Episode 4

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Blood Wind
By: Tad Kilgore

The High Hak is a deadly place for even its hardiest of

residents. Peshwah nomads tred carefully for the land is
riddled with treachery. Among these nomads, trust is not given
lightly, but in this harsh environment, adventurers will quickly
learn the true need for trust. A Dave Arneson's Blackmoor
adventure for PCs levels 1-6.

Based on the original Blackmoor Setting, associated characters and places owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Used with permission, all
rights reserved© 1975 Wizards. Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode Four: Blood Wind is ©2005 Zeitgeist Games, Inc. Zeitgeist
Games is a trademark of Zeitgeist Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This product contains no Open Gaming Content.
Preface by Dave Arneson: both a fantastic hero and a winner. The game
One day, a little over thirty years ago, I that would become Dungeons & Dragons relied
discovered that I was bored. The campaign that heavily on the core discoveries made while
I was running had become a drag. It was Dave Arneson created a new gaming genre
consumed with these long tedious battles and through his exploration of Blackmoor with his
constant bickering over historical details. These core group of players.
most recently uncovered details would mess up So what’s the big deal with Blackmoor? It’s a
next week’s battle. Curses on all such books! distinct and compelling world to adventure in.
Why not just use one source and be done with Blackmoor provides a solid, almost classical
it? CLICK! Graph paper, pencil, the old 20-sided launching point for players of all gaming
dice we never used, some really poorly sculpted backgrounds. Before there were adventure or
plastic monsters…I began to imagine a role-playing games, there was Blackmoor.
dungeon. My mind raced…I began to draw. Blackmoor can be defined by its key precept:
Maybe I can fill it with critters and gold! This High Fantasy. Powerful heroes defend the land
dungeon needs a name? Hmm, it’s a dark place against impossible odds. What could be more
in the wilds of wherever. Ahh! Blackmoor! By fun that that? The frontier kingdom of Blackmoor
Sunday night the first six levels of the dungeon sits in quite a precarious position. Ruled by the
were done and the gaming table in the young King Uther Andahar, Blackmoor is beset
basement had been transformed into a small on all sides by enemies and would be
medieval town with a castle. A dungeon seemed conquerors. Blackmoor’s enemies range from
like a good idea since it would keep the players the savage Afridhi to the amorphous superbeing,
from running all over the place. We still needed The Egg of Coot. On a moment’s notice, the
some more details… Ah! I drew a map of the people of Blackmoor must be prepared to take
town and the country around it. These last up arms to defend themselves from invasion or
details took me most of the rest of the week to even worse horrors. Compound this political
complete. I was really excited about this idea. turmoil with the constant discovery of new power
Now everyone could be a hero like in a book but and horrible monstrosities to find a populace
without a tight (and often dumb!) plot. They quite uneasy with their lot in life. Some of them
could do just about anything that they wanted to take up arms to define their destinies rather than
do, for better or for worse. In that short time, waiting to become victims of fate. These brave
Blackmoor was born. The campaign setting now adventurers serve a heroic purpose for both
known as Blackmoor was done within the month people and country.
with additional details added as needed. Both
the setting and the rules continued to grow over What is Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor:
the weeks. Most, but alas not all, the guys liked The MMRPG (Massively Multiplayer
the game and wanted to keep playing. So the Role Playing Game)?
next few weeks were spent fleshing things out Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG is
and trying to maintain the structure. In a very designed to allow players to participate
real way I have continued to “flesh things out” alongside each other in groups of 4 to 6 players
over the last thirty years. in the rich fantasy world of Blackmoor that Dave
I continue to run the Blackmoor campaign in the Arneson created over 30 years ago. The
games I judge at conventions and in my campaign allows players to travel all over the
classroom. Over the years some 5,000+ people world attending conventions and game days that
have adventured in Blackmoor in excess of are running Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor events.
1,500 game sessions. The roads are well Since the rules for the campaign are the same
traveled but the adventures never end. (Orlando, everywhere in the world, players can quickly
2004) jump right into the action just about anywhere
people are playing without having to worry about
Introduction to Blackmoor by Dustin house rules. These complete rules can be found
Clingman: in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor: The MMRPG
Welcome to the magical world of Dave Campaign Sourcebook or by visiting
Arneson’s Blackmoor! The original Blackmoor www.dablackmoor.com.
campaign began over thirty years ago and
served as the impetus for an entirely new
gaming experience where every player could be

Page 2
Notes to the Judge: Time Units:
The most important part of Dave Arneson’s The Blackmoor calendar has thirty-seven (37)
Blackmoor: The MMRPG is to have fun. Both weeks, with each week lasting a ten-day (10).
your enjoyment and that of the players is Every character is allowed thirty seven (37) time
paramount to the game. With this in mind, you units (each unit being a week) for the Dave
may alter the episode as necessary to ensure Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG campaign
the enjoyment of the group and accommodate year (January 1 to January 1). Playing this
any unforeseen actions of the players. However, event is a cost of one (1) time unit.
this ability should not be construed to reward
foolish actions by players. In those situations,
players should earn what they deserve. We ask
that you as the judge use common sense in
these situations.

The complete episode should be read by the

judge prior to play. The duration of the event
should be approximately three and a half (3.5)
hours of game play with time before and after
the event for brief record keeping and
preparation. When you run a Dave Arneson’s
Blackmoor: The MMRPG episode we assume
that you have access to the following books:
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor, the Player’s
Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
the Monster Manual. You should also have a set
of dice (at least one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and
d20), a way to track combats (such as graph
paper or battle mat), some scrap paper, and a
writing implement. In addition, you should be
familiar with Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The
MMRPG Campaign Sourcebook.

The players should have fully completed

Blackmoor character sheet, a character log
sheet, a set of dice, a writing implement, and
any other useful tools for play such as scrap
paper or a miniature to represent their player
character. You should have at least four players
to have a sanctioned event.

Prior to beginning play, the ATL (average table

level) should be determined to select the
appropriate level of play. To do this, the total
level of all players, followers, and animals that
are not “class features” are added together
(“Class feature” animals are animal companions,
familiars, and paladin mounts and do not affect
ATL.) The total levels are than divided by six
players regardless of the number of players at
the table. This number constitutes the party’s
ATL. The party may choose to round up or down
if the particular number is not an offered ATL.

Page 3
Episode Background Peshwah na Ikiru. Asked to seek out the
Peshwah and procure a steppes charger for the
Peshwah na Sulla of the Somhak was conceived breeding stock of the Dragon Knight Karnel Ordi,
the night Hadeen was slain by his jealous the players find themselves crossing the Hak
brother Calelrin. His birth was no less towards the city of Sul Peshwan.
auspicious, marked by the fall of a star from the
sky and the gift of sky metal to Sulla’s father. In transit, they come across Peshwah na Sulla
Sulla is blessed of Hak and being so, walks the and his kinsmen in a brutal fight. Only Peshwah
special path of the ranger, bound to the land, na Sulla has survived. Immediate player
and the mystic places therein. intervention can save him, but requires combat
with Afridhi raiders.
Sulla is a kinsman to Peshwan na Fetti, Leado
of the Somhak and leader of his people. The After the combat, Sulla speaks at length with the
Somhak seek nothing more than the unity of the players and determines if they are trustworthy.
people and the consequent reclamation of the Players who comport themselves honorably
Hak form the depredations of the Afridhi. In from Sulla’s perspective, and demonstrate a
Sulla, star born of Hadeen, Fetti sees a chance desire to help him to his destination, have his
to achieve this goal. assistance purchasing the horseflesh.
Peshwah na Sulla needs to cross the plains to
The Hommett of the Hak tell of the bow of the find Peshwah na Ikiru. Players accompany him
god, tossed to the earth when he fell in combat, come to Ikiru’s abode. Sadly, the Afridhi, under
slain by the treachery of his divine brother the guidance of the traitorous worshippers of
Calelrin. The Peshwah of clan Briela walk the Calelrin, have carried off the wokan, focused on
earth seeking the Bow of Hadeen. Peshwan na bringing her to their evil queen for interrogation
Fetti, Leado of the Somhak, believes they waste and sacrifice. The Afridhi know of the Bow of
their time, and Sulla is the one who will find the Hadeen and would have it for themselves.
gift of the fallen god and lead his people to Slaying anyone who might be destined to use it
redemption. is a high priority for the Afridhi. Likewise, Ikiru’s
knowledge is valuable.
The Leado of the Somhak believes, but he is not
certain. To this end, he decided to test Sulla, Players must next pursue the Afridhi, infiltrate
and sent his sister’s son into the High Hak, to their camp at night, rescue Ikiru, and then flee
the land of the Zah, so that he might seek out back across the plains while pursued by Afridhi
the wisdom of the wokan Peshwah na Ikiru, a raiders.
mystic of the people.
The players make their way to Sul Peshwan with
Sulla traveled across the High Hak towards the Sulla if they have made the correct series of
lands of the Zah, in the company of his most choices, without him if not. There, they are able
trusted friends. Unfortunately, his journey did to acquire horses for their patron All is not as it
not go unnoticed. seems though, as players face one last ambush
by agents of the traitors of Calelrin.
Within the tents of the Somhak, there are
traitors. Some are easily turned by gold. Others Based on their choices, players may have built a
are turned by promises of power. Still others are lasting friendship with at least one Peshwah
turned by jealous hatred. Such men as these warrior, and have begun their exploration of a
dwell among the Somhak and have fallen into noble people and the sad story of their treatment
the worship of the fratricide, Calelrin. Worse at the hands of the Afridhi.
still, they have alliance with the Afridhi, and offer
them nuggets of information best left secret. Episode Hook
Because of this, when Peshwah na Sulla left his
Uncle and sought the wokan, he walked into a Boggy Bottom is a wretched hive of scum
trap. The Afridhi set an ambush for Peshwah and villainy. Given all that is wonderful and
na Sulla and his traveling companions. beautiful in the north, that you are here, in
The players are brought into the story during this foul smelling place, is beyond your
Peshwah na Sulla’s journey to seek the wokan, comprehension. The air here reeks of

Page 4
sulfur. The locals grin and point to the and he is looking for individuals to bring him a
spring next to the border of the town when Peshwah horse.
you inquire about the stench. Although the
water from it may be fresh, the smell most Once players approach Karnel or he approaches
certainly isn’t. them, read or paraphrase the following:

The Soggy Bog is both inn and tavern for The armored man eyes you up and down
this place. After one full and foul day you and then strides to the bar. He drops a
find yourself seated in the tavern’s common platinum coin on the countertop of the bar.
room, at a table with others who most likely “A room,” he says, “Now! Bring food and
also work “the trade.” The house specialty drink as we need.”
liquor is called Mesok and tastes faintly of
mead and honey. It is the one bright spot in Ariana leads the way. The barmaid smiles
this normally drab and downright stinky over her shoulder as she leads down a short
town. hall to a room. He glares at her until she
leaves and then sits down and gestures to
Your table mates look as disgruntled as you the table before him, “Sit. Ask. You have
do. Time to introduce yourself, you questions?”
Read or paraphrase as necessary:
Allow players to introduce themselves to each
other. The Innkeeper, whose name is Barret, Who are you?
runs an efficient inn. Several tapers, pumpkin I am Karnel Ordi. I am a warrior of no small skill.
scented, are lit in an attempt to offset the stench I am in need of a fine mount, a heavy steppes
of the sulfur spring. Carli, Mindelin, and Ariana charger. The Peshwah breed the finest. I need
are the waitresses and are a competent, if one of these stallions.
uncomely, bunch.
Why don’t you go and get one yourself? You
Read or paraphrase the following. look like a pretty sturdy warrior.
We all have a history. Mine does not allow me
The door to the tavern bangs open. A man to travel among the Peshwah. Yet their horses
in full plate strides though the door, each are fine, and I have a need.
step a rattle and a bang. A tower shield is
slung over his shoulder and he carriers a Are you a Dragon Knight?
battle axe in his right hand. If I were, I would not tell YOU so. It is enough I
offer you coin and commerce and my favor.
He walks to the center of the tavern and
scans all within. His eyes narrow. What did you do to the Peshwah?
I defended the honor of another. I cannot say
“I need a horse,” he says and his voice has more than that. To do so would break an oath.
all the warm timbre of steel leaving a sheath. Suffice to say that I shed blood in a just cause
“Not just any horse, but the finest horseflesh and in so doing, can no longer travel among the
there is. I need a heavy charger of the Peshwah.
Peshwah. I will pay handsomely for it.” He
scans the room looking at the occupants. Why a Peshwah horse?
“This place is as close to the High Hak and Their horses are sturdy, ride well over long
the Peshwah as any in the north. Surely, distance and are stronger than our thin-limbed
someone here is up to the task.” northern mounts. Specifically, I need a stallion
He waits for an answer. of the heaviest size and class. I would breed
him into the stock of my own herd and add that
The individual who just stormed into the tavern vigor to my horse’s line.
is one Karnel Ordi, a Dragon Knight in search of
a very specific sort of mount. How much will you pay?
Karnel is not forthcoming on his reasons for I will pay 800 gold coins for such a heavy
being in Boggy Bottom. Karnel’s need is clear steppes charger and 300 gold coins for a light
steppes charger. I will take no more than four

Page 5
mounts and I need no more than one heavy “I will wait here for two months. I have
steppes charger. business in this area. Bring me my horses
and I will pay you well for them.”
How much will you pay up front?
I will spot each of you 50 gold coins. No more. I Players can ask around Boggy Bottom about
will pay handsomely once you bring me the Karnel Ordi and the Peshwah and gather the
horseflesh I desire. I will not pay up front following information based on their Gather
beyond this. Information Checks. Very little is known about
Karnel. There is much speculation about the
Any idea how much one of these horses will Peshwah.
cost? What do the Peshwah charge?
The price of horseflesh varies. A pure steppes DC 5: The Peshwah begin raiding in spring.
pony might cost 800 gold coins. For this I will DC10: Peshwah horses and riders have
pay top coin. A horse of mixed Peshwah blood one soul.
would be worth less. I would be interested in DC 15: Peshwah merchants keep their words
lesser horses but I truly desire a heavy steppes and are fanatical about their reputations.
charger of purest blood. DC 20: The Peshwah are broken into many
clans. The clans sometimes war
We don’t have enough money to buy a horse up with each other.
front. Can’t you front us more?
I cannot. You are people with some skill in the Players may buy standard gear and weapons in
field. I hope you have the wherewithal to solve Boggy Bottom. (Any item from Tables 7-5, 7-6,
this problem yourself. No doubt something will and 7-8 of the Player’s Handbook, excluding
present itself to you as a solution. spellcasting and services.)
Tell us about the Peshwah? What can we When they are ready to proceed, go to Chapter
expect from the Peshwah? 1.
The Peshwah are honorable, but savage. They
are the finest horsemen in existence. They If the players chose not to work for Karnel, then
value their horses above all else and many the episode ends for them here.
among them have a connection to their horses
that stinks of the black arts. The Peshwah insult
easily and do not forgive quickly. If they call you Chapter 1: War Horns
enemy, they do so forever. If they call you
friend, that will hold with them for all eternity too. Before reading this text, ask the players what
They are a primitive people, but just in their way. precautions they take while crossing the
If a Peshwah says a thing, they are bound to it. distance overland and what their watch rotations
There is no greater sin in their culture than to tell may be. Have them establish their nightly
a lie. There is much admirable about them. routine. Document it as it may be relevant later
There is also much to fear. in the story.

