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Source www.dreamlandpublications.

com Periodic chart

Symbol Name Year Density Atomic Melting Pt Boiling Pt Atomic Electro First
g/ml Radius Weight negativity Ionization
Angstroms Energy

H Hydrogen 1766 0.0890 37.10 -259.14 -252.87 1.0080 2.20 1312.0

He Helium 1895 0.1780 31.00 -272.00 -268.60 4.0020 0.00 2372.3
Li Lithium 1817 0.5300 152.00 180.54 1347.00 6.9410 0.98 520.2
Be Beryllium 1798 1.8477 112.00 1278.00 2970.00 9.0120 1.57 899.4
B Boron 1808 2.3400 85.00 2300.00 2550.00 10.8110 2.04 800.6
C Carbon 0 2.6200 77.20 3500.00 4827.00 12.0110 2.55 1086.4
N Nitrogen 1772 1.2506 70.00 -209.90 -195.80 14.0070 3.04 1402.3
O Oxygen 1774 1.4290 73.00 -218.40 -183.00 15.9990 3.44 1313.9
F Fluorine 1886 1.6960 72.00 -219.62 -188.14 18.9980 3.98 1681.0
Ne Neon 1898 0.9010 71.00 -248.60 -246.10 20.1800 0.00 2080.6
Na Sodium 1807 0.9710 186.00 97.80 552.90 22.9890 0.93 495.8
Mg Magnesium 1808 1.7380 160.00 650.00 1107.00 24.3050 1.31 737.7
Al Aluminium 1825 2.7020 143.00 660.37 2467.00 26.9820 1.61 577.6
Si Silicon 1823 2.3290 117.60 1410.00 2355.00 28.0855 1.90 786.4
P Phosphorus 1669 1.8200 110.00 44.10 280.00 30.9740 2.19 1011.7
S Sulphur 0 2.0700 103.00 112.80 444.60 32.0660 2.58 999.6
Cl Chlorine 1774 3.2140 100.00 -100.98 -34.60 35.4530 3.16 1251.1
Ar Argon 1894 1.7840 98.00 -189.30 -186.00 39.9480 0.00 1520.5
K Potassium 1807 0.8620 227.00 63.65 774.00 39.0980 0.82 418.8
Ca Calcium 1808 1.5500 197.00 839.00 1484.00 40.0780 1.00 589.8
Sc Scandium 1879 2.9890 162.00 1539.00 2832.00 44.9500 1.36 631.0
Ti Titanium 1791 4.5400 147.00 1660.00 3287.00 47.8670 1.54 658.0
V Vanadium 1830 5.8000 134.00 1890.00 3380.00 50.9420 1.63 650.3
Cr Chromium 1797 7.1900 128.00 1857.00 2672.00 51.9960 1.66 652.8
Mn Manganese 1774 7.4300 127.00 1245.00 1962.00 54.9380 1.55 717.4
Fe Iron 0 7.8600 126.00 1535.00 2750.00 55.8450 1.90 759.3
Co Cobalt 1737 8.9000 125.00 1495.00 2870.00 58.9330 1.88 758.4
Ni Nickel 1751 8.9020 124.00 1453.00 2732.00 58.6390 1.91 736.7
Cu Copper 0 8.9600 128.00 1083.00 2567.00 63.5460 1.95 745.4
Zn Zinc 1746 7.1330 134.00 419.58 907.00 65.3900 1.65 906.4
Ga Gallium 1875 5.9070 135.00 29.78 2403.00 69.7230 1.81 578.8
Ge Germanium 1886 5.3230 122.30 937.40 2830.00 72.6100 2.01 762.1
As Arsenic 1600 5.7200 120.00 817.00 613.00 74.9220 2.18 946.5
Se Selenium 1817 4.7900 119.00 217.00 684.90 78.9600 2.55 940.9
Br Bromine 1826 3.1190 114.00 -7.20 58.78 79.9040 2.96 1139.9
Kr Krypton 1898 3.7400 112.00 -157.20 -153.40 83.8000 3.00 1350.7
Rb Rubidium 1861 1.5320 248.00 38.89 688.00 85.4680 0.82 403.0
Sr Strontium 1790 2.5400 215.00 769.00 1384.00 87.6200 0.95 549.5
Y Yttrium 1794 4.4690 180.00 1523.00 3337.00 88.9060 1.22 615.6
Zr Zirconium 1789 6.4900 160.00 1852.00 4317.00 91.2240 1.33 660.0
