unbounded below.
a spin-0 pion field, but having many of the properties of the
Next we examine the origin of the sign in the spin metric
nucleon. None are simple additive-multiplicative constituent
related to the rotational invariance of the scalar product
a † a 1 b † b , which is imposed by defining The explicit construction for relativistic anticommuting
a †k [ a t/r;k 52 b k , b †k [ b t/r;k 51 a k , ~56! fields of higher half-integral spin turns out to be impossible.
The relativistic Hermitian spinors have extra dimensions
in terms of the time-reverse spinors. Consistency for all an- ~from 12 to 24 depending on the system used, in the case of
gular momentum requires the spin-metric to be49 spin- 23! which must be reduced to 2(2S11) (58) indepen-
~ jm j2m u j j00! 5 ~ 2 ! j1m / A2 j11.
dent degrees of freedom by subsidiary conditions. Johnson
and Sudarshan51 show that this program is blocked by the
Two such time reversals result in a phase (2) 2 j consistent appearance of anticommutation relations of indefinite sign
with Feynman’s discussion ~see the Appendix!, and with where positive definite ones are required. In the anticommu-
Schwinger’s proofs explicitly using time-reversal invariance. tation relations
The second-quantized Hermitian field j expressed in terms @ j j , j k # 1 5; d jk ⇒K 21
0 jk ,
of angular momentum eigenstates U and their time-reverse
U t/r is qualitatively given by the matrix K 0 is usually either indefinite or singular, indicat-
ing that the fields j j are not independent. Projection opera-
j; ( aU1b † U † → ( aU1a † U t/r . ~58! tors must be found, a sequence of constraints imposed, and
nonsingular K matrices of reduced dimension constructed.
The one-particle expectation value of the mass term in the But this program is halted by the fact that the reduced K
Lagrangian is matrix is dependent on the field couplings except in the case
of spin- 21 , where no constraints are necessary and K51. As a
result, for a charged spin- 23 field the anticommutator depends
^ 1 u L; j T M j u 1 & ; ( U t/r U. ~59!
on the external field in such a way that the quantization
becomes inconsistent.
Summed over spin components it is a rotational invariant as Johnson and Sudarshan conclude that only spin-0, spin-1,
required. and spin- 21 fields can be regarded as fundamental. Higher
The nonrelativistic Schrödinger equation for the complex spin fields must be composite and cannot be represented by a
wave function c can be included in the proof by taking the local action principle.52 Their result supports the view that
nonrelativistic limit of the Klein–Gordon Lagrangian in the the spin-statistics connection need be demonstrated only for
case of integral spin, and the Dirac Lagrangian for half-
spin-0 and spin- 21 .
integral spin. Without using the limit of the relativistic
theory, the nonrelativistic Schrödinger theory can evidently
be quantized with either Bose–Einstein or Fermi–Dirac sta- PART D. UNDERSTANDING THE SPIN-STATISTICS
tistics. The difficulty appears because the Schrödinger La- CONNECTION
grangian is not directly of the Schwinger form, but contains §D1. Dirac equation from Grassmann theory
terms analogous to f 1 f 2 . Without additional arguments, we
cannot rule out the possibility of antisymmetrizing such Finally, and most simply, we deduce the spin-statistics
terms, leaving open the possibility of either choice of statis- connection starting from Grassmann variables53 defined by
tics. This leads to an implicit but critical reliance on relativ- the fundamental anticommutation relation
istic wave equations. j j j k 1 j k j j 5 d jk . ~60!
The electromagnetic field is an almost trivial case using
Sudarshan’s proof. Since the electromagnetic field is Hermit- By a series of inferences, we show that the only possible
ian, it can be understood without recourse to the Schwinger Lagrangian for the associated field is a first-order Dirac La-
Dirac-like Lagrangian. The behavior of the electric field term grangian. From this point the Dirac equation with 4-
component spinors, spin- 21 , and all the rest follows as usual.
E 25 (
] t A r ] t A s g rs The difference is that we have started with an anticommut-
ing quantum field which at the outset was required to satisfy