Where do we go to buy a horse? The miles stretch behind you. Boggy

Go to Sul Peshwan. It is a seasonal city of tents Bottom was where you made your ford and
in the heart of their lands. They freely trade the ferryman who brought you across the
among the clans and with non-Peshwah in that river smiled grimly as he spoke. “’Eadin’
place. Know that the Peshwah may find you south among the ‘eathen are ye?” His eyes
and give you escort. This is something you measured each of you. “Sleep light and
must accept. If you resist them they will keep a double guard. The Peshwuh’ll gut ye
consider you an invader and respond as soon as look at ye.” He responded to
appropriately. your silence with a smirk. Like all the
residents of Boggy Bottom, he made your
When the players are done talking to Karnel, he hand creep towards your weapon and made
will conclude with the following: you think caution was in order. His advice,
however, was sound.

Page 6
It was three hard days around the Ash Hills DC 15 People fighting are speaking both Afridhi
to the remnants of the Gold Road. Two and Peshwahan.
more days took you around the edge of the DC 20 Peshwan speakers hear someone
Blasted Forest and across the foothills of the crying out for help. Afridhi speakers hear a
Wyverns. This last crossing was the most victory howls.
disturbing so far.
Ask players what they are doing. This
Twice you sighted the creatures that give encounter is time sensitive. Every round beyond
the hills their name, slowly circling overhead, the first that the players delay moving towards
looking for prey. Once, one fell, plummeting the sound and engaging in the combat, causes
to the brush some eight bowshots from you. Sulla and his mount Uri to take an additional 5
Some beast screamed in the distance as the hit points each.
wyvern struck and then began to feed.
If the players ignore combat, allow them to
Three more days have past since you easily bypass the combat and proceed to
entered the High Hak. The land is awash in Chapter 6, where they have to trade for a horse
waist to chest high grasses and low rolling without Sulla. This adds difficulty to their job
hills. The rise and fall of the land feels more and limits their ability to get steppes chargers.
like a sea than dry land.
If players choose to enter the combat, they
There are Peshwah about. Of this, you are encounter:
certain. You have heard the soft whicker of
horses. Once, you saw a lone rider observe ATL 1 (EL 3)
you for long minutes, only to dash off at a Afridhi fighter: Medium Human (Afridhi), hp 12,
gallop as soon as you began to approach. See appendix I.
Huge one-horned grazers lumbered past in
a large herd. The dominant bull eyed you Afridhi warriors (4): Medium Human (Afridhi),
warily and snorting his displeasure at your hp 9, See Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor p. 188.
scent. He seems to think you do not belong
here. Light warhorse (3): Large Animal, hp 19, see
Monster Manual p. 274.
Today, the sunrise brought flowers. The
grasses that you had been traveling through ATL 3 (EL 5)
began to bloom. The blossoms are white Afridhi fighter: Medium Human (Afridhi), hp 24,
and pale blue, each with a deep red mark on See appendix I.
the petals. The green of the grass was
crowned with white caps of flower, dappled Afridhi warriors (6): Medium Human (Afridhi),
blue and blood red. As the heat of the day hp 9, See DAB p. 188.
came on, the flowers gave up their dust, the
red pollen blowing in crimson clouds. Some Light warhorse (5): Large Animal, hp 19, see
of you sniff and wheeze under the MM p. 274.
onslaught. Others grin grimly under the
bloody stain. ATL 5 (EL 7)
Afridhi fighter (2): Medium Human (Afridhi), hp
The pollen sticks to your gear and 42, See appendix I.
everything has a fine coating of dust, dust
the color of blood. The wind, ever present, Afridhi warriors (4): Medium Human (Afridhi),
seems to carry a red mist. It is unsettling. hp 9, See DAB p. 188.

In the distance, you hear a war horn. Light warhorse (5): Large Animal, hp 19, see
MM p. 274.
Ask players to make a Listen check. The
following information is available based on their The encounters are adjusted for Sulla’s
result: presence. Sulla fights alongside the players
during combat.
DC 10 Combat is going on over the next rise.

Page 7
The Afridhi have straightforward tactics and about him, and understands that some
motivations. Two of the Afridhi warriors are on miscommunication may occur.
foot, the remaining Afridhi are on horseback.
Those of their number that are unhorsed spend Sulla does not tolerate the looting of his
one round firing arrows into the last of the kinsmen’s bodies and gets very aggressive and
Peshwah’s rider less mounts, killing them off. vehement on this issue. He does not care if the
Those that are horsed break into two groups, players loot the Afridhi corpses and actually
half going after the party and half going after plans to do the same himself and expects his
Sulla. share of the loot. The items found are detailed
in the Mementoes section of this episode. Make
If, for some reason, the party attacks Sulla, he certain the players can carry all the gear they
will assume they are more outland raiders and find, as it is mostly armor. If the Afridhi mounts
fight them to his death. The players may are still alive, players may use them to carry
proceed to Chapter 6. items or ride upon them as spoils from the
combat. These items may become central to the
If players assist and are victorious, then trading they must do later in Sul Peshwah. Most
paraphrase or read as befits your style. parties, especially parties of lower level, will
need to hoard equipment to support the
The lone Peshwah eyes you warily. His purchases they need to make to satisfy their
body is coated with the same crimson stain patron.
as yours. The air is filled with crimson dust
and it mixes with the blood of the fallen in Once Sulla and the party have come to terms,
clots both on your skin and on the ground. Sulla asks their assistance in building a pyre for
his kinsmen. Sulla was traveling with five
He speaks, “Peshwan na Sulla, kafa others, four men and one woman. They were all
Hadeen na. Wisu beh caru kah.” He nods cousins or close friends.
his chin. When he sees that (all of) you do
not understand, he says, “I am Peshwan na As always use the information provided below
Sulla, star born of Hadeen. Why walk you as a guideline for the conversation and
the land in the Blood Wind?” paraphrase as needed in question and answer
format or as a conversational format.
His curved saber and heavy bladed hand
axe are held at rest. He stands ready, thick Who are you again?
muscles coiled like springs, ready to I am Peshwan na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and
respond to action on your part. a ranger of my people, the Somhak.
His piercing brown eyes stare out from
under a crimson stained brow. What are the Somhak?
The Somhak is a horseclan of the Peshwah
The conversation that follows is critical to the people. The name “Somhak” means the “Sons
outcome of the episode. Sulla knows that he of Hak.”
has a very slim chance of accomplishing his
appointed journey by himself. He knows that the Who is Hak?
Afridhi travel in large units and believes that this He is “Horselord” and “Father of the Stars.” He is
group was probably outriders and scouts for a the creator and patron god over the Peshwah.
larger unit. He is cautious, but aware he needs
assistance to accomplish his task. He is also Star born? What is that? Who is Hadeen?
worried about Ikiru. Hadeen is the fallen god, slain by his jealous
and wicked brother, Calelrin. Twenty-seven
Sulla is more open to communication and years ago, the god was slain by an act of wicked
alliance that most Peshwah would be, but he is treachery. On the night he fell, I was conceived.
desperate and knows he must compromise. If On the night of my birth, the night burned with
the players are polite to him and respectful, he fire and a rock of sky metal fell. My father
will respond to them well. He is a proud man, claimed it as his own. These events are
and does not deal with insults well. However, he auspicious. Our shaman says I am marked by
is as curious about the players, as they are the god.

Page 8
What were you doing out here on the plains? Those of my mother’s blood. Children of her
I have been instructed by the Leado of my sisters. My closest friend and saddle mate
people to travel across the Hak to the land of the traveled with me too. All are lost to me.
Zah and meet with the Peshwah na Ikiru of the
Zah. She is a wokan and a seer. Why can’t we take their gear? They have no
use for it!
What’s a Leado? Loot the Afridhi, as you will. I will do the same.
He is our leader. Through trial of arms and the To take the gear of the Peshwah is to shame
wisdom of his counsel, he stands as first among their spirit and send them naked into the
us. afterlife. You are ignorant, so I bear you no ill
will in this. But know this, to make my cousins
What are the Zah? beggars before their ancestors, is to have me
The Zah is a horseclan of the Peshwah people. swear a blood oath against you.
The Zah are the “Revered Ones.” They are
powerful prophets of the Peshwah peoples as
they hold counsel with both gods and men. What happened to the Peshwah horses?
This is a sacred thing I speak of and the gift of
Why were you sent to see Ikiru? the great god Hak. The Peshwah and their
I am to be judged by Ikiru. I can say no more horses are one. Their minds mix and many of
than this on this issue at this time. us speak the language of our horse brothers.
The blessed among us find a horse who
What can you tell us about Peshwah na Ikiru? understands our heart and enter into sacred
She lives in a house of sod no more than a day bond with it. Uri is my horse and of my blood as
from here. She is a holy woman of the Zah. As truly as my cousins. When one of the partners
she is Zah, she is a mystic. Her clan has the of the sacred bond is slain, the ache of loss is
touch of the gods. My clan is the Somhak. We overwhelming. For the Peshwah, the mourning
are the war leaders of the Peshwah. is profound and lasts for one week. Most horses
are broken by the loss. Their hearts turn bitter
Who attacked you? What about the Afridhi? and twisted by rage and they must be
Seldom do war parties of the Afridhi travel this surrendered back into the Hak or slain.
deep into the Hak. They have the look of raiders
or scouts. They travel light and their horses are Doesn’t everyone have a horse?
thin. I worry they support a greater host. Peshwah are people of the horse. But not all of
us can hear our horses’ voice. Some cannot
Afridhi, what are they? and they live a life of heart blind sorrow. The
Surely you must know of the cursed whelps of only soul they know is their own. But you know
Zugzul. They are curs and dogs who worship a this. You soul is deaf too, is it not?
murderous god of fire. They hail from the goblin
kush far to the west. They have taken the lands We would like to buy a horse. We would like to
of the Hak from us and the Duchy of Ten fell buy a heavy steppes charger stallion for
before them. Now they raid into our sacred breeding? Where can we buy Peshwah horses?
lands. (He spits.) They are cursed. I hear they The Peshwah do not part with their horses
raid into Blackmoor too. A curse upon them. easily. We have been known to cull the herd of
the weak by passing these horses to outlanders.
What is the Blood Wind? Such trade is restricted to those who have
It is called the caru kah. It is a time of grim earned our trust and shown they have love for
tiding and evil omen. The souls of those lost on things beyond themselves.
the Hak are freed from the land. The wise say
that all that is slain on the High Hak, be it grazer, Why don’t we help you and then you help us get
Peshwah or outsider loses its blood to the land. a horse?
In spring the Blood Wind comes and the flowers I have thought the same. Know this, I cannot
bleed back the life of the fallen. The flowers are commit fully to speaking for you until we have
called the Caru Ji. This means blood petals in traveled further. That you have fought beside
the trade language of the barbarians. me against the Afridhi speaks well of you. I will
travel with you. I will bring you before Ikiru na
Who traveled with you? Peshwah. If she determines that you are worthy

