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Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423


Operational performance of Indian passenger airlines using

hierarchical categorical DEA approach
Bharti Seth1,2 · Punita Saxena3 · Shalini Arora1

Received: 6 February 2022 / Revised: 17 September 2022 / Accepted: 28 December 2022 / Published online: 3 January 2023
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and
The Division of Operation and Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2023

Abstract The challenges faced by the Indian Aviation mar- of the airlines has been evaluated for the period 2014–19 as
ket are complex and perplexing for the decision-makers in per their categorical input value. Window analysis has also
this sector. This industry has faced debilitating losses dur- been performed for a meaningful analysis of the results. The
ing COVID-19 pandemic times. The travel restrictions have outcomes of the study will be helpful for policymakers to
been gradually lifted worldwide, and therefore the airlines improvise the present working model of the industry and
can expect to witness a growth in domestic and international alleviate their performance.
air passenger traffic during 2021–22. The losses incurred
during the pandemic times need to be recovered. Thus, Keywords Indian airlines · Data envelopment analysis ·
there is an urgent need to strategically plan and improve the Performance evaluation · Categorical variable
operations so that the airlines can perform efficiently and
earn revenues. Airlines in India work under heterogeneous
environments depending upon their segment of operations. 1 Introduction
Some of the airlines operate for only domestic passengers
and others for both domestic and international passengers. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a non-parametric tech-
Therefore these airlines must be assessed as per their homo- nique, is based on the framework of (Farrell 1957), later
geneous peer group to obtain substantial results. The pro- extended by Charnes et al. (1978) and Banker et al. (1984).
posed study has discussed an approach to study airlines’ Techniques of DEA have been employed to measure the
operational performance using hierarchical categorical data relative efficiency of homologous entities called decision-
envelopment analysis (DEA). The airlines have been catego- making units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and outputs. The
rized based upon their segment of operations. The efficiency complexity of the relationships between multiple inputs and
outputs, where the units are frequently not comparable, is
where DEA has an edge over other mathematical program-
* Bharti Seth
ming and statistical techniques. Thus, DEA offers an alterna-
tive to the traditional approaches employed for this purpose.
Punita Saxena
Further, DEA allows us to estimate efficient performance
without making restricted assumptions about the underlying
Shalini Arora
knowledge of production function. This attribute of DEA
for efficiency evaluations makes it to be more advantageous
Department of Applied Science and Humanities, Indira
for the policy makers and managers in taking decisions for
Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Kashmere
Gate, Delhi, India improvements.
2 DEA with a range of existential settings has been exten-
Present Address: School of Engineering and Technology,
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC, Delhi, sively used in identifying the technical inefficiencies of vari-
India ous service sectors and industries such as transport, banking,
Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, medical, tourism, or any production sector. In the transport
University of Delhi, Delhi, India sector, DEA has been used to assess the efficiency of land,

