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Starting on an educational journey often link with images of textbooks and classrooms, yet my
experience this year has transcended these traditional boundaries. My English class became a
crucible for not only academic enrichment but also personal growth and self-discovery. As
technology reshapes our learning environment, schools have become more than just academic
knowledge; they are places where life’s lessons unfold, where literature and film bonded with
life skills, encouraging an integral development that prepared me for the challenges of the future.

Throughout the year, we involved into reading, writing, and analyzing English literature and
non-literary texts. Despite joining in the second semester, I was able to obtain a vast of
knowledge. The Language and Literature class allowed me to explore non-literary forms like
movies, providing me with a deeper understanding of analysis.

This semester was particularly enlightening, offering insights into healthy relationships and the
unveiling of truths. I examined the connection between characters in “Demon Slayer,” focusing
on the sibling bond between Nezuko and Tanjiro. A reflective essay on this topic led me to
appreciate the narrative’s impact on character development and the broader themes and symbols
within the story. One of the most impactful assignments involved “Blade Runner 2049” which
required me to deeply inspect the multi-meanings carried by the film.

The course also facilitated the growth of my Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, important for
everyday life. I’ve struggled with self-management, often lacking plans for future events, which
has led to setbacks. However, the class’s project-based structure forced me to organize my life
better, leading to improvements in both academic and personal life. While I consider myself
creative, critical analysis has been a challenge. Through various projects, I’ve improved my
ability to think critically, interpret texts, and question underlying themes. This skill has
transcended the classroom, equipping me to tackle real-world issues analytically.

Reflection, a vital student attribute, was emphasized during our first unit. I engaged deeply with
the protagonist’s emotions in “Demon Slayer,” gaining a multifaceted understanding of the
events impact on his journey. In the second unit, unraveling the complex meanings layers of
“Blade Runner 2049” was a significant achievement, prompting me to study “What grounds a
person’s identify?” which altering my worldview for the better. Moving forward, I aim to balance
my creativity with logical thinking by engaging more with literature. This will not only refine my
analytical skills but also enrich my creativity.

The insights and skills I’ve gained from my English class extend far beyond the boundary of
literature; they are tools I will use to solve the difficulties of future academic pursuits and real-
world challenges. In school, the analytical abilities obtained through analyzing texts and films
will be invaluable for multi-studies, enabling me to approach complex problems with a critical
eye and creative solutions. As I step into the real world, the lessons on self-management and
organization will guide me in personal goal setting and time management, ensuring I maintain a
balanced and productive lifestyle. Moreover, the reflecting practices will encourage continuous
self-improvement and empathy, allowing me to connect with others’ experiences and
perspectives deeply. Finally, the combine of creativity and critical thinking will empower me to
contribute meaningfully to any professional field I choose to enter, armed with a mindset that
values both innovation and logical analysis.

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