Nb Niobium 1801 8.5700 146.00 2468.00 4927.00 92.9060 1.60 663.8
Mo Molebdenum 1778 10.2200 139.00 2617.00 4612.00 95.9400 2.24 684.9
Tc Technetium 1937 11.5000 136.00 2200.00 4877.00 98.0000 1.90 702.4
Ru Ruthenium 1844 12.2000 134.00 2250.00 3900.00 101.0700 2.20 711.1
Rh Rhodium 1803 12.4100 134.00 1966.00 3727.00 102.9050 2.28 719.8
Pd Palladium 1803 12.0200 137.00 1552.00 2927.00 106.4200 2.20 804.7
Ag Silver 0 10.5000 144.00 961.93 2212.00 107.8680 1.93 731.0
Cd Cadmium 1817 8.6500 151.00 320.90 765.00 112.4110 1.69 867.7
In Indium 1863 7.3100 167.00 156.61 2000.00 114.8180 1.78 558.3
Sn Tin 0 7.3100 140.50 231.90 2270.00 118.7100 1.88 708.6
Sb Antimony 1600 6.6840 140.00 630.00 1750.00 121.7600 2.05 833.7
Te Tellurium 1728 6.2400 142.00 449.50 989.80 127.6000 2.10 869.2
I Idoine 1811 4.9300 133.00 113.50 184.00 126.9050 2.66 1008.4
Xe Xenon 1898 5.8971 131.00 -111.90 -108.10 131.2900 2.60 1170.4
Cs Cesium 1860 1.8730 265.00 28.50 678.40 132.9060 0.79 375.7
Ba Barium 1806 3.5100 222.00 725.00 1140.00 137.3270 0.89 502.9
La Lanthanum 1839 6.7000 187.00 920.00 3469.00 138.9060 1.10 538.1
Ce Cerium 1803 6.7730 182.00 795.00 3257.00 140.1160 1.12 527.4
Pr Praseodymium 1885 6.7700 182.00 935.00 3127.00 140.9080 1.13 523.2
Nd Neodymium 1925 7.0070 181.00 1010.00 3127.00 144.2400 1.14 529.6
Pm Promethium 1945 6.4750 183.00 0.00 0.00 145.0000 1.15 535.9
Sm Samarium 1879 7.5400 180.00 1072.00 1900.00 150.3600 1.17 543.3
Eu Europium 1901 5.2590 208.00 822.00 1597.00 151.9640 1.12 546.7
Gd Gadolinium 1880 7.8950 180.00 1311.00 3233.00 157.2500 1.17 592.6
Tb Terbium 1843 8.2700 177.00 1360.00 3041.00 158.9300 1.21 564.7
Dy Dysprosium 1886 8.5360 178.00 1412.00 2562.00 162.5000 1.20 571.9
Ho Holmium 1878 8.5400 176.00 1470.00 2720.00 164.9300 1.23 580.7
Er Erbium 1843 8.7950 176.00 1522.00 2510.00 167.2600 1.24 588.7
Tm Thulium 1879 9.3210 176.00 1545.00 1727.00 168.9340 1.25 596.7
Yb Ytterbium 1878 6.9800 193.00 824.00 1466.00 173.0400 1.21 603.4
Lu Lutetium 1907 9.8500 174.00 1656.00 3315.00 174.9670 1.27 523.6
Hf Hafnium 1923 13.2000 159.00 2150.00 5400.00 178.4900 1.30 680.0
Ta Tantalum 1802 16.6540 146.00 2996.00 5425.00 180.9480 1.50 761.0
W Tungsten 1783 19.3000 139.00 3410.00 5660.00 183.8400 2.36 770.0
Re Rhenium 1925 21.0200 137.00 3180.00 5627.00 186.2070 1.90 760.0
Os Osmium 1803 22.4000 135.00 3045.00 5027.00 190.2300 2.20 840.0
Ir Iridium 1804 22.5000 136.00 2410.00 4527.00 192.2170 2.20 880.0
Pt Platinum 1735 21.4500 139.00 1772.00 3827.00 195.0780 2.28 870.0
Au Gold 0 19.3200 144.00 1064.43 2087.00 196.9670 2.54 890.1
Hg Mercury 0 13.4560 151.00 -38.87 356.58 200.5900 2.00 1007.0
Tl Thallium 1861 11.8500 170.00 303.50 1457.00 204.3830 1.83 589.4
Pb Lead 0 11.3400 146.00 327.50 1740.00 207.2000 2.10 715.6
Bi Bismuth 0 9.8000 150.00 271.30 1560.00 208.9800 2.02 703.3
