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Daily Current Affairs : 01 June 2024

I Sharavathi River CS -



➢ News: The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has ordered the State Environment
Impact Assessment Authority to stop illegal sand mining in the Sharavathi river
coastal zone.

➢ Sharavathi River:
➢ Flow Direction: West, draining into the Arabian Sea.
➢ Origin: Ambutirthha in the Western Ghats, Shimoga district, Karnataka.
➢ Notable Waterfall: Jog Falls, one of the highest plunge waterfalls.
➢ Tributaries: Haridravathi, Yennehole, Nagodi, and others.
➢ Hydroelectric Power: The Mahatma Gandhi Hydroelectric Power Station is built
on the Sharavathi River.
2 Colombo Process GS-[IR]

➢ News: India has become chair of regional grouping Colombo Process for 2024-26,
the first time since its inception in 2003.
➢ Definition: The Colombo Process is a regional consultative forum comprising 12

member states of Asia.

➢ Aim: Promoting safe, orderly and legal migration.

➢ Members: It comprises 12 member states of Asia (countries of origin of migrant
workers): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.


➢ Key Focus:
o Management of overseas employment and contractual labour for countries of origin in
o Share experiences, lessons learned and best practices in labour migration management

o Consult on issues faced by migrants, countries of origin and countries of destination,

and propose practical solutions for the well-being of overseas workers.

➢ Legality: The Process is non-binding and decision-making is by consensus.

➢ Implementation: The Process is coordinated through permanent missions of member
states at the United Nations in Geneva.
3 World Employment and Social Outlook: GS-I TEC]
May 2024 Update

News: World Employment and Social Outlook is published by the International Labour
Organisation (ILO).

➢ Key Findings:

➢ Analysis of Global Unemployment Rate:

o Report indicates a slight improvement in the global unemployment rate, decreasing from
5.0% in 2023 to a projected 4.9% in 2024.
o However, the overall unemployment rate still signals challenges in achieving full
employment and the persistence of significant gaps in the labor market.

➢ Employment Opportunities and Jobs Gap:

o Despite the slight decline in the unemployment rate, the report highlights a persistent and
substantial "jobs gap."
o In 2024, this gap is estimated at 402 million people who are without jobs but want to
work, which includes 183 million officially counted as unemployed.
o This discrepancy underscores hidden unemployment and underemployment issues.
➢ Gender Disparities in Employment: The report underscores significant gender
disparities in employment:
o Employment Rates:
o Women: 45.6%
o Men: 69.2%
o This 23.6 percentage point gap illustrates how family responsibilities and societal norms

disproportionately affect women's participation in the labor market.

➢ Gender Pay Gap: Earnings disparities between men and women remain pronounced,
particularly in low-income countries:
o High-Income Countries: Women earn 73 cents for every dollar earned by men.

o Low-Income Countries: Women earn 44 cents for every dollar earned by men. These
figures indicate systemic wage inequality and reflect broader issues of gender inequality in
the workforce.

➢ Poverty and Informal Employment: The report reveals troubling trends regarding
poverty and informal employment:
o Growth in Informal Employment: From 1.7 billion in 2005 to 2.0 billion in 2024. This
growth highlights a lack of decent job creation and formal employment opportunities,
contributing to continued poverty and economic instability.
EarthCARE G-[snT]
➢ News: The Airbus-built EarthCARE climate monitoring satellite has been
successfully launched from Vandenberg military base, California.

➢ Overview:

➢ Collaboration: EarthCARE (Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer) is a
joint undertaking between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan

Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).


➢ Mission Objectives:

o Cloud and Aerosol Examination: Study the role of clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere.
o Solar Radiation Reflection: Investigate how clouds and aerosols reflect solar radiation back into
space and understand the cooling effect on the atmosphere.

o Infrared Radiation Trapping: Analyze how clouds and aerosols trap infrared radiation emitted from
the Earth's surface and study the heating effect on the atmosphere.

➢ Performance Specifications:
o EarthCARE will undertake a sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of 393.14 km and an inclination of
o The orbit will have a period of 92.5 minutes and a repeat cycle of 25 days.
5 Agnibaan SubOrbital Technological GSI/snT]
Demonstrator (SOrTeD)

➢ News: The space start-up Agnikul Cosmos Private Ltd. launched the world’s first rocket,
Agnibaan Sub Orbital Technology Demonstrator (SOrTeD) with a single-piece 3D-printed
➢ Definition: Agnibaan SOrTeD is a single-stage launch vehicle powered by Agnikul semi-

cryogenic engine, a pinnacle of Agnikul's pioneering technology.

➢ Feature:
o Agnibaan SOrTeD is India’s first launch from a private launchpad, called ‘Dhanush’,
established by Agnikul.
o It is also India’s first semi-cryogenic engine-powered rocket launch.
o It also the world’s first single piece 3D-printed engine designed and built indigenously.
o Instead of relying on guide rails like traditional sounding rockets, Agnibaan SOrTeD takes off

vertically, following a pre-planned path to perform precise flight maneuvers.

➢ Capabilities:
o The rocket is adaptable, capable of being a single or two-stage launcher, depending on the mission's
o Standing at 18 meters tall and weighing 14,000 kg, it can carry payloads weighing up to 100 kg to
heights of 700 km, available in five different setups.
o The first stage can house up to seven Agnilet engines, powered by a combination of Liquid Oxygen
and Kerosene.
o Designed for versatility, it can be launched from more than 10 different launch ports worldwide.
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