PartOdd121 Binder1

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Body language

• Finger pointing up on cheek with fingers

across mouth with thumb supporting
• Raised steeple fingers?
• Hand covering mouth?
• Frequently touching your nose?
• Want to intimidate? Power gaze at the
third eye
Active listening
• The 6 Es
• Ears to hear the words – watch the tone
• Eyes to observe the body language
• Experience – it will colour what we hear
• Emotions –how we were feeling
• Expectation will be formed by our
emotions and experience
• Egos – watch out or you will stop listening
Active listening
• Actively encourage to speak and tell their
story – ask open questions
• Do not jump to conclusions and give
solutions – let them find and own the
• Use silence – attentive and a useful tool –
someone has to fill the space
• Reflect/Paraphrase/Summarise
Active listening exercise
• Practice the active listening skills
• It is about listening to understand – not
giving solutions.
• The person talking may find their own
solutions if given the space to do so.
• Scenario workbook page 7
Deal with Conflict
• It is the managers job to deal with and try to resolve
conflict. Major cause of de motivation and stress.
• Accept that conflict is normal – it is how we deal with
it that is important - too much causes stress.
• Implications both physically and emotionally
• Deal with it while it is still small and before it grows
and festers.
• Denial solves nothing – but deal with your own
emotions first
• Never personal -Separate the problem from the
• Try to achieve a win win solution
Conflict and the workplace

• Discussion re causes of conflict

Conflict strategies
• Learnt as a child
• If it worked then it will work now –default behaviour
• Strategies were learnt then and so you can learn
• new ones now
• Assertiveness is making a conscious decision
about choosing how you will respond to a conflict
situation rather than just reacting instinctively.

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