Po Polonium 1898 9.4000 168.00 254.00 962.00 209.0000 2.00 812.0
At Astatine 1940 0.0000 0.00 302.00 337.00 210.0000 2.20 890.0
Rn Radon 1898 9.7300 0.00 -71.00 -61.80 222.0000 0.00 1037.0
Fr Francium 1939 0.0000 0.00 27.00 677.00 223.0000 0.70 384.0
Ra Radium 1898 5.0000 0.00 700.00 1737.00 226.0000 0.90 509.4
Ac Actinium 1899 10.0700 0.00 1050.00 3200.00 227.0000 1.10 499.0
Th Thorium 1828 11.7200 179.00 1750.00 4790.00 232.0380 1.30 587.0
Pa Protactinium 1917 15.4000 163.00 1600.00 0.00 231.0360 1.50 568.0
U Uranium 1789 18.9500 154.00 1132.00 3818.00 238.0290 1.70 584.0
Np Neptunium 1940 20.4500 155.00 640.00 3902.00 237.0000 1.30 597.0
Pu Plutonium 1940 19.8400 159.00 639.50 3235.00 244.0000 1.30 585.0
Am Americium 1945 13.6000 173.00 994.00 2607.00 243.0000 1.30 578.0
Cm Curium 1944 13.5110 174.00 1340.00 0.00 247.0000 1.30 581.0
Bk Berkelium 1949 0.0000 170.00 0.00 0.00 247.0000 1.30 601.0
Cf Californium 1950 0.0000 186.00 0.00 0.00 251.0000 1.30 608.0
Es Einsteinium 1952 0.0000 186.00 0.00 0.00 252.0000 1.30 619.0
Fm Fermium 1953 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 257.0000 1.30 627.0
Md Mendelevium 1955 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 258.0000 1.30 635.0
No Nobelium 1957 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 259.0000 1.30 642.0
Lr Lawrencium 1961 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 162.0000 0.00 0.0
Rf Rutherfordium 1969 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 261.0000 0.00 0.0
Db Dubnium 1970 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 262.0000 0.00 0.0
Sg Seaborgium 1974 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 263.0000 0.00 0.0
Bh Bhorium 1976 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 262.0000 0.00 0.0
Hs Hassium 1984 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 265.0000 0.00 0.0
Mt Meitnerium 1982 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 266.0000 0.00 0.0
Ds Darmstadtium 1987 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.0000 0.00 0.0
Rg Roentgenium 1994 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 281.0000 0.00 0.0
Cn Copernicium 1996 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 285.0000 0.00 0.0
Uut Ununtrium 0 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 277.0000 0.00 0.0
Uuq Ununquadium 1999 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 289.0000 0.00 0.0
Uup Ununtpentium 0 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 288.0000 0.00 0.0
Uuh Ununhexium 1999 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 292.0000 0.00 0.0
Eka Ununseptium 0 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 294.0000 0.00 0.0
Uuo Ununoctium 0 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 294.0000 0.00 0.0
Oxidation State Structure Structure Config Block Group Sub Sub Period Type
Group Group
1 2

