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Name of the teacher :-Ms.

Rupa Ghosh

Name of the student :- Mr. Susmita Sen

Group :-M.Sc nursing 2nd semester

Subject :- Clinical Specialty 1(OBG)

Topic of health education :- Importance of family planning

Previous knowledge :- Group will have some previous knowledge

Venue :-

Method of teaching :- Lecture cum discussion

Medium of instruction :- Bengali

Date & time :-

Av aids :-
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: at the end of the discussion the group will able to acquire in depth knowledge
regarding importance of family planning.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE :- after completion the topic the group will able to :-
 introduce the family planning
 define the family planning
 described the importance family planning
 explain the various method of family planning
 mention the barriers of family planning
Sl Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V Evaluation
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1 2 introduce INTRODUCTION Teaching Learning

minute the family Family planning involves the conscious decision by Activity Activity
planning individuals or couples to control the number and timing of
their children. This concept encompasses a variety of Lecture cum listening
practices and methods aimed at achieving reproductive goals discussion
and ensuring the well-being of families.

define the Family planning refers to the practice of controlling the What is
2 2 family number and timing of children in a family through the use family
minute planning?
planning of contraceptive methods, sexual education, and fertility
treatments. It encompasses a range of services and measures
designed to help individuals and couples achieve their
desired number of children and to space and time their
pregnancies in a way that promotes health and well-being.
Family planning includes various methods such as birth
control pills, condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs),
sterilization, natural family planning, and other fertility
awareness-based methods.
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3. 5 described IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY PLANNING Teaching Learning What are

minute Family planning is crucial for various reasons, impacting Activity Activity the
individuals, families, and societies as a whole: importance
importance 1)Health Benefits: Lecture cum listening of family
discussion planning?
family Maternal Health: Family planning reduces the risk of
complications during pregnancy and childbirth by allowing
planning women to space their pregnancies adequately and avoid high-
risk pregnancies.
Child Health: Proper spacing of pregnancies can lead to
better health outcomes for children, reducing infant and child
mortality rates and improving overall child health.

2)Economic Benefits:
Household Economics: Families can better manage their
resources, providing improved education and healthcare for
their children when they can plan and limit the number of
Women’s Economic Participation: By allowing women to
control their reproductive lives, family planning enables
them to pursue education and career opportunities,
Sl Time Specific Content Teaching learning A.V Evalu
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4)Population and Environmental Impact: Teaching Learning

Population Control: Family planning helps manage Activity Activity
population growth, alleviating pressure on resources and the
Sustainable Development: By stabilizing population Lecture listening
growth, family planning supports sustainable development cum
goals, improving living standards and environmental discussion P
sustainability. R
What is
5)Public Health and Societal Benefits: J the
Prevention of Unsafe Abortions: Access to contraceptive E
methods reduces the incidence of unintended pregnancies and methods
C of role
unsafe abortions.
Reduction in STD Transmission: Use of condoms, a T play ?
common family planning method, also helps in reducing the O
spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). R

6)Improved Education Outcomes:

Children’s Education: With fewer children, families can
invest more in each child's education, leading to better
educational outcomes.
Women’s Education: Women are more likely to complete
their education when they have control over their
reproductive lives
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4. 5 min explain DIFFERENT METHODS OF FAMILY Teaching Learning What are

PLANNING Activity Activity the various
Family planning methods encompass a range of options, method of
various each with its own advantages, limitations, and suitability family
depending on individual needs and preferences. Here are Lecture listening planning?
method of
the main types of family planning: cum
family discussion
1)Hormonal Methods:
planning Birth Control Pills: Oral contraceptives taken daily that
contain hormones (estrogen and progestin) to prevent
Injectable Contraceptives: Injections (such as Depo-
Provera) administered every three months that release
progestin to prevent ovulation.
Contraceptive Patches: Adhesive patches applied to the
skin that release hormones to prevent ovulation, replaced
Vaginal Rings: Flexible rings inserted into the vagina that
release hormones for three weeks at a time.
2)Barrier Methods:
Condoms: Thin sheaths worn on the penis (male condoms)
or inserted into the vagina (female condoms) to block sperm
from reaching the egg.
Diaphragms and Cervical Caps: Devices inserted into the
vagina to cover the cervix, used with spermicide to kill
Spermicides: Chemicals inserted into the vagina before
Sl Time Specific Content Teaching A.V Evaluati
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es Activity

3)Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): Teachi Learni

Copper IUDs: T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus that release ng ng
copper to prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg, effective for up to Activit Activit
10 years. y y
Hormonal IUDs: T-shaped devices that release progestin, effective Lectur listenin
for 3 to 7 years depending on the type. e cum g
4)Natural Family Planning (Fertility Awareness ion
Tracking Menstrual Cycles: Monitoring menstrual cycles to avoid
intercourse during fertile periods.
Basal Body Temperature Method: Measuring body temperature
daily to identify ovulation.
Cervical Mucus Method: Observing changes in cervical mucus to
determine fertile days.

