Molar Pregnancy Hydatidiform Mole

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This information is for patients who have been diagnosed with a molar pregnancy. This
condition may also be called a hydatidiform mole or gestational trophoblastic tumour.

A molar pregnancy is a very uncommon condition A molar pregnancy

affecting around 1 in 1,200 pregnancies. It is sometimes A molar pregnancy occurs when an abnormal egg or
detected when you have an early pregnancy ultrasound. sperm join.
It may also be diagnosed after a miscarriage, when the
In a complete molar pregnancy, there is no fetus. There
tissue that is collected or passed from the uterus is
are two sets of genes from the man.
examined. As the condition is unusual and not well known
in the community, it can come as a shock, especially if In a partial molar pregnancy, a fetus develops but it will
you are still pregnant and coming to terms with the fact be abnormal and cannot survive. At most, the fetus might
that the pregnancy is ending. We hope that the following survive for around three months. There are two sets of
information will answer most of your questions. genes from the man and one set of genes from the
woman (see picture).
What is a molar pregnancy?
In a molar pregnancy, there is unusual and rapid growth
To understand a molar pregnancy, you will first need to
of part or all of the placenta. The placenta becomes
understand how a normal fertilised egg divides to create
larger than normal and contains a number of cysts (sacs
the placenta and the fetus.
of fluid).
A normal pregnancy
The woman’s egg and the man’s sperm meet in a
fallopian tube and the egg is fertilised, each contributing
one set of genes. Over the next few days the fertilised
egg moves into the uterus where it attaches to the inner
wall. In a normal pregnancy, the outer part of the fertilised
egg forms the placenta (after birth), which has many
functions, including feeding the fetus and removing waste
products. The inner part of the fertilised egg develops into
a fetus. The placenta produces a pregnancy hormone
called human chorionic gonadotrophins (hCG), which
supports the ongoing survival of the pregnancy, it also
causes symptoms such as morning sickness, tender
breasts and lack of energy.

In a normal pregnancy there is a set of genes from the

woman and one set of genes from the man.


Why did I develop a molar pregnancy? How does the testing work?
We don’t know why a particular woman has a molar You need to have a blood test which can be done at the
pregnancy, but affected women have been shown to Women’s Pathology on Level 1 or at a pathology service
have certain things in common. These are called risk more convenient to you. Sometimes, you may need to
factors and they are: submit a 24-hour urine collection. The registry will give
• age – younger than 20 or older than 40 you pathology slips and information about the tests
• Asian background required.
• nutrition deficiency In the week following the collection, the Registry will
• a previous molar pregnancy or other gestational contact you about the next steps in your follow-up.
trophoblastic tumour (one in 100 women who have
had one molar pregnancy will have another). How long will I need to provide samples?
In a molar pregnancy, you will have all the usual signs of If you are diagnosed with a partial mole, your hCG levels

pregnancy (like morning sickness or sore breasts) will be monitored until the level becomes normal for two

because the placenta continues to make the pregnancy consecutive tests.

hormone hCG. In fact, the placenta often makes higher In case of a complete mole follow-up will continue for up
amounts of this hormone than it would normally. to six months after hCG levels return to normal.

Most of the time, a molar pregnancy is discovered in the The registry will advise you if a different follow-up is
first three months of pregnancy, often because it ends in required depending on your individual circumstances and
a miscarriage. the registry doctor’s advice.

What is a Gestational Trophoblastic Disease What if my levels do not fall?

(GTD) Registry? In ten percent of cases, the hormone levels do not
Registries are set up to monitor and to coordinate the decrease to normal. This is called persistent
follow-up of women who have had a molar pregnancy. trophoblastic disease. You are slightly more likely to
The GTD Registry at the Royal Women’s Hospital is the need ongoing treatment if you had a complete molar
only registry in Victoria. After you have been diagnosed, it pregnancy. Tests will give more information about the
is very important that your doctor registers your details source of the high hCG levels and include blood tests, a
with us so that we can monitor you and take care of you chest X-ray or CT scan and ultrasound. Depending on
in the best possible way. The GTD Registry is supported the outcome of these tests, you will receive the most
by a team made up of clerical staff, doctors, nurses and appropriate therapy.
psychologists. If you do not wish your details to be
If you need treatment, you will have an appointment with
included on the registry please contact the GTD Registry
the registry doctor to discuss this further. Treatment is
on (03) 8345 2620.
usually chemotherapy but in a minority of cases there is
Why do I need to be monitored? room to consider surgical options – like a second curette

A molar pregnancy is usually harmless and the only or a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) if you do not wish

treatment required is removal of the molar tissue from the to have any more children. Your doctor will discuss your

womb with surgery known as a curette. By monitoring the treatment options with you.

pregnancy hormone hCG we can detect if there are any

When can I get pregnant again?
remaining molar cells in your body. In about ten per cent
It is important for you to avoid getting pregnant again
of cases the remaining molar cells can keep growing and,
until you are discharged from the GTD Registry. The
if left untreated, can spread into the organs around them
reason for this is that a new pregnancy will also raise
such as the uterus and rarely, via the blood, other distant
your hCG level and it will not be clear whether this is due
organs including the lungs, liver or brain. With regular
to the pregnancy or persistent trophoblastic disease.
monitoring we can detect if and when you need to have


Once you are discharged from the GTD Registry it is For emotional support or someone to talk to about how
safe for you to attempt a new pregnancy, although we do you are feeling you can contact the following services at
advise that you wait until you have at least one normal the Women’s.
period and more importantly that you are ready Women’s Social Support Services
emotionally and psychologically. T: (03) 8345 3050 (office hours)

What contraception should I use? Pastoral Care and Spirituality Services

You may use any contraception you are comfortable with. T: (03) 8345 3016 (office hours)

Reproductive Loss Service

What are the chances of a molar pregnancy
T: (03) 8345 2498 (office hours)
in the future?
There is a 1 in 100 (or one percent) chance that you will
develop another molar pregnancy. When you think you For more information
are pregnant, let your doctor know so that an early Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD) Registry
ultrasound can be arranged. Six weeks after the delivery Royal Women’s Hospital
of your baby we recommend that you have one more T: (03) 8345 2620
test to make sure that your hCG level has dropped and
Recommended websites
that you have not developed further molar disease,
which is very rare.
Emotions and support
The end of a wanted pregnancy can be devastating and SANDS (Vic)
a molar pregnancy, and the possibility of persistent Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Newborn Death Support
disease, adds another layer of concern. For many T: (03) 9899 0218
women, the emotional healing can take longer than the
physical healing from treatment. Grief is individual and Centre for Grief and Bereavement

can affect you and your partner differently. Give yourself Bereavement Counselling and Support Service

time to grieve. Try to take it a day at a time and to T: 1800 642 066 or (03) 9265 2111

acknowledge your feelings and reactions as they arise. The Compassionate Friends
Talk about your feelings with family and friends. T: 1800 641 091 or (03) 9888 4944
Sometimes it may be difficult to talk to family and friends, Related fact sheets on the Women’s website
especially if you have chosen not to share the news of Miscarriage
your pregnancy. You may prefer to talk with a health
professional and support from the Registry is also sheets#miscarriage

If you do not wish your details to be included on the
registry please contact the GTD Registry on
(03) 8345 2620

DISCLAIMER This fact sheet provides general information only. For specific advice about your healthcare needs, you should seek advice from your health professional. The Royal
Women’s Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage arising from your reliance on this fact sheet instead of seeing a health professional. If you require urgent medical
attention, please contact your nearest emergency department. © The Royal Women’s Hospital 2014–2020


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