+1 Hexagonal S I A 1 1 Non-Metal
0 Hexagonal S O 18 1 Noble Gas
+1 Cubic Body Centered S I A 1 2 Alkali Metal
+2 Hexagonal S II A 2 2 Alkali Earth Metal
+3 Rhombohedral P 111 A 13 2 Metalloid
+2, (+4), (-4) Hexagonal P 1V A 14 2 Non-Metal
(-3),+2, (+3), +4, +5 Hexagonal P V A 15 2 Non-Metal
-2 Cubic P V1 A 16 2 Non-Metal
-1 Cubic P VII A 17 2 Halogen
0 Cubic Face Centered P O 18 2 Noble Gas
+2 Cubic Body Centered S I A 1 3 Alkali Metal
+2 Hexagonal S II A 2 3 Alkali Earth Metal
+3 Cubic Face Centered P III A 13 3 Metal
+2, +4 Cubic Face Centered P IV A 14 3 Metalloid
-3, +3, +4, (+5) Monoclinic P V A 15 3 Non-Metal
-2, +2, +4, (+6) Orthorhombic P VI A 16 3 Non-Metal
(-1),(+1), 3, 5, 7 Orthorhombic P VII A 17 3 Halogen
0 Cubic Face Centered P O 18 3 Noble Gas
+1 Cubic Body Centered S I A 1 4 Alkali Metal
+2 Cubic Face Centered S II A 2 4 Alkali Earth Metal
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 4 Transition Metal
+3, (+4) Hexagonal D IV B 4 4 Transition Metal
+2, +3, +4, (+5) Cubic Body Centered D V B 5 4 Transition Metal
+2, (+3), +6 Cubic Body Centered D VI B 6 4 Transition Metal
(+2), +3, (+4), (+6), (7) Cubic Body Centered D VII B 7 4 Transition Metal
+2, (+3) Cubic Body Centered D VIII 8 4 Transition Metal
(+2), +3 Hexagonal D VIII 9 4 Transition Metal
(+2), +3 Cubic Face Centered D VIII 10 4 Transition Metal
+1, (+2) Cubic Face Centered D I B 11 4 Transition Metal
+2 Hexagonal D II B 12 4 Transition Metal
+3 Orthorhombic P III A 13 4 Metal
+4 Cubic Face Centered P IV A 14 4 Metalloid
(-3), +5, (+3) Rhombohedral P V A 15 4 Metalloid
-2, (+4), (+6) Hexagonal P VI A 16 4 Non-Metal
(-1), (+1), +5, +7 Orthorhombic P VII A 17 4 Halogen
0, +2 Cubic Face Centered P O 18 4 Noble Gas
+1 Cubic Body Centered S I A 1 5 Alkali Metal
+2 Cubic Face Centered S II A 2 5 Alkali Earth Metal
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 5 Transition Metal
+4 Hexagonal D IV B 4 5 Transition Metal
+3, +5 Cubic Body Centered D V B 5 5 Transition Metal
+2. +3, +4, +5, (+6) Cubic Body Centered D VI B 6 5 Transition Metal
+7 Hexagonal D VII B 7 5 Transition Metal
+2, (+3), (+4), +6, +8 Hexagonal D VIII 8 5 transition Metal
+2, (+3), +4 Cubic Face Centered D VIII 9 5 transition Metal
+2, +4 Cubic Face Centered D VIII 10 5 transition Metal
+1 Cubic Face Centered D I B 11 5 transition Metal
+2 Hexagonal D II B 12 5 transition Metal
+3 Tetragonal P III A 13 5 Metal
+2, (+4) Tetragonal P IV A 14 5 Metal
(-3), +5, (+3) Rhombohedral P V A 15 5 Metalloid
-2, (+4), +6 Hexagonal P VI A 16 5 Metalloid
(-1), (+1), +5, +7 Orthorhombic P VII A 17 5 Halogen
0, +2, +4, +6 Cubic Face Centered P O 18 5 Noble Gas
+1 Cubic Body Centered S I A 1 6 Alkali Metal
+2 Cubic Body Centered S II A 2 6 Alkali Earth Metal
