MURCA Driven Bulk Viscosity in Neutrino Trapped Baryonic Matter

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MURCA driven Bulk viscosity in neutrino trapped baryonic matter

Sreemoyee Sarkar1, ∗ and Rana Nandi2, †

1 Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering,
SVKM’s NMIMS University, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056, India
2 Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences,
Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Greater Noida 201314, Uttar Pradesh, India
arXiv:2406.08978v1 [nucl-th] 13 Jun 2024

(Dated: June 14, 2024)

We examine bulk viscosity, taking into account trapped neutrinos in baryonic mat-
ter, in the context of binary neutron star mergers. Following the merging event,
the binary star can yield a remnant compact object with densities up to 5 nuclear
saturation density and temperature upto 50 MeV resulting in the retention of neu-
trinos. We employ two relativistic mean field models, NL3 and DDME2, to describe
the neutrino-trapped baryonic matter. The dissipation coefficient is determined by
evaluating the Modified URCA interaction rate in the dense baryonic medium, and
accounting for perturbations caused by density oscillations. We observe the resonant
behavior of bulk viscosity as it varies with the temperature of the medium. The bulk
viscosity peak remains within the temperature range of ∼ 13 − 50 MeV, depending
upon the underlying equation of states and lepton fractions. This temperature range
corresponds to the relevant domain of binary neutron star mergers. We also note
that in presence of neutrinos in the medium the bulk viscosity peak shifts towards
higher temperature and the peak value of bulk viscosity also changes. The time scale
of viscous dissipation is dictated by the beta-off-equilibrium susceptibilities derived
from the nuclear equation of state. The resulting viscous decay time scale ranges from
32 − 100 milliseconds, which aligns with the order of magnitude of the post-merger
object’s survival time in some specific scenarios.


The detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-VIRGO detector [1, 2] has brought sig-
nificant interest in studying matter under extreme conditions. In the event of a binary neu-
tron star (BNS) merger, a compact object with density several times nuclear saturation den-
sity (n0 = 0.16 fm−3 ), and temperatures (T ) up to several tens of MeV can be formed. Post
merging, if the mass of the compact object is larger than the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff
(TOV) mass, it collapses to form a black hole within hundred milliseconds [3, 4]. If the
remnant object is less massive than the TOV limit, it survives as a neutron star. Efforts to
numerically simulate the merger scenario by employing Einstein’s theory of general relativity
(GRHD) were started decades before detecting the first binary neutron star merger event,
GW170817 [2, 5–9].
Immediately after merging, the nuclear fluid in the merger remnant experiences wild
density oscillations. These oscillations get damped by a dissipative process if the relevant
timescale is in the same order of hundred milliseconds. This time scale is determined by the
thermodynamics of the background medium and the kinematics of the relevant processes.
To assess the importance of a particular transport process in the simulation, one needs to de-
termine the timescale on which it acts. If the timescale of the particular transport process is
comparable to the merger timescale, i.e., hundred milliseconds, then that dissipative process
is considered relevant for the simulation of the merger. In Ref.[10] it has been shown that
the Bulk viscosity (ζ) of the hadronic medium plays an important role in controlling density
oscillation. Along with this recently in Refs.[11, 12] the importance of other dissipative pro-
cesses like electron-transport coefficients in a magnetized high temperature and high density
electron-ion plasma, in the context of simulations for BNS merger, has also been explored.
In all the recent studies on dissipative processes in the context of BNS mergers [13–27], the
calculations have been extended to the temperature domain, reaching several tens of MeV.
At this extremely high temperature regime, the mean free path of neutrinos is smaller than
the size of the stellar object. Thus, neutrinos remain trapped inside the matter, resulting in
a non-zero neutrino chemical potential. Once temperature starts to decrease neutrinos start
to escape from the medium to make the baryonic matter free of neutrinos.
Vibrational and rotational instabilities in the merged object disrupts the state of beta
equilibrium within the baryonic matter. The rate at which this deviation in beta equilib-

rium converges to zero provides insight into how quickly the particle concentrations adapt
to pressure variations resulting from compression and rarefaction. The alteration in par-
ticle concentrations is initiated by pressure fluctuations, resulting in the development of a
non-zero difference in chemical potentials between the initial and final states of interact-
ing particles, denoted by µ∆ . Non-zero µ∆ serves as an indicator of the deviation from
beta equilibrium. The interacting particles within the baryonic medium comprise neutrons,
protons, as well as leptons such as electrons and neutrinos, involving processes like direct
URCA(DURCA) and modified URCA (MURCA). Through these electroweak processes the
system responds to the perturbation caused due to density oscillation. It’s important to
note that these electroweak processes have significant impact on bulk viscosity since their
time scales align closely with the oscillation frequency of the compact object.
A series of recent works ([13–25]) addressed various microphysical aspects of bulk viscosity
in BNS mergers. These studies explored several key aspects, including the impact of weak
interaction in bulk viscosity ([21]), the rate of beta equilibration ([23]), the influence of
trapped neutrinos on interaction rates ([15, 20, 24]), the effects of hyperons in neutron star
mergers ([14]), and the considerations of isospin equilibration in neutron star mergers ([24]).
A comprehensive analysis of the damping of density oscillations in the neutrino-transparent
matter has also been performed ([16, 25]. Furthermore, some studies discussed various
methods of implementing bulk viscosity in a BNS merger simulation ([17, 26, 27]). Very
recently, the first binary neutron star simulation that considered the dissipative effects self-
consistently has shown that large bulk viscosity can significantly damp the oscillations of the
stellar cores just after the merger and, as a result, can substantially affect the characteristics
of the post-merger gravitational wave signals [28].
Before the detection of Gravitational waves, the calculation of bulk viscosity was focused
on isolated neutron stars containing either nuclear matter or quark matter [29–36]). All such
calculations were performed within a regime where the amplitude of variations of the off-
equilibrium chemical potential is significantly smaller than the system’s temperature. Within
this regime, the system exhibits a linear response to changes in pressure. However, authors
in Ref.[37] first attempted to investigate the significance of large amplitude oscillations in
bulk viscous dissipation for isolated neutron stars.
In light of recent research on binary neutron star mergers, as mentioned earlier, we
formulate ζ pertaining to the MURCA process with trapped neutrinos. This formulation