1416 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423

air, and water transport. It helps to determine their perfor- airlines like cargo or passenger, domestic or international,
mance, analyze the factors affecting their working efficiency, public or private. These airlines work under a heterogeneous
and provide them the benchmarks for their growth. Hence, environment and can be categorized based on their working
policymakers can plan their strategies as per the results environment. Evaluating airlines’ operational performance
obtained from various DEA models. DEA techniques have by classifying them in homologous groups will prove to be a
been applied to assess airlines’ operational performance by better approach for efficiency evaluation and benchmarking.
estimating their relative distance from the non-parametric The Indian airline industry had started its operations in the
production frontier. Efficiencies calculated are comparable year 1911. Since then, it has been functional with its complex
to the best performing airline. Hence makes DEA a powerful structures and expensive operational costs. Airline companies
tool for comparative efficiency analysis. function under extreme stress as they have to satisfy their cus-
The basic assumption of DEA is to evaluate the homolo- tomers by providing them with world-class services and at the
gous DMUs, which implies that they are working under the same time have to earn revenues to sustain themselves in the
same circumstances and are involved in the same process. global market. The ongoing pandemic situation has made this
Haas and Murphy in (2003) have stated that an analyst may even more difficult for players in this sector. Thus, an airline
want to assess the DMUs, which are heterogeneous. They company must strategize and plan its policies carefully. Since
also observed many articles in the DEA literature to assess the aviation sector is affected by many factors and the decision-
the non-homogeneous evaluation set (e.g., airlines serving making process is very complicated, they must arrange their
domestic or international sectors, banks working in rural, actions according to the inferences obtained from the research-
urban, or tourist regions, production plants in the same based models. However, the research related to the performance
industry producing different products). Banker and Morey evaluation in Indian aviation sector though being in an infancy
in (1986) had introduced the use of categorical variables in stage has been studied by a few researchers. The efficiency
the basic Banker, Charnes, and Cooper 1984 model (Banker assessments of all Indian airlines for the period 2006–2010
et al. 1984). They have illustrated the use of categorical vari- were studied by Jain and Natarajan (2015). Selvan et al. (2016)
ables in DEA using actual data. They also mentioned that conducted an analysis of the performance of Indian airlines from
categorical variables could be controllable or non-control- 2010 to 2014. They employed the super-efficiency DEA model
lable by decision-makers. Controllable variables include to rank the airlines after using the two-stage DEA to assess
all those over which decision-makers have direct control overall efficiency. Seth et al. (2019, 2021) have assessed the
and can be modified. Non-controllable variables include operational performance of passenger airlines operating in India
those which are not in control of the decision-makers of any using traditional and two-stage approaches of DEA respectively.
organization. Kamakura has overcome the limitations of the While formulating a model for performance evaluation of
original model of Banker and Morey (1986). However, revi- decision-making units, one has first to identify whether the
sion in the mixed-integer model noted in Kamakura (1988) working environment of decision-making units is the same
does not allow for virtual DMUs that combine the different or not. It may happen that some of the DMUs are working in
categorical variable levels. Kamakura’s work was revised the highly competitive market, and others are in their typi-
by Rousseau and Semple in Rousseau and Semple (1993). cal business situation. Assessing the performance of all the
They formulated a new linear programming model to han- DMUs as "scratch" competitors would be unfair to those in a
dle DEA categorical variables, which annihilated the earlier highly competitive position. This complication can be han-
models’ shortcomings. Later on, it was further investigated dled using a hierarchical category. DMUs working in a highly
and extended by many researchers. competitive environment are classified as category 1. Then
In the literature, Soteriou and Zenios in (1999) have cat- those working in a normal situation are classified as category
egorized 144 banks into homogeneous groups as per their 2 and then according to the working environment. Others are
working environment and size. They have evaluated their also classified similarly, and DMUs in the most advantageous
efficiency within the groups and compared the scores of the situation fall in the highest category group, say (h). In this
groups to benchmark the performance drivers simultane- manner, a set of the categorical input variable is created with
ously. In 2016, Min and Joo (2016) assessed airlines’ compar- input values 1, 2,…, h. DMUs with categorical input value
ative performance after the strategic alliances among global 1 are evaluated within the group, DMUs with category input
airlines using categorical DEA. They have also mentioned value 2 are evaluated in reference to categories 1 and 2. Simi-
that DEA can be employed to DMUs with categorical input larly, DMUs with higher categories are evaluated in reference
values such as hierarchical levels, customer feedback scores, to the DMUs falling in preceding categories.
level of competition, etc. In 2018 Karadayi and Ekinci (2019) For the Indian airline industry, passenger airlines pro-
have assessed the R&D performance of European Union vide only domestic services or domestic and international
countries using categorical DEA. The aviation sector is a services. It would be unfair and unjustified to assess the
transport sector that includes different categories of operating operational efficiency of all passenger airlines on the same