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
(+3), +4 Cubic Face Centered D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3, +4 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+2, +3 Rhombohedral D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+2, +3 Cubic Body Centered D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3, +4 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+2, +3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+2, +3 Cubic Face Centered D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 6 Lanthanides
+4 Hexagonal D IV B 4 6 Transition Metal
+5 Cubic Body Centered D V B 5 6 Transition Metal
+2, +3,+4, +5, (+6) Cubic Body Centered D VI B 6 6 Transition Metal
+1, +2, (+4), +6, +7 Hexagonal D VII B 7 6 Transition Metal
+2, +3, (+4), +6, +8 Hexagonal D VIII 8 6 Transition Metal
+2, +3, (+4), +6 Cubic Face Centered D VIII 9 6 Transition Metal
+2, (+4) Cubic Face Centered D VIII 10 6 Transition Metal
+1, (+3) Cubic Face Centered D I B 11 6 Transition Metal
+1, (+2) Rhombohedral D II B 12 6 Transition Metal
(+1), +3 Hexagonal P III A 13 6 Metal
(+2), +4 Cubic Face Centered P IV A 14 6 Metal
(+3), +5 Rhombohedral P V A 15 6 Metal
+2, (+4), +6 Monoclinic P VI A 16 6 Metalloid
(-1), (+1), +3, +5, +7 P VII A 17 6 Halogen
0,+2 Cubic Face Centered P O 18 6 Noble Gas
+1 Cubic Body Centered S I A 1 7 Alkali Metal
+2 Cubic Body Centered S II A 2 7 Alkali Earth Metal
+3 Cubic Face Centered D III B 3 7 Actinide
+4 Cubic Face Centered D III B 3 7 Actinide
+4,+5 Orthorhombic D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3, +4, +5, (+6) Orthorhombic D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3, (+4), +4, +6 Orthorhombic D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3, (+4), +5, +6 Monoclinic D III B 3 7 Actinide
(+3), +4, +5, +6 Hexagonal D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 7 Actinide
(+3), +4 Hexagonal D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3 Hexagonal D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3 Cubic Face Centered D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3 D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3 D III B 3 7 Actinide
+2. +3 D III B 3 7 Actinide
+3 D III B 3 7 Actinide
0 D IV B 4 7 Transactinide
1 D V B 5 7 Transactinide
2 D VI B 6 7 Transactinide
3 D VII B 7 7 Transactinide
4 D VIII 8 7 Transactinide
5 D VIII 9 7 Transactinide
6 D VIII 10 7 Transactinide
7 D I B 11 7 Transactinide
8 D II B 12 7 Transactinide
9 P III A 13 7 Metal
10 P IV A 14 7 Metal
11 P V A 15 7 Metal
12 P VI A 16 7 Metal
13 P VII A 17 7 Metal
14 P O 18 7 Noble Gas
Natural Synthetic Most Radio protons Neutrons Electrons Excess Nucleon Geometry Nucleus
State Stable Active Neutrons Count (P+N)