is designed to accommodate scenarios where the MURCA interaction rate is a nonlinear

function of the perturbation, specifically, a nonlinear function of µ∆ . To compute ζ, we
solve integro-differential equation of the chemical potential fluctuation to obtain a general
solution of µ∆ . We then apply a weighting factor of cos ωt (ω represents the oscillation
frequency of the merged object and t denotes time) and integrate over a single time period
during the compression and rarefaction cycle. The current calculation holds significance on
two fronts. Firstly, within this paper, we incorporate the MURCA interaction rate in the
presence of trapped neutrinos to evaluate bulk viscous dissipation in BNS mergers. Secondly,
our formulation provides a general approach to obtaining the perturbation, characterized by
µ∆ , which leads to bulk viscous dissipation.
The paper is organized as follows in Section: II we discuss the formalism of bulk viscosity
of hadronic matter in presence of trapped neutrinos. In Section III, we present numerical
estimation of ζ and variation of it with different parameters. Finally, in Section IV, we
summarize and conclude.


Bulk viscosity arises as a response to a system undergoing a repetitive cycle of com-

pression and rarefaction. This cyclic behavior of compression and rarefaction induces den-
sity oscillations in conserved quantities such as the baryon number density, denoted as
nB (⃗r, t) = n̄B (⃗r) + δnB (⃗r, t) = n̄B (⃗r) + ∆nB (⃗r, t)sin(ωt). Here, n̄B represents the equilib-
rium value, δnB represents the harmonic oscillation component, ∆nB is the amplitude of
the oscillation and ω is the frequency of density oscillation. The oscillatory behavior im-
pacts the rate of beta equilibration, resulting in an asymmetry between the rates of forward
and backward reactions for weak interaction processes. By subtracting the initial state’s
chemical potential from the final state’s chemical potential, we identify the difference µ∆
as a specific quantity that acts as a perturbation to the bulk viscosity. In our calculation,
we consider weak interaction processes due to their time scale becoming comparable to the
rotation period of star. On the other hand, the contribution of strong interaction to bulk
viscosity calculations is considered negligible, as the re-equilibration time scale does not
align with the oscillation period of the star.
For a particular weak process, we get µ∆ by subtracting the final state chemical potential

from the initial state :

µ∆ = µi − µf . (1)
i f

µ∆ is non-zero due to density fluctuations, and re-equilibration of this quantity leads to bulk
viscosity. Since the equilibrium state can be described by the baryon density and proton
fraction (xp ), the fluctuations in µ∆ can be written as,

∂µ∆ ∂µ∆
δµ∆ = δnB + δxp , (2)
∂nB xp ∂xp nB

where δxp denotes the departure of xp from its equilibrium value. The time derivative of µ∆
is :

dµ∆ ∆nB dxp

= Cω cos(ωt) + Bn̄B , (3)
dt n̄B dt

where, C is defined as the beta-off-equilibrium baryon density susceptibility and B is the

beta-off-equilibrium proton fraction susceptibility :

∂µ∆ 1 ∂µ∆
C ≡ n̄B , B≡ . (4)
∂nB xp n̄B ∂xp nB

These two susceptibilities depend on the equation of state (EoS) of the system. To obtain
the temperature and amplitude dependence of the bulk viscosity, we formulate the beta
equilibration rate in the presence of trapped neutrinos. We define the net equilibration rate
for the relevant processes as follows,

Γ↔ ≡ Γ→ − Γ← = n̄B , (5)

where, Γ→ is the forward interaction rate and Γ← is the backward interaction rate. By
introducing dimensionless variables ϕ ≡ ωt, and A(ϕ) ≡ µ∆ /T , we can express Eq.3 as

= d cos(ϕ) + f , (6)

where the prefactors are given by,

C ∆nB BΓ↔
d≡ , f≡ . (7)
T n̄B ωT

Once the function A(ϕ) is obtained by solving Eq. 6, we can proceed to calculate the bulk
viscosity. Bulk viscosity is the response of the system when the system is under repeti-
tive oscillation of compression and rarefaction. Because of this cyclic process, energy gets
dissipated. The energy dissipation rate per volume due to oscillation is given by :

dϵ  2
⃗ · ⃗v ,
= −ζ ∇ (8)

where, ⃗v is the local velocity of the fluid, ζ is the bulk viscosity. The continuity equation of
the conserved number density is given by,

∂nB ⃗
+ ∇ · (nB ⃗v ) = 0. (9)

Neglecting density gradient (∇nB /n̄B ≪ 1) and averaging over an oscillating period one
2 dϵ
ζ≈− 2 . (10)
ω (∆nB )2 dt
Volumetric change of fluid element in density oscillation is related to the fluctuations of
conserved quantity through the relation, dnB /nB = −dV /V . The mechanical work done due
to the change in volume on the other hand is described by the expression dϵ = −pdV /V . The
time-averaged dϵ/dt can be calculated from the induced pressure oscillation by evaluating
following integral,   Z τ
dϵ 1 p dnB
= dt, (11)
dt τ 0 nB dt
where, τ is the oscillation period. The density oscillation leads to variations in pressure,
which can be expressed as, p = p̄ + (∂p/∂nB ) |xp δnB + (∂p/∂xp ) |nB δxp considering small
amplitude oscillations ∆nB /n̄B ≪ 1. The equilibrium value p̄ and the second term due to
density oscillation does not contribute in the intregal written in Eq.(11). The third term
can be expressed as: (∂p/∂xp ) |nB = n̄2B (∂µ∆ /∂nB ) |xp . The proton fraction changes with
time for the weak interaction processes due to density oscillation, δxp (t) = 0 (dxp /dt′ )dt′ .
Combining Eqs.(10, 11) and using the pressure expression we obtain the final form of the
bulk viscosity as:
τ t
1 n̄3B
∂µ∆ dxp ′
ζ=− dt cos (ωt) dt. (12)
π ∆nB 0 ∂nB 0 dt′
In the dynamic environment of a neutron star merger, the rhythmic compression and
rarefaction of matter alter the beta equilibration rate. The relaxation of the proton fraction
towards equilibrium occurs through diverse mechanisms, encompassing DURCA, MURCA

processes, and neutrino pair bremsstrahlung involving constituent particles. The DURCA
process functions under specific kinematic constraints related to the Fermi momentum of
interacting particles and is only active above a certain threshold density. In this study,
we investigate the MURCA process in the presence of trapped neutrinos, specifically in
scenarios where the threshold conditions for the DURCA process are not satisfied. To
ensure the MURCA process operates satisfying both energy and momentum conservation,
the presence of a spectator particle is necessary [38–41]. Below, we outline the two MURCA

n + N ↔ N + p + e + ν̄e , N + p + e ↔ N + n + νe , (13)

where N acts as a spectator particle.

