Exam Ite3742

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Exam Paper for ITE3742

Please answer all questions.

Duration: 2 hours

1. Name a real-world distributed application/system that you have used. Describe how “being a
distributed system” help this application/system to achieve its functional and non-functional
requirements. (10 marks)

2. Explain RPC in detail. Your answer should include definition, how RPC happens between client
and server and a description of client. (10 marks)

3. Represent following data as XML.

There is an online course provider. It has courses in two subject areas – Technology and Art.
Description of courses are as follows.
• Java for Beginners conducted by Mr. James Arthur. It provides 8 hours of video tutorials,
reading assignment of 30 pages and 2 quizzes. Costs 10$
• Microservices by Ms. Janis Kafka. It provides 8 hours of video tutorials, no reading
assignments and 5 quizzes. Costs 28.56$
• Guitar Basics by Jane Andrews with video tutorials for 10 hours. Costs 11$
• Guitar from Zero to Hero by Drew Shane with video tutorials for 8 hours. Costs 20.50$

(10 marks)

4. Explain why some web services should be secured (2 marks). Then describe 2 methods that you
have learned in the class, which can be used to secure SOAP services. (8 marks)

5. What is Service Oriented Architecture (4 marks). Why do Enterprises use SOA (6 marks)?

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