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Management Decision

Successful Supply-Chain Management

Graham C. Stevens
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Graham C. Stevens, (1990),"Successful Supply-Chain Management", Management Decision, Vol. 28 Iss 8 pp.
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W.K. Poon, K.H. Lau, (2000),"Value challenges in supply chain management", Logistics Information Management, Vol. 13 Iss
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Graham C. Stevens, (1989),"Integrating the Supply Chain", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials
Management, Vol. 19 Iss 8 pp. 3-8
Håkan Håkansson, Göran Persson, (2004),"Supply Chain Management: The Logic of Supply Chains and Networks", The
International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 15 Iss 1 pp. 11-26

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upply-chain management can be an im­ The design and operation of an effective supply chain is
portant competitive weapon. The rele­ of fundamental importance to every manufacturing
vance of this logistics-based issue to senior company. If properly designed and managed, it will:
management is examined. • improve customer service;
• achieve the necessary balance between costs and
• give your company a competitive advantage.

Successful Customer Service

It is important to understand that customer service
encompasses all the points of contact between the

customer and the supplier, including delivery, pre- and
post-sales service, technical support, and financial
packages. Customer service can be seen as the output
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from the supply system: it results from the combined effect

of all the functions along the supply chain. The activities

Management carried out by all the functions are important in establishing

a desired level of customer service. They are also
interdependent: if one activity fails the chain is disrupted,
creating poor performance and destabilising the workload
Graham C. Stevens in other areas, thereby jeopardising the effectiveness of
the supply chain.
All the activities in the supply chain must be in balance,
in order to provide a higher level of customer service
What is the Supply Chain? without incurring an undue burden of cost.
The role of manufacturing industries is to create wealth
by adding value and selling products. All manufacturing
companies must control the flow of material from suppliers, Inadequaty of Traditional Approach
through the value-adding (production) processes and To achieve the necessary balance between cost and
distribution channels, to customers. This flow is the supply service involves trade-offs throughout the supply chain.
chain, as illustrated in Figure 1. It is, in fact, concerned To do this successfully means leaving behind the traditional
with two distinct flows through the organisation: material approach, which looks at the process in terms of separate
and information. Its successful management involves functions — purchasing, production, finance, marketing,
planning, co-ordinating and controlling material — parts distribution — and means thinking instead of the whole
and finished goods — from suppliers to the customer. The process as a single integrated chain.
scope of the supply chain begins with the source of supply
and ends at the point of consumption. Unfortunately the functional attitudes and goals in most
companies are in conflict, and so hinder integration along
The aim of managing the supply chain is to achieve a the supply chain. The traditional approach to managing
balance between the goals of high customer-service and these conflicts has been to concentrate on the operational
low inventory-investment/low unit-cost goals which are and planning levels, and to compensate for the imbalance
often seen as conflicting. Supply-chain management with excess inventory and capacity. For some companies
extends much further than simply a concern with the the results of this approach have been at best frustrating
physical movement of material. In addition to the issues and expensive, at worst disastrous.
of transport and physical distribution, supply-chain
management is also concerned with: To resolve these conflicts effectively and turn the supply
chain into a weapon for gaining competitive advantage
• supplier management; requires the development of an integrated supply chain
• purchasing; driven by the needs of the business.
• material management;
• manufacturing management; Developing an Integrated Supply Chain
• facilities planning; The development of an integrated supply chain means
• customer service; viewing the management of material flow from three
• information flow. perspectives:

• strategic of systems necessary to manage the supply chain and

• tactical provide the information infrastructure: e.g. Just-in-time
• operational
At each of these three levels, the use of facilities, people,
finance and systems must be co-ordinated and harmonised The Operational Perspective
as a whole. The operational perspective should be concerned with the
efficient operation of the supply chain. It focuses on the
TheStrategicPerspective detailed systems and procedures, and ensures that
Businesses often spend a lot of time and thought on appropriate controls and performance measures are in
strategic issues in the areas of manufacturing, finance and place. Typically, a company should measure the
marketing. But the focus on supply is rarely strategic — performance of the supply chain in terms of:
it tends to be primarily operational. If supply issues are
disregarded and the supply chain is excluded from strategic • inventory investment;
debate, there is imbalance, exploitable opportunities are • service level;
missed, and the impact of competitive threat is increased. • throughput efficiency;
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The focus at strategic level should be to develop: • supplier performance;