Re-equilibration rate is defined to be Γ↔ ≡ Γ→ − Γ← , where, Γ→ is the rate of the
forward and Γ← is the backward reaction. Let us denote the rate of the above two processes
as Γ↔ → ← ↔ →
1 (Γ1 (N + p + e + ν̄e → n + N ) − Γ1 (n + N → N + p + e + ν̄e ))) and Γ2 (Γ2 (N + p + e →

N + n + νe ) − Γ←
2 (N + n + νe → N + p + e)), respectively [42]. The equilibration rate of the

first process can be calculated as:

d pn d3 pN d3 p′N d3 pp d3 pe d3 pνe
Z 3
↔ → ←
Γ1 = Γ1 − Γ1 =
(2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3
(2π)4 |Mf i |2 [δ 4 (pn + pN − p′N − pp − pe − pν̄e )]P1 , (14)

where, phase space factor P1 is given by,

P1 = − [fn fN (1 − fN ) (1 − fp ) (1 − fν̄e ) (1 − fe ) − fN fp fe fν̄e (1 − fN ) (1 − fn )] . (15)

fn , fN , fp , fe , fνe are the distribution functions for neutrons, spectator neutrons, protons,
electrons and neutrinos respectively given by, fi = (1 + eβ(Ei −µi ) )−1 , where, i = n, N, p, e, νe ,
µi denote the chemical potentials for different particles and β = 1/kB T (kB Boltzmann
constant). The antineutrino distribution function is given by fν̄e = (1 + eβ(Eν̄e +µνe ) )−1 .
For subsequent calculation, the squared scattering matrix element |Mf i |2 in the Eq. (14)
is given by [43],
gA2 p4f n

2 2 21 f
|Mf i | = 16G , (16)
4 mπ Ee2 (p2f n + m2π )2

where, G = 8.74×10−5 MeV fm3 (1.439×10−49 erg cm3 ) is the weak Fermi coupling, gA = 1.26
is the axial vector renormalization, f ∼ 1 is the p-wave πN coupling constant in the one

pion exchange theory of NN interaction. pf n is the Fermi momentum of neutrons and mπ

is the mass of pion. We consider matrix amplitude to be independent of momentum and
energy and hence can be taken out from the integration. Following detailed derivation of
multidimensional energy and momentum integral in the Appendix.(V A) one obtains the
final form of Γ↔1 as,
↔ 7 1 1  µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
Γ1 ≃ Γ̃T dxνe x2νe − xνe + 10π 4
− xνe + 9π ,(17)
1 + e(−xνe +µ∆ /T ) 4! T T
1 ⋆
where, Γ̃ = −4.68 × 10−19.0 × ( xpnn0B ) 3 × ( mm )4 MeV−3 and other variables are defined in the
Appendix.(V A). In the above expression, the contribution from the antineutrino distribution
function is exponentially suppressed under degenerate conditions (µνe ≫ T , µνe is chemical
potential of neutrino) and is therefore neglected.
Similarly, Γ↔2 is expressed in the form shown below,
↔ 7 2 1 1 µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
Γ2 = Γ̃T dxνe xνe + xνe + 10π + xνe + 9π
1 + e(−xνe −µ∆ /T ) 4! T T
1 1
1− − . (18)
1 + e(xνe −µνe /T ) 1 + e(xνe −µνe /T )
The final expression for the MURCA interaction rate (Γ↔ ) between baryons and leptons
involving both the processes (Γ↔ ↔
1 + Γ2 ) thus becomes :
Z ∞
↔ 7 1 1  4 2
dxνe x2νe 2 4

Γ = Γ̃T (−x +µ /T )
(A − x νe ) + 10π (A − x νe ) + 9π
0 1 + e νe ∆ 4!
1 1 1  4 2 2 4

+ 1− (x −µ /T ) (−x −µ /T )
(A + x νe ) + 10π (A + x ν e ) + 9π )
1 + e νe νe 1 + e νe ∆ 4!
1 1 1  4 2 2 4

− (A + x ν e ) + 10π A + x ν e ) + 9π .
1 + e(xνe −µνe /T ) 1 + e(−xνe −µ∆ /T ) 4!
The above equation depends on density, temperature of the medium and µ∆ .
For neutrino transparent matter, with µ∆ /T ≪ 1 the above equation can be expanded in
small powers of µ∆ /T . After carrying out this expansion and performing energy integrations
for various constituent particles, the resulting analytical expression for the interaction rate
in neutrino-transparent matter takes the following form [37]:
189µ2∆ 21µ4∆ 3µ6∆
−19.0 x p nB
Γ (↔)
= −4.68 × 10 6
µ∆ T 1 + + + + · MeV4 .
n0 367π 2 T 2 367π 4 T 4 1835π 6 T 6

In this present computation, we perform a direct integration of the MURCA interaction rate
(Eq.19) instead of performing the aforementioned approximation i.e µ∆ /T < 1. The Eq.(6)

then takes the form of an integro-differential equation, as written below:

B 6 ∞
dA 2 1 1  4 2 2 4

= d cos (ϕ) + Γ̃T dxνe xνe (−x +µ /T )
(A − x ν e ) + 10π A − x ν e ) + 9π
dϕ ω 0 1 + e νe ∆ 4!
1 1 1  4 2 2 4

+ (A + x νe ) + 10π (A + x ν e ) + 9π
1 + e(−xνe +µνe /T ) 1 + e(−xνe −µ∆ /T ) 4!
1 1 1  4 2 2 4

− (A + x ν e ) + 10π (A + x ν e ) + 9π . (21)
1 + e(xνe −µνe /T ) 1 + e(−xνe −µ∆ /T ) 4!