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423 1417

grounds irrespective of whether they are working for the 1. Data Collection Airlines’ operating statistics has been
domestic sector or international sector only or both the extracted from the source: https://​dgca.​gov.​in/​digig​ov-​
sectors. The present study is a novel approach to evaluate portal/
the operational performance of passenger airlines using 2. Variable Selection The process of choosing relevant
DEA with non-controllable hierarchical categorical vari- input and output variables for analysis is based on the
ables. The study comprises the performance evaluation of elements responsible for the performance of airline
all private and government passenger airlines regarding firms. Prior investigations into the appraisal of the effec-
whether they are working in the domestic sector or in both tiveness of airlines has seen a range of input and output
domestic and international. drivers. The economic structure, airline administrative
The rest of the paper is trailed as follows. Section 2 practices and market performance all have a significant
provides a detailed explanation of the proposed work with impact on an airline’s operational performance. Thus,
the data descriptive statistics and the variables used in the the variables chosen for the study can be divided into
study. Section 3 describes the mathematical formulation of three categories based on their structural, marketing,
the proposed model to assess the DMUs with hierarchical and administrative drivers. Due to the limitation in the
categories. Section 4 presents the results obtained from availability of the data, the following four widely used
the five-year data of Indian passenger airlines. Section 5 variables are selected for the study.
concludes the present study with future research scope.
i. Financial Parameter: Operating cost
ii. Administration Parameter: Fleet size
2 Research methodology iii. Financial Parameter: Passenger revenue
iv. Marketing Parameter: Passenger load factor
Present work includes the formulation of the DEA conven-   Joo and Fowler (2014), Kottas et al. (2018),
tional models with hierarchical category levels and input Saranga and Nagpal (2016) have also used these
orientation. They are further used to assess the evalua- variables in their study. Table 1 below contains
tion of operational efficiency of Indian passenger airlines, a brief description of the variables used in the
namely Air India, Air India Express, Alliance Air, Air Asia, study.
Air Deccan, Air Odisha, Go Air, Indigo, Jet Airways, Jet
3. Data Analysis Airlines have been classified as per their
Lite, Spice Jet, True Jet, Vistara, Zoom Air, Air Heritage,
domain of service. Those working in the domestic sec-
Star Air for 2014–19. Efficiency evaluation of passenger
tor are only classified as category 1, and airlines pro-
airlines as per their categorical input value together with
viding service in domestic and international sectors are
DEA conventional models in input orientation can prove
classified as category 2. Airlines are divided into two
to be the best approach as they take care that the airline is
sub-groups as per the categorical input value (1, 2). In
dealing in which sector. Data has been extracted from the
this efficiency evaluation process, category 1 airlines are
reports available on the Directorate General of Civil Avia-
evaluated within the group only, and category 2 airlines
tion (DGCA), an Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation office.
are evaluated in reference to airlines of category 1 and
The procedure adopted for data collection and analysis
2. Airlines in category 1 are considered at a lower level,
can be summarized as:
and category 2 airlines are at a higher level. Descrip-
Table 1  Variables that are used in the study tive statistics of the data for the period 2014–19 have
Variables Definition been provided in Table 2. Proposed models have been
executed on the data for performance analysis. Window
Input Variables analysis with three windows of length three has been
Operating It includes all the expenses which an airline company done for the period 2014–19. The two categories of air-
Cost (OC) is outlaying for the smooth functioning of its opera-
tions lines have been compared bilaterally, and the airlines
Fleet Size It represents the total number of aircraft, including under study have been ranked as per their performance.
(FS) owned and leased, available at the end of the year
Output Variables
Passenger It includes the revenue generated from revenue-paying
Revenue passengers and extra baggage charges
3 Mathematical model
Passenger It determines the capacity utilization of any airline Let M = {1, 2, … , n} be the set of the total number of
Load Fac- company. It is calculated by dividing the revenue airlines under study. Let M1 and M2 be the group of all
tor (PLF) passenger kilometers by the available seat kilom- those airlines with categorical input values 1 and 2,
respectively. Then M = M1 ∪ M2 and M1 ∩ M2 = ∅ .

1418 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423

Table 2  Descriptive statistics of the data used in the study 3.1 Categorical input‑oriented Charnes, Cooper,
Maximum Minimum Average Standard and Rhodes (CCR) model (CCR_I_CAT)
The multiplier form of the input-oriented categorical CCR
2014–15 FS 107 3 40 40.64234
(CCR_I_CAT) model, which evaluates the efficiency of the
OC 226,854.4 2681.9 70,003.76 83,179.95
kth airline, is formulated below:
PLF 82.4 53.7 75.64 8.360885
PR 165,895.9 556.8 57,450.5 63,902.4 ⎧ Maximize θ = UYk ⎫
V, U
2015–16 FS 108 2 39.81818 42.59923 ⎪ subject to ⎪
⎪ � �⎪
OC 199,085.4 1151.5 60,557.51 74,627.98 ⎨
≤ 1 ∀ r ∈ M1 , if k ∈ M1 otherwise ∀ r ∈ M ⎬
PLF 90.6 66.5 79.48182 6.515829 ⎪ VXr

