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When does the problem occur? What is the root cause of the problem? What do customers do now to fix the problem?

Right from the start

Vividly seen in our everyday life Nowadays with increasing health problems
Problem expanded when people of every age group are fond of This problem was there from the very start but it becomes visible people are becoming health conscious, but due
eating Junk outside. when people start having Busy life. Due to their tight schedules to fewer choices available they are forced to
According to our survey if people step outside, consciously or people prefer on-the-go drinks and dishes which can be fulfilling to switch to alternatives that equally or, more or
unconsciously they tend to eat Junk food. them. less harm the health in the same way.
According to many kinds of research on Western Food like Pizza, People want healthier, tastier, easily available, and easy to carry Options like- Iced ted, Cold drinks, Coffee, and
Burgers, and Sandwiches, people feel the urge to have an on- options. many more.


the-go drink with it, which makes their food a little more With increasing Consciousness in people, they are becoming In clubs they tend to choose alcohol drinks,
interesting. environment conscious so they also want Packaging material to be
booze which are less preferable and costly to
Humans are Social beings and when they meet other people, environmental friendly.
many people who choose them.
and colleagues in clubs or cafes they have more or less no Increasing craze of Junk Food is the root cause, as along with this
option. people tend to take Cold drinks (Sugar-sweetened) which are
Due to a lack of options they have to choose drinks that are bad harmful to their health.
for their health and which promote obesity and Intestine While having meet and greets in clubs now a days people tend to
Problems. choose booze over drinks that can are more preferred by them.


Who has the problem most often? How does the customer feel? What are the disadvantages of the
Guilty of having sugar-sweetened drinks, caffeinated and alternatives?
People of every Age group who tends to eat Food from outside. carbonated drinks. Carbonated Drinks- High sugar content in
Most of the people are School, College going students and Overpricing of drinks that are not even useful but harmful the drinks leads to obesity, type-2
office-going people.
to their health. diabetes, and weight gain. It also leads to
Majorly people ranging from age 10 to 40.
QUANTIFIABLE IMPACT visible harms like cavities, tooth decay. In
What is the measurable impact (include units)? sodas there are acids present which make
According to our survey there are 85% of people who it difficult for our body to absorb Calcium.
goes out 2-3 times a week tend to eat fast food, and also Caffeinated Drinks- Over-consumption of
90 percent of people prefer taking a drink along with the Caffeine leads to various problems like
food they want to have. There is a need for different headache, Insomnia, Dehydration,
alternatives which people can opt for. Dizziness, Anxiety and it also increase our
Heart Rate.
Customer Interviews and Surveys

How many customers did you

We have collected 56 responses via Google Form. We surveyed the people


interview? (At least 25 for B2C and 2
between the age group of 15-30 years. We have circulated the form in
for B2B)
different cities like Indore, Mumbai, Bangalore and many more.

How many of them agree this is a

Analyzing the whole Survey 53 People out of 56 i.e. 94.6% people want
problem that needs to be solved?
something thing to be changed in their existing drinks.

How many of them said they can

already solve this problem and don't 6% People are happy and satisfied with their existing drinks.
need a new solution?

Survey Link-

Survey Responses
What do you prefer eating when you go out? How often do you go out and Eat your favorite meal?

Do you feel the need to take a drink with your favorite meal? What do you prefer to drink while eating your favorite meal?
Survey Responses
While eating outside, How often you end up eating
While eating outside, How often you consciously eat healthy?
Junk even if you didn't intend to?

What is your Favorite Food Chain? What is your Favorite Beverage Chain?
Survey Responses

How much on the scale of 1 to 5 will you prefer to What do you most like about your favorite drinks?
adopt to new beverage drink with your favorite food?
Problem Definition

Food and Beverage industry is one of the major contributors to the Indian Economy.
There is a huge trend of eating junk food not only among teenagers or working professionals but also in


children below eighteen.
It's people's guilty pleasure besides wanting to have a healthy life, they choose to have a drink and eat food
As we know we have end number of alternatives for the different cuisines we want to have but there are not
many alternatives for people who want to have a drinks in parties, clubs, or on a hot day.
They have options like having Cold drinks which are highly sugar sweetened, coffee (sugar+caffeine),
carbonated drinks, alcohol which all are harmful to health and not a good options for a person having diabetes
or any health conscious people.
From the survey conducted by the team, data proves 53 out of 56 people wants to have something to be
changed in their existing drinks.
Combining all the issues faced by people, or potential customers with existing alternatives, we will launch our
brand eliminating the problems and enhancing the existing benefits.
Market Size
Why TAM? We are targeting the age group of 12-45
which it has a current population of approx. 69


Why SAM?
69 Billion
Where there must be people who don't go outside
much we can consider that to be 30% of the
population. 207 Million

Why SAM?
Then amongst the 207 million , remaining we have
some early bird adopters would be 10% of the 124 Million
population and repitive users of our product will be
the 60%of it.

