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MYP 4 – 2018/2019

Key Topic Areas: Further Trigonometry
Additional Contents
 Angle or elevation and depression – P.98  Area of a triangle using the rule
 3D Trigonometry and Pythagoras – P.93  Trigonometric functions
 Sine rule – P.95  Proving tan = sin/cos and sin^2 + cos^2 = 1
 Cosine rule – P.98  Simplifying trigonometric identities
 Identifying circle parts – P.98  Using radians – P.102
 Circumference and area of a circle – P.244

Textbook Reference - MYP4&5 Further Resources -

Assessment Ideas
Knowledge and Investigation (B) Communication (C) Real World (D)
Understanding (A)
Can you get a tan in What does a drone have to do
class? with right angles?

Extra MYP Information

Statement of Inquiry:
Modelling allows us to solve spatial relationship problems arising from industrialization and engineering

Global: Key: Related:
Industrialisation and Engineering Relationships Model, Justification

Factual: Conceptual: Debatable:
How do trigonometry relationships work? Where do geometric shapes occur around us? Can a theorem tell us a ‘universal truth’ or is that impossible?
What is a circle made of? What can we measure?
What are circle theorems? Can we calculate what we can’t measure?
How can we graph them? How much should models affect out understanding of the real world?
How do we prove theorems by justifying them?
What are trigonometric identities and why are they interesting?

Communication: Self-management: Research: Social: Thinking:
Make effective summary notes for N/A N/A N/A Apply existing knowledge to generate
studying new ideas, products or processes
MYP 4 – 2018/2019

Key Topic Areas: Basic Number Revision
Additional Contents
 Number sets  Standard form
 Number systems  Revise Radicals and Surds
 Indices  Revise Log Laws
 Rounding DP & SF  Log bases (changing the base)

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Assessment Ideas
Knowledge and Investigation (B) Communication (C) Real World (D)
Understanding (A)
Emissions –Rounding Spotify – reading and
analyzing numbers

Extra MYP Information

Statement of Inquiry:
Numbers in different forms give us a variety of ways to predict patterns and think about problems of global significance

Global: Key: Related:
Global Significance Forms Patterns, Representation

Factual: Conceptual: Debatable:
How are numbers sets defined? How do number systems expand our understanding? Were numbers invented or discovered?
How and why do we group numbers? What patterns can we see in different number forms and operations Is there a best form for a number?
What is meant by approximate and exact? Can the form of a number mislead or affect our decisions?
Can rounding help or hinder decision-making?

Communication: Self-management: Research: Social: Thinking:
Take effective note in class N/A N/A N/A Apply existing knowledge to generate
new ideas, products or processes
MYP 4 – 2018/2019
Key Topic Areas: Simultaneous Equations
Additional Contents
 Graphing to solve
 Substitution and elimination

Textbook Reference – MYP4&5 P63+ Further Resources -

Assessment Ideas
Knowledge and Investigation (B) Communication (C) Real World (D)
Understanding (A)
Finding pairs of

Extra MYP Information

Statement of Inquiry:
Through development of understanding of graphing and equivalence, further information can be derived.

Global: Key: Related:
Fairness and Development Relationships Equivalence, Simplification

Factual: Conceptual: Debatable:
What do the gradient and interesect do to a graph? Ho w can equivalent forms help us in different ways? Does the best form change depending on when and where you are at
How does changing the graph chane intersectionh? What information can equivalent forms give us? the time?
Can simultaneous equations be solved in different ways? How? Are there other paths to the same information?
How can technology help us to find the same information quicker?

Communication: Self-management: Research: Social: Thinking:
Use and interpret a range of N/A N/A N/A N/A
mathematical terms and forms to
represent possible solutions
MYP 4 – 2018/2019
Key Topic Areas: Basic Probability
Additional Contents
 What is probability?  Experimental and theoretical probability
 Probability representations (works/Scale/FDP)  Sample sizing importance
 Complementary events  Probability tree
 What is risk?  Representing Probabilities
 Multiple events (and & or rule)  Sample space diagrams
 Difference between expected and observation probabilities  Tree diagrams and calculating probabilities

Textbook Reference - MYP4&5 – P.268+ Further Resources -

Assessment Ideas
Knowledge and Investigation (B) Communication (C) Real World (D)
Understanding (A)
End of unit test The birthday paradox

Extra MYP Information

Statement of Inquiry:
The principle of science is that we measure and represent data to determine whether there is a relationship between two variables

Global: Key: Related:
Scientific and Technical Innovation Logic Measurement, Representation

Factual: Conceptual: Debatable:
How do we estimate and calculate probabilities? What do we mean by a strong or weak correlation? How many pieces of data should you collect for a statistical study?
What is the difference between experimental and theoretical What is risk? Which average better represents your data?
probabilities? What does ‘unlikely’ become ‘impossible’? Is gambling a harmless diversion?
How can probabilities change? Is probability is logical, why do we have coincidences? Is uncertainty a bad or a good thing?
What is uncertainty? Why is measurement important and how is it linked to probability? Does perception of risk have a personal or cultural aspect
How do we handle multiple events? When does a risk taker become risky/unsafe?
How are expected probabilities different from observation?
Does probability change with sample size?

Communication: Self-management: Research: Social: Thinking:
N/A N/A N/A N/A Compare conceptual understanding
across multiple subject groups and
MYP 4 – 2018/2019
Key Topic Areas: Further Data Analysis
Additional Contents

 Recap from MYP3(MMR, IQR etc) - P.149

 Rounding boundaries (maximum and minimum values)
 Sampling etc Key Words - P.139
 Averages from grouped data - P.142
 Averages from graphs
 Standard Deviation - P.153

Textbook Reference - MYP4&5 Further Resources -

Assessment Ideas
Knowledge and Investigation (B) Communication (C) Real World (D)
Understanding (A)
Interdisciplinary with
PE Project

Extra MYP Information

Statement of Inquiry:
We must take care to make logical conclusions from quantities and data as they lead to further conclusion about our orientation in time and space.

Global: Key: Related:
Orientation in Space and Time Logic Quantity

Factual: Conceptual: Debatable:
What are data? How can we find out what collected data can tell us? Just because something can be counted, does it mean it should be?
How do we collect data? How can change be represented fairly to all? Can we overcome bias in data?
How is our understanding of data changing? How can we better understand the relationships which cause change How well does data reflect reality?
How can we use data to develop ourselves and the world around and those which are correlated?

Communication: Self-management: Research: Social: Thinking:
N/A N/A N/A N/A Critical Thinking Skills: Interpret data,
Draw reasonable conclusions or

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