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Chemistry Practical-Separation Techniques

Aim : To prepare
a)True solution of common salt.
b) Suspension of soil.
c) Colloidal of starch in water.
and to distinguish them on the basis of
(i) Transparency (ii) Filtration (iii) Stability

Apparatus required : Test tube, test tube stand, China dish , Tripod stand, Glass, funnel , filter paper
and Torch light.

Procedure :
(a) Preparation of the true solution of common salt
A pinch of common salt is taken in a test tube and 10ml of distilled water is added. Contents
of the test tube are shaken vigorously by placing the thumb on the mouth of the test tube.
The common salt is dissolved in water completely and true solution is formed.

(b) Preparation of suspension of soil in water.

About 1 gram of soil is taken in a test tube and 10 ml of distilled water is added in the test
tube. Soil does not get dissolved in water but get suspended in water so, as the result form

(c) Preparation of colloidal in water

About 1 gram of starch is taken in a China dish and 20 ml of water is added in China dish.
Contents in China dish should be stirred well with water , Suspension is formed.

Then the contents are heated by placing it in a tripod stand , contents should be stirred
continuously and poured it into boiled water, Colloidal of starch solution is formed

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