Source Link-1 Source Link-2
We offer - Mocktail Beverage Chain

According to a Survey conducted by our team, 80 percent of people ranging from 13-35 Yrs are likely to take a drink when they go
outside. Within the available option, 48.2% of people take cold drinks, 39.3% take coffee, 32.1% prefer Mocktails and 29.4% take
Cocktails and the rest takes other alternatives as their drinks(Iced tea, Milkshakes).


We are aiming to provide a much better alternative to people who are consuming cold drinks along with their favorite food in their
favorite food chains, drinks preferred by all age groups, Healthier, Tastier, Pocket Friendly, and also Easily available and easy to
carry. We are planning to make our packaging Sustainable and easy to carry. 80% of people are likely to adapt to new drinks
with their favorite food.

The details of our offering consist of:

Healthier and Tastier alternative to have with their favorite dish
Pocket-Friendly with Sustainable Packaging
Easy availability and Easy to carry with better taste.

Why this business will work in our market/region or country?

According to recent reports, India is ranked second after China in Global Diabetics and there is no solution or at least a better
alternative for drinks we are having for many years. As people are getting vigilant and careful in what they eat, they will easily get
used to our product as it will contain less sugar content, a better alternative to have with their favorite meal, tastier and also this
beverage won't be restricted to particular age groups. Our drinks will be cost-friendly so that people can also buy our drinks
at Month's End. We want to make it their Comfort drink which will be easy-to-carry and easily available which they can
have in a cafes and clubs.
Customer Persona Template
I aim to be a successful person with a healthy and wealthy
life. I aspire to become a Government Service Provider for


our own state.

Name- Vrati Gupta

Age: 20 Consumption of Carbonated drinks along with her
Occupation: Student favorite dish pizza gives guilt
Location: Indore
Cost-Friendly drinks are hardly available in market as we
Bio:- Vrati is a student with are unable to have any drinks at month-end.
having B.A degree. She lives
in Indore away from her
hometown. She loves to
socialize with her friends but
being away from family at Introvert Extrovert Sensing Intiution
Month-end it's very hard to
have her favorite drink and Thinking Feeling Judging Perciving
Value Proposition Canvas
What do you offer that makes
Customers would love it
the customers happy? Easy availability
Tastier Drinks Tastier and Healthy drinks
Easy-to-carry Better alternative of Carbonated
and Caffeinated drinks.
Easy availability of Drinks Pocket friendly
Pocket Friendly Attractive and Eco-Friendly


Less Sugar Content Packaging
You have validated your original idea or your new MVP

What is the product or service that GAINS
Before our solution gets into market
you are offering? PRODUCT/ Customers still want to have drinks
Web Site of 555drinks which will SERVICE having-
Less sugar
be convenient to order Less artificial Flavors
Drinks which have less sugar Pocket Friendly drinks
content, tastier and healthier.

Which features of your offering relieve the

customer's pains? Before our solution gets into the market
Easy to carry Customers will be facing issues as there is no
existing alternative to current drinks
Easy Availability available in the market which sugar-
Less sugar Content formulated drinks harmful to us.
Competition Analysis
Direct Competitors Secondary Competitors Indirect Competitors

Missus Sippi- Food and beverage Jimmy's Cocktail- It is available on In a Can- It is canned Cocktail brand


brand which serves Indian beverages different platforms but not as a Mocktail which paves its way to even "All
shark Deal", it has 5 different
with traditional Flavors. but as a Cocktail Mixers available in eight
famous flavors liked by all.
Limitations- Not easy to carry as it is different flavors.
Limitations- It is a Cocktail brand
served in Glass bottles. Not easily Limitations- It has flavors of Mocktail but which is way too different from what
available in markets. from start their products are always we are going to have, but target
branded as Cocktail Mixers. audience is more or less same.

411 drinks- It is a British brand which Coolberg- It is a non-alcoholic beer Smirnoff- It is a brand of vodka
is available around the Globe from available in six different flavors. owned and produced by the British
company Diageo which is also
Europe, USA and Middle East. Limitations- Available across India and
famous in India.
Limitations- Available in very limited loved by many Indians but again it is a Limitations- A vodka company
flavors, Not easy to carry. Limited Carbonated drinks which is harmful for which majors in Hard beverages, not
availability. people. suitable for every age groups.
Customer Value Statement
555 is a new brand aiming to be World's biggest beverage chain whose Beverage will be available on your recent Favorite
Food chain, which make our drinks Easily available to you. We are aiming to elliminate problems faced by Customers.