Page 9
of the gift of horse, then I will help you trade for
a good horse in Sul Peshwah. Players that advance with Sulla should make
Hide and Move Silently Checks. There are no
Sulla makes this last suggestion if players do not opponents present here but the process adds
bring it up themselves. Once players offer to narrative tension.
travel with him, or if players help him tend to his
fallen kinsmen, Sulla will offer to help heal their Read the following box text to the appropriate
wounds with his cure light wounds wand. players once they have arrived at Ikiru’s
Players who strike a deal with Sulla and who
agree to travel to Ikiiru’s dwelling proceed to Another battle! This one clearly involved
Chapter 2. Sulla pushes to leave immediately, magic. Great circular blasts tore up the sod
as he is concerned that there are Afridhi about. here, twisting the turf and flattening the
He estimates that the party will be at Ikiru’s at grass. Twisted and battered bodies of what
about sunset in one day’s time. must have once been men and horses litter
Others may proceed to Chapter 6 if they choose the ground.
not to accompany Sulla.
The center of the carnage is an unassuming
Chapter 2: Force and Flight sod hut. Chaos reigns in a ring around the
house. Fallen Afridhi lay in a ring around
Sunset always bathes the land in a crimson the entrance to the domicile and then in the
palette, but the pall cast by the Blood Wind doorway itself. At least you think they are
is macabre. The grit of the plant’s dusty Afridhi, they have been stripped of their
pollen has been made worse by the sweat of gear. The skin tone is right for that
the day and the bloodletting you engaged in particular breed of man, as is the style of
earlier. The copper tang of the charnel hair and beards.
house clings to you.
Sulla curses, “Blood of Hadeen!” and grits
Sulla has been tight lipped as you journeyed his teeth.
today. Many close to him have died today
and his grief surrounds him. There is What do you do?
sadness to him. He holds up his hand to
halt your motion. Uri breathed deeply and What follows are a series of environmental
snorts, testing the air for danger and, no descriptors for this area as well as role-playing
doubt, Afridhi. notes for Sulla. What he has experienced today
has rattled him. Still, he has been given a very
“We should be close,” he covers his eyes specific and important request by his Leado. He
from the sun with his hand. “Sulla points to has an obligation to attempt to fulfill his quest.
a rippling field in front of you. Under his Likewise, he feels he must save Ikiru.
direction you can see that there is a
depression ahead. Before, the detail was Searching the area around the battlefield yields
lost in the contour of the land. He drops off the following information:
his horse and rubs its flank. He speaks to it
in soft knickers. The animal stomps its foot. Survival Check with the Track Feat:
DC 5: This fight occurred sometime today. A
“I will scout ahead. Who comes with me? large group of people departed on horseback
heading due west.
Allow the players the chance to comment. Sulla DC10: There were about 50 to 60 Afridhi
is not eager to approach this area without some involved, about 25 of them were killed. Tracks
recon first. He is worried that the enemy may be into Ikiru’s home lead off in three directions. The
present here and says so. He is quite amenable place was attacked from all sides.
to the discussion of different strategies for recon DC 15: Animals were involved in the defense of
and is impressed if anyone suggests that a full the sod house. One of the defenders was a
sweep of the perimeter looking for tracks may be bear of unusual size. There is a mustering point
in order. where the attackers formed up and broke up into
small groups to encircle the house about a ½

Page 10
mile to the south of the house. The fight took
place about three hours ago, (almost one day Players who speak Peshwahan, translate “Hika
after Sulla was attacked). Ai!” as “It is a good day to die.”
DC 20 The large bear was Ikiru, as the bear’s
tracks lead to a point where a small human Sulla is Peshwah. He will not relent on this
woman stood. Several other animals seem to issue and sees the rescue of Ikiru as his
have appeared out of nowhere. absolute duty. It would be completely
dishonorable for him to walk away from this
Search or Survival Check without the Track feat: situation.
DC 5: The bodies are definitely Afridhi. There
are 26 of them. At the same time, players must pursue him and
DC 10: The Afridhi completely scavenged Ikiru’s get him to halt.
DC15: There is no Peshwah body anywhere in Where are you going? Wait for us? What are
the combat zone. you doing?
Ikiru must be rescued. We are outnumbered
Spellcraft Check with the Track feat: five to one from the spoor of the track. You are
Examining the animal tracks: not Peshwah. I will not ask you to shed your
DC20: These were most likely summoned blood against such odds. I must go.
Specifically examining the bear’s tracks: We’re coming with you.
DC 15: Most likely someone shape changed. Sulla stares at you. “You are not like others not
(Knowledge: Arcana DC 15 indicates this is an of the people. All others I have met hunger for
innate ability of wokan) gold and will do only for profit. Some are filled
Specifically examining the “blast marks” with lust for our horses, not seeing that the
DC 23: The blast marks were from a stone greatness of the mounts comes from the bond of
ball DAB pp.87 our hearts. So, if you come with me, you will
take up the burden of my honor. I will owe you a
Talking to Sulla debt of blood and steel and in so owing, change
Sulla is a bit rattled at this point, but is very fixed us both. Come then. Ride with me.
in his purpose. Read or paraphrase from below
based on the questions asked. What’s so special about Ikiru?
She is Wokan. She has great knowledge of the
Sulla’s primary concern is that Ikiru is safe. Hak and of the Peshwah. She will know if I
Even if he is not successful on his personal might truly be chosen of Hadeen or if the events
mission, she is one of the blessed of his people of my birth have no meaning beyond the
and her person is sacred. Her safety is phantom of my kinsmen’s desire. She is a
paramount and he is terrified that something she keeper of secrets and of truth. Her truths cannot
knows might be put to foul use by the Afridhi. fall into the hands of the enemy.

Once the players have nearly concluded their We need to rest the horses. We need to rest.
search, read the following box text: We need to get our spells back.
I know these things. However, we cannot let the
Sulla stalks out of the house and whistles. Uri trail fade. We should follow while there is still
raises his head and snorts and trots towards his sun. The full moon comes in one week. We will
bondsmen. have some few hours moonlight to follow by
come the sunset. We must make what time we
Sulla fluidly swings into the saddle. He looks at can and camp tonight.
all of you. “Outlanders, I will not beg nor ask you
to walk the path before me. Ikiru is sacred to my These two attacks seem coordinated. They
people. As wokan, she is magic made flesh, knew you were coming. This can’t be
and as rare as mercy in a dragon’s ear I must coincidence?
pursue her captors, though it be my death. The Afridhi move across the High Hak in great
numbers. They normally raid to destroy and
“Hika Ai!” he says and rides out along the either butcher our herds or seek out our elderly,
trampled path left by the Afridhi. our weak and youngest. Slaying those seeps

Page 11
joy from our lives and kills the days before us. I midnight. After this point Losseth and Grenja
agree with you and fear the meaning of what stop torturing her and move on to other pursuits.
you say. Central to the action of this encounter is how the
players handle the sentries and move into camp.
Sulla does not wait and if the players stay
behind, he advances by himself and dies during The Afridhi have two guards whose entire job is
the night. Players who follow in the morning find to keep the torches lit. Players who observe the
the remnants of the Afridhi camp, and find camp for at least forty minutes see the two come
Sulla’s stripped and mangled corpse. After this, out and do their rotation. A number of other
the Afridhi break into small teams and ride off in guards (2 at ATL 1, 3 at ATL 3, and 4 at ATL 5)
all directions. Allow the players to continue on are evenly spaced and walking the perimeter.
to Chapter 6 without Sulla. If players go with Guard shift changes at 10:00 p.m. 2 a.m. and 6
Sulla, proceed to Chapter 3. a.m.

Chapter 3: Into the Red of Night The Night’s timeline:

6:00 p.m.: Afridhi make camp, build cook
fires, and torches are set along the perimeter
Sulla has spent as much time with his head by guards.
down and his face pressed to the grass, as he 7:00 p.m.: Afridhi begin preparing meals.
has on Uri’s back scanning the horizon. He has Leaders enter tent to question Ikiru.
burned a sunrod as he moved forward, hiding its 8:00 p.m.: Afridhi warriors cut loose from the
light as best he could in the tall grass. influence of command begin to raid stores for
The Blood wind does not blow, but the night has 9:00 p.m.: Small fights break out. Losers
taken on an unseasonable heat. The dust sticks get stuck with guard duty.
to you now as you sweat. The red dust stains 10:00 p.m.: Players catch up to Afridhi camp
you hands and your comrades’ skins and face. just as the moon sets, first guard shift
The entire world is awash in the blood red dust change.
and it coats you, making your figure fade into the 11:00 p.m.: First of the Afridhi pass out or
crimson night. Your horse twitches, as does Uri. go to bed.
12:00 a.m.: Loseth and Grenja stop
In the distance, you hear laughter, loud and questioning Ikiru and go to bed.
coarse. 1:00 a.m.: All of camp is asleep except the
Arrival at the camp is just before 9 p.m. The 2:00 a.m.: Second guard shift change.
players have time to plan their next actions. The 5:30 a.m.: Camp begins to wake up.
Afridhi were battered by their encounter with the
wokan and many of their number were injured. Players encounter different levels of hazard
As a result, they are not in top form. The Afridhi approaching the camp based on what time of
in charge of the mission were slain by the night it is and their ATL. More guards are awake
wokan. The two, who remain, Losseth and at higher ATLs. Approaching the camp between
Grenja, are talented Afridhi, but new to power 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. mean players will have
and their positions of authority. The security of 1d4+ATL worth of Afridhi make Spot and Listen
the camp is somewhat lax as a consequence checks against them as they move forward.
This number drops to 1+ATL after 1:00 p.m.
Players who just want to rush forward and attack Assume guards have a Spot and Listen score of
meet with stunned dismay from Sulla. He +0. Round all calculations involving the number
explains in no uncertain terms that that particular of guards down.
course of action is unwise and potentially lethal
for all involved. He counsels stealth but expects Sneaking up on the camp through the grass is
to consult with the players as to the best course relatively easy. The grass provides a +5 bonus
of action. Likewise, he recognizes that not on Hide checks and a +5 bonus on Move
everyone is suited for the task. Silently checks. If players state that they are
coating themselves in the dust of the Blood
Ikiru is in the large tent at the center of camp. Wind, which gives them an additional +5 on their
She is being questioned and beaten until Hide checks in this instance. Players may make

Page 12
a Survival Check DC15 to note the useful nature camp along what seems to be some sort of
of the dust. perimeter.
DC 10: There are a bunch of men inside the
The torches set along the perimeter of the camp camp asleep in clusters.
illuminate the grassland out to 40 feet with DC 15: There is a large tent at the center of
shadowy illumination and out to 20 feet with camp. The horses are tethered in a double line
bright illumination. near the tent. There is a great deal of cover
from the edge is the camp on the north side, to
Approaching the camp before 1:00 a.m. has its its center. The tack and gear of the horses has
hazards but is not impossible. Because the been carelessly piled. It offers several points to
players are looking into a well-lit area, it is hide behind or beside.
readily apparent to them that the Afridhi are DC 20: The precise number of guards walking
present and where they are. When players are around the perimeter of the camp is visible to
within 100 feet, allow them to make Spot and the player. The guards travel as individuals.
Listen checks. Based on the time of night, They walk on the inside of the perimeter.
provide them the information listed below. As DC 25: There are two guards stationed near the
the Afridhi are unable to see them at this range, tent. Once every hour they walk the perimeter
players can take 20 as they need. together, replacing torches.

Before 1a.m. After 1 a.m.

Spot Checks: Listen checks
DC 5: There are a bunch of men inside the DC 10: Several Afridhi snore loudly.
camp. They have one central fire. 12 torches DC 15: One of the guards hums to himself.
ring the camp along what seems to be some sort DC 20: There are two guards near the center of
of perimeter. camp, near the tents. They are arguing over
DC 10: There is a large tent at the center of something.
camp. The horses are tethered in a double line
near the tent. Once players start to move closer to the camp,
DC 15: Several of the figures in the camp are their chance of being spotted increased as noted
staggering around. There is a great deal of above. This is especially true at higher ATLs
cover from the edge is the camp on the north when there are more potential guards awake
side, to its center. The tack and gear of the and aware.
horses has been carelessly piled and offers The Afridhi guards have had a tough time of it.
several points to hide behind. As a result, many of them are wounded and they
DC 20: The precise number of guards walking are about fed up with this entire adventure.
around the perimeter of the camp is visible to Many of the guards are wounded and carrying
the player. The guards travel as individuals. injuries.
They walk on the inside of the perimeter.
DC 25: There are two guards stationed near the Infiltration
tent. One every hour they walk the perimeter as Wise parties wait until the camp begins to
a team, replacing torches. collapse into exhaustion at around midnight.
Wise players also pull back and grab some
Before 1 a.m. sleep themselves. Refer to the rules for fatigue
Listen checks: and exhaustion in the PHB pp 164.
DC 5: There are men and horses within camp.
DC 10: Several of the Afridhi are drunk There are about 35 Afridhi left in camp at ATL 1
DC 15: There are occasional loud Afridhi voices (45 at ATL 3 and 65 at ATL5). All save the
near the center of camp. They seem to be guards are asleep after 12 a.m. Only about 12
yelling questions. of the Afridhi are awake between 10 p.m. and
DC 20: The voices in the center of camp are midnight. Prior to 10 p.m., assume all the Afridhi
speaking Peshwah, but their accent in Afridhi. are aware, although all are not paying attention
to camp. After midnight, about 10 of the Afridhi
After 1 a.m. are too drunk to respond to an attack and will
Spot Checks sleep through the night regardless of what
DC 5: There have one central fire that has died happens; only rousting and moving to the most
down to almost nothing. 12 torches ring the forceful of stimulus.