The second term in the integro-differential equation is the feedback term driven by f
with non-linear terms of µ∆ . µ∆ is then obtained after solving the above integro-differential
From Eq.(6) and Eq.(12) the final expression for ζ becomes,
Z 2π
n̄B T C
ζ= A(ϕ, d, f )cos(ϕ)dϕ . (22)
∆nB πωB 0

The above equation exhibits dependencies on C, B, d f , ω and ∆nB /n̄B . Numerical

technique is employed to solve Eq.(21) to obtain µ∆ which we describe in the next section.
By substituting µ∆ into Eq. (22), we obtain ζ subsequently.


In this section, we quantify the dissipation caused by bulk viscosity. Bulk viscosity is
the response of the medium linked to deviation from beta equilibrium, hence, determi-
nation of bulk viscous dissipation requires both the beta-equilibration rate and the beta
non-equilibration susceptibilities. First, we present the thermodynamics of the underly-
ing medium for computation of the susceptibilities and then MURCA interaction rate in
neutrino trapped baryonic matter.

A. Variation of chemical potential

The calculation of bulk viscosity necessitates the information of the underlying EoS of
the hadronic medium, for evaluation of the susceptibilities B and C. In the current paper,
we evaluate the dissipation coefficient considering two zero-temperature relativistic mean-
field (RMF) equations of state, NL3 [44], and DDME2 [45]. In the DDME2 model, the
DURCA density threshold is never reached, making MURCA the dominant process. The

NL3 model serves as a reference EOS. NL3 has density-independent meson-nucleon couplings
and nonlinear self-couplings, whereas DDME2 does not have any nonlinear self-coupling
terms but meson-nucleon couplings are density-dependent [46, 47]. We consider the equation
of state at zero temperature, which leads to the suppression of the antineutrino distribution.
Medium modified chemical potentials and susceptibilities are obtained from these EoSs.
We present detailed expressions of the chemical potentials as well as susceptibilities for
subsequent numerical analysis in the Appendix V B. In the Fig.(1), we present the plot
illustrating the variation of chemical potentials with density, utilizing the NL3 and the
DDME2 EoSs, considering two distinct lepton fractions (Yl ). In the left panel we have
plotted chemical potential variation with density for NL3 equation of state for Yl = 0.2
and in the right panel for Yl = 0.4. From the plot it is evident that µn and µp are much
higher than µe and µνe . In both the plots, we have included curves representing the free
chemical potentials (µn0 , µp0 , µe0 ), i.e. without interactions, for reference. We also provide
the variation of chemical potential with density for the DDME2 equation of state in Fig. (2)
for further comparison. In Fig.2) the curves for m⋆ for both the lepton fractions Yl = 0.2
and Yl = 0.4 have also been presented.
µn µn
µ n0 1250 µn0
1200 µp µp
µp0 µp0
1000 µe 1000 µe
µ (MeV)

µ e0

800 µν µν
e 750 e



0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
nB/n0 nB/n0

FIG. 1. Variation of chemical potential with baryon number density for NL3 equation of state for
n, p, e, νe at T = 0 and lepton fractions 0.2 (left) and 0.4 (right).

B. Variation of susceptibility

In Fig. (3), we illustrate the variations of susceptibilities with baryon density for different
lepton fractions. The mathematical expressions for the susceptibilities are given in the

1500 1500
µn µn
µp µp
µe µe
µνe µν
1000 m* 1000
µ (MeV)

µ (MeV)
500 500

0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
nB/n0 nB/n0

FIG. 2. Variation of chemical potential with baryon number density for DDME2 equation of state
for n, p, e, νe for T = 0 and lepton fractions 0.2 (left) and 0.4 (right).

Eqn.(38) and Eqn.(39). In the left panel, we plot the variation of C with nB /n0 for Yl = 0.2,
Yl = 0.3, and Yl = 0.4 for NL3. We also include the variation of C with number density for
the DDME2 in the left panel of Fig. (4). Moving to the right panel of Fig. (3), we plot the
variation of B with baryon density for the NL3 equation of state, and in the right panel of
Fig. (4), we display the same quantity for the DDME2 equation of state. From the plots,
we observe that dependence of C with density is very prominent. In the lower density range,
C exhibits an upward trend with density. Beyond a certain critical density, C displays weak
dependence on baryon density. The threshold density at which this weak dependence occurs
is dependent upon the lepton fraction value. B shows less sensitivity to density variation
compared to C.
In the following subsection we present the variation of bulk viscosity with different pa-
rameters like temperature, baryon density. For this first we plot the variation of A(ϕ) with
ϕ by solving the integro-differential Eq.(6). To solve this differential equation, we employ
the rk4 algorithm. The energy integration is performed using the Gauss quadrature tech-
nique. Once this integro-differential equation is solved, the obtained A(ϕ) is subsequently
integrated over ϕ to yield the bulk viscosity.

C. Amplitude variation with angular frequency

In this subsection, we present plots of the general solution of Eq. (21), denoted as µ∆ /T ,
as a function of ϕ ≡ ωt. The plots are based on the NL3 equation of state. The solution

80 Yl=0.2
0.003 Yl=0.4
60 Yl=0.2

B (MeV )
C (MeV)



00.5 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
nB/n0 nB/n0

FIG. 3. Left: Variation of C with baryon number density for different lepton fractions for NL3.
Right: Variation of B with baryon number density for different lepton fractions for NL3


7.5e-05 Yl=0.4
C (MeV)

B(MeV )

5 5e-05

0 Yl=0.3

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
nB/n0 nB/n0

FIG. 4. Left: Variation of C with baryon number density for different lepton fractions for DDME2.
Right: Variation of B with baryon number density for different lepton fractions for DDME2

depends on two quantities, namely d and f as already defined in Eq.(7). For a fixed value
of ∆nB /n̄B = 10−2 the values of d and f vary with temperatures.
In the left plot, we present the curves for different densities, specifically nB = n0 , nB =
2n0 , and nB = 3n0 , at a temperature of 10 MeV. On the right, we present the plot of A for
the same densities, but at a higher temperature of 20 MeV. Increasing density from n0 to
2n0 leads to an increment in A and it decreases from 2n0 to 3n0 . This can be explained in
this manner, A relies on the susceptibilities B and C through the parameters d and f . As
depicted in Fig.(3), C displays a noticeable dependence on density, while B exhibits weak
dependency. This leads to a substantial density variation in d and a weaker dependency

in f . Consequently, A demonstrates a behavior akin to that of d across different densities.

