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oud (rcolersezoa, py 2ojeWoye I Butpuyn poynquisip pun Supuin poyoud ots Bujsn jo oBonmapesp paw oBeywApe amp ares (e) “T ea “syanua g Buxcuuvo uonsanb yore fo (p) pun (9) (q) und wou suuod oms duo rdwany ‘spo p Buscuno Ciosyndwos st wousanb yova wouf (0) ring “suousanb po wduany ? 30N SEs San s8ng Men OL Syany men MARKO sanoy aoay, : PaMojly aU U-S@NTHOVIN TVORLATA (qaueag -B3uq WIHT) (uous FLIIV) zz07 Se-tdy ‘uopenmurexg (29;89NI9g YPINOJ) “YL “EL (pzo)elrb70d “ON TOM ¢ “So8eg powhtd m mn (©) What ia distibaion tor? What sits ec? (© Bet discuss varius methods of coral he Derive an expression for dtribaton for of « speed of 3-phse incon toe Wwindog ving spr pol per pase and aot | — y (4) ATAD RN. ptasm SOs, 16 pole ndcton motor harrtorinpolace (0-24 0:15} asad (©) Exphinairgep MME stibaionin det emer . : sil ullond toque is bined a 340 rp (0 An 6p eign | Cane mabe of dots = 182, conducrorln = 3 (0 thera of maximum to filload torque (nit of ple cme sris, calgn=Wodetialdgreapeotitman | 3m. pe pa = 9 Clth (@ the sped for maximum torque and the oor estas oe ado gt maim stating ome sient pas nd line volages, 8 Unit 2 (@) Draw the torqu-spetd characteristics of 3 phase induction motor and dearly indicate the eet ‘3. (a) Exptain the cross-feldthéory as applied 0 a single se indaton motor aS é | memwertnntiene an ‘(b) Why a starter is necessary to start an induction ‘ct self tart. Dlacuns i apecationbnoed on double msn eccneeet | antec Sees | oe oor neers oer to ebtan tsparmaters seus o2se20) la (@ A250 wat. 230, 50 Ha, single hs capacor- ‘sartinueton motors the Slowing consent fo the main and auxiary winding. Main winding Zn=(65+/9-7)8, —auxiiy winding 2a=(9:54 /38) obms Detemine he ves of ‘th ating capacitor hat wit plc the main and ual winding caren in quatre tring. itv 4 (9) Expkin tbe onset and prince of working of ‘unter motor and mesons applet. (Wate epson motos? Why ty nid? Develop the piso diagram forthe perfomance caleltion of single pase repubion meter or ‘brush hit fc lec degre, (©) Exp the constuction, working lappa of a seppee moto, (@) Exp the consrction, working nd apptaton of | pemancat magnet russ DC motor nears Is Unity (©) Compare salient pole and nonslient pole syntronas machines (6) What is amature reaction? Flan the fet of mature reaction on the terminal vlage of an aerator at (ity power fcc lad and) 20 leoding power factor load. Dew the reve poe agen, (6) Explain efotof varying exiation on amature carrot ar poner fctorin asynchronous motor. Draw “V" cues. (A A.phase, 8 pole, 750 rpm sta-conneeted ‘lteratr as 72 lots othe armature. Each slot as 12 confuctors and winding short chore by 2 ts. ind the induced emt hewn nes, ven the ux per pales 006 wo 00) rasa) hup:// Wog dUITUONIAST-ALAVAN//: ola (sp)ssss7e z ‘poads zejnflue jeorueyoeun | ue paads sense peouyooqo U9OMIOG WOHEIA UAL () “TL wea ‘worssanb yove fo (p) pu (2) (q) suuod om kun sdwany ‘wonsanb yova wouf Kuosyndwos st (0) u0q : 910N RCE SysDBY ssoq menmpUY 2 SOY wn Sunoy 20441 pomony aunt I-SANIHOVW ‘TVORELIA Ta (qoussg aaa) (@waqes “9N) 6107 290~4°N ‘doneurmexy (s9980W9S WW) “Aa (sz)sssSze hup:// hutp:// woo ourfuoniass:aaay//:diny (sasssstt -wresBierp O]qeins yuan wero aoyerouad yous v 20} fjpeuaunpsedxe pouruayep 24 sou) ueo MOH] ‘SAA 4 PAHOAU! 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Way “WN 091 Jo anbuoy njasn e sdojaaap pro} 1|ty Uo Sututins sojou uonrsnput aseyd ¢ ‘7H Og ‘a}od 9 Vy (P) sweep ajqeuins mesg ‘Jolow uoHonput aseyd ¢ Jo sours wy[2p 3e1s uoNeIado Jo ojdtound ay anuag (9) woo-suyromass'aunay/:dny mama ony jeamnbo pure wmeifnip 2o}aA MRC] 40I0U n \dxq (q) 3591 10,01 po490Iq Pue Peo] ou ‘Jorow uononput asryd ¢ Jo sonsuarsereys anbior paads meq (v) “F ALOE} JO VAN TOL (1) sinosuapuos snounasyauks Jo Sunes vA () hup:// woo'our (szdsssste lors 1 deg offoon 40 meg ‘pin ene OT 2Ye Pig Php ED -/01 98 +9 zaded pjo an0x, zroogso0es ® ddesvenan ‘wo3"aumuompaso“sauw//:dnq, “EX 2)30N) 19 1010 “wd O¢p 01 paads uvy ayp eonpad Oo} 41 St poppe aq plnoys souvysisar WY * VU! 19 st Suu dys on) uaonjaq pamseaus aoueysysay J0}04 2471 Sh0'0 St diys soyou peoy (pry Ve “Poads Jo azenbs ayy 0 euoredoid st anbsoy sou Uey B SaALIP 10104 ‘uousnpur Buu dis yy 00z 210d Z1 ZH Os aseud € V (P) “nears juageamba eid] 49}Ow WOH asad 9fBurs yo Atoorp pray BULAJOras BIQnop Ul “suonenbo pur sonsuarseryo \qeUNS weIK] Yo}oOw YoroNpUl aseyd ¢ Jo Jo:]UOD Poads Jo pousou jasyung a2ueIs!say J0V0I 94} 1 (q) t Bowour uonanpul Ur Bure SE EY AA (Le) “sg, hup:// ‘bap:/ Printed Pages — 5 Roll No, 325555(25) B, E, (Fifth Semester) Examination, April-May, 2018 (New Scheme (EEE Branch) ELECTRICAL MACHINES.It Time Allowed : Thee hours woo duiuoruass mayday Maximum Marks : 80 Minima Pase Marks: 28 Note : Attempt ofl questions, Port (a) is compulsory from each question. tempt any two parts (b), () and (a), 1. (2) What ore the advantages of providing a field winding ‘on rotor and armature winding onthe stator 2 aassssas) ro woo suquoraasormuyny woo auioruass mays ar (©) AA pole, 36, 50 He V-connected alternator has 60 slot, with two conductor per slot, having armature winding of double layer type. Coils ae short pitched ‘in such a way that if one col side lies in sot no. 1 and other col side lie in slot no, 13. Determine fox per pole required to generate line voltage of 6000V7 7 (©) 36, Veconnected synchronous generator rated at 10 AVA, 230 V has am armature resistance of 055 2/ phase and synchronous rectance of 12 Q/phase calculate vokage regulation at full load at PF. of © 08 teggig tep:/ (08 lecing - (ip Determine the pf such that the voliage regulation is 2eo on fll load, 7 (8) Wiite shor notes on: (any two) T @ scr {Armature reaction on altemator (Gi) Measurement of Z, and X, (Posies triangle bepsiinee eet woo auquoruasormauny/ay ‘bap:/ at m4 2 (a) What i meant by altematr on infinite busbar. 2 EY og ME (b) With necessary condition of parallct operation, =F e068 - =) Describe the prime mover characteristics of an alternator to operate sucessfully in parallel and aso derive the expression for power shared by two aerator using frequency load characteristics. 7 (8 What is stitfnes of coupling? Show that salient pole synchronous machine is more stiffer than clindrical rotor machine 7 (©) Explain, with phasor diagram. How synchrounus ‘machine contol the power factor 1 4. (©) Why 36 induction motor is called asynchronous (@) Derive the expression for active power UP and OY ‘moter. 2 {for eylindical rotor machine and also explain the condition of max. power UP and OFF. 7 () Justify that withstands starter, « motor behaves 5 iit were sured by an auto wansformer starter with x =0-58 tapping. 7 quomaso mayday, quonase mayday quonaso mayday quonsase mayday 1. (0 Expl why yn rycen neta isa bo hemstor nd ale oe yaar esc led kyo geertr a3 (©) A 36, 4 pole $0 Hr. 400 V induction moor takes the power UP of 35 kW at its fll load speed of 980 ‘pm. The wotal stator losses are 1 KW and friction and windage loses are 15 KW. i () Describe laboratory method 19 measure X, and X, of synchronous machine. ’ Caleulate 7 (©) Explain power angle characteristics of salient pole 0 % machine and also show th reactive lion inetd @ Roter Obae Loss in terms of power angle § nd for lgging pt. ie roman 8 feel (i Skat power siven by 7 sassssasy Pro 32555508) ‘bap:/ Ish (i) Sha torque () EMiieney (2) A 3-9 50 Hz 4 pole induction motor has rated FP of 10 KW at 1425 spm and max, torque developed at 1200 rpm. Calculate starting torque neglect stator resistance and rotational loses. luction motor isnot se stating, 2 5. (0) Why 19 i (8) Explain effect of Harmonie Indetion torque and Harmonic synchronous tomue in 3-4 induction motor. queasy nny, yuomass amy (©) Explain double revolving field theory for I$ induction motors (@) White short notes om (Deep bar rotor (i) Double cage induction motor Gi) Starting methods of 1—¢ induction motors ™ hup:iiwd eee

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