Page 13
ATL: 3 (EL3)
Players can either attempt to sneak up and pass
the guards, or attempt to take them out quickly. Afridhi warriors (3): Medium Human (Afridhi),
Sneaking in and then up to the tent requires a hp 9, See DAB.
series of opposed rolls for the players, with the
party member with the worst roll being the ATL: 5 (EL5)
lowest common denominator. Players, who
have noticed the relatively concealed area and Afridhi warriors (4): Medium Human (Afridhi),
choose to sneak along the piled tack, will have a hp 11, See DAB.
+4 situational modifier to both their Hide and
Move Silently checks. Guards have a listen and
spot of +0. Rousting the Camp
If the players roust the camp, they fight the
Players can also attempt to take out the guards Afridhi camp en masse. This is an untiered
quickly and silently. Players can hide in the encounter. Assume that one quarter of the
shadowy margin of the torchlight and rush and Afridhi will engage the players every other round
attack guards. Likewise, players can attempt to until they are all slain, the players overcome
snipe and drop guards. Assume that a guard them, or the players withdraw. Note that after
who is not killed raises the alarm and begins midnight 20 can be subtracted from the number
waking the camp. If a guard is dropped into of Afridhi, as they will be stone drunk and
negative hit points or killed outright, then have passed out. Should unusual circumstances
the other guards make opposed Spot and Listen occur and they begin to wake up treat these
checks to see of they spot the players. Players drunken Afridhi as sickened (PHB p. 312.)
can time their attacks so that there are at least Grenja and Loseth join the fight 8 rounds after it
30 feet between their targets and the other begins.
guards. This provides a -3 modifier to Listen
and Spot checks. Likewise, if players stage an Chapter 4: Ikiru’s Torment
effective distraction, that provides and additional
-5 to Spot checks. Players have to act relatively This encounter is triggered when players enter
quickly though. Guards will begin to notice that the tent. Grenja and Loseth are relatively light
their compatriots are missing after 120 seconds. sleepers. The horses tethered outside the tent
Simulate this by having the surviving guards snort and stomp as the players enter, examine,
take 20 on this check. or creep into the tent, unless precautions are
A party, who plans well, can probably take out
all the guards fairly quickly, however. There are three ways to enter the tent. Players
It is harder to pull this off at higher ATLs. can wiggle under the tent wall. This requires a
DC 10 Escape Artist check. Players enter in
Sulla mentally summons Uri and the rest of the through the tent flap. It is tied shut form the
party’s horses if he thinks the jig is up. Uri will inside so players have to make a DC 10 Use
be there in three rounds. Rope check or a DC 13 strength check to burst
through. Players may make a man sized slit in
The Afridhi Horses the tent and enter by overcoming the leather
Strung in a double line next to tent are the afridhi tents hardness of 2 and doing 5 hit points of
horses, about 40 in number. Players may damage to the tent wall.
choose to drive off the horses as they flee or to
steal several as they escape. The horses are all Once the players are inside, read the following:
standard light warhorses.
A single torch gutters in the center of this
The Afridhi Guards
space, held aloft by an iron stand. Ornate
flaming eyes twist around the length of the
ATL: 1 (EL1)
stand, etched into its surface.
Afridhi warriors (2): Medium Human (Afridhi),
hp 4, See DAB.

Page 14
A Peshwah woman hangs limply from two posts, second chest is locked with a lock of excellent
bound by leather thongs to the wood. She has quality (DC 30 Open Lock). The specific items
been beaten. are detailed in the Mementoes section and are
Sprawled on a hide-covered cot next to her, are detailed by ATL. Ikiru’s gear is present also.
two Afridhi.
Ikiru’s response
Outside, a horse whinnies loudly. One of the They have beaten Ikiru into unconsciousness.
Afridhi tosses in his bed and then stares straight Ikiru has also taken a substantial amount of her
at you. He grunts something guttural and hit points and is currently at -3 HP. Ikiru has
springs up to attack. His face twists in a snarl of been grossly mistreated at the hands of the
rage. Afridhi. If healed before the fight is over, Ikiru
will do what she can to assist, given that she
Loseth recovered her spells at midnight and has doesn’t have access to gear or material
her full battery again. Loseth healed them both components. If brought back to consciousness
to full after Ikiru was captured. Grenja wades after the fight has ended, Ikiru will immediately
straight in attacking the players with brutal force. search through the hides piled on the bed and
Loseth uses her magic as long as is practical come up with a key. She then pops open the
and then enter melee. Grenja and Loseth fight chest in the room and secures her gear. She is
to the death, and try to raise an alarm. uncommunicative as she does these things and
speaks in quick affirming or negating grunts. If
ATL 1: (EL 3) someone beats her to her gear, she asks for it
Grenja, Afridhi Fighter Level 1, Medium and makes clear that she will help identify the
Human (Afridhi), hp 13, See appendix I. rest of the items in the chest and on the slain
Afridhi. Taking Ikiru’s gear or killing Ikiru is an
Loseth, Afridhi Cleric 1, Medium Human evil act with appropriate consequences within
(Afridhi), hp 10, See appendix I. the campaign.

APML 3: (EL 5) Once these issues have been resolved, Ikiru is

Grenja, Afridhi Fighter Level 3, Medium fully active partner is planning the party’s
Human (Afridhi), hp 36, See appendix I. escape. Ikiru has exhausted her shape changes
for the day and has used much of her daily
Loseth, Afridhi Cleric 3, Medium Human allotment of spells. She advocates taking all the
(Afridhi), hp 28, See appendix I. horses and stampeding out of the camp,
trampling as many Afridhi as is possible.
APML 5: (EL 7)
Grenja, Afridhi Fighter Level 5, Medium Ikiru states, “The Afridhi curs will follow. “We
Human (Afridhi), hp 55, See appendix I. must take their horses and sunder their honor.
Let us ride their horses over their sleeping flesh
Loseth, Afridhi Cleric 5, Medium Human and send them to their bloody god.”
(Afridhi), hp 44, See appendix I.
Whatever course of action the party determines,
both Sulla and Ikiru counsel speed and brutality.
Sleeping Afridhi will not respond to their shouts, They are very concerned that the Afridhi will
as the tent has had shouts and screams coming pursue.
form it all night long. Any guards that have been
bypassed will come and join the fight, after
kicking several Afridhi in the head to wake them Chapter 5: Flight
up. See rousting the camp for instructions on
how to handle this. If the Afridhi have lost their mounts:
Players may leave the Afridhi camp behind them
Contents of the tent in a state of complete disarray and confusion.
There are several unlit braziers in this tent, a The Afridhi’s leaders may be dead, their guards
campaign table and several folding chairs. Two killed, and their horses scattered and stolen.
chests are in the room. One is filled with normal The surviving Afridhi will not pursue the players.
clothes and other adventuring gear. It has Rather they break into two man teams and begin
clearly been pawed through by someone. The

Page 15
making their way on foot across the High Hak. check (trained only) or Wild Empathy check, or a
There is very little chance of their successful Charisma Check DC 20. For every increment of
escape from the land of the Peshwah on foot. 5 above the check, the player has kept one
The riders of the Adiel and the Irfat will no doubt horse beyond their personal mount with them.
find them and slay them. Someone who rolls a Handle Animal DC 27, for
example, has three horses in addition to their
Read the following box text if the players have mount with them.
shattered the Afridhi camp
Once the danger has passed, Ikiru asks the
Hoarse shouts and cries of fear echo in the night following:
behind you. The surviving Afridhi are trying to
make sense of what just happened to them. “We took flight like fatted crows from a stripped
corpse. I would know the lineage and names of
The mounts you captured from the Afridhi pound those who have spent their blood in defense of
away to your left and right. The air is filled with Peshwah. Pretty birds you are. Some not
the sounds of your flight. crows at all. Some are pretty as songbirds.
You ride through the blood red night. The taste Speak, tell me who rides with me.”
of victory is sweet.
Sulla is completely deferential to Ikiru and calls
If the Afridhi have their mounts: her “Honored sister” and “Venerable Zah.” Ikiru
Players may not have been as effective, or most is fairly bombastic and coarse. She is loud and
importantly, may not have scattered the Afridhi irreverent. She calls Sulla, “Little Crow.” She
horses. If this is the case, players are closely names each of the players after birds and rarely
pursued by half of the remaining Afridhi. The use their actual name. Individuals dressed in
other half stay behind and secure the Afridhi’s bright colors are called “Blue jay or Cardinal.
supplies. Subdued players are called “Quiet little
The pursuit is close if the players flee on foot, as Sparrow.” Dour types or dwarves are called
they are mounting and fleeing the scene about “Buzzard.” Elves becomes “Meadow Larks.”
the time the Afridhi are taking off in pursuit.
Eventually Ikiru asks Sulla why a “Little Crow”
For ease of play, have players make an would seek her out. Sulla lets her know that his
opposed Ride check versus the Afridhi’s Ride Uncle, Peshwan na Fetti, Leado of the Somhak,
check at the appropriate ATL. If player’s lowest believes he may be the Chosen of Hadeen and
score is beaten by the Afridhi; they have been destined to find the bow of Hadeen.
ridden down by the Afridhi on much fresher
mounts. Read the following: Ikiru will respond to this as follows:

The Afridhi riders are behind you. You can hear Fetti?!? Oh, I know your Uncle. Is he still fat
the clatter of their horses and the hoarse shouts and a burden for his horse? Oh Little Crow. I
of the pursuing warriors. Behind you a war horn see my words nettle. Sad, sad, sad. Does the
sounds. They are close. Chosen of Hadeen bristle like a young stallion at
every challenge? I think not. I think the Chosen
Switch to initiative at this point and have the of Hadeen is cautious and careful. Hmmm…
players resolve the conflict with half of the Fetti sees Hadeen in you? I see he is still a
remaining Afridhi from the camp. Use the drunkard then.” She smiles as Sulla grits his
statistics provided for in Chapter 3. teeth. “Better little crow. If you are to walk the
path of shadow in the Tower of Salt, then you
Aftermath must learn to ride you emotions with the same
At some point, the players, Sulla and Ikiru are skill you ride a horse.”
free of pursuit and have completely dealt with
the Afridhi threat. Ikiru wants to return to her sod house and
search through the wreckage of her house.
Players should be conscious of how many During this time, she consults quietly and alone
horses they manage to keep with them. Have with Sulla, asking players to give them time
each players make a DC10 Handle Animal alone.

Page 16
so she can know for certain. Once I have
Paraphrased or use verbatim as players speak fulfilled my debt to you, I will return and spend
to Ikiru or Sulla the text below. What follows is time with her.
information that contextualizes Sulla’s
relationship with Ikiru and her view of the world. Ikiru stays at her current abode until the players
return with Sulla. When players are ready to
Questions for Peshwah na Ikiru: proceed to Sul Peshwan with Sulla, go to
What are you? What’s a wokan? Who are you? Chapter 6.
Why are you special?
I am Wokan. Magic is a living thing that coils Chapter 6: Sul Peshwan
about the land. It speaks to me. I coaxed it
from the shape of what is and ask it to do, as I If the players are traveling with Sulla, read or
will. My shape is fluid with the power of it. I take paraphrase the following:
the magic within and let it change me into a
brother or sister of the earth. The Zah, my clan,
From the plain, spring the hills. Seven in
are mystics. I am touched and a sister of the
number are clearly apparent as you close the
land. Made of the same stuff as the beasts and
distance to the cluster of high land. Sul
the magic that binds us to the Hak. I am not a
Peshwan means “Seat of the People” in the
druid. I do not worship the land and the sun and
language of the Peshwah. The hilly fastness is
have it gift me blessings. I am the land. I am
well named. The Peshwah city has a
wokan. As Zah, I am keeper of the sacred and
commanding view of this entire region and
the sacral.
dominates the High Hak for miles around.
Is Sulla the Chosen of Hadeen?
Sulla has described Sul Peshwan to you. City is
I do not know. It is not for me to say. I can only
a loose term. A better way to describe Sul
say if he might be. I can only show him how he
Peshwan is as a series of fortified
might walk that path. I would know if he were
encampments. Although the Somhak call this
not. I do not know if he is.
area their own, it is clear that all the horse clans
have a claim to some space in the hills.
Are we worthy of horses? Can Sulla come with
us to get horses?
Twice surly bands of Peshwah have ridden up
You have bled for me. You have saved all that I
and spoken to Sulla. Their disdain for you is
know from the depredations of the Afridhi. I will
apparent as they regard you from saddleback.
mark your flesh with ink and bone. You will be
Sulla’s defense and presentation are apparently
allowed to trade for horseflesh as Peshwah and
eloquent. What began as glaring disgust, ended
not outlander. Once I am done with Sulla, he
in a nodded recognition that you might be worthy
may travel with you to Sul Peshwan.
of their time. No doubt these would have been
(Players who want Ikiru’s blessing must take a
the “escorts” your patron spoke of.
tattoo from her. Specifics are in the Mementoes
Arrayed around the base of the hills is a ring of
tents numbering in the hundreds. A well-worked
No tattoo for me!
path leads up the hillside into a hollow arm of
Your flesh is your flesh. It is for you to accept or
the hill. “This” Sulla gestures to a chaotic
deny this gift. Do, as you will little bird. Do as
jumble of tents arrayed before you “is Su Aba
you will.
Sinj. The place for the unclean.” He smiles at
you, seeing your discomfort. “It is where we
Questions for Peshwah na Sulla:
trade with those not of the People.”
What do you think of Ikiru? Is she what you
“We will find your stallion here/”
She is wokan. I have met none like her. I have
been asked to submit to her will. I do so.
If the players are traveling without Sulla, read or
Are you Chosen of Hadeen? paraphrase the following:
I do not know. Ikiru says that all she knows is
that I might be. No more than that will she tell The Peshwah are a cold and inhospitable
me. She says I must spend a season with her people. You are ringed by riders, perhaps thirty

Page 17
in number. The jibber at you and snicker at your Players may shop, drink and engage in almost
unease. Clearly, they bear you little respect. any activity they can imagine. Enjoy yourself.

