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Unidad Didáctica:

Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

Actividad: Semana 17

Nombres y apellidos: JULIANA L I Z E T

GARCÍA Fecha: _11 /_06__/_24_

Turno: Tarde Aula:

Indicaciones generales
I. Responda correctamente el cuestionario.
II. Al terminar, guarde el archivo en PDF. como ACT17_NombrePrimerApellido.pdf.
III. Suba el documento a la actividad de la semana 017 del campus virtual


1. Pregunta 1: Circle the correct form of the verb.

a. I was reading|read a book when my mother was coming|come in.

b. He was taking|take a shower when the lights are|were going off.

c. The rain is|was starting to fall while we are|were walking in the park.

d. We were eating|eat our dinner when someone is|was knocking on the door.

f. They were walking|walk to school when suddenly they are|were seeing an

unusual light.

e. There aren’t|weren’t many people working nowadays.

g. He is|was watching sports two days ago.

h. We were flying|fly to Dublin last night

i. She was going|go to London last January.

Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

2. Pregunta 2: Look at the picture and answer the questions.

What were they doing yesterdat at 4 p.m.?

a. Adam and Suzanne were swimming in the pool.

b. Adela was on a bench and playing the guitar.

c. Will was throwing a piece of paper into the litter bin.

d. Dmitri was talking on the phone with his best friend in the park.

e. Kevin was with the scooter on the pavement.

f. A woman was walking her dog in the park.

g. Paul was buying some postCards.

h. John was on the stairs and he was playing to music.

Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

i. Clare was walking on the pavement.

j. Anne was riding her bike.

k. A woman was walking in the street and she was carrying her baby in the stroller.

l. A taxi driver was driving slowly along the street.

m. Mr. Cardoso and Ms. Kean were going on a ride on a tram.

n. Sarah was watching TV on her sofa.

o. Not far from clare a man arriving alone.

3. Pregunta 3: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using past progressive wit the verbs
in brackets:
Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

a. I was sleeping when you me the message.

b. (Sleep /send)

b. Susan was traveling around Italy when she was meetingher boyfriend.
c. (travel, meet)

c. We finding some old photos when we was cleaning the house.

(find, clean )

h. They were waiting for the bus when they were watching the accident. (wait, see)

f. It was starting to rain when they were on their way to school.

g. (start, cycle)

d. A dog was running to the road when I was driving home.

e. (run, drive)

4. Pregunta 4: According to the Storyboard, read the sentences and write the number in the blank
spaces as it corresponds to the image.

1 2

3 4
Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

5 6

a. So I was deciding to go for a bike ride outside. _4

b. As I was taking off my raincoat 5_

c. The wind was blowing hard! _6

d. It was starting to rain. _2

e. The sun was shining. _1

f. While I was getting ready. _3

5. Pregunta 5: Complete the story with the past verb To Be oor past progressive form of the verb in

Last summer, I was living (live) in

Hawaii. One Saturday morning, I woke

up (wake up) early, and it

………………………… (be) a beautiful day.

The sun was shining (shine), and I was

feeling (feel) really happy.

Unidad Didáctica:
Comunicación en Idioma Extranjero y/o Lengua

I ............................ (not need) to go to work that day, so I was deciding (decide)

to go surfing. Most of my friends were working (work) and my girlfriend was

visiting (visit) her parents, so I was going (go) to the beach alone. When I was

arriving (arrive), the beach was (be) already crpwded. A lot of people were

sunbathing (sunbathe), children were playing (play) games and people were

swimming (swim) in the sea. Everyone was enjoying (enjoy) the lovely

summerday. I ............................. (put) my things down on the beach, and then I

………………………… (begin) walking to the sea with my surfboard. Suddebly, a man

………………………… (shout), Shark! Shark! Get out of the water! At first, I

………………………… (not can) see anything, but then I............................. (see) a big

shark. Luckily, it he wasn't attacking (not atttack) anyone and was swimming

(swim) away quickly. I............................. (not stay) at the beach after that, and I

was going (go) home without going surfing!

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