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Medication Information Sheet

Generic Name(s): Potassium chloride

Brand Name(s): Apo-K, K-10, Kalium Durules, Kaochlor, Kaochlor-20 Concentrate, Kaon-Cl, KCl 5 &
20, K-Long, Klor , Klor-10 , Klor-Con , Kloride , Klorvess , Klotrix , K-Dur , K-Lyte/Cl , K-tab , Micro-K
Extentabs , SK-Potassium Chloride , Slo-Pot, Slow-K
Drug Class: Electrolyte Replacement Solution Sub-Class: Electrolyte Replacement
Therapeutic Dosage Range(s): Hypokalemia /:9 ! 10100 mEq/day in divided doses IV 1060 mEq/h diluted to at least
1020 mEq/100 mL oI solution (max: 200400 mEq/day, monitor higher doses careIully)Chi/ ! 13 mEq/kg/day in divided doses;
sustained release tablets not recommended IV Up to 3 mEq/kg/24 h at a rate less than 0.02 mEq/kg/min
Therapeutic Use(s): Principal intracellular cation that is essential Ior maintenance oI intracellular isotonicity,
transmission oI nerve impulses, contraction oI cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscles, maintenance oI normal
kidney Iunction, and Ior enzyme activity. Effec9iveness in hypokaemia is meas:7e/ by se7:m po9assi:m
concen97a9ion g7ea9e7 9han 3.5 mEq/i9e7.
!atient & Family Education: 1.Do not be alarmed when the tablet carcass appears in your stool. The sustained release
tablet (e.g., Slow-K) utilizes a wax matrix as carrier Ior KCl crystals that passes through the digestive system. 2. Learn
about sources oI potassium with special reIerence to Ioods and OTC drugs. 3. Do not use any salt substitute unless it is
speciIically ordered by the physician. These contain a substantial amount oI potassium and electrolytes other than sodium.
4. Do not selI-prescribe laxatives. Chronic laxative use has been associated with diarrhea-induced potassium loss. 5.
NotiIy physician oI persistent vomiting because losses oI potassium can occur. 6. Report continuing signs oI potassium
deIicit to physician: Weakness, Iatigue, polyuria, polydipsia. 7.Advise dentist or new physician that a potassium drug has
been prescribed as long-term maintenance therapy. 8.Do not open Ioil-wrapped powders and tablets beIore use.
ife threatening & 42243 adverse effects: Hypokalemia /:9 ! 10100 mEq/day in divided doses IV 1060 mEq/h
diluted to at least 1020 mEq/100 mL oI solution (max: 200400 mEq/day, monitor higher doses careIully) Chi/ ! 13
mEq/kg/day in divided doses; sustained release tablets not recommended IV Up to 3 mEq/kg/24 h at a rate less than 0.02 mEq/kg/min

Reference: Pearson Nurse`s Drug Guide 2011 pg.1255-1258
Why is this client
receiving this drug?
!ertinent !re/!ost
Assessment Findings
Is this drug Working?
Substantiate your
answer with data.
Nursing Implications
r/t Administration

-Freq serum lytes. moniter
I&O, oliguria stop and
notiIy,GI ulceration
(esophageal or epigastric pain
or hematemesis) Cardiac
status w/parenteral. Irr HB

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