For two days they have escorted you, in exactly Players may barter any items they have seized
the manner described by your patron. For the so far at half book value. This is one way for
last day you have seen the hills they refer to as them to generate enough capital to barter
Sul Peshwan raise out of the plains. horses from their patron.

Arrayed around the base of the hills is a ring of Regardless of whether players are with Sulla or
tents numbering in the hundreds. A well-worked not, they are instructed to go to Peshwah na
path leads up the hillside into a hollow arm of Merna of the Faleem. Merna is the only
the hill. “This” your escort gestures to a chaotic Peshwah present that trades horses with non-
jumble of tents arrayed before you, “is Su Aba Peshwah. He is also the only Peshwah who will
Sinj. The place for the unclean.” trade a Steppes Charger to players if they have
Ikiru’s tattoo.
“Do not enter the hills. You are not Peshwah
and will be killed on site for trespassing. You Merna is a calm and effective merchant. He
may only stay and trade here.” He lifts his chin barters mixed breed light warhorses for 150 gp,
in the direction of the tent city. mixed breed heavy warhorses for 400 gp, light
steppes chargers for a value of 300 gp and
“Be warned, outlanders. You are among the heavy steppes chargers for a value 800 gp. He
People and have no patron of alliance of clan. has horses of any color. He has only one heavy
There are many who will see you as fair sport for steppes charger and nine light steppes
dueling and theft. Defend yourselves, as you chargers.
need. Be warned that to slay a Peshwah is to
have his kinsmen swear a blood debt.” Agents of Calelerin
Players who travel with Sulla are picked out and
“Luck of the Hak to you.” attacked in an attempt to kill him. Players who
travel without Sulla are targeted by the same
With that, the Peshwah ride off. You are on your group.
The cult of Calelrin has survived by being
Su Aba Sinj is for and about trade. The cautious and circumspect. They do not directly
Peshwah use a standard barter system. expose themselves and work cautiously and
Sulla’s presence makes it much easier to trade. effectively though agents and those whose
Players who are with Sulla can barter for basic agendas align with their own. Exposure among
items in the PHB and any basic mount without the Peshwah as a worshipper of Calelrin is
difficulty. The party has the ability to barter for tantamount to a death sentence. Because of
one Heavy Steppes Chargers, if they have taken this, the children of the Deceiver are capable of
Ikiru’s tattoo. This requires that they openly fluid and liquid deception and subterfuge.
display the tattoo that Ikiru gave them. That
they have become friends with a wokan soon Players who are not traveling with Sulla are
becomes common knowledge among the targeted by the exact same group. However,
Peshwah. Players who are not with Sulla must the band of Peshwah toughs pick them out
barter twice list price for all items. Likewise, because they are outlanders who are flashing
they will only be able to barter for normal horses, wealth, not because they are paid to do so.
albeit of excellent quality, while they are in Su
Aba Sinj. ATL 1: (EL 4)
Parties with Peshwah in them are able to trade Cas, Peshwah Ranger Level 1, Medium
as if Sulla were with them in all ways save one. Human (Peshwah), hp 9, See appendix I.
No one sells a Steppes charger to them unless
at least one of them has the tattoo of Ikiru. Druk, Peshwah Rogue 1, Medium Human, hp
8, (Peshwah), see appendix I.
Allow players to engage in free form role-playing
while in Su Aba Sinj. Players can spend as Eriba and, Flin, Peshwah Warrior 1, Medium
much or as little time role-playing as they want. Human (Peshwah), hp 10, see appendix I.

Page 18
ATL 3: (EL 6) Once players have purchased their gear and
Cas, Peshwah Ranger Level 3, Medium horses and dealt with the Peshwah, let them do
Human (Peshwah), hp 25, see appendix I. whatever role-playing they desire and then
proceed to the chapter 7, if they are with Sulla or
Druk, Peshwah Rogue 3, Medium Human directly to the Finale section if they are not.
(Peshwah), hp 22, see appendix I.
Chapter 7: Leaving the Blood
Eriba and, Flin, Peshwah Warrior 2, Medium
Human (Peshwah), hp 20, see appendix I. Wind
APML 5: (EL 8) If the players have traveled with Sulla back to
Cas, Peshwah Ranger Level 5, Medium Ikiru, read or paraphrase the following:
Human (Peshwah), hp 39, see appendix I.
The Blood Wind fades as you cross the land
Animal Companion, Hawk (1), Small Animal, back to Ikiru. The flowers rain their petals flutter
see MM p. 273. where once blood red clouds of dust painted the
land crimson, gossamer petals of blue and white
Druk, Peshwah Rogue 5, Medium Human waft in the wind. It is beautiful.
(Peshwah), hp 34, see appendix I.
Ikiru waits for you outside of her sod house.
Eriba and, Flin, Peshwah Warrior 4, Medium She has rebuilt it. “Little Crow flies home with his
Human (peshwah), hp 36, see appendix I. murder! “she cackles and smiles warmly at all of
The Peshwah rogues attack the players when
they are finishing a meal, or preferably, “Come! Come! Two rabbits were unwise and I
completely inebriated. Although timed to catch have made stew of them. Let me feed my
players at their weakest, the attack will be in a friends. Join me.”
public space and is fairly straightforward.
Conflict like this is routine among the Peshwah. Peshwah na Ikiru feeds the players and Sulla.
Sometimes it goes until first blood. Sometimes it She makes small talk as player interest and time
goes until the death. In this particular case, the allow. At this point she pulls one of the players
Peshwah will fight until three quarters of their aside and gives them the gift of Ikiru as detailed
number are slain and then flee. in the Mementoes section.
Sulla lets the players know that he is staying
Fleeing Peshwah can be pursued through the with Ikiru for the next three months and that they
tent city if players can match or exceed the will be walking the land as she learns whether or
Peshwah’s speed via Ride Checks and beat not he truly chosen of Hadeen.
them in opposed Hide vs. Spot checks. Non-Peshwah players cannot stay with Sulla as
The Peshwah are of mixed clan heritage and this is something he must do on his own.
have each done something to warrant exile. Peshwah players can chose to spend 12 TU and
They are a rough bunch and very fatalistic. receive the certificate, vision quest.
There death will go relatively unnoticed.
Although a group of Somhak warriors will Ikiru and Sulla consider the players their good
question players after the battle. friends and let them know that before they leave.
Captured Peshwah will be shamed and will have
little to share with players. If Sulla is present, When players get ready to head north to sell the
the Peshwah lets the players know they were horses they have purchased, read the following.
paid to attack them by a Faleem merchant who
they insulted. This may make no sense to the Sulla shakes your hand as you prepare to leave.
players. Sulla tells them that it is not uncommon “You have shown me that one does not have to
for Peshwah who are incapable of enacting their be Peshwah to have the heart of the eagle. You
own vengeance to pay for someone else to do it are true friends and I know that our paths will
for them. Players who are not with Sulla re cross again.”
attacked because they looked rich and are
carrying a lot of wealth.

Page 19
“Know that I will speak of you and what you
have done to any of the people who will listen. Karnel buys no more than four horses from
You have earned my friendship and my trust.” players and buys from the top of the list first. He
only buys one heavy steppes charger or heavy
Sulla embraces you and smiles. “Ride in safety warhorse.
my friends.”
Once players have finished conducting this
trade, move to the Finale.
Chapter Eight: Return to Boggy
Bottom Finale:
As players return to Boggy Bottom to fulfill their So you have traveled among the Peshwah. You
obligation to Karnel Ordi, read the following box have seen the Blood Wind and the rampage of
text. If players choose not to provide Karnel Afridhi raiders. Your time there has changed
the horses he asked for and also do not refund you.
his 50 gp each, they earn his enmity as detailed
in the Mementoes section. You have been to a place where the sea is
made of grass and the air seems a field with
Boggy Bottom is as splendid as always. You blood. You have walked a land of mystery. No
are surprised how welcome the place is, stench doubt, it will call you back to it. You will wait for
and all, after such a long hard time on the road. the voice of the High Hak; No doubt it will come
in a crimson dream.
Karnel Ordi sits before you now, a mug of
mesok before him. The Soggy Bog is still the
Soggy Bog and the tavern honestly stinks less
than the rest of the town. It must be the drink
and the pumpkin candles burning away on every
available surface.
“Well,” he says, “You bring me horses I hope.”

Karnel Ordi understands if players are unable to

return with horses for him, but he expects an
explanation of what happened and expects his
money back. Players who make a Diplomacy
check DC 20 can convince him to let them keep
the 50 GP each as payment for their services
prospecting for the mounts, but this is an
argument they must make effectively.

Karnel will pay the foaling for horses of different


Heavy Steppes Charger: 800gp, he buys only

Light Steppes Charger: 300 gp, he buy only
Heavy warhorse of mixed Peshwah blood:
400gp. He buys only one. These horses must
have been bought from the Peshwah, but are
not steppes chargers.
Light warhorse of mixed Peshwah blood: 150
gp. He buys up to three. These horses must
have been bought from the Peshwah, but are
not steppes chargers.
All other horses, book value.

Page 20
Experience Points: Light Warhorses, saddle bridle and
saddlebags (2) (value 171 gp each) some of
Reward the player characters experience points these horses may be killed in the fight
for items completed below: Max gp value: 1,035

Chapter 1:
Defeat Afridhi 100 XP ATL 5(all of the above and):
Act honorably with Sulla 50 XP Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (1) This
Chapter 2: potion is held in a plain glass flask. The symbol
Investigate Ikiru’s hut 50 XP of Zugzul is inscribed in the stopper. (value
Chapter 3: 300gp)
Defeat Afridhi guards 150 XP Sword of Halin (1) The maker’s mark on this
Chapter 4: masterwork blade is Jergen Halin of Oktagern.
Defeat Grenja and Loseth 150 XP The blade was clearly captured booty stripped of
Chapter 5: the body of a fallen defender of Ten. You have
Successful Escape of Ikiru 50 XP liberated it from the Afridhi grasp. May it serve
Chapter 6: you better than its previous owners.
Defeat Peshwah rogues 150 XP (value 315 gp)
Chapter 8:
Providing horses to Ordi 50 XP Chapter 2:
All ATLs
Total: 750 XP In the unlikely event that the defeat all the Afridhi
in the camp or have time to strip the bodies of
the fallen, use the equipment listed above.
Follow the procedure in this chapter to
Mementoes determine how many horses the players
List by each chapter what the players may have manage to capture, should they manage to flee
to take away from this episode. Values provided with the Afridhi’s horses.
are full market value. Items sold are redeemed
at half value, while gems may be redeemed for
full value. Maximum gold piece value for the
Chapter Four
episode (excluding certificate) is as follows: ATL 1
Kedrehen (1) This masterwork great axe head
ATL 1: 500gp. is made out of unadorned fine steel and
ATL 3: 750gp enameled black. The handle is carved with
ATL 5: 1,000gp twisting snakes with pieces of jet for eyes.
Inscribed on the handle in Afridhi is the word,
“Kedrehen.” This means widow maker in the
Chapter 1: Afridhi tongue. (value 350 gp)
ATL 1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1) This potion is
Chain Shirts (5) (value 100 gp each) stored in a steel vial and labeled as a healing
Longswords (5) (value 15 gp each) potion in the Afridhi tongue. (value 50 gp)
Short Composite Bow (5) (value 75 gp each) Kirdenja (1) This masterwork battle ax has a
Light Warhorses, saddle bridle and polished steel head mounted on oak handle.
saddlebags (3) (value 171 gp each) some of Inset on either side of the head is a symbol of
these horses may be killed in the fight Zugzul, making this not only a weapon but also
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1) This potion is a holy symbol of that god. Non-Afridhi view the
held in a plain glass flask. The symbol of Zugzul bearer of this weapon as suspect. This gives
is inscribed in the stopper. (value 50gp) the bearer a -2 situational modifier on all
Max gp value: 731 Charisma related checks involving with the any
Non-Afridhi. Afridhi who encounter the bearer
ATL 3(all of the above and): assume that this player is a worshipper. This
Chain Shirts (2) (value 100 gp each) adds +4 to any Disguise or Bluff checks made
Longswords (2) (value 15 gp each) against Afridhi in such situations. (value 310 gp)
Short Composite Bow (2) (value 75 gp each) Grenja’s Quiver (1) Twenty masterwork arrows
made of ash shafts with red and black striped