⎪ VXk = 1 ⎪
PR 181,661.2 645.1 56,013.17 67,378.14 ⎩ U, V ≥ 0 ⎭
Model 1
2016–17 FS 131 1 40.5 45.1931
OC 215,615.9 24.7 63,722.77 80,185.05
PLF 91.6 68.8 79.81667 6.559831 3.2 Categorical input‑oriented Banker, Charnes
PR 182,434 14 56,388.21 68,998.15 and Cooper (BCC) model (BCC_I_CAT)
2017–18 FS 159 2 41.28571 49.64794
OC 246,617.4 55.33 64,706.2 88,946.62 The multiplier form of the input-oriented categorical BCC
PLF 93.6 27.2 76.82143 16.48559 (BCC_I_CAT) model, which evaluates the efficiency of the
PR 213,423.4 0.48 57,086.57 76,528.45 kth airline, is formulated below:
2018–19 FS 217 1 51.45455 63.77142
OC 291,689.2 20.9 78,193.46 103,898.8 ⎧ Maximize θ = UYk − U0 ⎫
⎪ V, U ⎪
PLF 91.9 48.5 76.57273 13.25924 ⎪ �
subject to
PR 269,473.6 3 64,975.59 86,639.44 ⎪ UYr −U0
≤ 1 ∀ r ∈ M1 , if k ∈ M1 otherwise ∀ r ∈ M ⎪
⎨ VXr ⎬
⎪ VXk = 1 ⎪
⎪ U, V ≥ 0 ⎪
The input-oriented constant and variable returns to scale ⎪ ⎪
⎩ U0 unrestricted ⎭Model 2
DEA conventional models with categorical
{ data are}pro-
posed{ in the present}study. Let X = X1 , X2 , … , Xn and The implementation of the proposed models can be stra-
Y = Y1 , Y2 , … , Yn be m × n and s × n input and output tegically summarized in the following algorithm.
matrix, respectively. Let V and U be input and output weight
row vectors. The proposed mathematical models for evaluat-
ing the efficiency performance of each kth airline are defined

Table 3  DEA Categorical Efficiency Analysis of passenger airlines for the period 2014–19
2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19

1 Air India 1 1 0.88 0.88 0.845 0.85 0.83 0.84 1 1

2 Air India Express 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Alliance Air 1 1 0.785 0.81 0.631 0.631 0.696 0.73 0.75 0.85
Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423

4 Air Asia 1 1 0.9 0.93 0.86 1 0.93 0.99 1 1

5 Air Deccan * * * * * * 1 1 * *
6 Air Odisha * * * * * * 1 1 * *
7 Go Air 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.99 1
8 Indigo 0.91 1 0.88 1 0.91 1 0.95 1 0.86 1
9 Jet Airways 0.99 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * *
10 Jet Lite 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * *
11 Spice Jet 0.91 0.91 0.73 1 0.84 1 0.92 1 0.84 1
12 True Jet * * 1 1 0.62 1 1 1 1 1
13 Vistara 0.76 1 0.6 0.61 0.68 0.68 0.77 0.77 1 1
14 Zoom Air * * * * 1 1 1 1 * *
15 Air Heritage * * * * * * * * 1 1
16 Star Air * * * * * * * * 0.56 1

*Airline was not operating for that year

1420 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423

4 Results and discussion

No. of times efficient

4.1 Efficiency scores


CCR_I_ The efficiency scores of the proposed input oriented cat-
CAT​ egorical DEA models (CCR_I_CAT) and (BCC_I_CAT)
are presented in Table 3 below for the passenger airlines

operating in 2014–19. The objective of the input-oriented





model is to minimize the inputs with the production of at

least given output levels.

Following are the critical conclusions from Table 3:







1. Efficiency scores obtained from the (BCC_I_CAT)
model are more than the (CCR_I_CAT) model values

for all the passenger airlines from 2014 to 19 since the



0.936 (BCC_I_CAT) model has low discriminating power in


efficiency evaluation.

2. Airlines operating since 2014 are Air India, Air India



Express, Alliance Air, Air Asia, Go Air, Indigo, Jet Air-


ways, Jet Lite, Spice Jet, True Jet, and Vistara.

3. Air India Express is the only airline that is relatively




globally and locally efficient during the study period.



4. It has been observed that for the years 2014 and 2018,
airlines have obtained the maximum efficiency score.





However, for 2015–18, Air India and Alliance Air air-

lines have shown a declining trend in performance while

Indigo, Spice Jet, and Vistara have exhibited a positive



performance trend.




Airlines, namely Air Deccan, Air Odisha, Star Air, Air

Table 4  Window Analysis Results using (CCR_I_CAT) and (BCC_I_CAT) models

Heritage, Zoom Air have joined the market for very little




time, and some of them are not even operating today. There-
fore, the performance evaluation of other experienced mar-

ket players with these airlines does not provide conclusive





4.2 Window analysis


Window analysis is a unique approach to use DEA in a time

series mode. This method is a moving average analysis pat-


tern. A DMU in each period is treated as a different DMU.

The performance of DMU is compared with its performance


in other periods and compared with the performance of other

Category 2014–15

DMUs in the same period. The variation of efficiency of




DMUs over time can help in making essential conclusions.