Moreover, as the temperature rises, there is a reduction in d, leading to a decrease in A, as
illustrated in Fig. (5).
nB=n0 nB=n0
nB=2n0 nB=2n0
nB=3n0 0.02 nB=3n0

0 0


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
φ(radians) φ (radians)

FIG. 5. Left: Variation of waveform µ∆ /T with ϕ of particle interaction rate at T = 10 MeV.

Right: Variation of waveform µ∆ /T with ϕ of particle interaction rate at T = 20 MeV for Yl = 0.2
using NL3 EoS.

D. Variation of bulk viscosity with temperature

In this subsection, we present the variation of ζ with temperature. We consider the tem-
perature and density of the hadronic medium to ensure that the semi-degeneracy condition
is maintained, i.e., µi > T (where i = n, p, e, νe ). The temperature-density values selected
for the calculation adhere to the physical conditions applicable for the merging scenario as
well as satisfy the degeneracy condition.
In Fig.(6), we present plots of ζ, illustrating its temperature variation while comparing
cases with and without neutrino chemical potential. The black, red and green curves rep-
resent the bulk viscosity of baryonic matter without trapped neutrinos. These curves are
plotted considering free hadron gas EoS without neutrinos. In this EoS the susceptibilities
1 4
are given by B = 4m2n /3(3π 2 ) 3 nB3 and C = (3π 2 nB )2/3 /6mn (mn is the bare nucleon mass).
Specifically, the black dashed curve corresponds to nB = n0 , the red solid curve corresponds
to nB = 2n0 and the green dashed-dotted curve corresponds to nB = 3n0 . On the other
hand, the orange, blue and magenta curves represent the bulk viscosity of trapped neutrino

baryonic matter. These curves are plotted with NL3 EoS for lepton fraction 0.2. The or-
ange dashed dotted curve corresponds to density nB = n0 , the blue double dot-dashed curve
corresponds to density nB = 2n0 , and the magenta double dashed-dotted curve corresponds
to density nB = 3n0 . From these curves, it is observed that the plot reaches its maximum
at a temperature of 4.10 MeV when the neutrino chemical potential is zero. Employing free
EoS, the maximum values of bulk viscosity for nB = n0 , nB = 2n0 , nB = 3n0 are given by
1.45 × 1027 gm cm−1 s−1 , 8.62 × 1027 gm cm−1 s−1 and 2.57 × 1028 gm cm−1 s−1 respectively.
Considering non-zero µνe , the maxima of the bulk viscosity shift to Tζmax = 14.1 MeV when
density is nB = n0 with an increment of peak value by a factor of 8.25, for the density
nB = 2n0 maxima of the curve is present at Tζmax = 21.1 MeV with an increment in peak
value by a factor of 3.23 and for nB = 3n0 the peak position is at Tζmax = 28.6 MeV with
an increment in peak value by a factor of 1.33. All these increments are with respect to the
neutrino-transparent scenario. The peak position and peak value of the ζ vs T curve can
be written as Tζmax ∝ ω/(Γ↔ B)1/m (m > 1) and ζmax ∝ C 2 τ /(4πB). Hence, if Γ↔ , B and C
change due to incorporation of non-zero µνe in the particle interaction rate and in the EoS
ζmax and Tζmax also change.
Next, in the Fig. (7), we plot the variation of ζ with temperature for different densities.
The left panel considers the NL3 EoS, while the right panel shows the results for the DDME2
EoS. In both the left and right plots, we consider ζ for Yl = 0.2 and Yl = 0.4. The solid
black, red dashed, and green dashed-dotted curves correspond to nB = n0 , nB = 2n0 ,
and nB = 3n0 , respectively, for Yl = 0.2. The dotted blue, orange double dotted-dashed
and magenta double dashed-dotted curves represent nB = n0 , nB = 2n0 , and nB = 3n0 ,
respectively, for Yl = 0.4. It is observed that the height of the maxima changes with the
lepton fraction. Bulk viscosity attains higher maximum values for lower lepton fractions,
and this observation applies to both EOSs. This is because higher lepton fraction yields
higher interaction rate and hence lower viscosity (ζ ∝ 1/Γ↔(m−1) ).

E. Variation with density

The Fig.(8) presents the density variation of ζ for different temperatures. The left panel
displays the curves for NL3 EoS, while the right panel shows the corresponding results for
DDME2 EoS. In the left panel, ζ is presented in black solid curve at temperatures T = 5

nB=n0,wo neutrino
nB=n0,w neutrino
nB=2n0,wo neutrino
1e+28 nB=2n0,w neutrino

ζ (gm cm s )
nB=3n0,wo neutrino

-1 -1
nB=3n0,w neutrino


1 10

FIG. 6. Variation of ζ with temperature with and without trapped neutrinos in the interaction rate
and in the EoS.

nB=n0, Yl=0.2
1e+28 nB=2n0, Yl=0.2
1e+28 nB=n0, Yl=0.2
nB=3n0,Yl=0.2 nB=2n0, Yl=0.2
nB=n0,Yl=0.4 nB=3n0, Yl=0.2
ζ (gm cm s )
ζ (gm cm s )

-1 -1
-1 -1

1e+27 nB=n0, Yl=0.4

nB=3n0,Yl=0.4 nB=2n0, Yl=0.4
nB=3n0, Yl=0.4




1 10 10
T (MeV) T(MeV)

FIG. 7. Left: Variation of ζ with T considering NL3 EoS, Right: Variation of ζ with T considering

MeV, T = 15 MeV curve is presented in red dashed curve, T = 20 MeV curve is presented
in green dashed-dotted curve and T = 25 MeV plot is presented in blue double dot-dashed
curve. All these curves are for lepton fraction Yl = 0.2. In the left panel we plot the curves
at same temperatures but for DDME2 EoS. From the plots, it is evident that the ζ first
increases and then decreases with density. The density variation of ζ is closely linked to
the behavior of C as can be seen from the Fig.(3) and only minimally influenced by B. For
DDME2 EoS ζ is independent of density in the density range nB > 1.5n0 . In all the plots
of the Figures (6), (7) and (8), the oscillation frequency is set at 8.4 kHz.