Gas 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Sphere
Gas 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 Pyramid
Solid 0 0 0 3 3 3 6 Tetrahedron
Solid 0 0 0 4 4 4 8 Cube
Solid 0 0 0 5 5 5 10
Solid 0 0 0 6 6 6 12 Hexagonal Prism
Gas 0 0 0 7 7 7 14
Gas 0 0 0 8 8 8 16
Gas 0 0 0 9 9 9 18
Gas 0 0 0 10 10 10 20
Solid 0 0 0 11 11 11 22
Solid 0 0 0 12 12 12 24
Solid 0 0 0 13 13 13 26
Solid 0 0 0 14 14 14 28
Solid 0 0 0 15 15 15 30
Solid 0 0 0 16 16 16 32
Gas 0 0 0 17 17 17 34
Gas 0 0 0 18 18 18 36
Solid 0 0 0 19 19 19 38
Solid 0 0 0 20 20 20 40
Solid 0 0 0 21 21 21 42
Solid 0 0 0 22 22 22 44
Solid 0 0 0 23 23 23 46
Solid 0 0 0 24 24 24 48
Solid 0 0 0 25 25 25 50
Solid 0 0 0 26 26 26 52
Solid 0 0 0 27 27 27 54
Solid 0 0 0 28 28 28 56
Solid 0 0 0 29 29 29 58
Solid 0 0 0 30 30 30 60
Liquid 0 0 0 31 31 31 62
Solid 0 0 0 32 32 32 64
Solid 0 0 0 33 33 33 66
Solid 0 0 0 34 34 34 68
Liquid 0 0 0 35 35 35 70
Gas 0 0 0 36 36 36 72
Solid 0 0 0 37 37 37 74
Solid 0 0 0 38 38 38 76
Solid 0 0 0 39 39 39 78
Solid 0 0 0 40 40 40 80
Solid 0 0 0 41 41 41 82
Solid 0 0 0 42 42 42 84
Gas 1 0 0 43 43 43 86
Solid 0 0 0 44 44 44 88
Solid 0 0 0 45 45 45 90
Solid 0 0 0 46 46 46 92
Solid 0 0 0 47 47 47 94
Solid 0 0 0 48 48 48 96
Solid 0 0 0 49 49 49 98
Solid 0 0 0 50 50 50 100
Solid 0 0 0 51 51 51 102
Solid 0 0 0 52 52 52 104
Solid 0 0 0 53 53 53 106
Gas 0 0 0 54 54 54 108
Liquid 0 0 0 55 55 55 110
Solid 0 0 0 56 56 56 112
Solid 0 0 0 57 57 57 114
Solid 0 0 0 58 58 58 116
Solid 0 0 0 59 59 59 118
Solid 0 0 0 60 60 60 120
Solid 1 0 1 61 61 61 122
Solid 0 0 0 62 62 62 124
Solid 0 0 0 63 63 63 126
Solid 0 0 0 64 64 64 128
Solid 0 0 0 65 65 65 130
Solid 0 0 0 66 66 66 132
Solid 0 0 0 67 67 67 134
Solid 0 0 0 68 68 68 136
Solid 0 0 0 69 69 69 138
Solid 0 0 0 70 70 70 140
Solid 0 0 0 71 71 71 142
Solid 0 0 0 72 72 72 144
Solid 0 0 0 73 73 73 146
Solid 0 0 0 74 74 74 148
Solid 0 0 0 75 75 75 150
Solid 0 0 0 76 76 76 152
Solid 0 0 0 77 77 77 154
Solid 0 0 0 78 78 78 156
Solid 0 0 0 79 79 79 158
Liquid 0 0 0 80 80 80 160
Solid 0 0 0 81 81 81 162
Solid 0 0 0 82 82 82 164
Solid 0 0 0 83 83 83 166
Solid 0 0 1 84 84 84 168
Solid 0 0 1 85 85 85 170
Gas 0 0 1 86 86 86 172
Liquid 0 0 1 87 87 87 174
Solid 0 0 1 88 88 88 176
Solid 0 0 1 89 89 89 178
Solid 0 0 1 90 90 90 180
Solid 0 0 1 91 91 91 182
Solid 0 0 1 92 92 92 184
Solid 0 0 1 93 93 93 186
Solid 0 0 1 94 94 94 188
Solid 0 0 1 95 95 95 190
Solid 0 0 1 96 96 96 192
Solid 0 0 1 97 97 97 194
Solid 0 0 1 98 98 98 196
Solid 0 0 1 99 99 99 198
Solid 0 0 1 100 100 100 200
Solid 0 0 1 101 101 101 202
Solid 0 0 1 102 102 102 204
Solid 0 0 1 103 103 103 206
Unknown 0 0 1 104 104 104 208
Unknown 0 0 1 105 105 105 210
Unknown 0 0 1 106 106 106 212
Unknown 0 0 1 107 107 107 214
Unknown 0 0 1 108 108 108 216
Unknown 0 0 1 109 109 109 218
Unknown 0 0 1 110 110 110 220
Unknown 0 0 0 111 111 111 222
Unknown 0 0 0 112 112 112 224
Unknown 0 0 0 113 113 113 226
Unknown 0 0 0 114 114 114 228
Unknown 0 0 0 115 115 115 230
Unknown 0 0 0 116 116 116 232
Unknown 0 0 0 117 117 117 234
Unknown 1 0 0 118 118 118 236
Nuclear Energy
Radius Level