• cost.
• objectives and policies for the supply chain. These
should be expressed in terms of what the supply
chain has to do well to support the needs of the Integrating the Perspectives
business (e.g. be responsive to change, operate at Linking the strategic, tactical and operational perspectives
lowest cost, ensure a high level of product is crucial to effective organisation development, because
availability); it provides a framework which precludes the need to
• the shape of the supply chain in terms of key consider centralised or decentralised supply-chain control
facilities and their locations; as exclusive structures. It provides the flexibility to
• the company's competitive package, planned by centralise the strategic and decentralise the operational
product and market segment, detailing the balance where practical, and to tune the tactical decision making
between product availability, service level, lead according to the organisational requirements of the
time, technical support and after-sales support; particular company.
• an outline organisational structure able to bridge
functional barriers and operate an integrated supply-
chain effectively. Developing an Integrated Supply-chain
TheTacticalPerspective Companies are having to face up, and respond, to a
The tactical perspective should focus on the means by which number of issues relating to the supply chain, including:
the strategic objectives can be realised. It involves translating • the high cost of supply-chain activities, estimated
the strategic objectives into goals for each function, enabling at between 5 and 20 per cent of net sales value;
the functions to provide complementary balance as parts
of the supply chain. The functional goals provide the focus • the level of inventory — typically, stock levels are
for achieving the balance; and inventory, capacity and service between three and five months' usage;
are the levers by which balance is achieved. • interdepartmental conflicts;
• goal restructuring.
If a company is to respond successfully to these issues
and develop an integrated supply-chain strategy, a
The operational perspective structured approach is required — i.e. all its business areas
should be concerned with must interact closely on a structured, rather than an ad
hoc, basis.
the efficient operation of the
Developing an integrated supply-chain strategy can be
supply chain □ considered as a three-phase process (see Figure 2):
Phase 1: evaluation of the competitive environment;
Additionally the tactical dimension involves determining
the tools, approaches and resources necessary to achieve Phase 2: diagnostic review of the supply chain;
the strategic aims, in particular the most appropriate mix Phase 3: development of the supply chain.

Phase 1: Competitive Environment Evaluation marketplace demands that a company must be competitive
Step 1: Develop and document the characteristics of the (see Figure 1). Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the
marketplace. The reason for this evaluation is to focus and market. This can also provide a framework for the evaluation
direct the total strategy-development effort to where it of alternative solutions which can be developed later.
can be applied to best effect. Too often, when companies
evaluate the supply chain, it is done either at the whim
of the individual involved or it focuses only on areas where
the company has had success in the past. This narrow
approach is invariably ineffective. Effort should be focused
only on those activities
which provide opportunities
for improvement □
The process used to evaluate market characteristics
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involves looking at and surveying vendors, customers and

competitors in order to determine:
(a) the needs of the customers;
(b) the pressures which the vendors, customers and
competitors can apply in a particular situation.
In effect, the questions being asked and answered are
'What do the customers want?' and 'How much weight
do they have in the market to get what they desire?' The
output from this work is a list of the market characteristics
for each product. The characteristics can then be weighted
in order of importance.

Step 2: Review and summarise existing strategies. The rea

for this is not to evaluate the sophistication and appropriate-
ness of particular strategies, but to focus and direct the
supply-chain development effort (see Figure 2). The purpose
is simply to identify the internal constraints which may impact
on the development of a supply-chain strategy.