298 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 298

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the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and—by inference from the Next we observe that the Lagrangian L contains only a
only possible Lagrangian for anticommuting objects—must first derivative and already invites a Dirac embedding. There
satisfy the Dirac equation. is a minor technicality. So far the fields have been Hermitian
Schwinger’s Lagrangian, linear in the first derivative of which puts the Dirac equation into the Majorana
the field, suggests that we start with a Grassman variable representation54 where, for example, g 0 5 g †0 52 g T0 similar
defined at a point, a function of time only, and construct the to M but 434. We can infer
basic dynamics. By embedding the result into a Lorentz in-
variant form, we limit the possibilities to a Grassmann field
of spin- 21 satisfying the Dirac equation. This program starts
E d 3 x c T ~ x,t ! g 0 ~ g 0 E2 gW •pW 2m ! c ~ x,t ! . ~66!
with the prescription
Here g j 52 g †j 5 g Tj for j5x,y,z in the Majorana represen-
2 (k j k j̇ k 2H I~ j ! , ~61!
tation. Having made the embedding, we can go to a general
representation with complex Dirac spinors by a unitary trans-
formation and return if we wish to the familiar standard rep-
where the interaction Hamiltonian H I will be specified in a resentation. We have generalized the summation on k to in-
moment. Subject to certain restrictions which we discuss in clude an integration over the spatial positions so that the
the following sections, this form turns out to be unique. The anticommutation relations are generalized to ; d jk d 3 (x
kinetic term (i/2) j T j̇ is Hermitian provided the j’s anticom- 2x 8 ) when we invoke the ‘‘all others are zero’’ prescription.
mute and are themselves Hermitian. The simplest choice is a Also the two two-dimensional Grassmann variables j k de-
two-component object with k51,2. The generalized momen- fined independently at each point and satisfying a pointlike
tum Schrödinger equation have been embedded in an irreducible
~that is, not separable! way into a covariant structure of four
]L i
P k5 5 j ~62! dimensions. This is done in the Schwinger notation of §C2
]j̇ k 2 k by combining the two-component Grassmann variables j , j 8
~by convention, all derivatives on anticommuting objects are to a four-component c,
from the right! leads to the anticommutation relations
c5 S D j
@ j k ,P j # 1 5 d ⇒ @ j k , j j # 15 d k j . ~63!
2 kj and the K 0 and M matrices to ~subscripts 2,4 are the dimen-

This is positive definite as required. The prescription ‘‘all
others are zero’’ will be invoked where needed. The anti- K 02 0 12 0
commutation relation is canonical except for the factor 21 , K 04 5 5 [1 4 5 g 20 ,
0 K 02 0 12
which is necessary for the Hamilton equations of motion to
agree with the Euler–Lagrange equations. the coefficient of E in Eq. ~66!; but, for irreducibility,

The Hamiltonian
0 M2 0 sy
H5P k j̇ k 2L5H I ~ j ! , ~64! M 45 5 [g0 ,
M2 0 sy 0
where the term linear in the velocity j̇ disappears as usual. In the coefficient of m in Eq. ~66!. The last step in the embed-
the kinematic Lagrangian, we choose ding is to include the space derivatives in the Dirac way to
obtain a covariant structure.
H I 5 21 j T M j , ~65! The second-quantized Dirac field follows immediately
with M 5M 52M in order that H 5H5H . The
† T † T with all its consequences, including the Dirac wave function
Euler–Lagrange equation leads to j̇ k 52iM kh j h . The same and the identification of the spin- 21 .
result follows from the Hamilton equation of motion j̇ k
5i @ j k ,H I # 2 using the anticommutation relations above.
The specific 232 example we discuss will have §D2. No Bose–Einstein Dirac equation

M5 S 0
D .
The question is whether there can be a commuting field
which has a Dirac Lagrangian. Clearly, in a sense, there can.
We have mentioned that the Klein–Gordon equation for a
If the single oscillator is extended to a field in three space relativistic scalar Hermitian field requires 535 K and M
dimensions, we can already identify the two component matrices, a scalar field f, and an auxiliary four vector field
Grassmann variable as spin- 21 . This follows directly from the V m . What is eliminated by Dirac’s classic development is
required rotational invariance of the interaction Hamiltonian the possibility of elementary representations satisfying a
H I , as discussed in §C2, and the antisymmetry of M . If we Hamiltonian equation with only a first time derivative, with-
were to assume a three-component Grassmann variable, we out auxiliary fields. In this case, the Lagrangian ~for a par-
could not embed it in a rotationally invariant theory. The M ticle at rest!
matrix would be antisymmetric, but could not be the spin i T 1
metric for a half-integral spin particle which must have even L5 ~ j K j̇ ! 2 j T M j ~67!
2 2
dimension. According to the proof of Johnson and Sudars-
han, four and more component Grassmann objects must lead must have K5K † 52K T imaginary antisymmetric and M
to frustrated theories also. 5M † 5M T real symmetric in order to give nonvanishing