Better Quality
Better Taste
No use of Preservatives and Less sugar content

What competitive advantages will you build to keep the promise of your Unique Value Proposition?
555 Drinks- Sip, Slurg and Swig
Every drink which will be made, will be curated with the belief of giving customers healthier, tastier, less carbonated, less
artificial flavors added and most importantly less sugar drinks.555 are the Drinks, fresh and takes no time to get ready to
be in your hands which is easy to carry to your office, school or college with your morning Bagel.

How will you defend your competitive advantage?

1. Attractive, Eco-friendly, Easy-to carry packaging
2. No artificial flavors brand selling Mocktails in various different fresh flavors.
3. Less Carbonated
4. Less Sweetened
Lean Canvas
PROBLEM Solution Unique Value Unfair Advantage Customer Segments
Drinks with High Sugar 555 drinks which are Propositions First Mocktail Brand in School Girls
Content aiming to build a Easy Availability India which is aiming to College Girls
Drinks with artificial beverage chain with the Easy to carry serve the mocktail with a Office going people
Flavors one belief of eliminating Eco-friendly Packaging belief of serving Age groups of 10- 40


Not easy to carry all the problems of New Flavors Mocktails with less sugar
No dedicated brand for Human being and giving Less artificial Flavors and less preservation.
Mocktail. them best alternative. A brand known for
Existing Alternative Early Adopters
Coolberg- Non-alcoholic Key Metrics High Level Concept Channels Age 16-30
beer brand which is served Sales Metrics 555 drinks is a Mocktail serving Social Media like- College and School
all over India in a packed Marketing Metrics Chain which aims to build a LinkedIn, Instagram, going children
form. Human Resource Metrics brand with a belief of Facebook
Cold drinks- Big brand like Product Performance eliminating customers pain, Word of Mouth
Thumps up, Coca-Cola etc . Metrics serving less sugar, less artificial
Food apps- zomato,
Starbucks- Coffee chain flavors and aiming to make it
Financial Metrics Swiggy
famous amongst all. easily available to everybody

Cost Structures Revenue Stamps

Marketing Expense Advertisement of a product
Branding Expense Some percent of a Product
Salaries of Employee
Packaging Cost
Recipe Formation
MVP-Minimum Viable Product
Full product/service description:

Pricing - We are estimating rough pricing of Rs. 130-170.


Product/Service options - Offering Mocktails with one belief of giving a one step for Mocktail Lover by eliminating the
shortcomings faced by people.

Characteristics and benefits - Drinks we serve are Easy to Carry, Easily available, Pocket Friendly, Easy, Less Sugar
content, Less Carbonated, and suitable for all age groups.

Description of how the product will work and steps the customer will follow -
Product will be ready by eliminating all the shortcomings faced by Potential Customers.
Product will be available on our website and food delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy, and Eat sure.
We aim to collaborate with already established brands liked by people, so they can easily have the option to get
adapted to a drink that is tastier and less harmful to their health. It will act as an alternative to Sugar contained
drinks. We want to collaborate with Food chains so people can have our mocktails with their Fast food chains.
They just need to go to one of the available options, order, and pay. It will be available in places where we
collaborated or they can order from our website or apps which will be delivered from our Cloud kitchens.

Website Link-


Samples- These are reusable glasses that are both injectable and drinkable.
350 ml(6rs per glass)
500 ml(7rs per glass)
Coconut-Lemonade Summer Breezer
MVP Validations
1. What is your MVP -Drinks, Website, and Samples of Glasses
2. How long will we test this MVP - For 7 days ( 1 day- drinks and the other 6
days reviewing Services and Website).
3. Who is your target audience to test- School and College-going Students and
Working Professionals. Age group between 13-45.
4. How many of them- Students in our College and Office ( approx. 50-60
5. How will we get to the Audience- Classmates, Colleagues in the office,
Friends and Family.
MVP Validations
1. Did enough customers buy? Why did or did not- Yes, they were interested in
buying and trying new products. We tried and eliminated the problem people
are having with current drinks.
2. Is the customer ready to pay the price we expected- Yes, Potential Customers
and target customers are ready to pay the decided amount for a drink (130-170
3. Did customers come back to our product or show interest in doing so? Why or
why not- Many of them agreed to be returning customers because they find it a
great alternative to existing drinks.
4. Did customers recommend our product to others or evangelize about it? Why
or why not- Yes, they told their friends and Families to try our Must-Have drink
with their favorite food.
MVP Conclusions