Step 3: Determine the order-winning criteria. The objec

of this is to define, prioritise and eventually weight the
customers' critical purchasing factors. To do this, it is
necessary to combine the internal and external factors
which have been identified and develop a single, prioritised
list for each product market-segment so that effort can
be concentrated on the important areas. This approach
also provides a clear framework which can be used to
determine which techniques and strategic elements are
most important to the company.

Phase 2: Supply-chainDiagnosticReview
Once the order-winning criteria have been defined, the
next step is to review the supply-chain operations and to
identify those areas which offer potential for improvement.

Step 1: Develop a cost model. This is necessary because

The way to evaluate operations and to develop a supply- in many companies the traditional cost-accounting and
chain strategy is first to determine those areas where the measurement systems do not effectively allocate the costs

The objective here is to develop a strategy for the

company, based on the work done in thefirsttwo phases,
which is consistent with:
• customer desires;
• management focus;
• market characteristics
• the realities of the organisation.
The strategy should make full use of the company
operations and competitive tools, and allow an approach
to supply-chain improvements that is integrated with the
rest of the business.
The final task is to reduce the supply chain strategy to
actionable implementation plans by developing specific
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tactical plans and a timetable for implementing the strategy.

This involves organising and prioritising the list of potential
improvements (developed in Phase 2, Step 3) to reflect
the strategic plans which have now been developed. The
outcome of this task is a set of timetabled action plans
for implementing the supply-chain strategy.

Achieving an Integrated Supply Chain

A detailed top-down approach to developing a supply-chain
strategy is essential — although its successful achievement
is likely to be bottom-up, evolving through a number of
stages, illustrated in Figure 3.
of activities to the individual products or segments
incurring those costs. In fact, they are invariably presented Stage 7; Baseline
in such a way that the costs of particular activities cannot This stage is typified by the traditional company that has
be clearly defined. The aim of this step, therefore, is to separate, almost independent, departments controlling the
develop a realistic method of allocating overhead costs to different activities, in the supply chain. Even in fairly small
products, markets and activities. organisations, the base-line supply chain is fragmented,
and characterised by:
Step 2: Identify activities which meet customer needs. This
should be carried out at the same time as developing the • staged inventories caused by failure to integrate and
cost model (Step 1). The objective is to identify those synchronise activities;
parts of the company's operations which can significantly • independent and often incompatible control systems
affect the company's ability to satisfy customer needs. and procedures covering sales, manufacturing,
Effort should be focused only on those activities which planning, material control, purchasing, etc.;
have an impact and provide opportunities for improvement. • organisational boundaries, whereby purchasing
might control the incoming material flow to raw-
Step 3: Develop a list of improvement techniques for each material stocks. Manufacturing and production
of the opportunities which has been identified. This list is control then cover raw material through the
not intended to be a strategy or even a recommendation processes which convert it into finished goods.
of improvement techniques. Rather, it is the first step Further along the chain, sales and distribution
towards identifying techniques for consideration in divide the outward supply-chain and inventories.
developing a supply-chain strategy and a final
implementation plan. In Stage 1, company planning is very short term — to the
point where it is almost reactive. It is based on the quick
fix, lurching from crisis to crisis.
Phase 3: Supply-chain Development
The final phase is the development of a supply-chain This situation causes inefficiencies in the operation of the
strategy and tactical plan for implementing that strategy. overall supply chain. In addition it jeopardises the overall

effectiveness of the supply chain, as well as increasing Stage 3: Internal Integration

the company's vulnerability to the effects of changes in At this stage, the company has recognised that there is
supply and demand patterns. little point in just focusing on the flow of goods into the
organisation unless the flow of products to the customer
is also well managed. This stage involves the integration
Stage 2: Functional Integration
of those aspects of the supply chain which are in the
Functional integration focuses principally on the inward company's direct control — including the management of
flow of goods. This level of integration is characterised by: finished-goods supply, and the integration of supply and
• emphasis on cost reduction rather than demand along the company's own chain. Internal
performance improvement; integration is characterised by a comprehensive, integrated
• discrete business functions, each of which is planning and control system. Typically Stage 3 companies
buffered by inventory; will use Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP)
systems, integrated via well-managed master-schedules
• elements of internal trade-off between, for example, to a Materials Requirement Planning system for materials
purchase discount and the level of inventory management — using, where practical, Just-in-time (JIT)
investment, high plant-utilisation and batch sizing;
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manufacturing techniques to support the execution of the

