Second Interview

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Now you are a customer service representative on our platform.

The work content of our platform is:

Help customers make money on the platform, and on the first day, customers do not need to
deposit any money. Customers only need to participate in training to earn a salary of $100. After
completing the training, they can receive this salary on the same day.

After receiving their salary, customers can continue to participate in the platform's work. They
need to invest their own funds to participate in tasks. The platform guides customers to make
money. After completing tasks every day, customers can withdraw all their principal and earnings

Respond to the following questions through the above

--------------------------------------------------Reply to question---------------------------------------------
Question 1: Suppose you are now a customer service agent of the platform and a customer has
lost 5000 dollars on the platform.
Clients will now ask: Are you scammers?

How would you like to respond to the customer?

Question 2: Suppose you are now a customer service agent of the platform and a customer has
lost 5000 dollars on the platform.
Clients will now ask: I'm going to call the police and have them arrest you

How would you like to respond to the customer?

Question 3: Suppose you are now a customer service representative for the platform, and
a customer comes to you for inquiries.
Customer's question: Is it really possible to receive a salary by participating in this job?

How would you like to respond to the customer?

Question 4: Suppose a customer is working on our platform but has not successfully
received their salary. The customer is getting impatient and keeps asking you when they
can receive their pay.
The customer is currently asking: "Why hasn't my withdrawal been credited to my account

How would you like to respond to the customer?

Question 5: Suppose you are currently busy and don't have time to respond to other
customer inquiries. The customer keeps sending you messages.
How would you communicate with the customer to ask them to wait for your response?

Question 6: Suppose there is a customer working on tasks on the platform. The platform's
rule is that all tasks must be completed before a withdrawal can be made. Now, the
customer wants to cancel halfway through the tasks and requests a refund.
The customer says: "I want to cancel the task. Please refund me.

How would you like to respond to the customer?

Question 7: Suppose you are promoting products on our platform. If a customer says
they are not interested,
If you want to retain the customer, what would you do?

Question 8: Can you fill out forms?

Question 9: Please introduce your previous work experience.

Question 10: Can your body withstand working the night shift?

Question 11: What would you do if you encounter something unpleasant during work?

Question 12: During working hours, if you make a mistake while training a customer,
would you proactively admit the error and seek ways to remedy it?

Question 13: If you have an issue with someone around you that makes you unhappy,
how would you choose to handle it?

Question 14: What is your first impression of our company?

Question 15: How much Mandarin Chinese can you understand?

Question 16: How would you describe your personality—are you an outgoing person or
more introverted?

Question 17: What kind of work environment are you personally looking for?

Question 18: How much income would you like to earn per month, and what is the
minimum annual income you would consider acceptable?

Question 19: What are your interests and hobbies?

Question 20: Please provide a brief self-introduction.

Question 21: What kind of goals do you have for your career development? Do you aspire
to remain in a regular employee role, or do you aim to become a manager?

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