Since the number of airlines operating during the study

period is few, for the period 2014–19, window analysis with
categorical data has been done to obtain the relative effi-


ciency scores. Operational efficiencies of each airline have

Air India
Air India

Spice Jet
Air Asia

Go Air

been obtained by using the combination of proposed cate-



gorical models with window analysis for each window. Win-

dow analysis has been done for the eight airlines, namely


Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423 1421

Air India, Air India Express, Alliance Air, Air Asia, Go Air,
The performance chart reveals the trend followed by the
Indigo, Spice Jet, and Vistara, to overcome the limitation of
eight airlines for the period 2014–19. Overall, Air Asia is the
fewer operating airlines during the period 2014–19. These
only airline that is showing a declining performance trend in
have been working in the aviation market since 2014 and
the case of both (CCR_I_CAT) and (BCC_I_CAT) model
are still operational. Table 4 presents the results of window
scores, while others have mixed performance scores over
analysis for the period of study. (CCR_I_CAT) and (BCC_I_
the period.
CAT) models have been used for calculating the global and
local efficiency for each window. Three windows of length
three have been formed, and average values for each year 4.3 Bilateral DEA
have been mentioned in Table 4. Table 4 also contains the
average global and local efficiency of each airline. Further DEA-bilateral comparison model (Bilateral-CCR-I)
Following key points has been noticed. has been applied to test the significant difference in effi-
ciency between category 1 and 2 airlines. Bilateral DEA
1. None of the airlines is globally efficient for the period assesses the efficiency of each airline of category 1(2) with
2014–19. the airlines of category 2(1). This approach is beneficial
2. Both Air India Express and Air Asia airlines have when two different groups are based on different frontiers.
achieved the highest global efficiency (0.98 approx). Bilateral comparison model, which provides sharp dis-
3. Low performers for the period 2014–19 are Spice jet crimination between two groups performance, has revealed
and Vistara, but Vistara’s individual years’ performance that category 1 airlines have outperformed the category
shows that it has been progressing since 2016. 2 airlines for the years 2014–15, 2015–16, 2016–17 and
4. The last two columns of Table 4 show the number of 2017–18 but in 2018–19, there was no significant differ-
times airlines can take a position on efficiency frontiers ence in the performance of both the categories. It can be
of (CCR_I_CAT) and (BCC_I_CAT) models. concluded that airlines providing only domestic passenger
5. Air India Express for three years (2014, 2015, and 2018) services were performing better for 2014–18. Table 5 pre-
was both globally and locally efficient, which shows that sents the ranking order of the airlines for the year 2014 to
it is efficiently utilizing the input resources to obtain the 2019 using the Bilateral-CCR-I model followed by a rank
given outputs. chart representing the airlines for each year as per their
6. Go Air airline operating for the domestic sector is locally performance.
efficient throughout 2014–19 and globally efficient for
2014 and 2017.

1422 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423

Table 5  Ranking order from S. No DMU 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19
Bilateral DEA Comparison
using Bilateral-CCR-I model 1 Air India 7 9 12 14 6
2 Air India Express 5 6 6 9 4
3 Alliance Air 2 2 2 5 3
4 Air Asia 1 3 3 7 5
5 Air Deccan * * * 3 *
6 Air Odisha * * * 1 *
7 Go Air 9 11 8 13 11
8 Indigo 6 8 9 10 8
9 Jet Airways 8 7 7 11 *
10 Jet Lite 4 4 4 6 *
11 Spice Jet 10 10 10 12 9
12 True Jet * 1 1 4 2
13 Vistara 3 5 5 8 7
14 Zoom Air * * 11 2 *
15 Air Heritage * * * * 10
16 Star Air * * * * 1

*Airline was not operating for that year

5 Conclusion and future scope (CCR_I_CAT) and (BCC_I_CAT) models that have been
validated through an algorithm. Airlines have been given
Indian passenger airlines belong to two different systems categorical input value 1 if they work for the domestic sector
based on their customer market. One system provides ser- only and categorical input value 2 if they work for domestic
vice to the domestic sector, and the other provides service and international sectors. The proposed models have been
to domestic and international sectors. Since their customer corroborated on the real data set of Indian passenger airlines
dealing markets are different, relative assessment of all the operating in their respective categories.
Indian passenger airlines with a single production frontier Operating statistics for the period 2014–19 have been
would be unfair, and results obtained will not be substan- obtained from the website of DGCA. It has been discov-
tial. Thus DEA with categorical DMUs has been used to ered that some of the airlines, namely Air Odisha, Air Dec-
assess the operational performance of Indian passenger air- can, and Zoom Air, just started operating during the period
lines for the period 2014–19. The present study is a novel of study stopped its operation in the year 2018–19. Big
approach comprising the mathematical formulation of the airline companies, namely Jet Airways and Jet Lite, have

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (April 2024) 15(4):1415–1423 1423

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in information technology. Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt.
Limited, pp 141–157
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Manage Sci 30(9):1078–1092. https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 287/m
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