Page 21
fletching, fill this black leather quiver. A magnificent beast. The statistics for the light
galloping horse adorns the leather of the quiver. steppes charger may be found in Dave
Most likely this was taken as booty from the Arneson’s Blackmoor. (Value 300gp)
Peshwah. (value 150 gp) ATL 1
Large Steel Shield (1) (value 20 gp) Gray Striped Spidersilk Armor (1) Made of
Chain Shirts (2) (value 100 gp each) the silk harvested from the giant spider webs of
the Neath forest, this armor’s has the following
ATL 3(all of the above and): statistics: Light armor, Armor bonus +1, Max
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (1) This dex bonus+8 Spell failure chance 5% weight 4
potion is stored in a steel vial and labeled as a lb. It also offers a +4 non-magical circumstance
healing potion in the Afridhi tongue. (value 300 bonus to all hide and move silently checks made
gp) while wearing it. (value 200 gp)
Loseth’s Shield (1) Crafted in the Goblin Kush Chain Shirts (3) (value 100 gp each)
and gifted to Loseth at her rite of ascension, the Longswords (3) (value 15 gp each)
surface of this +1 large steel shield is enameled Short Composite Bow (3) (value 75 gp each)
and ornately decorated with symbols of Zugzul. Shortsword (value 10 gp)
The bearer receives a -2 situational modifier to Short Bow (value 30 gp)
all Charisma related checks involving Non-
Afridhi who see the shield. Afridhi who see this ATL 3(all of the above and):
shield know that the bearer has slain a priest of Cas’ Bow (1) Seized from a clanless Peshwah
their god and attack immediately. The wastrel, this short composite bow is of
enameling can be removed at the cost of 100 gp extraordinary quality. It is masterwork and made
and one TU by any armorer. This does not of the grazer horn and sinew. Worked into its
affect the dweomer of the shield. Included in the surface are inlays of Caru Ji, the flowers called
price is new enameling. Please note on the cert Blood Petals that give the Blood Wind its name.
the new name of the shield and the image This bow is built to provide a +1 bonus to
placed upon it. (value 1,170 gp) damage from those with strength 12 or higher.
(value 475gp)
ATL 5(all of the above and):
Grenja’s Chain Shirt (1) This magical +1 chain ATL 5(all of the above and):
shirt is made out of fine steel and is of excellent +1 Gray Striped Spidersilk Armor (1) Made of
workmanship. Its surface is resistant to the silk harvested from the giant spider webs of
scratching and to the effects of the elements. the Neath forest, this armor’s has the following
(value 1250 gp) statistics: Light armor, Armor bonus +2, Max
Scroll of Lesser Restoration (1) Scribed at dex bonus+8 Spell failure chance 5% weight 4
third level, this scroll is written on vellum. (value lb. It also offers a +4 non-magical circumstance
150 gp) bonus to all hide and move silently checks made
while wearing it. It has been ensorcelled with a
Chapter 5: +1 bonus. (value 1200 gp)
Trade Tattoo (1) Peshwan na Ikiru, Wokan of Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1) (value 50 gp)
the Zah swears you are just and honorable and
can be trusted to trade in horses. Ikiru placed
the tattoo on this player’s upper right forearm
and uses red ink made from the dust of the
Chapter 7:
blood wind and black ink made from the hooves All ATLs
of horses. By bearing this tattoo, this player Favor of Peshwah na Ikiru (1) Peshwah na
may trade for horseflesh among the Peshwah. Ikiru, Wokan of the Zah has picked you out from
This tattoo also confers a -1 situational modifier among your peers as having a good sense of
to all Charisma checks with non-Peshwah who humor and as humble in the face of all creation.
see it. Ikiru will craft a wand of 2nd level Wokan spells
or lower of the players choosing. The caster
level of the wand may not exceed third level.
Chapter 6: The player must pay only the cost in gold to craft
All ATLs the wand to Ikiru the next time she sees the
Light Steppes Charger (6) This player traded player. The type of wand must be chosen
with Peshwah na Merna at Sul Peshwan for this before the player leaves the table and noted on

Page 22
this certificate. This certificate cannot be traded.
(Also note on the cert, what name Ikiru called
the PC. Was the PC sparrow, hawk, or blue jay,
or some other name? The cert can be redeemed
for that particular wand the next time players see
Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel (6)
Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and
nephew of leado Peshwan na Feti, calls you
saddle mate and owes you a debt of blood and
steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any
instant and tells every member of his clan what
you have done for him. This player receives a
+2 situational modifier on all charisma related
checks with Peshwah of clan Somhak.
Vision Quest of Peshwah na Ikiru (6) This
Peshwah player spent 12 TU walking the High
Hak with Peshwah na Ikiru and Peshwah na
Sulla. The player has received the blessing of
Hak and as a result of this sacred exercise may
re-roll one d20 roll once per episode that (s)he
participates in. The player must accept the
results of the second roll, as not all luck is good.
(This certificate is available only to those of full
Peshwah lineage.)

Chapter 8:
Enmity of Karnel Ordi (6) This player took his
gold and promised commerce. This player
never delivered the promised goods. This player
has earned the enmity of Karnel Ordi and he
considers you distrustful. This certificate must
be shown to the GM at the beginning of every

Page 23
Appendix I: (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV
New Creatures and Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 12, Con
Adversaries 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5,
Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5; Ride
Chapter One by Attack, Mounted Combat, Power Attack;
WF: Long Sword; speak common, Afridhi,
ATL 1 (EL 3) Peshwan.
Afridhi fighter, level 1: CR 1; Medium Possessions: chain shirt, long
sized humanoid (human); HD 1d10+2; hp sword, short composite bow, 20arrows,
12; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat- potion of cure light wounds
footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt, +1 small
steel shield); Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Atk +5 Afridhi warriors, level 1 CR ½ each;
melee (1d8+3/19-20, long sword), or +4 Medium sized humanoid (human); HD
melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) or +2 missile 1d8+1; hp 9; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch
(1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk: 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt,
same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV +1 small steel shield); Base Atk +1; Grp +3;
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 12, Con Atk +3 melee (1d8+2/19-20, long sword), or
14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12. +3 melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) or +2 missile
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5, (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5; same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; WF: Long Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 12, Con
Sword; speak common, Afridhi, Peshwan. 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Possessions: chain shirt, long Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5,
sword, short composite bow, 20arrows, Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5;
potion of cure light wounds Mounted Combat, Power Attack; speak
common, Afridhi, Peshwan.
Afridhi warriors, level 1 CR ½ each; Possessions: chain shirt, long
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD sword, short composite bow, 20arrows
1d8+1; hp 9; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch
11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt, ATL 5 (EL 7)
+1 small steel shield); Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Afridhi fighter, level 4: CR 4; Medium
Atk +3 melee (1d8+2/19-20, long sword), or sized humanoid (human); HD 4d10+8; hp
+3 melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) or +2 missile 42; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-
(1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk: footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt, +1 small
same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV steel shield); Base Atk +4; Grp +7; Atk +9
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 12, Con melee (1d8+5/19-20, long sword) or +7
12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) or +5 missile
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5, (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5; same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; speak Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 17, Dex 12, Con
common, Afridhi, Peshwan. 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Possessions: chain shirt, lance, long Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +7,
sword, short composite bow, 20arrows Ride +7, Listen +1, Spot +1, Jump +5; Ride
by Attack, Mounted Combat, Power Attack;
WF: Long Sword, Spirited Charge, Weapon
ATL 3 (EL 5) Specialization: Long Sword; speak
Afridhi fighter, level 2: CR 2; Medium common, Afridhi, Peshwan.
sized humanoid (human); HD 2d10+4; hp Possessions: chain shirt, lance, MW
24; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat- long sword, short composite bow, 20arrows,
footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt, +1 small potion of cure light wounds
steel shield); Base Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk +6
melee (1d8+3/19-20, long sword), or +5 Afridhi warriors, level 2 CR 1 each;
melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) or +3 missile Medium sized humanoid (human); HD

Page 24
2d8+2; hp 18; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, this number to 19, as they other 10 are
touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain passed out drunk.
Shirt, +1 small steel shield); Base Atk +2;
Grp +4; Atk +4 melee (1d8+2/19-20, long ATL: 3 (EL 4)
sword), or +4 melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) or +3 4 Afridhi guards (wounded), level 2, CR
missile (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full 1 each; Medium sized humanoid (human);
Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; HD 2d8+2; hp 9 (18); Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC
SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 12, 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4
Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Chain Shirt, +1 small steel shield); Base Atk
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6, +2; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee (1d8+2/19-20,
Ride +6, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +6; long sword), or +4 melee (1d8+3/x3, lance)
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; speak or +3 missile (1d6x3, short composite bow);
common, Afridhi, Peshwan. Full Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL
Possessions: chain shirt, lance, long LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex
sword, short composite bow, 20arrows 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6,
Afridhi warriors, level 1 CR ½ each; Ride +6, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +6;
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD Mounted Combat, Power Attack; speak
1d8+1; hp 9; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch common, Afridhi, Peshwan.
11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt, Possessions: chain shirt, lance, long
+1 small steel shield); Base Atk +1; Grp +3; sword, short composite bow, 20arrows
Atk +3 melee (1d8+2/19-20, long sword), +2 Comments: There are 29 identical
missile (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Afridhi in the camp. After midnight, reduce
Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; this number to 19, as they other 10 are
SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 12, passed out drunk.
Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5,
Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5; ATL: 5 (EL 6)
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; speak 4 Afridhi guards (wounded), , level 2: CR
common, Afridhi, Peshwan. 2; Medium sized humanoid (human); HD
Possessions: chain shirt, lance, long 2d10+4; hp 11 (24); Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC
sword, short composite bow, 20arrows 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4
Chain Shirt, +1 small steel shield); Base Atk
Chapter Three +2; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee (1d8+3/19-20,
Afridhi Guards long sword), or +5 melee (1d8+3/x3, lance)
ATL: 1 (EL 2) or +3 missile (1d6x3, short composite bow);
4 Afridhi guards (wounded), level 1 CR Full Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL
½ each; Medium sized humanoid (human); LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 16, Dex
HD 1d8+1; hp 4 (9); Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5,
Chain Shirt, +1 small steel shield); Base Atk Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5; Ride
+1; Grp +3; Atk +3 melee (1d8+2/19-20, by Attack, Mounted Combat, Power Attack;
long sword), or +3 melee (1d8+3/x3, lance) WF: Long Sword; speak common, Afridhi,
or +2 missile (1d6x3, short composite bow); Peshwan.
Full Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL Possessions: chain shirt, lance, long
LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex sword, short composite bow, 20arrows
12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Comments: There are 29 identical
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5, Afridhi in the camp. After midnight, 10 of
Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5; these individuals will qualify as sickened if
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; speak they are awakened and brought into a fight.
common, Afridhi, Peshwan. See PHB p. 312
Possessions: chain shirt, lance, long
sword, short composite bow, 20arrows
Comments: There are 29 identical
Afridhi in the camp. After midnight, reduce

Page 25
Chapter Four (1d12+4/x3, great axe) +5 missile (1d6x3,
ATL 1: (EL 3) short composite bow); Full Atk: same ;
Grenja, Afridhi fighter, level 1: CR 1; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +6,
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD Ref +3, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int
1d10+3; hp 13; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Chain Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6,
Shirt); Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Atk +6 melee Ride +6, Listen +1, Spot +1, Jump +5;
(1d12+4/X3, great axe), +3 missile (1d6x3, Mounted Combat, Power Attack; WF: Great
short composite bow); Full Atk: same ; Axe, Cleave, Ride by Attack; speak
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +5, common, Afridhi, Peshwan.
Ref +2, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int Possessions: chain shirt, mw great
10, Wis 12, Cha 12. axe, short composite bow, 20 mw arrows,
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5, potion of cure moderate wounds
Ride +5, Listen +0, Spot +0, Jump +5;
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; WF: Great Loseth, Afridhi Cleric, level 3, Medium
Axe; speak common, Afridhi, Peshwan. sized humanoid (human), HD 3d8+6; hp 28;
Possessions: chain shirt, mw great Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 11, flat-
axe, short composite bow, 20 mw arrows, footed 16 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +3 large
potion of cure light wounds steel shield +1); Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk +4
melee (1d8+1/x3, battle axe); Full Atk same;
Loseth, Afridhi Cleric, level 1, Medium Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA rebuke undead
sized humanoid (human), HD 1d8+2; hp 10; 3X a day, spontaneously cast inflict spells,
Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat- domains death and war, death touch; AL LE;
footed 16 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +2 large SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +8; Str 12, Dex 12,
steel shield); Base Atk +0; Grp +1; Atk +2 Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14.
melee (1d8+1/x3, battle axe); Full Atk same; Skills and Feats: Concentration +6
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA rebuke undead (+10), Ride +3, Listen +3, Spot +3, Spellcraft
3X a day, spontaneously cast inflict spells, +5, Knowledge: Religion +5; Combat
domains death and war; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Casting, WF: Battle Axe, Martial Proficiency
Ref +1, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int in Battle Axe,. Mounted Combat, Iron Will
Spells Prepared (4/4/3; save DC 13
12, Wis 16, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +6 + spell level): 0 – create water, detect
(+10), Ride +3, Listen +3, Spot +3, Spellcraft magic, cure minor wounds, purify food and
+5, Knowledge: Religion +5; Combat drink; 1st –magic weapon*, shield of faith,
Casting, WF: Battle Axe, Martial Proficiency doom, sanctuary; 2nd - death knell*, silence,
in Battle Axe,. Mounted Combat hold person *=domain spell
Spells Prepared (3/3; save DC 13 + Possessions: chain shirt, large steel
spell level): 0 – create water, detect magic, shield +1, MW battle axe,
cure minor wounds; 1 –magic weapon*, Death Touch (su): Once per day,
shield of faith, doom *=domain spell you may make a touch attack against a
Possessions: chain shirt, large steel living creature. When you touch, roll 1d6 for
shield, MW battle axe, each cleric level those you posses. If the
Death Touch (su): Once per day, you may total hit points at least equals the creatures
make a touch attack against a living hit points, it dies (no save)
creature. When you touch, roll 1d6 for each
cleric level those you posses. If the total hit
points at least equals the creatures hit ATL 5: (EL 7)
points, it dies (no save) Grenja, Afridhi fighter, level 5: CR 5;
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD
ATL 3: (EL 5) 5d10+15; hp 55; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17,
Grenja, Afridhi fighter, level 3: CR 3; touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 Chain
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD Shirt +1); Base Atk +5; Grp +8; Atk +10
3d10+9; hp 36; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, melee (1d12+6/x3, great axe) +7 missile
touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Chain (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
Shirt); Base Atk +3; Grp +6; Atk +8 melee same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV

Page 26
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con and Flin wade straight in and focus on one
16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. target, setting of flanks for Druk as the
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6, opportunity presents.
Ride +6, Listen +2, Spot +2, Jump +7;
Mounted Combat, Power Attack; WF: Great Cas, Peshwah Ranger, level 1: CR 1;
Axe, Cleave, Ride by Attack, Weapon Medium sized humanoid (human); HD 1d8+
Specialization: Great Axe; speak common, 1; hp 9; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13,
Afridhi, Peshwan. flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt); Base
Possessions: chain shirt +1, mw Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (1d8+1/19-20,
great axe, short composite bow, 20 mw long sword), +4/+5 when under 30’, missile
arrows, potion of cure moderate wounds (1d6, 1d6+1 when under 30’/x3, short
composite bow); Full Atk: same ;
Loseth, Afridhi Cleric, level 5, Medium Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Favored
sized humanoid (human), HD 5d8+10; hp Enemy: human, Wild Empathy; AL LN; SV
44; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 11, flat- Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 17, Con
footed 16 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +2 large 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
steel shield +1); Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +5 Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +7,
melee (1d8+1/x3, battle axe); Full Atk same; Ride +9, Survival +5 , Listen +5, Spot +5,
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA rebuke undead Knowledge: Nature +5, Hide +7, Move
3X a day, spontaneously cast inflict spells, Silently +7; Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot,
domains death and war, death touch; AL LE; Track; speak common, Peshwan.
SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +9; Str 12, Dex 12, Possessions: chain shirt, long
Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14. sword, short composite bow, 20 arrows,
Skills and Feats: Concentration +8
(+12), Ride +4, Listen +3, Spot +3, Spellcraft Druk, Peshwah Rogue, level 1: CR 1;
+7, Knowledge: Religion +7; Combat Medium sized humanoid (human); HD 1d6+
Casting, WF: Battle Axe, Martial Proficiency 2; hp 8; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14/15, touch
in Battle Axe,. Mounted Combat, Iron Will 13/14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 stripped
Spells Prepared (5/5/4/3; save DC spidersik armor, +1 dodge); Base Atk +0;
13 + spell level): 0 – create water, detect Grp +1; Atk +1 melee (1d6+1/19-20, short
magic, cure minor wounds, guidance, purify sword), +3, missile (1d6, x3, short bow);
food and drink; 1st –magic weapon*, shield Full Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA:
of faith, doom, sanctuary, cause fear; 2nd -- Sneak attack for 1d6 when flanking or target
death knell*, silence, hold person, remove is denied dexterity bonus to AC, trap finding;
paralysis, 3rd – magic vestment*, bestow AL LN; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0; Str 12,
curse, dispel magic *=domain spell Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Possessions: chain shirt, large steel Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +6,
shield +1, MW battle axe, scroll – lesser Ride +9, Listen +4, Spot +4, Hide +11, Move
restoration Silently +11, Tumble +7, Bluff +4, Search
Death Touch (su): Once per day, +5, Use Rope +7; Dodge, Mobility; speak
you may make a touch attack against a common, Peshwan.
living creature. When you touch, roll 1d6 for Possessions: stripped spidersilk
each cleric level those you posses. If the armor, short sword, short bow, 20 arrows
total hit points at least equals the creatures
hit points, it dies (no save) Eriba and, Flin, Peshwah Warrior , level
1 CR ½ each; Medium sized humanoid
Chapter 6 (human); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +2; Spd 30
Peshwah Rogues ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex,
ATL 1: (EL 4) +3 studded leather armor, +2 large steel
Tactics: The Peshwah attack from surprise, shield); Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Atk +5 melee
staging an attack when players are (1d8+2/19-20, long sword), or +2 missile
separated or inebriated, fatigued or at a (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
meal. Cas will snipe. Druk waits and joins same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LN; SV
the fight on the 2nd round or later looking for Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 14, Con
a chance to flank and sneak attack. Eriba 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.

Page 27
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +7, Eriba and, Flin, Peshwah Warrior , level
Ride +7, Listen +0, Spot +0; WF: Long 3, CR 2 each; Medium sized humanoid
Sword, Power Attack; speak common, (human); HD 2d8+4; hp 20; Init +2; Spd 30
Peshwan. ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex,
Possessions: chain shirt, long +3 studded leather armor, +2 large steel
sword, short composite bow, 20arrows, shield); Base Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee
(1d8+2/19-20, long sword), or +4 missile
ATL 3: (EL 6) (1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
Cas, Peshwah Ranger, level 3: CR 3; same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD 3d8+ Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con
3; hp 25; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13, 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt); Base Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +9,
Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee (1d8+1/19-20, Ride +9, Listen +0, Spot +0; WF: Long
long sword), +7/+8 when under 30’, missile Sword, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush;
(1d6+1, 1d6+2 when under 30’/x3, short speak common, Peshwan.
composite bow); Full Atk: same for melee, Possessions: chain shirt, long
+5/+5 or +6/+6 when under 30’ (1d6+1, sword, short composite bow, 20arrows
1d6+1 when under 30’/x3, short composite
bow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Favored ATL 5: (EL 8)
Enemy: human, Wild Empathy; AL LN; SV Cas, Peshwah Ranger, level 5: CR 5;
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 17, Con Medium sized humanoid (human); HD 5d8+
12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. 5; hp 39; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 14,
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +9, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt); Base
Ride +11, Survival +7 , Listen +7, Spot +7, Atk +5; Grp +6; Atk +6 melee (1d8+1/19-20,
Knowledge: Nature +7, Hide +9, Move long sword), +10/+11 when under 30’,
Silently +9; Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, missile (1d6+1, 1d6+2 when under 30’/x3,
Track, Point Blank Shot, Endurance, short composite bow); Full Atk: same for
Diehard; speak common, Peshwan. melee, +8/+8 or +9/+9 when under 30’
Possessions: chain shirt, long (1d6+1, 1d6+1 when under 30’/x3, short
sword, mw strength short composite bow composite bow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA:
+1, 20 arrows Favored Enemy: human +4, animal +2, Wild
Empathy, animal companion--hawk; AL LN;
Druk, Peshwah Rogue, level 3: CR3; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 18,
Medium sized humanoid (human); HD 3d6+ Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
6; hp 22; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14/15, touch Skills and Feats: Handle Animal
13/14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 stripped +11, Ride +14, Survival +9 , Listen +9, Spot
spidersilk armor, +1 dodge); Base Atk +2; +9, Knowledge: Nature +9, Hide +12, Move
Grp +3; Atk +5 melee (1d6+1/19-20, short Silently +12; Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot,
sword), +5 missile (1d6, x3, short bow); Track, Point Blank Shot, Endurance,
Full Atk: same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Diehard; speak common, Peshwan.
Sneak attack for 2d6 when flanking or target Possessions: chain shirt, long
is denied dexterity bonus to AC, trap finding, sword, mw strength short composite bow
evasion, trap finding +1; AL LN; SV Fort +3, +1, 20 arrows, potion of cure light wounds
Ref +6, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int
13, Wis 10, Cha 10. Druk, Peshwah Rogue, level 5: CR5;
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +8, Medium sized humanoid (human); HD 5d6+
Ride +11, Listen +6, Spot +6, Hide +13, 10; hp 34; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15/16,
Move Silently +13, Tumble +9, Bluff +6, touch 13/14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2
Search +7, Use Rope +9; Dodge, Mobility, stripped spidersilk armor +1, +1 dodge);
WF: Short Sword; speak common, Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +6 melee
Peshwan. (1d6+1/19-20, short sword), +6 missile
Possessions: stripped spidersilk (1d6, x3, short bow); Full Atk: same ;
armor, mw short sword, short bow, 20 Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Sneak attack
arrows for 3d6 when flanking or target is denied
dexterity bonus to AC, trap finding, evasion,
trap finding +1, uncanny dodge; AL LN; SV

Page 28
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 17, Con
14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal
+10, Ride +13, Listen +8, Spot +8, Hide
+15, Move Silently +15, Tumble +11, Bluff
+8, Search +9, Use Rope +11; Dodge,
Mobility, WF: Short Sword; speak common,
Possessions: stripped spidersilk
armor +1, mw short sword, short bow, 20

Eriba and, Flin, Peshwah Warrior , level

5, CR 4 each; Medium sized humanoid
(human); HD 4d8+8; hp 36; Init +2; Spd 30
ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex,
+3 studded leather armor, +2 large steel
shield); Base Atk +4; Grp +6; Atk +7 melee
(1d8+2/19-20, long sword), or +6 missile
(1d6x3, short composite bow); Full Atk:
same ; Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL LE; SV
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 17, Dex 14, Con
14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal
+11, Ride +11, Listen +0, Spot +0; WF:
Long Sword, Power Attack, Improved Bull
Rush; speak common, Peshwan.
Possessions: chain shirt, long
sword, short composite bow, 20 arrows,

Page 29
Appendix II
Notable NPCs
spider webs of the Neath forest, this armor’s
Chapter 1 has the following statistics: Light armor,
Sulla: Peshwah Ranger 3; CR 3; Medium Armor bonus +2, Max Dex bonus+8 Spell
sized humanoid (human); HD 3d8+6; hp 27; failure chance 5% weight 6 lb. It also offer a
Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat- +4 non-magical circumstance bonus to all
footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 padded spidersilk Hide and Move Silently checks made while
armor); Base Atk +3; Grp +6; Atk +7 melee wearing it.
(1d8+3/19-20, long sword), missile Uri: Heavy Steppes Charger; Large
(1d6+3/x3, short composite bow); Full Atk Animal; 5d8+20 (42 hp); Init:+2 ; Speed: 50
+5/+5 melee (1d8+3/19-20, long sword) and ft.
(1d6+1/x3, hand axe), missile (1d6+3/x3, AC: 19, touch 11, flatfooted 18; Base Attack/
short composite bow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 Grapple: +3/+10: Atk: Hoof +6 melee
ft.; SA: wild empathy, Favored enemy (1d4+3)
(Afridhi); AL NG; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will Full Atk: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d4+3) and
+2; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, bite +1 melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach: 10
Cha 12. ft./5 ft. 10 ft./5 ft. ;SQ: Scent: Saves: Fort
Skills and Feats: Hide+13, Move +8, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 18,
Silently +13; Handle Animal +9, Ride +11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2
Listen +7, Spot +7, Survival +7, Knowledge: Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Spot +4
Geography +3, Knowledge: Nature +3, Listen +5, Spot +5
Jump +5; Horse Bond, Greater Horse Bond,
Mounted Combat, Endurance, Two Weapon Chapter 4
Fighting; speak common and Peshwan. Ikiru: Peshwah Wokan 11; CR 11; Medium-
Possessions: mottled brown size humanoid (human); HD 11d6+11; hp 57
spidersilk armor, lance, masterwork long (currently -3); Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14,
sword, masterwork hand axe, short touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2
composite bow strength bow +3, 20arrows, deflection); Base Atk +8/+3; Grp +9; Atk +9
potion of cat’s grace, wand of cure light melee (1d6+1/x3, hand axe), +10 missile
wounds (40 charges), 50’ silk rope and (1d6/x3, short bow); Full Atk +8/+3 melee
grapnel, tinder box, whetstone, winter (1d6+1 x3, hand axe) +10/+4 missile
blanket, water skin and three days trail (1d6/x3, short bow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.;
rations. SA spells, wild shape; SQ: Woodland stride,
Free thought`; AL CG; SV Fort +8, Ref +5,
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: Carved Will +11; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis
from the thighbone of a horse, this wand 18*, Cha 12.
once belonged to Peshwah na Sulla of clan Skills and Feats: Survival +18,
Somhak. Blood stains it and cannot be Concentration +19/15, Knowledge: Peshwah
washed away. +16, Knowledge: Nature +16, Knowledge
Sulla’s Long Sword: Forged personally by Arcana +10, Spellcraft +10, Ride +9, Heal
Peshwan na Fetti for his favorite nephew, +9, Spot +9, Listen +9, Craft: Tattooing +6;
this masterwork longsword is of exquisite Track, Augment Summoning, Combat
craftsmanship. The hilt and blade feature Casting, Natural Spell, Extend Spell, Craft
the stylized depiction of a comet fall. Wand, Empower Spell.
Sulla’s Hand Axe: This well designed and Spells Prepared (5/3/2/1; save DC
built masterwork hand axe is crafted of 14 + spell level): 0 – Create Water, Detect
ironwood and black iron. Running horses Magic, Know Direction, Light, Message,
adorn the head. Waft, 1 – Alarm, Entangle, Elemental Orb,
Potion of Cat’s Grace: This plain grey Lesser (Earth), Shield, Sleep 2 –
stone flask bears the imprint of the Tower of Barkskin*, Heat Metal, Invisibility, Silence,
Salt. Summon Nature’s Ally II; 3rd – Amethyst
Mottled Brown Padded Spidersilk armor: Chain, Dispel Magic*, Elemental Ball (Earth,
Made of the silk harvested from the giant Elemental Ball (Earth*, Slow, 4th -- Fire

Page 30
Shield*, Freedom of Movement, Summon
Nature’s Ally IV, Summons Nature’s Ally IV,
5th— Empowered Elemental Ball, (Earth),
Summon Nature’s Ally V. Summon Nature’s
Ally V, 6th-- Summon Nature’s Ally VI *spell
has been prepared using Wokan ability
Summon Nature’s Power and functions as if
prepared by a 13th level caster.
Possessions: +2 Ring of Protection,
Cloak of Elvenkind, Wand of Hold Person
(25 charges), Periapt of Wisdom +2, hand
axe, short bow and 20 arrows.