5)Permanent Methods:
Tubal Ligation (Sterilization) for Women: Surgical procedure to
block or seal the fallopian tubes, preventing eggs from reaching the
Vasectomy for Men: Surgical procedure to cut or seal the vas
deferens, preventing sperm from being included in ejaculate.
Sl Time Specific Content Teaching A.V Evalua
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6)Emergency Contraception: Teachin Learn
Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Pills taken after unprotected g ing
intercourse to prevent pregnancy, effective within a few days. Activity Activi
Copper IUD as Emergency Contraception: Can be inserted up to five ty
days after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Lecture listeni
cum ng
6. 5 Mention Despite the significant benefits of family planning, various barriers can n What
minute are the
the hinder access and effective use. These barriers can be categorized into
cultural, educational, economic, healthcare system, and policy-related barrier
barriers of obstacles: of
family 1)Cultural and Religious Barriers:
Cultural Norms and Beliefs: In some communities, traditional beliefs plannin
planning and cultural norms may discourage the use of contraception, viewing g?
large families as a sign of wealth or fertility.
Religious Opposition: Certain religious groups oppose the use of
contraceptives based on doctrinal beliefs, advocating for natural
methods or complete abstinence instead.
2)Educational Barriers:
Lack of Awareness: Many people may lack knowledge about the
various family planning methods available and their benefits.
Misinformation and Myths: Misinformation about side effects and
misconceptions about certain contraceptive methods can deter
individuals from using them.
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3)Economic Barriers: Teachin Learni
Cost of Contraceptives: The cost of contraceptives and family g ng
planning services can be prohibitive, especially for low-income Activity Activit
families. y
Insurance Coverage: Lack of insurance coverage for family Lecture listenin
planning services can limit access to contraceptives and related cum g P
healthcare. discussio R
4)Healthcare System Barriers: n O
Limited Access to Services: In many areas, particularly rural or J
underserved regions, access to healthcare facilities and family E
planning services is limited. C
Provider Bias and Training: Healthcare providers may have
biases against certain methods or lack adequate training to
counsel patients on family planning effectively. O
Supply Chain Issues: Irregular supply and availability of R
contraceptive methods can impede consistent use.
5)Policy and Legal Barriers:
Restrictive Policies: Laws and policies in some countries may
restrict the availability and use of certain contraceptives.
Age Restrictions: Policies that restrict access to family planning
services based on age can prevent adolescents from obtaining
necessary contraceptives and education.
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6)Social Barriers: Teaching Learning

Stigma and Discrimination: Social stigma associated with Activity Activity
using contraceptives can deter individuals from seeking family
planning services.
Partner and Family Opposition: Opposition from partners or Lecture listening
family members can influence an individual's ability to use cum
contraceptives. discussion P
7)Logistical Barriers: R
Transportation Issues: Difficulty accessing healthcare O
facilities due to transportation barriers can prevent people from J
obtaining family planning services. E
Clinic Hours and Locations: Inconvenient clinic hours and
locations can hinder access for working individuals or those
with limited mobility T
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CONCLUSION Teaching Learning

1 Activity Activity
minu Family planning is a vital component of public health that
te offers significant benefits for individuals, families, and
Lecture listening
communities. By allowing people to control the number and cum
timing of their children, family planning promotes better discussion
maternal and child health, economic stability, women's
empowerment, and sustainable development. Despite its
numerous advantages, family planning faces challenges
such as cultural opposition, access issues, and potential
health risks associated with certain contraceptive
methods.Addressing these challenges requires
comprehensive education, improved healthcare
infrastructure, and supportive policies that ensure access to
affordable and effective family planning services. By
overcoming these barriers, society can enhance the quality
of life for individuals and contribute to healthier, more
prosperous communities. In conclusion, while family
planning is not without its disadvantages, its benefits far
outweigh the drawbacks, making it an essential aspect of
global health and development efforts.

 Boback M Irene & Jenson Margaret" Maternity & Gynaecologic Care, mosby company (5th edition) page no;964-971

 DC Dutta (2004)" text book of obstetrics" 9th th edition 2018, jaypee brothers medical publication ,page no: 433-444.

 Myles (2003) text book for midwifes" 15th edition, Philadelphia: Churchill livingstone publishers, page no:625-653

 Raman A V text book of maternity nursing ,19 th edition ,Wolters Kluwer, page no :689-691

 Park.k text book of preventive and social medicine,25 th edition,M/S Banarsidas Bhanot publisher page no:530-540

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