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11. No longer _____ the nightmare experience it so often is.

A. need shopping be B. does shopping need to be

C. needs shopping to be D. need shopping to be

12. Now _____ to face life like a man!

A. does the time come B. comes the time
C. the time comes D. the time is coming

13. Nobody needs to leave their houses _____ _____ river seems likely to flood.
A. unless; the B. but for; a
C. if; the D. provided; a

14. Imagine you _____ everything in this world!

A. know B. knew C. had known D. would have known

15. If you don’t have a jeep, don’t even _____ crossing _____ Sahara.
A. dare; - B. consider; the C. try; - D. attempt; the

16. Since early childhood she has always loved _____ Amazon.
A. - B. the C. an D. a

17. This result _____ a situation where polar bears are _____ threat to lose their homes.
A. from; at B. to; with C. in; under D. of; in

18. My blood ran _____ when I heard the woman’s scream.

A. faster B. icy C. cold D. frosty

19. The _____ thought about climbing that mountain frightens me.
A. sheer B. just C. only D. mere

20. Your winning the race does not surprise me at all.

A. It comes as no surprise to me that you had won the race.
B. I’m not in the least surprised about your winning the race.
C. It’s not surprising that you would win the race.
D. It’s not surprising that you should win the race.

21. We were forced to abandon the match, _____.

A. so poor was the weather B. so poor the weather was
C. such a poor weather was it D. despite the poor weather

22. I didn’t expect _____.

A. such strong a wing B. so wind
C. so strong a wind D. too strong wind

23. This campaing has brought _____ a huge change in the habits of people who smoke.
A. about B. in C. up D. out

24. The woman _____ the old man round by putting some smelling salts under his nose.
A. came B. brought C. put D. got

25. Anyone is _____ for this sport provided they are _____ good health.
A. suitable; at B. eligible; in C. good; at D. responsible; under

26. It’a a very _____ matter so be careful how you talk to her and what you say.
A. sensitive B. sensible C. senseless D. sensational

27. She is totally commited ___ her children up.

A. to bring B. bringing C. to be bringing D. to bringing

28. We regret _____ you that your application _____ turned down.
A. to tell; has been B. telling; was C. to tell; was D. telling; has been

29. I expect _____ my _____ by next week.

A. to finish; theses B. to have finished; thesis
C. to be finishing; thesis D. to have been finishing; theses

30. Perhaps finding someone to help him is proving difficult for him.
A. He may find it difficult to find someone to help him.
B. He may be having difficulties is finding someone to help him.
C. He must find it difficult to find someone to help him.
D. He may have had difficulties is finding someone to help him.

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