Page 31
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otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
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any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Wizards
You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, and Dave Arneson.
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode Four: Blood Wind
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. by Tad Kilgore, Copyright 2005 Zeitgeist Games, Inc.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation

Page 32
The above named character has gained the
following when participating in the Dave The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave
Blood Wind Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Blood Wind Blood Wind

Sword of Halin
Potion of Cure Light Wounds Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
The maker’s mark on this blade is
Jergen Halin of Oktagern. The blade This potion is stored in a steel vial This potion is stored in a steel vial
was clearly captured booty stripped and labeled as a healing potion in and labeled as a healing potion n the
of the body of a fallen defender of the Afridhi tongue. Afridhi tongue.
Ten. You have liberated it from the
Afridhi grasp. May it serve you
better than its' previous owners.

Value 315 gp Value 300 gp

Value 50 gp

Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________

Convention _______________ Date________
GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the
following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Blood Wind Blood Wind Blood Wind

Kirdenja Kedrehen Potion of Cure Light Wounds

This masterwork battle axe has a This masterwork great axe head is This potion is held in a plain glass
polished steel head mounted on oak made out of unadorned fine steel and flask.
handle. Inset on either side of the enameled black. The handle is carved
head is a symbol of Zugzul, making with twisting snakes with pieces of jet
this not only a weapon but also a for eyes. Inscribed on the handle is
holy symbol of that god. Non-Afridhi Afridhi is the world: Kedrehen. This
will see the bearer of this weapon as means widow maker in the Afridhi
suspect. tongue.

This gives the bearer a -2 situational modifier

on all checks involving social interaction with
the NPC in questions. Afridhi who encounter Value 350 gp Value 50 gp
the bearer will assume that the PC is a
worshipper. This adds +4 to any disguise or
bluff checks made against Afridhi

Value 310 gp

Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________

GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the
The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the following when participating in the Dave
following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind
Blood Wind Blood Wind

Grenja’s Quiver
Loseth’s Shield Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
20 masterwork arrows made of ash
Crafter in the goblin kush and gifted This potion is stored in a steel vial shafts with red and black striped
to Loseth at her rite of ascension, the and labeled as a healing potion n the fletching, fill this black leather quiver.
surface of this +1 large steel shield is Afridhi tongue. A galloping horse adorns the leather
enameled and ornately decorated of the quiver. Most likely this was
with symbols of Zugzul. taken as booty from the Peshwah.

Non-Afridhi who sees this shield receives a -2

situational modifier to all checks involving
social interaction. Afridhi who see this shield
know that the bearer has slain a priest of their
god and will attack immediately. The Value 150 gp
enameling can be removed at the cost of 100 Value 300 gp
gp and one TU by any armorer. This will not
effect the dweomer of the shield. Included in
the price is new enameling. Please note on the
cert the new name of the shield and the image
placed upon it.

Value 1,170 gp

Convention _______________ Date________

Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________
GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Signature _________________________
GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the
The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the following when participating in the Dave
following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind
Blood Wind Blood Wind

Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Grenja’s Chain Shirt Scroll of Lesser Restoration
This potion is held in a plain glass
This magical +1 chain shirt is made Scribed at third level this scroll is flask.
out of fine steel and is of excellent written on vellum.
workmanship. Its surface is resistant
to scratching and to the effects of the

Value 50 gp
Value 1,250 gp Value 150 gp

Convention _______________ Date________

Convention _______________ Date________
Convention _______________ Date________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
GMs Signature _________________________
GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the
following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Blood Wind Blood Wind Blood Wind

Cas’ Bow Gray Striped Spidersilk Armor +1 Gray Striped Spidersilk

Seized from a clanless Peshwah Made of the silk harvested from the
wastrel, this short composite bow is giant spider webs of the Neath forest. Made of the silk harvested from the
of extraordinary quality. It is giant spider webs of the Neath forest.
masterwork and made of the grazer
horn and sinew. Worked into its
surface are inlays of Caru Ji, the The armor has the following statistics: Light
flowers called Blood Petals that give armor, Armor bonus +2, Max Dex bonus+8 The armor has the following statistics: Light
the Blood Wind its name. Spell failure chance 5% weight 4 lb. It also armor, Armor bonus +2, Max Dex bonus+8
offers a +4 non-magical circumstance bonus Spell failure chance 5% weight 4 lb. It also
to all hide and move silently checks made offers a +4 non-magical circumstance bonus
while wearing it. to all hide and move silently checks made
while wearing it. It has been ensorcelled with
This bow is built to provide a +1 bonus to a +1 bonus.
damage for those with strength 12 or higher. Value 200 gp
Value 1200 gp
Value 475 gp

Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________

GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the
following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Blood Wind Blood Wind Blood Wind

Steppes Light Charger Steppes Light Charger Steppes Light Charger

This player traded with Peshwah na This player traded with Peshwah na This player traded with Peshwah na
Merna at Sul Peshwan for this Merna at Sul Peshwan for this Merna at Sul Peshwan for this
magnificent beast. The statistics for magnificent beast. The statistics for magnificent beast. The statistics for
the light steppes charger may be the light steppes charger may be the light steppes charger may be
found in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor. found in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor. found in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor.

Value 300 gp Value 300 gp Value 300 gp

Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________

GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the The above named character has gained the
following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave following when participating in the Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4:
Blood Wind Blood Wind Blood Wind

Steppes Light Charger Steppes Light Charger Steppes Light Charger

This player traded with Peshwah na This player traded with Peshwah na This player traded with Peshwah na
Merna at Sul Peshwan for this Merna at Sul Peshwan for this Merna at Sul Peshwan for this
magnificent beast. The statistics for magnificent beast. The statistics for magnificent beast. The statistics for
the light steppes charger may be the light steppes charger may be the light steppes charger may be
found in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor. found in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor. found in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor.

Value 300 gp Value 300 gp Value 300 gp

Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________ Convention _______________ Date________

GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________ GMs Name ____________________________
GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________ GMs Signature _________________________
The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Favor of Ikiru Trade Tattoo

Ikiru has picked you out from among your peers as having a Peshwan na Ikiru, Wokan of the Zah swears you are just and
good sense of humor and as humble in the face of all honorable and can be trusted to trade in horses. Ikiru placed
creation. Ikiru will craft a wand of 2nd level or lower of the the tattoo on this player’s upper right forearm and uses red
PCs choosing. ink made from the dust of the blood wind and black ink
made from the hooves of horses.

PCs must pay only the cost in gold to craft the wand to Ikiru the
next time she sees them. The type of wand must be chosen before By bearing this tattoo, this player may trade for horseflesh among
the PC leaves the table and noted on this cert. the Peshwah. This tattoo also confers a -1 situational modifier to
all Charisma checks with non-Peshwah who see it.
This cert cannot be traded. Note on the cert, what name Ikiru
called the PC. Was the PC sparrow, hawk, or blue jay, or some
other name?

The cert can be redeemed for that particular wand the next time
PCs see Ikiru.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________ Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

GMs Name _________________________________________________ GMs Name _________________________________________________

GMs Signature ______________________________________________ GMs Signature ______________________________________________

The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Vision Quest of Ikiru Vision Quest of Ikiru

This Peshwah PC spent 12 TU walking the High Hak with This Peshwah PC spent 12 TU walking the High Hak with
Ikiru and Sulla. Ikiru and Sulla.

The bearer of this cert has received the blessing of Hak as a The bearer of this cert has received the blessing of Hak as a
result of this sacred exercise and may re-roll one d20 roll once result of this sacred exercise and may re-roll one d20 roll once
per mod he participates in. The PC must choose to re-roll the die per mod he participates in. The PC must choose to re-roll the die
before he/she knows the result of the roll. This cert may also before he/she knows the result of the roll. This cert may also
have other effects in future modules involving the Peshwah. have other effects in future modules involving the Peshwah.
This cert cannot be traded. This cert cannot be traded.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________ Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

GMs Name _________________________________________________ GMs Name _________________________________________________

GMs Signature ______________________________________________ GMs Signature ______________________________________________

The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Vision Quest of Ikiru Vision Quest of Ikiru

This Peshwah PC spent 12 TU walking the High Hak with This Peshwah PC spent 12 TU walking the High Hak with
Ikiru and Sulla. Ikiru and Sulla.

The bearer of this cert has received the blessing of Hak as a The bearer of this cert has received the blessing of Hak as a
result of this sacred exercise and may re-roll one d20 roll once result of this sacred exercise and may re-roll one d20 roll once
per mod he participates in. The PC must choose to re-roll the die per mod he participates in. The PC must choose to re-roll the die
before he/she knows the result of the roll. This cert may also before he/she knows the result of the roll. This cert may also
have other effects in future modules involving the Peshwah. have other effects in future modules involving the Peshwah.
This cert cannot be traded. This cert cannot be traded.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
The above named character has gained the following when participating in
The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Vision Quest of Ikiru Vision Quest of Ikiru

This Peshwah PC spent 12 TU walking the High Hak with
This Peshwah PC spent 12 TU walking the High Hak with
Ikiru and Sulla.
Ikiru and Sulla.

The bearer of this cert has received the blessing of Hak as a

The bearer of this cert has received the blessing of Hak as a
result of this sacred exercise and may re-roll one d20 roll once
result of this sacred exercise and may re-roll one d20 roll once
per mod he participates in. The PC must choose to re-roll the die
per mod he participates in. The PC must choose to re-roll the die
before he/she knows the result of the roll. This cert may also
before he/she knows the result of the roll. This cert may also
have other effects in future modules involving the Peshwah.
have other effects in future modules involving the Peshwah.
This cert cannot be traded.
This cert cannot be traded.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________ Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

GMs Name _________________________________________________ GMs Name _________________________________________________

GMs Signature ______________________________________________ GMs Signature ______________________________________________

The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel
Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and nephew of leado Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and nephew of leado
Peshwah na Feti, call you saddle mate and owes you a debt Peshwah na Feti, call you saddle mate and owes you a debt
of blood and steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any of blood and steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any
instant and tells every member of his clan what you have instant and tells every member of his clan what you have
done for him. done for him.

PCs receive a +2 modifier on all social interaction with PCs receive a +2 modifier on all social interaction with
Peshwah of clan Somhak. This cert may have other applications Peshwah of clan Somhak. This cert may have other applications
in future modules in this series. in future modules in this series.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event:: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel
Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and nephew of leado Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and nephew of leado
Peshwah na Feti, call you saddle mate and owes you a debt Peshwah na Feti, call you saddle mate and owes you a debt
of blood and steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any of blood and steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any
instant and tells every member of his clan what you have instant and tells every member of his clan what you have
done for him. done for him.

PCs receive a +2 modifier on all social interaction with PCs receive a +2 modifier on all social interaction with
Peshwah of clan Somhak. This cert may have other applications Peshwah of clan Somhak. This cert may have other applications
in future modules in this series. in future modules in this series.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel Sulla owes a Debt of Blood and Steel
Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and nephew of leado Peshwah na Sulla, star born of Hadeen and nephew of leado
Peshwah na Feti, call you saddle mate and owes you a debt Peshwah na Feti, call you saddle mate and owes you a debt
of blood and steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any of blood and steel. Sulla will speak in your defense in any
instant and tells every member of his clan what you have instant and tells every member of his clan what you have
done for him. done for him.

PCs receive a +2 modifier on all social interaction with PCs receive a +2 modifier on all social interaction with
Peshwah of clan Somhak. This cert may have other applications Peshwah of clan Somhak. This cert may have other applications
in future modules in this series. in future modules in this series.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________ Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

GMs Name _________________________________________________ GMs Name _________________________________________________

GMs Signature ______________________________________________ GMs Signature ______________________________________________

The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Enmity of Karnel Ordi Enmity of Karnel Ordi

You took his gold and promised commerce. You never You took his gold and promised commerce. You never
delivered any horses. You have earned the enmity of this delivered any horses. You have earned the enmity of this
man and he considers you distrustful. man and he considers you distrustful.

You must show the DM this certificate before every mod you You must show the DM this certificate before every mod you
play. play.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Enmity of Karnel Ordi Enmity of Karnel Ordi

You took his gold and promised commerce. You never You took his gold and promised commerce. You never
delivered any horses. You have earned the enmity of this delivered any horses. You have earned the enmity of this
man and he considers you distrustful. man and he considers you distrustful.

You must show the DM this certificate before every mod you You must show the DM this certificate before every mod you
play. play.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Name _________________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
GMs Signature ______________________________________________
The above named character has gained the following when participating in The above named character has gained the following when participating in
the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind. the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: MMRPG event: Episode 4: Blood Wind.

Enmity of Karnel Ordi Enmity of Karnel Ordi

You took his gold and promised commerce. You never You took his gold and promised commerce. You never
delivered any horses. You have earned the enmity of this delivered any horses. You have earned the enmity of this
man and he considers you distrustful. man and he considers you distrustful.

You must show the DM this certificate before every mod you You must show the DM this certificate before every mod you
play. play.

Convention _____________________________ Date ____________ Convention _____________________________ Date ____________

GMs Name _________________________________________________ GMs Name _________________________________________________

GMs Signature ______________________________________________ GMs Signature ______________________________________________

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