299 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 299

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terms in the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion. The gen- @ j s , j s # 1 50
eralized momentum
and would require j s [0. The conclusion is that Grassmann
]L i fields cannot have a Klein–Gordon Lagrangian. The conclu-
P k5 5 j s K sk ~68! sion is somewhat trivial for one-dimensional Grassmann
]j̇ k 2
variables which do not exist anyway. The prescription ‘‘all
and the canonical commutation relations become others are zero’’ which requires j s 50 may not seem particu-
i larly well founded, but without it the Hamilton equations of
@ j r ,P s # 2 5 d ⇒ @ j r , j s # 2 5K 21
rs . ~69! motion are not defined and we lose the Hamiltonian as the
2 rs generator of time translations, and with it the powerful struc-
Now we look for various finite dimensional representa- tures of classical mechanics. If a dynamical structure parallel
tions. We easily see that there can be no one-dimensional to the canonical field theory of Bose–Einstein fields is to
representation because K is antisymmetric with no diagonal exist for Fermi–Dirac fields, ‘‘canonical’’ anticommutation
element. For a two-dimensional representation, K5 s y . relations seem to be essential. If we accept that, then the
When we try to embed the theory in three-dimensional space Grassmann Lagrangian of §D1 is unique as is the embedding
and require it to be relativistically invariant we must elimi- in the Dirac Lagrangian.
nate the two-dimensional representation on the now familiar Pressing on with the Euler–Lagrange equations, a non-
grounds of Dirac’s algebra. A candidate K matrix for a three- trivial 434 choice for M and K is
dimensional representation is L y , which satisfies L y 5L †y
52L Ty but has no inverse, and fails to give sensible commu-
tation relations for the fields, as well as failing the Dirac
M5 S 0
2i s x
D , K5 S 0
2i s z
D ,

algebra. giving
It seems impossible for a Bose–Einstein field to have a
Dirac Lagrangian but we continue to explore the situation.
For this we turn to the spectrum of the Hamiltonian for rep-
K 21 M 5 S isy
0 isy
D .

resentations which can be embedded relativistically. The Solutions of the form j (t);e 6i v t exist only if the eigenval-
Hamiltonian is simply ues v 2 of K 21 M are real and positive. This is clearly not the
H5P T j̇ 2L5 21 j T M j case in our example where they are 6i. Other choices for M
and K either lead to the same result or are the trivial choice
with M real symmetric. The trivial choice M 51, the unit K 21 M 51 corresponding to the direct product of two decou-
matrix, corresponds to a product of all covariant or all con-
pled 232 representations which cannot be relativistically
travariant representations of the group O~4! which cannot be
embedded into representations of the Lorentz group. In order
We conclude that no relativistic Grassmann field can be a
to get products of covariant and contravariant representa-
Klein–Gordon field. Of course the Grassmann field does sat-
tions, of dimension at least 434, we must choose a non- isfy the Klein–Gordon equation as a result of the Dirac equa-
trivial M 5M † 5M T such as tion, but that is distinct from having a Klein–Gordon La-

M5 S 0
D .
grangian rather than a Dirac Lagrangian.

But this M has equal numbers of 11 and 21 eigenvalues PART E: CONCLUDING REMARKS
and corresponds to a Hamiltonian with negative energies.
These are just the signs that are reversed by the anticommut- Sudarshan’s arguments based on rotational invariance lead
ing Grassmann variables in the allowed Grassmann–Dirac to a simple, transparent, and elementary proof of the Spin-
theory, and serve to eliminate the possibility of the relativis- Statistics Theorem, greatly simplifying a proof due to
tic embedding of a Bose–Einstein Dirac-like equation. Schwinger based on time-reversal invariance. Sudarshan’s
proof eliminates the explicit dependence of the proof on rela-
tivistic quantum field theory. A critical implicit dependence
§D3. No Fermi–Dirac Klein–Gordon Lagrangian on relativity is still present, however, as described in §C3.
A fundamental understanding of the spin-statistics connec-
A different Lagrangian which we might consider for the tion is obtained in the derivation of the Dirac equation as the
Grassmann variables is the Klein–Gordon form only possible relativistic embedding of the Lagrangian
theory of the simplest point Grassmann oscillator. The basic
L5 12 j̇ T K j̇ 2 21 j T M j . ~70! field is defined at the outset as an anticommuting quantum
Now K 5K52K and M 5M 52M are required for
† T † T field and, by deWet’s arguments, is found to satisfy the Dirac
L † 5L5L T . The generalized momentum equation for spin- 21 . The arguments of Johnson and Sudars-
han rule out the possibility of fundamental fields having half-
]L integral spin greater than 21 , so the fundamental connection
P s5 52K sr j̇ r 5 j̇ r K rs ~71! between Grassmann variables and Dirac spinors is estab-
]j̇ s
lished. Schwinger’s arguments for composite fields are suf-
defines the canonical anticommutator ficient in other cases. The Klein–Gordon Lagrangian with
canonical anticommutation relations is ruled out for anticom-
@ j s ,P r # 1 5i d sr ⇒ @ j s , j̇ r # 1 5iK 21
sr . ~72!
muting Grassmann fields by analogs of deWet’s theorem:
The usual prescription ‘‘all others are zero’’ includes Intrinsically positive anticommutators turn out to be nega-