Min Max 1
Dia Volume Mass Charge
Groups Proton
I A Neutron
II A Atomic Number
VII A Orbital #e

O s 2
p 6
d 10
f 14

Energy Level Nuclear Dia Min Max Min Max
Atomic Number
Metals Density
Alkali Metals Atomic Radius
Alkali Earth Metals Melting Point
Inner-Transition Boiling Point
Lanthanides Symbol
Actinides Electron Configuration
Transition Metals
Halogens Solids
Noble Gases Liquids
Non-Metals Gases
Transactinides Synthetic Elements
d f Most stable isotope
Min Max Min Max
Atomic Weight
First Ionization Energy
Oxidation State
Year of Discovery
Crystal Structure Cubic
Crystal Structure Cubic Face-centered
Crystal Structure Cubic Body-centered
Crystal Structure Tetragonal
Crystal Structure Hexagonal
Crystal Structure Rhombohedral
Crystal Structure Monoclinic
Crystal Structure Orthorhombic
Why helium is not a noble gas?
Misc Data

Symbol Name No of Protons No of Neutrons No of electrons Mass number

H Hydrogen 1 0 1 1
He Helium 2 2 2 4
Be Beryllium 4 4 4 8
B Boron 5 5 5 10
C Carbon 6 6 6 12
N Nitrogen 7 7 7 14
O Oxygen 8 8 8 16
F Fluorine 9 9 9 18
Sc Scandium 21 21 21 42
Ti Titanium 22 22 22 44
V Vanadium 23 23 23 46
Cr Chromium 24 24 24 48
Mn Manganese 25 25 25 50
Fe Iron 26 26 26 52
Co Cobalt 27 27 27 54
Ni Nickel 28 28 28 56
Cu Copper 29 29 29 58
Zn Zinc 30 30 30 60

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Misc Data

First Ionisation energy (KJ/Mol) Atomic Radius Nuclear Radius Ionic Radius
1312 0.53 1.25E-15 0.25
2372 0.31 1.98E-15 0.31
900 1.12 2.50E-15 1.05
801 0.87 2.69E-15 0.85
1087 0.67 2.86E-15 0.7
1402 0.56 3.01E-15 0.65
1314 0.48 3.15E-15 0.6
1681 0.42 3.28E-15 0.5
633 1.84 4.35E-15 1.6
659 1.76 4.41E-15 1.4
651 1.71 4.48E-15 1.35
653 1.66 4.54E-15 1.4
717 1.61 4.61E-15 1.4
763 1.56 4.67E-15 1.4
760 1.52 4.72E-15 1.35
737 1.49 4.78E-15 1.35
746 1.45 4.84E-15 1.35
906 1.42 4.89E-15 1.35

Nuclear Radius = Ro*(A)^(1/3) Ro=1.25*10^(-15)

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Misc Data

Covalent Radius Van-der-walls RadiusCrystal Radius

0.37 1.2 0.1
0.32 1.4
0.9 0.41
0.82 0.25
0.77 1.7 0.29
0.75 1.55 0.3
0.73 1.52 1.21
0.71 1.47 1.19
1.44 0.89
1.36 0.75
1.25 0.68
1.27 0.76
1.39 0.81
1.25 0.69
1.26 0.54
1.21 1.63 0.7
1.38 1.4 0.71
1.31 1.39 0.74

(1/3) Ro=1.25*10^(-15)

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