• reactive customer service — i.e. the customer who material plan.
shouts loudest gets the goods.
With regard to planning and control systems, Stage 2
companies typically use Materials Requirement Planning
(MRP) techniques to apply time-phased planning to the
materials and manufacturing areas. Within the distribution The need to react
network, demand is not properly gauged or controlled —
orders are simply thrown at manufacturing. For planning to market changes is
purposes, therefore, the distribution infrastructure is
effectively unconnected with manufacturing. As a result
paramount □
customer demand is not clearly understood, which leads
to inadequate planning and generally poor performance.
When a company has achieved this level of integration,
it can truly begin to talk about synchronised demand-
management — i.e. synchronising the demand from the
Management Classics customer with the manufacturing plan with the flow of
material from suppliers. Such a company will also reap
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to embrace suppliers and customers.

The significance of this development goes beyond scale Traditionally theflowof material has been considered only
alone. It embodies a change of focus — to being customer- at an operational level, at best driven by efficiency-
orientated instead of product-orientated, penetrating deep improvement and cost-reduction, at worst abandoned to
into the customer organisation to understand the products, battering by the demands of a rapidly-changing competitive
culture, market and organisation. This should ensure that environment.
the company is attuned to the customer's needs and
requirements. The need to react to market changes is paramount for
many companies. The role of the supply chain is crucial
Integration back down the supply chain to include suppliers to this need. No longer can the potential of integrating
also represents more than just a change of scope — it the supply chain be ignored. This potential will, however,
is a change of attitude, away from one of adversarial conflict be realised only if the connections and inter-relationships
and towards one of mutual support and co-operation. Co- are recognised between different parts of the supply chain,
and a good fit is ensured between its design and operation
operation starts at the early stages of product development and the company's competitive strategy.
and encompasses full management involvement at all
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• the supply of high-quality products shipped direct

to the line on time; Real benefits result from the
• shared information on products, processes and
specification changes; double-edged impact of
• technology exchange and design support; increased market-snare on a
• above all long-term commitment, which usually
means the elimination of multiple-sourcing.
lower asset-base □
Those companies that consider the supply chain during
the strategic debate, manage it as a single entity and
Summary ensure the appropriate use of tools and techniques in order
The need to control the flow of material from suppliers, to meet the needs of the market, will obtain real benefits
through manufacturing and distribution, to the customer resulting from the double-edged impact of increased
is common to all manufacturing companies, regardless of market-share on a lower asset-base. Those that do not
their size, type of product or manufacturing process. will get left behind in the struggle for survival.

Graham C. Stevens is a Principal Management Consultant at KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock's Manufacturing Centre,

Application Questions
(1) What is your company's attitude to the supply chain?
(2) How well is the supply chain managed in your organisation? List the strengths and weaknesses of its management
in the light of this article.
(3) What is your strategic approach to integration of the supply chain?
(4) Which of the stages in achieving an integrated supply chain (illustrated in Figure 3) best represents your own
company's position? What improvements could therefore be made to strengthen your company's competitive
(5) In what specific ways could your company's ability to react to market changes be improved by supply-chain integration?

Action Points
• Work through the steps in the three phases of developing an integrated supply-chain strategy. Consider your own
company's position in relation to each one — the things you are already doing well and the areas as yet untouched.
What can you learn from this about the specific priorities needed in your own organisation?
• Make recommendations to colleagues and senior management about integrating the supply chain in your organisation.
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51. Ivan Arana-Solares, Jose Machuca, Rafaela Alfalla-LuqueProposed Framework for Research in the Triple A (Agility,
Adaptability, Alignment) in Supply Chains 306-321. [CrossRef]
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