ξ (g cm s )
-1 -1

ξ (g cm s )
-1 -1
T=5 MeV T=5MeV
T=15MeV T=15MeV
T=20MeV T=20MeV
T=25MeV 1e+24 T=25 MeV


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
n B/n0 n B/n 0

FIG. 8. Left: Density variation of ζ considering NL3 EoS for Yl = 0.2. Right: Density variation of
ζ considering DDME2 EoS for Yl = 0.2.

F. Estimation of viscous dissipation time scale

The characteristic time scale of density oscillation, denoted by τζ , is determined by the

ratio of the energy density ϵ to the dissipated power per unit volume dϵ/dt. The energy
density of baryon number density oscillation is given by ϵ = K(∆nB /nB )2 /18 and dϵ/dt =
ω 2 ζ(∆nB /nB )2 /2. Substituting this into the expression for τ , we obtain τ = KnB /(9ω 2 ζ).
Here, K represents the nuclear compressibility of baryonic matter, calculated from the NL3
EOS, as shown in the plot’s inset. The angular frequency of the compact star is considered
to be 8.4 kHz and the temperature is 20 MeV. The three-dimensional plot provides the
time scale associated with the bulk viscous dissipation coefficient. From the plot, it can be
observed that the timescale varies between approximately τ ≈ 32 × 10−3 s to 100 × 10−3 s in
the baryon density range from n0 to 2n0 . Thus, the timescale aligns with the survival time
period of the merged compact object within the mentioned density regime. Beyond 2n0 , the
timescale exceeds the typical survival period of the compact object after merging.

FIG. 9. 3-d variation of τ with nB /n0 and Logζ at T=20 MeV.


In this study, we have formulated MURCA driven bulk viscosity in a nuclear medium
consisting of baryons (neutrons and protons) and leptons (electrons and neutrinos). The
primary focus of this examination lies in its applicability in the context of binary neutron
star mergers. In the merging event, the temperature can rise significantly, reaching values
as high as 100 MeV, while the density can reach up to 5n0 . At these extreme conditions,
neutrinos remain trapped within the baryonic matter. Particularly, around a temperature
of T = 5 MeV, the neutrino free path becomes smaller than the radius of the star, resulting
in non-zero chemical potential for neutrinos. For our calculations, we consider neutrino-
trapped baryonic medium at temperature of approximately T ∼ 50 MeV and a density of
around ∼ 3n0 .
The current calculation involves two main components: first, preparing the underlying
medium with the neutrino-trapped nuclear equation of state, and second, calculating the
bulk viscosity by evaluating the neutrino-trapped MURCA interaction rate. This study
incorporates the following distinctive features:
i. Equation of state dependence:
For our investigation, we have considered the NL3 and DDME2 EoSs at zero tempera-
ture. DDME2 employs a density-dependent parametrization, while NL3 adopts a non-linear

parametrization. The medium-modified chemical potentials of the constituent particles have

been plotted against density for these two nucleonic EOSs. We have neglected the abun-
dances of anti-particles in the EoSs, assuming their suppression at the temperatures and
densities considered in the calculation. Moreover, we have not included finite temperature
effects in the EoSs, as the influence of temperature on EoSs minimal. Hence, temperature
dependencies only arises through the evaluation of particle interaction rates.
ii. Susceptibility:
The determination of bulk viscosity necessitates the calculation of susceptibilities B and
C. Both of these susceptibilities are dependent on the chosen EOSs. In the context of bulk
viscosity, the parameter C is of importance due to its strong variation with density. On the
other hand, the variation of B with density is minimal, which leads to the bulk viscosity
coefficient ζ being largely unaffected by B.
iii. MURCA interaction rate:
In this study, we have focused on calculating the bulk viscosity of the baryonic medium in
the presence of trapped neutrinos, particularly for the MURCA process. Initially, we derived
semi-analytical expressions for the rates of two MURCA processes: n + N ↔ N + p + e + ν̄e
and N + p + e ↔ N + n + νe . These rates are functions of density, temperature, and µ∆ . We
neglected terms involving anti-neutrinos, as they are suppressed under the semi-degenerate
condition µi > T . To determine the chemical potential fluctuation, we solved an integro-
differential equation, obtaining the general solution µ∆ /T . The nature of µ∆ /T is found to
be anharmonic and µ∆ /T < 1. By integrating µ∆ /T weighted with the cosine of the angular
frequency over one oscillation period, we derive the bulk viscosity of the hadronic medium.
iv. Lepton fraction dependence:
In Fig.(7), we present the temperature variation of ζ. The plot demonstrates a resonant
behavior, where the bulk viscosity exhibits resonance when the angular frequency of the
merged object matches the interaction rate of the MURCA process. Notably, we observe
that for lower lepton fractions, ζ is more pronounced, while for higher lepton fractions, ζ is
reduced. The reason for this trend is that higher lepton fractions lead to an increase in the
feedback term in the integro-differential equation, resulting in smaller values of µ∆ /T . As
µ∆ /T decreases ζ decreases consequently.
v. Temperature dependence:
ζ in neutrino trapped baryonic matter as a function of temperature at a fixed oscillation

