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How Does

Impact Countries?
What impact has geography had on different countries? Do island countries behave
differently to landlocked countries? Do countries with lots of resources always
benefit from them? Below, we’ll look at some famous examples of how geography
has affected different countries and their development.

Some people argue that geo­graphy

is very important in the development
of different countries. Others argue
that the most important aspect of
a country’s development is human
behaviour. What do you think?
Read these historical examples
and think about how geography
has impacted different countries.

Europe and China

Europe is a continent with a diverse
geography that has led to a fragmented
political landscape. The presence of many
peninsulas and islands, combined with
mountain ranges, has made it difficult to
unite the continent under one political entity.
This is in contrast to China, which is a vast
landmass with fewer natural barriers to
political unity. Historically, China has been
ruled by a series of dynasties, while Europe
was united under the Roman Empire before
fragmenting into many smaller kingdoms.

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

The Panama Canal is another
example of geography shaping
the development of a country.
The canal is a key shipping route
between the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans, and its construction had
a significant impact on Panama's
development. However, its strategic
location also made it a target for
the United States, which exerted significant
influence over Panama's government for
many years.

Natural Barriers
Island nations like Japan and the United
Kingdom have also been shaped by their
geography. These countries rely heavily The Middle East
on their navies for protection and have The Middle East is a region rich in natural
historically used their naval power to resources, particularly oil. The abundance
exert control over other nations. Natural of oil has allowed many countries in
barriers like water, along with mountain the region to accumulate great wealth,
ranges like the Alps in Switzerland, can but it has also made them vulnerable
make countries more insular and less to external influence and control. Many
likely to be influenced by outside forces. powerful countries, including the United
States and Russia, have sought to exert
their influence over the Middle East in
order to gain access to its oil resources.
In more recent years, Middle Eastern
countries (in particular oil-rich states like
the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar) have
used their vast wealth to build megacities
and fund soft power initiatives like sports
competitions to gain influence.

In conclusion, geography has had a profound impact on the development of different

countries throughout history. While human behaviour is undoubtedly an important factor in
a country's development, geography can shape political landscapes, economic opportunities,
and military strategies in profound ways.

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

Vocabulary Questions

1. 1.What does the word "insular" mean in the sentence "Natural barriers like water, along
with mountain ranges like the Alps in Switzerland, can make countries more insular and
less likely to be influenced by outside forces"?
a) Open-minded
b) Inclusive
c) Isolated
d) Progressive

2. What is the meaning of the word "dynasties" in the sentence "Historically, China has been
ruled by a series of dynasties, while Europe was united under the Roman Empire before
fragmenting into many smaller kingdoms"?
a) A type of military unit
b) A series of ruling families or lines
c) A type of currency
d) A type of trade agreement

3. What does the word "accumulated" mean in the sentence "The abundance of oil has
allowed many countries in the region to accumulate great wealth"?
a) To distribute
b) To generate
c) To gather or collect gradually over time
d) To dispose of

4. What is the meaning of the word "soft power" in the sentence "Middle Eastern countries
(in particular oil-rich states like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar) have used their vast
wealth to build megacities and fund soft power initiatives"?
a) Military strength
b) Economic strength
c) Cultural influence
d) Political stability

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

Vocabulary Questions continued

5. What does the word "profound" mean in the sentence "While human behaviour is
certainly an important factor in a country's development, geography can shape political
landscapes, economic opportunities, and military strategies in profound ways"?
a) Superficial
b) Insignificant
c) Complex
d) Having a deep or significant impact

Reading Questions

1. How has Europe's geography affected its political landscape?

2. What impact did the construction of the Panama Canal have on Panama's development?

3. How have Japan and the United Kingdom been influenced by their geography

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

Reading Questions continued

4. What role have natural resources played in the development of Middle Eastern countries?

Writing Questions

1. Do you agree that geography plays a more significant role than human behaviour in a
country's development? Why or why not?

2. Choose one of the examples given in the text and explain how geography has impacted the
development of that country in detail.

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

Writing Questions continued

3. Can you think of any examples of countries where geography has hindered their
development? Explain your answer using specific examples.

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

Vocabulary questions answers

1. What does the word "insular" mean in the sentence "Natural barriers like water, along
with mountain ranges like the Alps in Switzerland, can make countries more insular and
less likely to be influenced by outside forces"?
c) Isolated

2. What is the meaning of the word "dynasties" in the sentence "Historically, China has been
ruled by a series of dynasties, while Europe was united under the Roman Empire before
fragmenting into many smaller kingdoms"?
b) A series of ruling families or lines

3. What does the word "accumulated" mean in the sentence "The abundance of oil has
allowed many countries in the region to accumulate great wealth"?
c) To gather or collect gradually over time

4. What is the meaning of the word "soft power" in the sentence "Middle Eastern countries
(in particular oil-rich states like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar) have used their vast
wealth to build megacities and fund soft power initiatives"?
c) Cultural influence

5. What does the word "profound" mean in the sentence "While human behaviour is
certainly an important factor in a country's development, geography can shape political
landscapes, economic opportunities, and military strategies in profound ways"?
d) Having a deep or significant impact

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How Does
Does Geography
Geography Impact
Impact Countries?

Reading questions answers

1. Europe's geography, with many peninsulas and islands, combined with mountain ranges,
has made it difficult to unite the continent under one political entity.

2. The construction of the Panama Canal had a significant impact on Panama's development
as it's a key shipping route and made it a target for the United States.

3. Historically, Japan and the United Kingdom relied heavily on their navies for protection
and used their naval power to exert control over other nations.

4. Natural resources, particularly oil, have allowed many Middle Eastern countries to
accumulate great wealth, but it has also made them vulnerable to external influence and

Writing questions answers

Students’ own answers.

Disclaimers: This resource has been made for the purpose of teaching English language learners. We know that students can be learning English in many different places, in many different ways and at age,
so we try to keep these resources as general as possible.
There are many acronyms associated with English language teaching. These include (but are not limited to) ELT, TEFL, EFL, ELL, EAL and ESOL. While the term ESL may not fully represent the linguistic
backgrounds of all students, it is the most widely recognised term for English language teaching globally. Therefore, we use the term ‘ESL’ in the names of our resources to make them easy to find but they are
suitable for any student learning to speak English.

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