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1.1.1. Self-awareness is your knowledge and understanding

about yourself and what you can do; ability to understand who
you are as an individual. Self-esteem is how we value and feel
about ourselves, whether you like yourself or not.

1.1.2. Media- can make people follow other’s values as trends,

thus damaging self-awareness; and it can lead to comparison of
oneself to unrealistic images of models and so on, thus
damaging self-esteem.
Feedback from others- people can tell you that you are not
good enough and you will start to believe what they say,
therefore your self- esteem may be affected and your self-
awareness because you will be less aware of your strengths.

1.1.3. You develop better social relationships. You have good

mental health.

1.1.4. This statement means that it is important for peers to

know and understand that we are all different in our own ways
and we do not all have to look and act the same. We must
accept our differences and respect it when others embrace
their uniqueness and try to embrace it ourselves.


1.2. Improves brain functionality- exercising stimulates the

brain and helps you think, learn and solve problems more.
Makes you feel more confident- exercising improves how your
body looks, seeing your body change in a positive way can
make you feel more confident.

1.3.1. Being flexible can improve your performance in physical

activities. It can also increase muscle blood flow.

1.3.2. You can lift weights. You can do push-ups and squats.

1.4. Gender differences in sports are the reasons why men and
women do not compete against each other. Biological
differences make it difficult for women to compete on the same
level as men, so some modifications are made to women's
sport so that it is somewhat fair. Women are still paid less than
men. Men run longer distances than women in races because
of biological differences and this limits the participation of both
men and women because they might feel that it is unfair both

1.5. Women and girls are sometimes forced to be obedient in

sexual relationships, so they have no say in the use of
contraceptives. Some girls are forced to have babies by their
boyfriends and have no choice but to agree due to gender


2.1. Mathematics, physical sciences, and life sciences.

2.2. It is in the Health Science career field.

2.3. She got a Bachelor pass.

2.4. You need a 4 in four high credit subjects, a 3 in home

language, and 2 in other two subjects. This gives a total of 23
2.5. Interests: are the things that you like doing that attract
your attention and make you want to learn more about them.
Knowing your interests can help you figure out what you enjoy
doing and this helps you choose your career.
Abilities: are your skills or things that you can do, you can
improve these skills with practice. Knowing your abilities helps
you know what you can and cannot do and this also helps you
choose your career.

2.6.1. Bursary: a bursary is a form of financial assistance that a

student is given to help pay for tertiary education, bursaries are
given to students who need money or students that did well at
school. Bursaries are not paid back

2.6.2. Study option: a study option is the way in which the

student learns whether they are full-time, part-time, distance
learners and so on.

2.6.3. Scholarship: a scholarship is financial assistance that is

awarded to students that have done very well in their studies
or sports, by companies, businesses, and organizations.

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