frequency of 8.4 kHz shows resonant behaviour. In neutrino transparent matter the maxima
appears at lower temperature. The height of the maxima as well as its position change in
neutrino trapped matter. The position of peak of the curve (Tζmax = ω/(Γ̃B))1/m ) depends
upon both interaction rate and nuclear susceptibility. The height of the peak depends upon
the susceptibilities ζmax = C 2 τ /4πB. Hence, change in EoS and Γ↔ change the height of the
resonant curve and also the position of the peak towards higher temperature. Hence, ζ with
trapped neutrino is more relevant in the context of binary neutron star merger.
vi. Density dependence:
The density dependence of ζ is primarily influenced by the density dependence of the
susceptibilities. These susceptibilities are determined by the underlying EoS of the medium.
Specifically, B shows a weak dependence on density, while C exhibits a strong dependence
on density. As a result, the variation of bulk viscosity with density closely mirrors that of
vii. Time scale related to bulk viscosity:
The characteristic time scale, which relies on bulk viscosity, isothermal compressibility,
and angular frequency of oscillation, has been computed. For T = 20 MeV, τ lies within the
range of 35 − 140 milliseconds for NL3. Remarkably, this scale aligns with the survival time
period of the compact object after merging.
The present formulation of bulk viscosity in binary neutron star mergers establishes a
connection between the dense matter found in binary neutron star mergers and the matter
encountered in heavy-ion collisions. In both scenarios, dissipative processes such as viscosity
play a vital role in defining the properties of dense matter generated at elevated temperatures
and high densities. An immediate extension of this research would involve the inclusion of
various other equations of state for both hadronic and quark matter at finite temperatures.
In the future, it would be intriguing to incorporate a mixed phase not only in the EoS but
also in the transport coefficients to obtain a more realistic representation of neutron star


S. Sarkar would like to thank and acknowledge T. Mazumder for fruitful discussions
regarding various aspects of this work.


A. Beta Equilibration Rate

In the Appendix we present the calculation of MURCA interaction rate in detail. The
expression for equilibration rate can be written as,

Γ↔ → ←
1,2 = Γ1,2 − Γ1,2 = AI1,2 , (23)

where, A is the angular integral and I is the energy integral. In the angular integration we
consider the momentum of neutrons, protons and electrons within a few ∼ kB T of the Fermi
energies. Neutrino momentum (∼ kB T /c) is small in comparison to other momenta, hence
neglected. A more accurate treatment considering neutrino momentum in the angular delta
function will be addressed in a future work.
The angular momentum integration is evaluated as follows [48, 49],
Z 6
A = dΩj δ 3 (pf − pi )
Z 5
= 4π dΩj δ 3 (pf − pj )
= when pf n > (pf e + pf p ). (24)
pf n pf N p′f N
In the above equation pf n , pf N , p′f N , pf p and pf e , are the Fermi momenta of neutrons, initial
spectator neutrons, final spectator neutrons, protons and electrons, respectively.
The energy integral in Eq. 14, takes the following form:
I1 = p2n dpn p2N dpN p′2 ′ 2 2 2
N dpN pp dpp pe dpe pν̄ dpν̄

fN fp fe fν̄ (1 − fN )(1 − fn )δ(p′N + pp + pe + pν̄e − pn − pN )

−fn fN (1 − fN )(1 − fp )(1 − fν̄e )(1 − fe )δ(pn + pN − p′N − pp − pe − pν̄e ). (25)

Our calculation of the MURCA phase space relies on a non-relativistic approximation for
neutrons and protons, using pj dpj = m⋆j dEj (j = n, N, p) to obtain the following expression
[16, 48],
I1 = pf n mn pf N mN p′f N mN pf p mp p2f e Eν2e dEνe dEn dEN dEN dEp dEe
fN fp fe fν̄e (1 − fN )(1 − fn )δ(p′N + pp + pe + pν̄e − pn − pN )
−fn fN (1 − fN )(1 − fp )(1 − fν̄e )(1 − fe )δ(pn + pN − pp − pe − pν̄e − p′N ). (26)

To perform the energy integral, we use the following substitutions in the two delta functions
in the above equation as described below,

δ(pn + pN − p′N − pp − pe − pν̄e )

= δ(En + EN − EN − Ep − Ee − Eνe − (µn + µn − µn − µp − µe + µνe ) + (µn − µp − µe + µνe ))

= δ(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + (−x6 + µ∆ /T ))/T. (27)

In the above equation we substitute En , EN , EN , Ep , Ee , Eνe with xi (i=n, N, p, e, νe )

using the relations x1 = β(En −µn ), x2 = β(EN −µN ), x3 = −β(EN −µN ), x4 = −β(Ee −µe ),
x5 = −β(Ep − µp ), x6 = β(Eν̄e + µνe ) with ∆µ = µn − µp − µe + µνe . In compact notation
we write the energy integral as,
I1 = Const T dxνe xνe Π5i=1 dxi

[(1 + exi )−1 (1 − fν̄e ) − (1 + exi )−1 fν̄e ]δ(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + (−x6 + µ∆ /T ))/T

= D(I10 − I2 (ν) − I3 (ν)), (28)

Const = −pf n m⋆4 pf N pf n pf p p2f e . In the above equation the contribution arising from terms
containing antineutrino distribution functions (I2 (ν) and I3 (ν)) are suppressed as well as we
have neglected the contributions coming from the term µνe /T which is less than one. Here,
we have used xνe = Eνe /T .
For the other MURCA process N + p + e ↔ N + n + νe , the the energy integral in the
interaction rate Γ↔2 is performed in the following way,
I2 = Const T 2
dxνe xνe Π5i=1 dxi

(1 + exj )−1 (1 − fνe ) − (1 + exj )−1 fνe δ (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + (−x6 − µ∆ /T )) /T


= D (I20 − I4 (ν) − I5 (ν)) . (29)

The second delta function has been written considering x1 = β(En − µn ), x2 = β(Ep − µp ),

x3 = β(Ee − µe ), x4 = −β(Ene − µn ), x5 = −β(EN − µN ), x6 = β(Eνe − µνe ) [20]. In absence
of neutrinos I2 (ν), I3 (ν), I4 (ν), I5 (ν) vanish.
Now, excluding the neutrino integral, we conduct all the remaining integrals in Eq.(28)

and in Eq.(29) using the following technique [50],

Π5i=1 dxi (1 + exi )−1

δ (x + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + (−x6 + µ∆ /T )) + δ (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + (−x6 − µ∆ /T ))

" 1
1 1
= (−x +µ /T )
((−x6 + µ∆ /T )4 + 10π 2 (−x6 + µ∆ /T )2 + 9π 4 )
1 + e 6 ∆ 4!
1 1
+ ((x6 + µ∆ /T )4 + 10π 2 (x6 + µ∆ /T )2 + 9π 4 ) . (30)
1 + e(x6 +µ∆ /T ) 4!