300 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 300

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tive. Commuting Bose–Einstein fields cannot have a Dirac Feynman shows that we cannot choose f 5 j . For consider
Lagrangian, which would lead to negative energies. the time reversal of states quantized along the x axis. With
Understanding the puzzle of the spin-statistics connection
requires that we admit the existence of the most elementary u m x 56 & 5 u m z 51 & 6 u m z 52 & , ~A3!
~two-component! Grassmann oscillators, which anticommute then
and must relativistically embed in the spin- 21 Dirac equation.
Commuting fields cannot satisfy the Dirac Lagrangian and T u m x 51 & 5e i c u m x 52 & 5e i c ~ u m z 51 & 2 u m z 52 & )
relativity and have a positive definite Hamiltonian, an old
result. Conversely, a Klein–Gordon Lagrangian for an anti- 5e i f u m z 52 & 1e i j u m z 51 & ,
commuting field leads to null fields, another old result. Com- so we must have
muting fields satisfy the Klein–Gordon Lagrangian without
contradiction, again an old and familiar result. e i c 5e i f but 2e i c 5e i j
Clearly, a unifying point of view for understanding the and
spin-statistics connection presents itself. Start with two fun-
damental oscillator fields: a commuting one, which must e i ~ j 2 f ! 521.
have a Klein–Gordon Lagrangian and spin-0; and an anti-
The result is that two time reversals change the sign of a
commuting one, which must have a Dirac Lagrangian and
spin- 21 state, and, by superposition, any half-integral spin
spin- 21 . state. The sign reversal does not occur for integral spin states
In summary, we have simplified the problem in two steps. because they include the unique M 50 state for which
The first step is Sudarshan’s demonstration that the rotational
invariance of the Lagrangian requires the Spin-Statistics T 2 u M 50 & 5Te i a u M 50 & 5e 2i a T u M 50 &
Theorem in a simple way, which however does still depend
on relativistic quantum field theory for a key argument. In 5e 2i a e 1i a u M 50 & ,
the second step we make the spin-statistics connection un- so T 2 51, a result that can be extended to all integral spin
derstandable by reversing the question to that of the states because they are superposable with the M 50 state.
statistics-spin connection. We show that ordinary classical
Next, Feynman considers the unitarity of the scattering
commuting Bose–Einstein number-valued oscillators embed
naturally into relativistic quantum field theoretic Klein– matrix S, the operator which evolves the quantum system
Gordon fields of spin-0; not-so-ordinary anticommuting from early ~noninteracting! times, through the scattering in-
Fermi–Dirac Grassmann-valued oscillators embed naturally terval, to late ~again noninteracting! times
into relativistic quantum field theoretic Dirac fields with C ~ t→` ! 5SC ~ t→2` ! . ~A4!
spin- 21 . What remains to be understood in more fundamental
terms is the existence of the two types of oscillator: number In order to maintain orthonormality and completeness of
valued and Grassmann valued. states propagated through the scattering, the S matrix must
Finally we are forced to conclude that although the Spin- be unitary,
Statistics Theorem is simply stated, it is by no means simply S † S5SS † 51.
understood or simply proved.
In terms of the transition matrix T ,

We are indebted to Professor Dwight E. Neuenschwander These matrix operators are familiar in their elementary form
whose inspirational question motivated us to examine our for individual partial waves elastically scattered by a central
own complacent understanding of this fundamental issue. potential. In this case, S5e 2i d , T 52e i d sin d, and the cross
One of us ~ECGS! would like to acknowledge a personal section is u T u 2 5sin2 d within factors of no concern here.
debt to Julian Schwinger for memorable discussions on this The unitarity of the S matrix imposes a requirement on the T
subject which took place almost 40 years ago. We wish to matrix,
thank the Editors and Referees of The American Journal of
S † S5 ~ 112iT † !~ 122iT ! 5122i ~ T 2T † ! 14T † T .
Physics for their patient encouragement during the prepara-
tion of our paper. For diagonal matrix elements T ii ,

APPENDIX: TECHNICAL DETAILS OF FEYNMAN’S Im T ii 52 ~ T † T ! ii 52 (j u T jiu 2 <0. ~A6!