Our Learnings about the MVP- Changes and Updates in actual

The MVP should be precise, Product and Website-
and easy to understand. There should be drinks for
It should eliminate the specially diabetic Patients
problem people are facing too.
with existing alternatives. Gradually introduce hot
Website should be drinks other than coffee for
Customer Friendly winters
Product should be easily Website should be simple
accessible. and easy to access and
Startup Costs

Financial Sheet Link-

P &L Sheet

Cost Price- 80 Rs per drink, Selling Price-150 per drink

Cash Flow
Balance Sheet
Funding Plan and Projections
Unit Economics Template
P&L/ unit Year 2022
Year 2022
Revenue ₹ 150 Economics

COGS ₹ 80 CAC ₹12

Gross Profit ₹ 70
CLV ₹989

Gross Profit
Margin ARPU ₹2,035

Operating Costs ₹ 115

Operating Profit ₹ 35
Sales Plan
Customer Sales Funnel
124 million are the people from the age
Target Market group of 13 to 35 , which oftenly is
more keen on socializing by going to
124 Million
clubs or cafes and are more inclined on
ordering food online.
75 million 90 millions consist of the count of
irrespective of climatic conditions and
geographical conditions.

40 million 40 million are students, office going

professionals who needs on the go
drinks for office gatherings and get-
Customer: togethers.

20 million
20 million are immediate customers
are early adopters, friends and
relatives and people oftenly consume
junk and people who need alternative
to existing drinks .
Brand Famework
What does my organization aspire to To be a one-stop destination for a perfect, healthy, soothing drink
become? by delivering exceptional experience.

What does my organization stand for and A brand that open hearts and minds that who values you, your
what do we value? taste and your time.

What do we promise to customers at Pocket Friendly, Tasty, Healthy drink, consistently delivered to you
the most fundamental level? in clean environment.

Customers, Mocktails and Employees at its core we want to be an

What are the core values your brand
Brand Values honest, transparent, innovative brand which has quality and taste
believes in and stands for?
at utmost priority.

Down-to-earth, Sincerity, Honest, Reliable, Unique, Spirited, hard-

What are the human characteristics
Brand Personality working brand which ought to deliver tasty, healthy and soothing
associated with your brand?

What makes us distinctly valuable to our Customer-centric brand, Comfort drink, Focuses on Quality over
Attributes customers? How do we achieve over and Price, Health drink, Easy availability- make drinks easily available,
over? easy to carry, focuses on good taste adored by every age group.

What does it feel like to engage with

Emotion It sets you free to customize you taste at affordable prices
Branding, Positioning & Channels

• Present here your brand name and logo- 555 drinks,

• Present here your Positioning Statement- We offer go-to mocktails with less or no
sugar and provide better alternative to take at Parties or at Office meeting.

Present on the table below the channels and why you chose them

Market segment Channels Why this channel?

Justify why: Nowadays, People like to order

Website, Zomato, Swiggy, Eat Sure, food online where they get great deals
Early adopters: 14 to 30 age group
Existing cafes and clubs and social media Food ordering apps help in branding of the

People can access 555 drinks at there

Clients: Students, Working Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Zomato Deal of
current favorite cafes or clubs.
professionals, Party-goer the day, Word of Mouth
These are the most frequently used apps.
Funding Plan

We will require double the amount of the startup costs i.e. 30 Lakh
to reach the next level of the venture.
At the next level, we are planning to collaborate with already
established food chains i.e. Dominos, Fassos, McDonald's, etc.
We are trying to bootstrap 10,00,00.
Initially we don't require any external funding because we can
bootstrap the required amount for starting our business.
Whenever, we want to scale up we may require external
funding for scaling our business to various locations.
Team Member Name Strengths and abilities Role/Position

555 drinks is Jaya's Idea. She likes to handle projects, manage


people and time carefully to get desired output. In past she was
Jaya garg CEO
offered Program Executive position in a NGO, where she handle the
work with best of her capability.

Shruti comes with coding skills per excellence. She has enhanced
her skills throughout her career. She has worked and build many
Shruti Bansal CTO
apps and websites in many companies like Swap infotech ,
Alphawizz Techologies and many more.

What makes us a good team to solve the problem we chose?

We as a team know each other's weaknesses and we very well know how to compensate for
each other's shortcomings which makes us a perfect team. As a team, we have a set of skills
that are required to upskill our business.

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