We employ the following method to evaluate the above integral,

1 1 4
Π5i=1 dxi (1 + exi )−1 δ (xi + y) = 2 2 4

y + 10π y + 9π . (31)
(1 + e−y ) 4!

Using Eqs.(25), (27) and (28) the final expression for Γ↔ 1 becomes,
↔ 7 2 1 1  µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
Γ1 ≃ Γ̃T dxνe xνe − x6 + 10π − x6 + 9π . (32)
1 + e(−x6 +µ∆ /T ) 4! T T

On the other hand, the final expression for Γ↔ 2 from Eqns.(25) and (29) becomes,
↔ 7 2 1 1
Γ2 = Γ̃T dxνe xνe
1 + e(−xνe +µνe /T ) 1 + e(−x6 −µ∆ /T )
1 µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
+ x6 + 10π + x6 + 9π
4! T T
1 1 1 µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
− + x6 + 10π + x6 + 9π ,
1 + e(xνe −µνe /T ) 1 + e(−x6 −µ∆ /T ) 4! T T

The final expression for MURCA equilibration rate from above two equations then becomes,
↔ ↔ ↔ 7 2 1 1  µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
Γ = Γ1 + Γ2 ≃ Γ̃T dxνe xνe − x6 + 10π − x6 + 9π
1 + e(−x6 +µ∆ /T ) 4! T T
1 1 1 µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
+ + x6 + 10π + x6 + 9π
1 + e(−xνe +µνe /T ) 1 + e(−x6 −µ∆ /T ) 4! T T
1 1 1 µ∆ 4
2 µ∆
− + x6 + 10π + x6 + 9π (34) ,
1 + e(xνe −µνe /T ) 1 + e(−x6 −µ∆ /T ) 4! T T
xp nB m⋆ 4
MeV−3 .

where, Γ̃ = −4.68 × 10 n0 m

We now present the variation in the MURCA interaction rate with temperature for Γ↔
1 ,

2 and Γ

at two different nuclear densities, nB = n0 and nB = 2n0 . The plot is generated
using the DDME2 EoS at a lepton fraction of Yl = 0.4. Black solid line corresponds to Γ↔

Γ1, n0
Γ2, n0
1e-08 Γ, n0
Γ1, 2n0
Γ2, 2n0

Γ (MeV)
Γ, n0




FIG. 10. Variation of MURCA interaction rate with temperature for DDME2 equation of state for
densities nB = n0 , and nB = 2n0 , and considering µ∆ = 0.

for the density nB = n0 , red dotted and green dashed lines correspond to Γ↔
2 and total Γ

respectively for the same density. Blue dot dased curve, orange double dot-dashed curve and
cyan double dashed dotted curves correspond to Γ↔ ↔
1 , Γ2 and Γ

respectively for the density
nB = 2n0 . In the neutron decay MURCA process we have neglected the terms containing
antineutrino distribution function. Both Γ↔ ↔
1 and Γ2 shows power law variation with the


B. Nuclear Equation of State

We consider a medium of nuclear matter consisting of n, p, e and νe . We obtain chem-

ical potentials of constituent baryons and leptons from both NL3 and DDME2 EoS. The
susceptibilities defined as B and C are given below,
1 ∂µνe ∂µn ∂µp ∂µe
B = + − − , (35)
n̄B ∂xn nB ∂xn nB ∂xn nB ∂xn nB
∂µνe ∂µn ∂µp ∂µe
C = n̄B + − − . (36)
∂nB xn ∂nB xn ∂nB xn ∂nB xn

Here B is the “beta-off-equilibrium–proton-fraction” susceptibility. It provides a measure

of how the out-of-beta-equilibrium chemical potential is related to variation in the proton
fraction, whereas, C is the “beta-off-equilibrium–baryon-density” susceptibility. C measures
the variation of off-equilibrium chemical potential to variation in the baryon density at fixed

proton fraction.
In the above two expressions µn , µp , µe , µνe are the chemical potentials of neutrons,
protons, electrons and electron neutrinos respectively. From relativistic mean field model
the chemical potentials are given by,

µn = m⋆2 + (3π 2 xn nB )2/3 + gω ω0 − gρ ρ03 ,
µp = m⋆2 + (3π 2 xp nB )2/3 + gω ω0 + gρ ρ03
2 1/3
µe = (3π xp nB ) ,

µνe = (3π 2 x̄νe nB )1/3 , (37)

where xp , xn and x̄νe are the proton, neutron and neutrino fractions respectively. They are
related via the relations xp = 1 − xn , x̄νe = Yl − (1 − xn ), where, Yl is the lepton fraction.
The number densities of electrons (ne ) and electron neutrinos (nνe ) are linked to the lepton
fraction through the relation ne + nνe = nLt = nB Yl . The effective mass of the nucleons is
given by m⋆ = m − gσ σ, and gσ , gω and gρ are the couplings of the σ, ω and ρ mesons with
The final form of the beta disequilibration susceptibilities are given below,
gρ2 m⋆2 gσ2

1 1
B = B0 + 2 − 2 − ,
mρ m̃σ D Ef n Ef p
gσ2 m⋆2
1 1 µp µn 1
C = C0 − − + − (µp − µn ). (38)
m̃σ 2 D Ef n Ef p Ef p Ef n 2

In the above two equations D, B0 and C0 are given below,

pf n + 3m⋆2 pf n
gσ2 pf p + 3m⋆2 pf p

⋆2 Ef n + pf n ⋆2 E f p + pf p
D = 1+ 2 − 3m ln + − 3m ln ,
m̃σ Ef n m⋆ Ef p m⋆
1 p2f n p2f νe p2f p p2f e
C0 = + − − ,
3 Ef n Ef νe Ef p Ef e
1 1 1 1 1
B0 = + + + . (39)
3 pf n Ef n pf νe Ef νe pf p Ef p pf e Ef e

Here, m̃2σ = m2σ + 2bσ σ + 3cσ σ 2 with bσ and cσ being the self-couplings of σ meson [47],
and Ef n , Ef p and Ef νe are the Fermi energy of neutrons, protons and electron neutrinos

respectively. The expressions are similar to the equations given in Ref.[20].

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