For a given state i, the sum is over all energy and momen-
First Feynman establishes that spin- 21 states change sign tum conserving states j. The right-hand side has a ready
under two time reversals. The effect of time-reversal T on interpretation in terms of the total cross section for scattering
spin- 21 states must be from state i to all possible states j, and it unequivocally
T u m z 51 & 5e i f u m z 52 & , T u m z 52 & 5e i j u m z 51 & . determines the sign of the imaginary part of the diagonal
~A1! T -matrix elements, which correspond to forward elastic
scattering. These results are familiar for the scattering ampli-
With TF5F * T defining the effect of weak time reversal on
tudes of individual partial waves elastically scattered by a
algebraic functions F to be complex conjugation, two time central potential. There, 2Im T 5sin2 d5uT u 2 5 s /4p k 2
reversals give
with s the partial cross section, and k the momentum.
T 2 u m z 51 & 5e i ~ j 2 f ! u m z 51 & . ~A2! The Feynman propagator

301 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 4, April 1998 I. Duck and E. C. G. Sudarshan 301

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S F ~ x 2 2x 1 ! 52i E d3p m
~ 2p !3 E
@ Q ~ t 2 2t 1 ! L 1 ~ p !
A nearly identical situation arises in the Feynman Green’s
function for the spin-0 Klein–Gordon equation. Here a sign
change sneaks in because the norm of positive energy states
3e 2ip ~ x 2 2x 1 ! 1Q ~ t 1 2t 2 ! L 2 ~ p ! e 1i p ~ x 2 2x 1 ! # is

is the amplitude for a free Dirac particle to propagate for-

; Ef † J
1~ i ] 0 ! f 1 ,

ward in time from 1→2 when the unit step function Q(t 2
but the negative of this expression for negative energy states.
2t 1 )51 or for a free Dirac antiparticle to propagate forward Bjorken and Drell have a full description of the two cases in
in time from 2→1 when the other step function Q(t 1 2t 2 ) their ‘‘Relativistic Quantum Mechanics,’’ pages 95 and
51. It is the great—but not entirely free—elegance of the 188.43
Feynman Rules to treat the antiparticle propagation as if it This lack of simple continuability is also obvious from the
were negative energy particles propagating backward in gap between the static 1m and 2m four-component Dirac
time. spinors. We have ~in an abbreviated 232 notation!
The projection operator L 1 (p) onto positive energy Dirac
states, in terms of free Dirac spinors u( p) satisfying (p g
2m)u(p)50 with p 2 5m 2 , p 0 .0 and normalized to ūu
u~ m !5 SD
, u ~ 2m ! [ v~ m ! 5 SD
, ~A12!
51, is
and the projection operators

p g 1m
L 1~ p ! 5 (
u ~ p;s ! ū ~ p;s ! 5
. ~A8!
L 1~ m ! 5
1 0
5 (m u ~ m ! ū ~ m !
0 0

We begin to understand Feynman’s argument. It becomes
clear that the Feynman Dirac propagator on the mass shell,
where the virtual particles become real and contribute to the
unitarity sum in the imaginary part of the amplitudes, is the
5 SD
~1 0!
, ~A13!

product of a real, positive projection operator times a Feyn- but

man scalar propagator. The Dirac propagator must contribute
0 0
with the same sign to the imaginary part as does the scalar
propagator. Our only concern—still assuming the spin-0 L 2~ m ! 5
0 1
52 (m u ~ 2m ! ū ~ 2m !
loop is well behaved—is the overall external sign of the
(m v~ m !v̄~ m !
The ‘‘negative energy’’ projection operator enters when 52

we consider an antiparticle propagating forward in time as a
negative energy particle propagating backward in time, as
Feynman does in his prescription for the loop amplitude. We
need to examine the particle propagator L 1 , with momen-
52 SD0
~0 1!
0 21
. ~A14!

tum p continued to the reversed four-momentum 2p. We 1

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